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In recent years some western European countries have adopted restrictive rationing/pricing policies to regulate the accelerated inflow of foreign students. There is no such policy in the U.S. If the current trends continue the population of foreign students in the U.S. may reach one million or so by 1990. In view of their large and rapidly expanding number, it is of some interest to study the economics of their education. An attempt is made here to estimate the economic costs and economic benefits to the U.S. of educating foreign students. It should be emphasized at the outset that the conceptual and data problems have made it impossible to estimate some economic costs and benefits, thereby constraining the comprehensiveness of the overall estimates.An earlier version of this paper was presented at the 47th Annual Meeting, Midwest Economics Association, St. Louis, Missouri, April 1983.  相似文献   

Professionals migrate to the U.S. from other countries through both direct and indirect channels. The indirect channel, which entails entering the U.S. as a foreign student or visitor and subsequently adjusting visa status to immigrant, has assumed increasing importance over time. The number of adjustments of status can be expected to further increase in the future as the eligible pool, comprised mainly of foreign students, continues to expand. The ratio of adjustments to the eligible pool is also influenced by U.S. immigration policy, which originates in administrative regulations as well as legislative action. U.S. immigration policy affects the ease of immigration and thus the ratio of adjustments to the eligible pool. Variations in immigration policy across countries and over time are found to have statistically significant impacts on this ratio.  相似文献   

The time doctoral students expect to take to complete their degree is investigated in a model which stresses the effects of economic factors. The model also accounts for the interdependency among such variables as employment hours, study hours, household income, and part-time study. We find that field of study, amount of borrowing, household income, and study hours have direct effects on expected time to degree. Indirect effects also occur from employment hours and the amount of fellowship, scholarship, or grant aid. When the sample is separated into foreign and U.S. students, we find that U.S. students underestimate their time to degree. Also, household incomes are higher for U.S. students and increase the time to degree, while the opposite is true for foreign students. Teaching assistantships increase the time to degree for foreign students while research assistantships reduce it.  相似文献   

20世纪末,在美国国内国际事务日益复杂的大背景下,智库蓬勃发展并且在美国外交决策中担任重要角色。这些智库在具有传统智库特征的同时,也有着自身明显的特色,按职能标准将美国智库分为学术智库、游说智库和合同智库三种。由于美国政府决策的各阶段、各层次决策主体特点的不同,智库有针对性地采取诸如组建专业总统竞选团队、"旋转门"效应、利用大众传媒引导和教育公众、利用人脉和专有渠道举行学术会议、发布会以及午餐会、出版刊物、发布报告提供外交思想和政策建议等方式施加影响。智库对美国外交决策施加多种影响是由美国政治制度、政治传统及智库本身特点决定的。美国智库近年来出现了在数量上不断增加、研究议题多样化、工作网络日益国际化及与政府政策联系日益紧密的趋势,这些趋势使得智库研究外交政策的范围更加广泛。可以预见,美国智库在外交决策研究中的重要性和影响力将在今后进一步增强。  相似文献   

严雪红 《教育与教学研究》2011,25(4):110-114,121
20世纪90年代以来,各国都在竞相提高外语教育水平。作为超级大国的美国对中小学外语教育前所未有的重视,并进行了收效颇丰的外语课程改革,其改革具有如下特点:外语教育观念的转变颇大,对课程的重视度提高;开设的外语语种较以前更加丰富,并且随着形势而变化;课程内容综合化;教学方法生动活泼,重视培养学生交际能力;课程评价科学化;重视外语教师的培养和发展;广泛应用现代化教学手段。对比我国英语教育现状,可以从中得出以下启示:科学定位外语课程的价值;出台积极的外语教育政策;建立完整的外语课程指导框架;实施有效的外语教学和学习策略;营造良好的外语学习氛围;综合运用现代教育技术,拓宽学生学习外语的渠道;重视外语教师教育,提升外语教师的综合能力;完善外语课程评价体系。  相似文献   

对印度尼西亚(下称印尼)独立运动前后迥异的态度开启了美国对印尼外交政策的探索。美国对印尼政策的形成确立包括两个阶段,第一阶段从1945—1949年,这是美国对印尼政策的起源时期。第二阶段1950-1955年则是美国的印尼政策的最终确立时期。确立的标志就是1955年5月NSC5518号文件的最终出台。至此,美国的印尼认识形成了一种稳定的判断,服从并服务于美国的全球冷战战略,遏制印尼走向共产主义是整个政策的核心,该文件也成为苏加诺执政时期美国构筑印尼政策的蓝本。  相似文献   

冷战期间,中东地区的石油资源始终是美、苏争夺的焦点。美国在中东的外交政策与其说是为了捍卫国家利益,不如说是保护以洛克菲勒石油跨国公司为代表的几个垄断财团的利益。可以说在中东这一地区,美国的国家利益与洛克菲勒石油跨国公司的利益出现最大程度的重叠,并使美国执行带有“中东特色”的外交政策。文章拟简单阐述,并试图从中找出美国外交政策中的经济学内涵。  相似文献   

美国的南海政策,因循的是为美国对外总体战略服务的原则,既是其国家利益谋求的现实凝练与体现,同时又是其对外战略拓展的历史积累与沉淀。美国南海政策的演变,体现了美国对中国防范与遏制的战略思路,对南海地区的局势及当事国的行为都产生了难以预料的影响;中国对此应冷静应对。  相似文献   

"签字声明"恐怕是近年来美国总统广泛使用甚至滥用、但又鲜为人知的重要单边政策工具之一.本文从美国国会和总统之间权力关系的角度,对美国总统签字声明的基本含义及作用给予必要的理解,大体考察了美国总统乔治·W·布什在对外政策领域对签字声明的使用,以及这一政策工具在美国国内所引起的激烈争议.本文最后揭示签字声明背后所反映的当代美国总统和行政部门权力膨胀的实质.  相似文献   

In this study 18 Mexican teachers of English as a foreign language in Guanajuato, Mexico were asked for their professional opinion about the teaching of English to Mexican immigrant students in the U.S. Teachers responded to a questionnaire that asked about attitudes toward the U.S. educational system, ways to support Mexican immigrant students, advice for American teachers, and Mexican students’ motivation for learning English. Respondents averaged 4 years of teaching English at various levels ranging from elementary to university. Half of the teachers had received some K-12 education in the U.S. Respondents held generally positive views regarding the U.S. educational system, but felt American teachers could do a better job in teaching Mexican immigrant students. They offered numerous linguistic and culturally responsive suggestions for improving upon the learning of English and the academic performance of immigrant students.  相似文献   

二战之后,美国从自身利益出发,不断调整其对华政策,以此来实现自己在亚太地区的战略利益。但华盛顿方面调整的基点始终是支持亲美的国民党政府。由亍意识形态在美国外交中起着很重要的作用,加之中国内战形势的不断变化,杜鲁门政府对华政策的变化在中美两国交往的历史上压碾出一条明晰的辙痕来。深入分析这些,有助于加深认识美国在该时期的对华政策,从而把握战后初期中美两国外交关系发展的历史轨迹。  相似文献   

里根时期美日贸易摩擦是美国整体对外贸易衰落的一个组成部分,是美日角遥亚太地区经济霸主的表现;它影响了美固的自由贸易政策和美国的国家安全观;它对双方贸易发展都有好处;在解决摩擦的过程中美日形成了一种相互协调的合作机制,这对以后美日政府进行贸易谈判和磋商产生了重要的影响。  相似文献   

Foreign students have been attending colleges and universities in the United States at rapidly increasing rates since the late 1960s. Due particularly to demographic changes and cost considerations, U.S. universities have accepted and grown somewhat dependent on these foreign students. This raises the questions of what caused the increased international demand for U.S. education and will that demand continue to grow? We attempt here to provide a theoretical model of educational demand and to test the model employing both time series and cross-sectional data. First, we give background information and a brief literature survey; then we develop the model. Next, we test the model by examining the time series evidence. We then present cross-sectional findings employing the Zellner SUR technique. The paper concludes with policy implications.  相似文献   

论美国国会对中美关系的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在三权分立的美国,国会的主要功能是立法,但冷战后国会插手政府外交政策的情况越来越多,近十年来,中美关系曲折的历程充分反映了这一点.国会与政府对外交主导权的争夺表面上给人留下府会对立、分裂的印象,实际上却有利于美国外交利益的更好实现,二者并没有根本的利害冲突.  相似文献   

Teachers are important social agents who affect students’ cognitive and social behaviors, including students’ self-directed use of technology for language learning outside the classroom. However, how teachers influence student behaviors may vary across cultures, and understanding how teacher influences vary across different cultures is critical to developing culturally adaptive approaches to enhance students’ self-directed use of technology for learning outside the classroom. This study surveyed 418 undergraduate foreign language learners (190 from Hong Kong and 228 from the U.S.) on their intention to use technology for language learning outside the classroom, teacher influence and other psychosocial factors that may affect their technology use intentions. Structural equation modeling analyses of the survey responses indicated that teacher capacity support was consistently the most influential teacher practice affecting students’ self-directed technology use across the two cultures, whereas teacher affective support and teacher behavior support were significant predictors for Hong Kong students but not for U.S. students.  相似文献   

"九一八"事变牵涉各方远东外交政策,美国作为远东拥有重要利益的大国,其外交政策走向对国际局势具有重要作用。最终,在日本的武力下,美国所构建的华盛顿体系逐渐走向了破产。  相似文献   

Science educators have suggested that, for minority and low-income students, gaps between home and school science cultures necessitate ‘border crossing’ for successful learning in science. Our analysis used National Assessment of Educational Progress 2000 and 2005 data to assess the impact of U.S. state-level policy regarding instructional models for language acquisition for the learning of science. Specifically, we assessed whether policy favouring structured English immersion led to better student outcomes than bilingual education among Hispanic English language learners in 4th and 8th grades in the U.S. We found significantly higher science achievement among 4th grade Hispanic ELLs in states with stronger bilingual emphasis in their policy, suggesting that policy support for bilingual education could provide a better bridge to span the cultural gap between home and school science, at least for younger students.  相似文献   

本文对第二次世界大战结束至20世纪末期间美国的国际学生政策变迁进行了阐述和分析。《富布赖特法案》标志着美国政府开始长期资助各国学生赴美留学,之后,针对不同的学生类型设立了F、J和M三类学生签证,规范了国际学生签证的有效期,但对国际学生加强监控的政策却由于教育界的抵制而不了了之。在政策环境和主要行为主体的相互作用下,经过若干次调整和巩固,美国的国际学生政策体系逐渐健全起来。  相似文献   

1958年确立的“演变”政策是20世纪50年代后期以后美国对东欧的基本政策。美国历届政府都努力推行“演变”政策,以求促使东欧国家脱离苏联阵营,并最终放弃社会主义制度。该政策决定了在冷战时期美国对东欧的政治经济乃至文化等诸多交流都基本具有了“演变”的政治目的。然而,1989年东欧剧变虽然是美国冷战年代历届政府推行“演变”政策所寻求的政治目标,但却不是美国长期实施“演变”政策的直接结果。  相似文献   


English language learners (ELL) are students with a primary language spoken other than English enrolled in U.S. educational settings. As ELL students take on the challenges of learning English and U.S. culture, they must also learn academic content. The expectation to succeed academically in a foreign culture and language, while learning to speak and comprehend the language itself, would be a stressful and challenging task for almost anyone. In comparison with non-ELL students, ELL students tend to demonstrate lower levels of academic achievement. The current study examined ELL students' perceptions on teacher power and its' influences on self-perceptions of learner empowerment. Quantitative data was collected measuring perceptions of teacher power use and self-perceptions of learner empowerment. Qualitative data consisted of twenty in-depth interviews with ELL students illuminating their perceptions of teacher power and its relationship to their perceptions of learner empowerment. Differences were found by language in coercive, legitimate, and expert teacher power. Four themes emerged from interviews; what good teachers do, what bad teachers do, what teachers should know, and understanding ELL students. Implications for educators and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

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