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针对模糊C均值( FCM)图像分割算法受初始值影响较大以及对噪声的抑制作用较差的问题,提出一种基于图像滤波的加权FCM图像分割算法。该算法采用快速FCM算法进行初分割,降低了初始值的影响,同时引入自适应中值滤波器,并与加权FCM 算法相结合进行迭代滤波分割,不仅能很好地抑制噪声的影响而且能使分割更精确。利用该算法分别对人工合成的和真实的含噪图像进行分割实验,实验结果表明:本文算法对含噪图像有很好的分割结果。  相似文献   

为实现对超声图像病灶的分割并提高目标分割精度,提出一种残差结构的深层尺度融合的分割网络模型RDFA-Net。使用改进的网络模型并使用可变形卷积来增大采样范围,使用通道和空间注意力机制捕获特征,融入深层尺度特征进行融合以捕获深层次图像特征,成功将视网膜脱落病灶的超声图片进行分割,并有了更好的分割结果。使用合作医院提供的眼底超声图像作为数据自制分割数据集来评价RDFA-Net。通过实验结果对比显示,RDFA-Net是有效的,可以对视网膜脱落进行图像分割,并实现了较好的分割精度。  相似文献   

首先介绍指纹图像分割的基本概念,接着使用一种基于标准差的图像分割算法对指纹图像进行分割.该方法利用标准差找出最佳分割阈值,再用该阈值将指纹图像脊线提取出来.实验结果表明,该方法能够很好地将指纹脊线从背景中提取出来.  相似文献   

提出一种针对手机拍摄的玉珠图像的快速分割方法.该方法通过对图像多个采样点的R、G、B分量分析,设计出适合不同颜色玉珠分割的RGB颜色特征组合,并利用其分割出不同的图像元素,最后进行图像合并.较好地解决了由于玉珠颜色不同、表面光滑度不同和拍摄角度等原因,造成的珠体反射点多、形状失真、模糊及遮挡等影响玉珠与背景分离的问题.经实验证明,本方法具有较好的分割效果,较快的实现速度及稳定性.  相似文献   

本文中简单介绍了在手腕骨X线片的自动判读系统中,对图像进行分割时改进的自适应阈值分割法。它是图像处理技术在医学和体育科学领域中的一个应用和尝试,此文的算法基于骨龄图像自动判读系统。  相似文献   

在软骨细胞自动分割计量系统的分割部分中,用Ostu法初步分割图像后,对轻度粘连细胞采用了形态滤波处理,利用细胞核信息进一步细化分割粘连较多的细胞,获得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

对激光光斑图像准确分割能准确地提取质心、直径等参数。提出了一种实用的激光光斑分割算法,首先采集光斑及背景图像,然后对光斑图像与背景图像进行差分,最后采用最佳阈值分割。实验结果表明,本算法能够有效、正确地对光斑图像进行分割。  相似文献   

阈值法是一种得到广泛应用的图像分割方法.本文对经典Otsu算法进行了改进,并应用在MIAS和DDSM两个标准乳腺图像数据库的图像分割中.与经典Otsu及最大熵阈值法、迭代阈值法对比,本文方法的乳腺图像分割效果更好.  相似文献   

一种基于边缘流的图像分割算法及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于边缘流的图像分割算法以方向相反的边缘流相遇的位置确定对象的边缘,解决了传统基于边缘的图像分割算法难以确定合理阙值的问题.论述了基于边缘流图像分割算法的原理,对该算法进行了调整,将其应用于昆虫图像的分割.实验结果表明:基于边缘流的算法不仅能够有效地分割出图像中的昆虫对象,而且对昆虫对象的各个部分还能进行较为有效地分割.与传统的基于闽值分割算法相比是更好的图像分割算法,促进了计算机视觉技术在农林业领域的应用,促进了计算机视觉技术在农林业领域的应用.  相似文献   

针对传统C-Means算法在图像分割应用中的缺陷,本文提出一种蚁群算法(Ant Colony Optimization ACO)融合C-Means算法的图像聚类分割方法,它融合了C-Means算法和蚁群算法的优点,比传统的C-Means算法能得到更好的分割质量。实际图像分割试验结果表明该方法是一种良好的图像分割新方法。  相似文献   

Automatic segmentation of bladder in CT images   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Segmentation of the bladder in computerized tomography (CT) images is an important step in radiation therapy planning of prostate cancer. We present a new segmentation scheme to automatically delineate the bladder contour in CT images with three major steps. First, we use the mean shift algorithm to obtain a clustered image containing the rough contour of the bladder, which is then extracted in the second step by applying a region-growing algorithm with the initial seed point selected from a line-by-line scanning process. The third step is to refine the bladder contour more accurately using the rolling-ball algorithm. These steps are then extended to segment the bladder volume in a slice-by-slice manner. The obtained results were compared to manual segmentation by radiation oncologists. The average values of sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and Hausdorffdistance are 86.5%, 96.3%, 90.5%, 96.5%, and 2.8 pixels, respectively. The results show that the bladder can be accurately segmented.  相似文献   

[问题的来源] 在学习Al的知识时,有这样一道习题:某无色溶液能与Al作用放出H2,则该溶液中可能含下列离子组合的是() A.H+、Cl-、Mg2+、Ba2+ B.OH-、Ba2+、Cl-、NO3- C.H+、Mg2+、Al3+、NO3- D.OH-、Mg2+、CO32-、NO3- 答案选AB,原因是因溶液中有H+或OH-.  相似文献   

Automatic character detection and segmentation in natural scene images   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
INTRODUCTION Text detection and segmentation from a naturalscene is very useful in many applications. With theincreasing availability of high performance, lowpriced, portable digital imaging devices, the applica-tion of scene text recognition is rapidly expanding. Byusing cameras attached to cellular phones, PDAs, orstandalone digital cameras, we can easily capture thetext occurrences around us, such as street signs, ad-vertisements, traffic warnings or restaurant menus.Automatic recogn…  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION The past decades witnessed unprecedented ad-vances in the imaging science fields(Yelbuz et al.,2002;Campagnola et al.,2002;Sharpe et al.,2002).The technique of3D image reconstruction andanalysis plays a significant role in the basic researchof life science,which developed from2D imageprocessing but provides more information than2Dimage,and has rapidly expanded to molecular andcellular field(Guo et al.,1995;Trehan et al.,2003).Despite the rapid development of the new field,…  相似文献   

Medical diagnosis software and computer-assisted surgical systems often use segmented image data to help clinicians make decisions. The segmentation extracts the region of interest from the background, which makes the visualization clearer. However, no segmentation method can guarantee accurate results under all circumstances. As a result, the clinicians need a solution that enables them to check and validate the segmentation accuracy as well as displaying the segmented area without ambiguities.With the method presented in this paper, the real CT or MR image is displayed within the segmented region and the segmented boundaries can be expanded or contracted interactively. By this way, the clinicians are able to check and validate the segmentation visually and make more reliable decisions. After experiments with real data from a hospital, the presented method is proved to be suitable for efficiently detecting segmentation errors. The new algorithm uses new graphic processing uint (GPU) shading functions recently introduced in graphic cards and is fast enough to interact on the segmented area, which was not possible with previous methods.  相似文献   

指纹分割是指纹识别系统中的重要组成部分,准确有效的分割方法是提高系统识别效率的关键。从指纹结构特点和特定理论的角度出发,对近几年指纹分割的新方法从错分率、时间复杂度、算法特点三方面进行分类比较,指出指纹分割方法深入研究的方向。  相似文献   

A novel single-channel blind separation algorithm for permuted motion blurred images is proposed by using blind restoration in this paper. Both the motion direction and the length of the point spread function (PSF) are estimated by Radon transformation and extrema a detection. Using the estimated blur parameters, the permuted image is restored by performing the L-R blind restoration method. The permutation mixing matrices can be accurately estimated by classifying the ringing effect in the restored image, thereby the source images can be separated. Simulation results show a better separation efficiency for the permuted motion blurred image with various permutation operations. The proposed algorithm indicates a better performance on the robustness against Gaussian noise and lossy JPEG compression.  相似文献   

当图像中目标类类内方差与背景类类内方差差异较大时,灰度约束Otsu分割法能够获得更好的分割结果。然而,灰度约束Otsu分割法降低了分割阈值,因而更容易受到图像中噪声的影响而出现分割错误。针对这一问题,本文将灰度约束策略推广到了二维Otsu分割法,从而提出了一种具有灰度约束的二维Otsu图像分割方法,即根据二维Otsu分割法的阈值特点选定二维灰度约束值并获得灰度约束二维直方图,而后再使用灰度约束二维直方图选取分割阈值。实验结果表明,本文方法能够更为有效的抵抗图像中的噪声,可以获得更好的图像分割结果。  相似文献   

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