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The bibliography cites English language material at the intersection of two fields of study: sociology of education and comparative education. The collection of material is biased (a) toward the general reader rather than the specialist already working in the area, and (b) toward the identification of overlap between the two fields of study.
Zusammenfassung Diese Bibliographie umfaßt englischsprachiges Material am Schnittpunkt von zwei Studienfeldern: der Erziehungssoziologie und der Vergleichenden Erziehungswissenschaft. Das gesammelte Material ist (a) mehr auf den allgemeinen Leser als auf bereits in diesem Bereich tätige Wissenschaftler ausgerichtet, und (b) bezieht sich vorzugsweise auf die Feststellung von Überschneidungen zwischen den beiden Studiengebieten.

Résumé La bibliographie cite le matériel en langue anglaise à l'intersection de deux domaines d'étude: la sociologie de l'éducation et l'éducation comparée. Le matériel rassemblé s'adresse davantage au lecteur ordinaire qu'au spécialiste travaillant déjà dans ce domaine et vise surtout l'identification de la partie commune aux deux champs d'étude.

因教致贫的社会学分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
张国强 《高等教育研究》2007,28(3):41-45,51
因教致贫现象是社会失范的一种表现,会造成合理社会流动受阻、阶层差异代际转移、读书无用思想重现和社会不安因素积聚等社会危害。教育成本分担机制失衡、个人教育费用投入过高、弱势群体教育成本补偿不够和优质教育资源分配不均等因素是造成这一现象的主要原因。通过构建合理的教育成本分担机制、保证相对均衡的教育资源供给、实行科学的教育成本核算与收缴制度、完善教育投资收益的回馈渠道、引导理性的家庭教育投资等措施可以有效解决因教致贫现象。  相似文献   

对中德学前教育机构设置、课程设置、教学组织形式及学前学校教育与家庭教育的关系这四个方面进行比较的基础上,分析了造成中德学前教育差异的原因,结合德国学前教育的优点,对我国学前教育提出四条建议,以期为我国当前学前教育改革提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   

RE in Russia has been recently introduced as a compulsory regular school subject during the last year of elementary school. The present study offers a critical analysis of the current practice of Russian RE by comparing it with RE in Sweden, Denmark and Britain. This analysis shows that Russian RE is ambivalent. Although it is based on a non-confessional religious studies approach, Russian RE also serves the interests of the Russian Orthodox Church, which aims to educate students into Orthodox Christianity, as well as the interests of the Russian state itself, which turns RE in a kind of citizenship education focusing on the patriotic upbringing of students.  相似文献   

Four financial models of massification of higher education are discussed in this essay. They are American model, Western European model, Southeast Asian and Latin American model and the transition countrie’s model. The comparison of the four models comes to the conclusion that taking advantage of nongovernmental funding is fundamental to dealing with financial difficulty faced by higher education. As a result, it can be argued that the declining of higher education quality does not necessarily have to do with schooling system. On the contrary, the development of private higher education helps the activation mechanism of competition so as to cultivate talents needed by the society. __________ Translated from Gaodeng Jiaoyu Yanjiu 高等教育研究 (Journal of Higher Education), 2007, 28(3): 1–8  相似文献   

多国高等教育大众化模式比较研究   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
根据经费来源的不同可以把世界各国高等教育大众化的模式归纳为四种:美国模式、西欧模式、东南亚以及拉丁美洲模式、转型国家模式。总结和比较不同模式的特点,我们发现:充分利用民间资金是解决高等教育大众化过程中经费难题的根本途径;高等教育质量的高低,与办学体制并没有必然联系,相反,民办高等教育的发展,有利于激活竞争机制,更好地培养适应社会需求的人才。  相似文献   

Four financial models of massification of higher education are discussed in this essay. They are American model, Western European model, Southeast Asian and Latin American model and the transition countrie’s model. The comparison of the four models comes to the conclusion that taking advantage of nongovernmental funding is fundamental to dealing with financial difficulty faced by higher education. As a result, it can be argued that the declining of higher education quality does not necessarily have to do with schooling system. On the contrary, the development of private higher education helps the activation mechanism of competition so as to cultivate talents needed by the society.  相似文献   

The promotion of ‘critical citizenship’ has become a key objective of official school curricula around the world. Using an analytic framework developed by the authors, this paper identifies the diverse conceptions of critical citizenship that are promoted, by comparing the official school curricula for citizenship in England and France. The analysis goes beyond the dichotomous distinctions prevalent in comparisons of education in the two countries, especially those that focus on the contrasting degrees of centralisation–decentralisation, and suggests that there were significant differences in the goals promoted in their curricula with regard to four key dimensions: ideology, the collective, the individual and action. While these differences reflect historical, political, social, economic and cultural differences between the two nations, the analysis indicates a lack of symmetry across the levels of the curriculum, which contributed to the significant spaces that were found to exist which have the potential for teachers and students to creatively interpret how critical citizenship can be understood and implemented in the classroom.  相似文献   

高等教育个人成本投资与机会成本比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试用无投资风险度与带风险度的投资决策模型,采用信息论的熵值作为度量投资方案的不确定性程度(投资风险)的数量指标,计算比较两者净现值与预期收益,指出如何权衡高等教育与机会成本两者之问的关系.这种研究在我国目前高等教育人数上升、就业形武严峻及预期收益不确定的趋势下,有积极的现实意义.  相似文献   

本文以评价理论为基础,以《中国日报》和《纽约时报》中若干语料为研究对象,着重分析了介入资源在两种语言形式的体育新闻语篇中的分布规律,试图探究英汉体育新闻的作者如何利用介入资源与读者进行协商互动,并对英汉体育新闻中介入资源分布的不同点进行分析。  相似文献   

The present study assesses the performance of 54 participating countries in PISA 2006. It employs efficiency indicators that relate result variables with resource variables used in the production of educational services. Desirable outputs of educational achievement and undesirable outputs of educational inequality are considered jointly as result variables. A construct that captures the quality and quantity of educational resources consumed is used as resource variables. Similarly, environmental variables of each educational system are included in the efficiency evaluation model; while these resources are not controllable by the managers of the education systems, they do affect outcomes. We find that European countries are characterized by weak management, the Americans (mainly Latin Americans) by a weak endowment of resources, and the Asians by a high level of heterogeneity. In particular, Asia combines countries with optimal systems (South Korea and Macao-China); countries with managerial problems (Hong Kong, China-Taipei, Japan and Israel); others where the main challenge is the weak endowment of resources (Jordan and Kyrgyzstan), and, finally, others where the main problem is in the long run since it concerns structural conditions of a socioeconomic and cultural nature (Turkey, Thailand, and Indonesia).  相似文献   

Mobile devices are highly portable, easily distributable, substantially affordable, and have the potential to be pedagogically complementary resources in education. This study, incorporating mixed method analyses, discusses the implications of a mobile learning technology-based learning model in two public primary schools near the Mexico-USA border in the state of Baja California, Mexico. One school was located in an urban slum and the other in a rural village community. Empirical and ethnographic data were collected through a series of achievement tests, observations, surveys, and interviews involving 160 s grade school children recruited by convenience sampling. The general technology infrastructure, distinctive features of mobile learning to supplement literacy development, profound contextual phenomena arising from the two uniquely underserved communities, and social factors possibly influencing the educational experiences are discussed. The findings suggest that students in the rural village, seriously lacking educational resources and technology exposure, may have benefited substantially more from mobile technologies than urban school students possibly due to their relatively higher socio-economic status and higher parental involvement and interest in education. In contrast, there was no evidence of interaction with parental education levels, the experience of teachers or school principals, or the teacher’s perception or preparation of the technology. Overall, the mobile learning technology adoption was rapid, seamless, and actively driven by the students rather than the teacher. The challenges of the phenomenal migratory nature of most families in this unique geographical region are also discussed to benefit future studies.  相似文献   

Governments, international organizations and academics have, in recent decades, expressed a sense of crisis in the practice of democracy based largely upon increasing levels of disengagement by citizens from even the most basic elements of civic life. One response has been to devise civics and citizenship education curricula for schools with the concomitant expectations of enhanced civic practice. Our examination of citizenship education programs has revealed considerable variation from country to country in the degree of success achieved in the design, development and implementation of programs. This paper examines recent developments in citizenship education in four leading Western democracies – Australia, Canada, England and the USA; each one with its own particular successes and shortcomings. It identifies several factors associated with the successful building of curriculum capacity for citizenship education and argues that these are fundamental for countries wishing to move beyond rhetoric and toward substance in citizenship education.  相似文献   

The thesis examined in this paper is that comparative educationists, far from following intellectual trends, have introduced new dimensions to methods of enquiry developed first by historians, then by social scientists and, finally and perhaps marginally, by conceptual philosophers. In so far as comparisons can be made, it is asserted that, in the twentieth century, paradigms in comparative education reflect revolutions in the natural sciences, and that to the extent that these preceded shifts in social science paradigms after about 1900, comparative educationists debated and rejected positivism before sociologists did, in the Anglo-Saxon world at least.A second assumption which is examined is that comparative educationists have anticipated issues which subsequently became important in the growth of national and parochial research in sociology, and for that matter in political science.A disclaimer is necessary: little attempt has been made to examine the causal influences in either field or between comparative educationists and sociologists. The history of such interaction at a personal and institutional level is very recent, the participants in the interchanges are, in many cases, still alive, and a substantive recent history of comparative education has yet to be written, although to some extent E. Shils' analysis of the history of sociological enquiry provides a schema against which the growth of comparative education can be compared.
Zusammenfassung In dieser Arbeit wird die These überprüft, daß vergleichende Erziehungswissenschaftler, weit davon entfernt, intellektuellen Trends zu folgen, neue Dimensionen für Untersuchungsmethoden eingeführt haben, die zuerst von Historikern, dann von Sozialwissenschaftlern und am Rande auch von konzeptuellen Philosophen entwickelt wurden. Soweit es möglich ist, Vergleiche anzustellen, wird dargelegt, daß im 20. Jahrhundert Paradigmen der vergleichenden Erziehungswissenschaft tiefgreifene Veränderungen in den Naturwissenschaften widerspiegeln. Softern diese den nach ca. 1900 stattfindenden Wandlungen in sozialwissenschaftlichen Paradigmen vorausgingen, haben vergleichende Erziehungswissenschaftler noch vor den Soziologen den Positivismus erörtert und verworfen, zumindest in der angelsächsischen Welt.Zweitens wird die Annahme überprüft, daß vergleichende Erziehungswissenschaftler Fragen vorweggenommen haben, die später in der Entwicklung nationaler und örtlicher soziologischer Forschung und auch in der Politologie Bedeutung erlangten.Eine Einschränkung muß noch gemacht werden: Der Autor hat weitgehend darauf verzichtet, die kausalen Einflüsse in den beiden Einzelbereichen sowie die gegenseitigen Einwirkungen von vergleichenden Erziehungswissenschaftlern und Soziologen zu untersuchen. Die Geschichte solcher Wechselwirkungen auf persönlicher und institutioneller Ebene ist noch sehr jung, die Teilnehmer an ihnen sind in vielen Fällen noch am Leben, und eine substantielle neuere Geschichte der vergleichenden Erziehungswissenschaft ist noch nicht geschrieben. Dennoch bietet E. Shils Analyse der Geschichte soziologischer Untersuchungen eine gewisse Grundlage für einen Vergleich mit der Entwicklung der vergleichenden Erziehungswissenschaft.

Résumé La thèse soutenue dans cet article est que les théoriciens de l'éducation comparée, loin de suivre les courants intellectuels, ont introduit de nouvelles dimensions dans les méthodes d'enquête élaborées d'abord par les historiens, puis développées par les spécialistes des sciences sociales, et enfin — marginalement peut-être — par les philosophes conceptuels. Pour autant que l'on puisse établir des comparaisons, on constate qu'au XXe siècle, les paradigmes de l'éducation comparée reflètent les révolutions qui surviennent dans les sciences naturelles et qu'ils se modifient avant même ceux des sciences sociales, aux alentours de 1900, au point que les théoriciens de l'éducation comparée contestent et rejettent le positivisme avant que les spécialistes des sciences sociales soient parvenus à cette démarche, du moins dans les pays anglosaxons.Une autre assomption de la thèse est que les théoriciens de l'éducation comparée ont anticipé des situations qui devaient se révéler importantes par la suite, avec le développement de la recherche sociologique nationale et locale, et également avec celui des sciences politiques.Il est juste de reconnaître néanmoins qu'une timide tentative a été faite dans l'intention d'étudier les influences causales, que ce soit dans chacun de ces domaines ou entre théoriciens de l'éducation comparée et sociologues. L'histoire d'une telle interaction au niveau individuel et au niveau institutionnel est très récente; les hommes qui ont participé à ces échanges sont encore pour la plupart vivants et une histoire récente autonome de l'éducation comparée reste à écrire. Toutefois, l'analyse que E. Shils a fate de l'histoire de l'enquête sociologique fournit, jusqu'à un certain point, une base permettant d'évaluer le développement de l'éducation comparée.

基于对"十二五"和"十三五"时期职业教育国家规划教材的数据比较分析,剖析职业教育教材建设现状、特征和发展态势,为推进职业教育教材建设提供参考。研究发现,职业教育国家规划教材建设总体平稳,但省份之间发展极不平衡,东部地区国家规划教材建设的成效和优势明显,教材主编多元格局逐渐形成,企业参与职业教育教材建设展现良好势头。立足职业教育发展新起点,思考职业教育教材建设,需要在多方协同联动上下功夫,体现职教特色;在创新内容形式上下功夫,坚持与时俱进;在打造专业队伍上下功夫,提升教材质量。  相似文献   

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