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Educational programs for young children emerged reasonably early in the history of the United States of America. The movements of Child-Centered Education, the Nursery School, the Project Method, Curriculum Reform, and contemporary research have all influenced mathematics in early childhood education. The Froebelian kindergarten and the Montessori Casa die Bambini (Children’s House) included approaches to teaching mathematics. This article reviews the history of mathematics education in relation to the history of early childhood education from the turn of the twentieth century. It also discusses how research in mathematics education attempted to gain its own identity. Throughout history, researchers have identified mathematics issues and addressed them, defining the field, and generating a cadre of mathematics researchers.  相似文献   

In this piece, we share a story about the power of historical investigation as a means of developing critical literacy in young children. Drawing on the work of VanSledright (Social Educ 68:230, 2004), we outline four aspects of historical thinking as they relate to the development of critically minded citizens. We then turn to a discussion of a first-grade lesson on the First Thanksgiving Feast, reflect on the meanings children took from this experience, and explore possible implications and extensions.  相似文献   

作为一部英国三流历史学著作 ,《泰西新史揽要》却是晚清销量最大、影响最广的西方历史学译作。这部本来以改善教会在华处境为目的的译著 ,完成出版之时恰逢甲午战争的危局 ,不仅近代中国人把它作为思想启蒙的工具 ,而且李提摩太也不由自主转移了重点 ,更多参与到近代中国的变革论争之中。李提摩太的很多工作 ,诸如译书、文章著述、参加反缠足会、创办山西大学堂等等 ,都对近代中国的思想启蒙和社会进步做出了重要贡献  相似文献   

法国在18世纪末成为世界数学乃至科学的中心,其百年兴衰史与法国大革命后所进行的高等教育体制和科学体制改革有着密切联系,其经验和教训值得我们深思和借鉴.  相似文献   

This study examined how early childhood (EC) teachers' instructional quality predicted children's development in mathematics across two measurement occasions. Therefore, EC teachers' (n = 25) instructional quality was assessed using one standardized observation instrument covering both domain-specific and general aspects of instructional quality. Additionally, data on children's (n = 208) outcome in early number skills was collected applying a standardized test. Multilevel structural equation modeling was used accounting for nested data. Children's age and the average size of preschool groups were controlled for. Results revealed that EC teachers' instructional quality predicted children's development but was not associated with their initial achievement. The findings suggest that instruments covering domain-specific and general aspects might be helpful in order to measure EC teachers' instructional quality in mathematics and predict children's learning growth. Understanding the mechanisms between instructional quality and children's development may help EC teachers to enhance their math teaching in practice.  相似文献   

德国的工业革命发端于十九世纪三十年代,经历了早期工业化阶段、"起飞"阶段和成熟阶段等三个阶段之后,德国的工业化基本完成。土地改革和商业改革促进了工业革命前进的步伐,铁路和重工业的发展更使德国工业革命如火如荼。但是经济发展到一定程度之后,城市化问题也逐渐凸显出来。  相似文献   

介绍20世纪温籍数学家群体的主要成就和他们在中国现代数学中的地位。  相似文献   

Young Children's Exposure to Mathematics: The Child Care Context   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Four preschool teachers from two preschool settings were observed to explore the contribution of child care experiences on the development of young children's understanding of mathematics. Teachers were also interviewed regarding their attitudes and beliefs about the importance of early education, children's understanding of mathematics prior to formal schooling, and their role in facilitating mathematical knowledge. Although the programs and teachers differed in terms of program orientation, teaching style, student participation, and interactions with students, the programs did not differ in terms of the amount or content of mathematics presented to children. During the classroom observations that were conducted, very little mathematics was presented in any of the classrooms either directly or indirectly to students. In contrast, teachers said that they believed that mathematics was important and that they engaged in mathematical discussions in their classroom interactions. Discussion of the lack of math presented in the classroom and the discrepancy of teachers' beliefs and teaching behaviors are discussed.  相似文献   

Early research has shown that there may be inconsistencies in how parents in different socioeconomic classes prepare their children to learn to read. Previous research has highlighted a “word gap” between children from low-income families and high-income families. Effects of this “word gap” are evident at the start of kindergarten and contribute to the current nationwide achievement gap in educational outcomes for low-income children. Providence Talks (PT) is a city-wide initiative launched in 2014 in an effort to close this gap. PT helps caretakers learn about the importance of speaking with their children at an early age and supports them in their ability to improve the language environments within their home. We uncover positive results for the efficacy of a citywide intervention dedicated to improving outcomes for vulnerable children across the urban landscape.  相似文献   


Because of the link between teacher training and higher‐quality classroom practice, early childhood researchers and professional organizations have placed an increasing emphasis on all early childhood teachers—including those in early care and education (ECE) settings—obtaining a minimum of a Bachelor's degree as part of their professional development. Given the differing licensure requirements for ECE teachers, the variety of settings early childhood teachers work in, and the creativity needed to respond to the changing roles teachers play in those settings, however, this paper offers an additional perspective that is sometimes left out of the discussion regarding what teachers need: that of the early childhood practitioner. Using conversations with both a certified, public school teacher and a non‐certified teacher in a private ECE setting in New Jersey, this article reports on these teachers’ professional development experiences, as well as the implications of their experiences for future considerations of what teachers need in order to enhance their growth as educators.  相似文献   

关于数学家谈数学学习的问卷分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
义务教育阶段数学课程改革已经进入具体实践阶段,如何从教育研究的角度帮助中学生寻求一种途径,培养学生对数学学习的兴趣,并帮助教师更好地开展教学活动就成为一项十分有意义的工作。数学家的亲身经历和对数学的感悟,是一笔无形的财富,为数学教育改革提供卫一些启示:学数学需要刻苦勤奋的精神,要打好扎实的基础,才能有所创新;中学生的创新应注重创新意识的培养,而不应该在于学生做了多少研究课题,取得了多少成果。  相似文献   

The ability to delay gratification (DG) in young children is vital to their later development. Such ability should be taught as early as possible. One hundred kindergartners (Mean age = 6.11), randomly assigned to three groups; a, labeling: received the treatment of being labeled as “patient” kids; b, story-telling: were read a story about the patient antagonist rewarded double gifts, while the impulsive character got only one same reward; c, control: received no treatment. Under the DG task of Ball-Moving Activity, the ANOVA results showed the children in labeling group delayed longer (M = 13.23 m) than the control one (M = 11.25 m), showed marginal significant difference at p = .06, medium effect size magnitude at η2 = .06. No significant mean differences were found between the story-telling (M = 12.68 m) and the control group, though the story-telling group delayed more than 1 min longer than their counterparts. Sex differences on the task are also discussed.  相似文献   

The national policies and historical roots of early childhood education (ECE) vary from society to society. In the Nordic countries, early childhood education and care (ECEC) policies have been built in the context of the welfare state. As such, they are closely connected to other welfare policy areas such as social policy, family policy and education policy, in addition to which a close relationship with labour policy is also evident. This article sheds light on the historical roots of Nordic ECEC policies by describing the commonalities and differences between the Nordic countries. The ‘Nordic model’ is commonly described as integrated. Education, teaching and caring form an integrated unit and the term early childhood education and care is therefore typically used when describing the ‘Nordic model’. It is also said to be based on a child-centred, holistic approach with an emphasis on participation, democracy, autonomy and freedom, while its track record of high quality ECE services is considered to be due in part to the use of a well-trained workforce. The Nordic countries are, however, developing and redefining their ECEC policies in the global economic and cultural context, in which governments have to choose their priorities. Pressure to standardize ECE services is also apparent, and signs of erosion of the key elements of the Nordic model have been seen in recent policy debates. This paper discusses the current direction of Nordic ECE policy making and the future of the Nordic model.  相似文献   

赵静 《教育科学》2003,19(2):29-31
通过对20世纪早期中国儿童文学史与中小学语文课程发展史的透视,能清楚看出儿童文学与中小学语文教育之间的互动关系。学校教育的需要是中国现代儿童文学产生的主要推动力之一,课程实践客观上促进了早期儿童文学创作的发展,同样,儿童文学的理论与实践为儿童文学成为语文教育的课程资源提供了可能。  相似文献   

福建师大历史学科在百年发展历程中形成了中国史、世界史和专门史三个特色显著的研究方向.以一级学科历史学博士授权点为基本的学术支撑,有专门史、中国近现代史、世界史、中国古代史、史学理论及史学史、历史地理、历史文献、考古学与文博等8个博士点以及与此相对应的8个硕士点和4个相关的宗教学、人类学、图书馆学、档案学等硕士点,形成了较为平衡的学科结构.  相似文献   

Adult benefits for participants in Project CARE were compared with those of the Abecedarian Project, a closely related randomized study of early childhood educational intervention for children from low-income families who were at risk of developmental delays and school failure. CARE replicated Abecedarian's young adult treatment-related educational and vocational attainment gains. CARE data also supported the Abecedarian reduction in marijuana use. Treated individuals in both studies reported adopting a more active life style. The average age at birth of a first child, the number of children, and the proportion of teen parents were positively affected in the Abecedarian sample but not in CARE. Finding significant educational and vocational gains lasting into young adulthood in the CARE study reinforces Abecedarian young adult findings and strengthens the case for early childhood intervention for children from low-income families.  相似文献   

Throughout the world, young children and their families anticipate the start of school with expectations and hopes, as well as concerns. Although the approaches and customs differ from one nation, region, or culture to another, one constant is the recognition that a collaborative effort is needed to welcome young children and their families into formal schooling experiences. The transition process should be proactive and responsive to the children’s needs. This article addresses four key components of appropriate support for young children who are starting school: (1) a consideration of the developmental characteristics of young children, (2) a recognition of factors that affect adjustment to new situations, (3) the establishment of relationships with families, and (4) the implementation of strategies that assist young children in making this important transition. Strategies for assisting children who are beginning their school careers are shared.  相似文献   

Violence is one of the most prevalent elements in the lives of homeless families with young children. This violence may come in various forms: domestic violence, street violence, violence in one’s childhood, witnessing violence, and other avenues and modes. Violence disrupts the normal bonding between parent and child. It isolates and degrades families. Early childhood professionals can support parents and children who are victims of violence through support, education, and nurturance.  相似文献   

Using content and archival analysis as a mixed method research design, this study addresses the broad issue of self-regulation since this subject area first appeared in the developmental psychology journals, addressing the question of whether each historical period had its own particular perspective on self-regulation, or was there, in fact, a progressive development? This research also explored the historical basis of current perspectives in order to provide background and continuity for present theories and the discussion of implications for families, professionals, and communities in supporting the development of self-regulation in infants and children.  相似文献   

英国妇女选举权运动在19世纪掀起了第一个高潮,把妇女选举权从男性社会不屑一顾的概念,变成了一个"政治问题",成为人们逐渐耳熟能详的语言。妇女的政治要求从最初要求未婚妇女与寡妇的选举权,逐渐向普选方向发展;选举权的依据从自由女权主义的公正之说,发展到本质论思想,并进一步发展出独特的女性优越论思想。这一切,既是妇女们不懈探索和亲身实践的结果,也是时代与社会发展的必然趋势。  相似文献   

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