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苏濛 《文教资料》2013,(12):51-54
普通话水平测试"命题说话"项是分值最高、难度最大也是失分最多的一题。在"命题说话"项测试中,暴露了应试者口语表达能力的各类问题:心理紧张、思维混乱、语音错误频出。本文旨在总结归纳"命题说话"项的备考方略,在正式测试前制定合理的口语表达训练方案,让应试者"敢说"、"会说"、"说得标准",通过"命题说话"项的准备切实提高应试者的口语表达能力,有效提高普通话水平测试成绩等级。  相似文献   

普通话水平测试中的“命题说话”直接关系到测试员对应试者的普通话等级的判断,应试者往往重视语音的训练而忽视语音之外表达方面的要求,在“说话”项测试中存在一系列的问题:表达不自然、不规范、不流畅、内容不适度等,解决这些问题是提高应试者应试能力和技巧的关键。  相似文献   

普通话水平测试中的"命题说话"直接关系到测试员对应试者的普通话等级的判断,应试者往往重视语音的训练而忽视语音之外表达方面的要求,在"说话"项测试中存在一系列的问题:表达不自然、不规范、不流畅、内容不适度等,解决这些问题是提高应试者应试能力和技巧的关键.  相似文献   

人们在听说普通话时对语音的识别具有规律可循,利用它从心理感知的角度进行听说辨音训练,可大大提高应试者的水平和测试员的测试信度。  相似文献   

普通话水平测试是考查应试者语音、词汇、语法及语流方面普通话的规范程度.由于测试采用"直接测试法"[1],即测试员与应试者面对面的口语测试,所以语音规范显得格外重要.本文拟对普通话测试中"儿化韵"的词形规范提出参考性的意见,对"儿化韵"的语音规范作初步探讨.  相似文献   

普通话水平测试和培训在香港的不断发展,使粤-普语音对比研究日趋深入,教学也趋于成熟,但词汇、语法的研究和教学,与之相比则相距一段距离,尤其是语法。然而,香港应试者,特别是低水平应试者的普通话不仅在语音上,而且在词汇和语法上同样存在不少问题,语言面貌充满"港味"。在普通话培训过程中,我们感到,解决语句问题并不比语音来得容易和轻松。为此,希望通过对香港应试者说话语句的分析,进一步认识应试者的问题,并探讨培训课程的语句教学问题。  相似文献   

影响普通话水平测试效果的主观因素有两个:一是测试员方面的,有前认知结构、心理定势、社会认知因素、情感倾向性和生理因素;二是应试者方面的,有信心缺乏、紧张焦虑和应试者受测试员的情绪态度影响而产生的心理障碍等。防止和克服这些主观因素对测试效果的影响的对策是:提高认识,增强责任心;以人为本,常具关怀心;执行标准,确立公正心;规范行为,树立服务心;定期训练,保持勤奋心。  相似文献   

【能力定位】心理焦虑 ,是一种常见的心理失常现象。应试焦虑症 ,是中学生 ,尤其是初中生临考状态不良的常见表现。一般表现为情感情绪紧张 ,导致难以发挥自己的实际水平。作文应试时的焦虑症 ,其原因主要是因为时间紧、作文文题较难或作文复习不充分等 ,这些原因导致应试者紧张焦虑 ,进而引起应试者作文知识和作文技能在应试这段时间里严重下降 ,甚或丧失。因此 ,消除应试时的作文焦虑症 ,对提高学生真实展现自己的才能的能力 ,具有重要作用。【要点阐释】应试作文 ,作为一种大规模检验同级同辈学生作文水平的一种方式 ,首先要求检验出来的…  相似文献   

储冬生 《河北教育》2007,(11):33-35
当今社会,考试作为选拔人才、评价教学效果、指导升学就业的手段和工具,在社会生活中起着重要的作用。考试结果在一定意义上决定着个人的前途和命运。面对名目繁多的考试,应试者不可避免地产生心理压力,出现焦虑紧张、心绪不宁等一系列负性情绪反应倾向。这种对考试的特殊心理反应称“考试焦虑”或“测验焦虑”。目前,考试焦虑已成为心理学和教育学研究的重要内容之一。[第一段]  相似文献   

普通话水平测试中第四部分是“说话”,主要考查应试者在没有文字凭借的情况下,说普通话的能力和所能达到的规范程度。“说话”以单向说话为主,必须说够3分钟。与前三项内容相比,“说话”更能有效地考查应试者在自然状态下,普通话语音、词汇、语法的能力,最能体现应试者普通话的真实水平。要做好“说话”测试,应注意以下几个问题:  相似文献   

归因理论是人们对自己成功或失败的行为和结果进行了解的重要理论,学生的学业成绩是其学习结果的一种外在表现形式,对学生学业成绩的有效分析可以帮助学生了解自我,找出自身存在的优势和劣势。其中,对学业不良学生的分析将使研究更具有针对性。基于此,通过问卷调查的形式分析学业不良学生对自我的归因,以及通过访谈的形式分析他人对学业不良学生的归因,两种方式的结合将能帮助学业不良学生认识自我,找出自己失败的原因,同时针对相关原因提出相应对策,以期帮助学业不良学生改变不良习惯,促进自身的发展。  相似文献   

In order to determine the role of time limits on both test performance and test validity, we asked approximately 300 volunteers–prospective graduate students–to each write two essays–one in a 40-minute time period and the other in 60 minutes. Analyses revealed that, on average, test performance was significantly better when examinees were given 60 minutes instead of 40. However, there was no interaction between test-taking style (fast vs. slow) and time limits. 'That is', examinees who described themselves as slow writers/test takers did not benefit any more (or any less) from generous time limits than did their quicker counterparts. In addition, there was no detectable effect of different time limits on the meaning of essay scores, as suggested by their relationship to several nontest indicators of writing ability.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to estimate the proportion of students who report themselves as highly test anxious in a sample of English secondary schools and whether this proportion differed by gender. Self-report test anxiety data were collected from 2435 secondary school students in 11 schools. Results showed that 16.4% of the sample reported themselves to be highly test anxious, with the proportion significantly higher in female students (22.5%) than male students (10.3%). Moderate gender differences were present in the worry and tension components of test anxiety and small differences in the social derogation component. While not all highly test anxious students might be at risk of underperformance and disengagement from school and academic activities, there may still be a sizable group of students who would benefit from specific support and intervention.  相似文献   

以了解学生对在线学习之使用情况,与使用学生自行拟定测验题题库的适当性与否为目标,采用课堂学习搭配在线学习作为课程学习的方式,且由每位学生自行拟定课程最后阶段的测验试题,探讨学生的学习态度、适应情况与此教学策略是否合宜。用S-P表分析等研究表明,在此整个学习过程中,学生的学习态度从被动学习转换成了主动学习,学生对于将传统的课堂教学搭配在线学习的方式感到新奇,对于平时少数有缺课的同学亦可利用在线学习的平台将其在课堂上的不足加以弥补,整体对于学习情况为提升且有成效的。  相似文献   

在普通话水平测试过程中,许多应试人出现紧张、焦虑、怯场等反应,究其原因是因为应试人平时准备不充分、心理素质差、消极的自我评价带来的负面影响和一些不良因素的干扰等。应试人应加强自身的知识准备与技能培训,摒弃不良因素的干扰,克服紧张心理,做好应试准备,力争取得理想成绩。  相似文献   

田径运动员赛前心理变化及调节方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
参赛的田径运动员所能达到的运动成绩,除了受其自身素质和后天训练等因素影响外,也与他们赛前的心理变化有直接的关系。本文结合田径运动的特点具体论述了影响田径运动员赛前心理变化的诸多因素,以及通过哪些具体的心理调节,才能增强运动员的自信心和稳定性。消除可能存在的心理障碍,形成最佳的心理状态。为运动员在训练和比赛中的心理调节提供参考。  相似文献   

It has often been suggested that actual or anticipated final grades may influence the ratings given by students in student experience surveys but few studies have been able to test this using actual grades. A study was carried out involving six courses over all four year levels of an undergraduate engineering programme, where students were asked to identify themselves in an experience survey by providing their student ID on the survey form. The aim of the study was to investigate a number of questions related to the readiness of students to identify themselves, and to examine any correlation between final examination grades, ratings of student satisfaction and the students’ perception of their level of understanding of material in their courses. Students were discovered to have a poor idea of how well they understand the concepts presented in their courses. This lack of an accurate idea of their own understanding is particularly important because ‘student understanding’ correlated to the ratings they gave to the course. Ratings were largely unaffected by final marks but students who gave their ID outperformed those who did not in end‐of‐year examinations. Higher year level students were more inclined to identify themselves and ratings tended to increase with year level.  相似文献   

15—18世纪英国城市的转型,各地方城市为摆脱此前的封建危机、接受挑战而发生的内在的质的变革,地方城市以符合自己发展的方式变革,重新确立自身重要的社会经济地位。转型中的英国城市,加快了英国社会经济走向整体发展的步伐,加快了英国从农业社会向资本主义的全面过渡,有利于工业革命在英国率先发生,并且成为英国勃起为资本主义工业强国的关键要素。  相似文献   

Two studies, one of middle school students and the other of high school students, demonstrated that students who were labeled as ‘struggling’ in the area of literacy saw themselves quite differently when their voices were heard. When these labeled students were viewed through a strengths lens rather than a deficits one, competent literacy skills of the students surfaced, and they were empowered by what they learned about their literacy skills. These research studies explore self-efficacy and resiliency for literacy, the importance of knowing students deeply, relationship building, and the role of growth mindset for students who have been labeled but consider themselves literate beings.  相似文献   

Student absenteeism at higher education institutions (HEIs) is a cause for concern as it has implications for students’ academic performance and therefore graduation rates. Graduation rates to some extent influence funding to which universities are entitled. This study aimed to establish the contextual factors that influenced student absenteeism at the Durban University of Technology (DUT), South Africa. A cross-sectional, quantitative study was conducted amongst 140 students in a single discipline in the management cluster. First-year students were found to have a greater tendency to be late for the first period (08:00) than second-year or third-year students. Furthermore, the students chose to absent themselves from class to study for tests; complete assignments; or engage in group work. The majority of the students absented themselves from classes on the day before a test as well as on the day of the test. The recommendations that emanated include the need to dedicate time for testing, during which no lectures are scheduled and to plan the timetable so that first-year lectures start in the second period (09:00).  相似文献   

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