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采用随机选取和有针对性选取“散光”被试的方法,分别在两个实验组对个体的空间视敏度和时间视敏度进行测试。结果表明,通常情况下,空间视敏度和时间视敏度之间存在着极其显著的正相关,但“散光”被试的空间视敏度和时间视敏度之间却存在着一定的负相关。  相似文献   

虚拟仪器自动测试系统软件设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
章提出了自动测试系统软件结构,即模块化和层次化结构的软件设计思想.在Windows平台下利用编程语言设计与设备无关的仪器模块向用户开放,提高了虚拟仪器的可互换性.最后给出了在可视化语言LabVIEW平台上虚拟仪器软件的设计示例。  相似文献   

软件本地化的最终目的是为了满足不同国家、不同地域的客户需求,使国际化的优秀软件能够跨越语言和文化的障碍,为世界所共享。本地化软件错误测试是软件生命周期中的一个重要阶段,是软件质量保证的关键步骤。本文对在软件本地化测试过程中所出现的典型错误类型进行分类讨论,探讨各类错误的表现特点,产生的原因,测试目的,测试原则及测试的错误方法等。  相似文献   

In this study silent reading by adults ranging in age from 35 to 90 years was investigated. The texts to be read were printed in black on white paper with character sizes varying from 1–9 mm x-height (visual angle 0.19° to 1.67°). In order to separate age effects from visual-acuity effects, subjects with different levels of visual acuity (0.1–2.5 decimal acuity) participated in the experiment. Silent reading rate was employed as the dependent variable. Visual acuity affected reading rate most, followed by letter size. In normal-acuity subjects the variance in reading rates decreased as a function of age. Reading rates initially increased rapidly with increasing letter size, but after reaching an optimum gradually declined again as letters became larger. For the different acuity classes there appeared to be clearly optimal letter sizes, varying from 1.9 for the highest acuity group to 6 mm for the lowest acuity group at the 33 cm reading distance employed. However, the optimal reading rates of visually impaired subjects found in this study remained below those of individuals with normal acuity. This suggests that visual impairment is a more general neural phenomenon rather than merely a deficient optical image. The obtained reading-rate data could be accurately described by a theoretical model encompassing a decoding process and an integration process. It appeared that the model predictions were entirely determined by the smallest letter size at which reading is just possible with a specified visual acuity. It is concluded that both decoding and integration are dependent on visual acuity and that, in the absence of specific visual defects, ageing effects in reading can be completely explained by gradual lowering of visual acuity having its origin in central mechanisms.  相似文献   

Multimedia computer programmes have been found to facilitate learning in children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD). However, the effectiveness of these resources is limited due to poor design or a lack of consideration of the ASD cognitive profile, particularly at the lower functioning end of the spectrum. This article attempts to tackle the problem of the lack of design guidelines, with the aim of facilitating the development of effective educational programmes for children with severe ASD. The case study reported here evaluated two literacy educational computer programmes, by observing five low-functioning children with ASD, compared to five neurotypical children (control cases). The two types of reading-support software contrasted in the study presented different characteristics. The children’s data analysed here concern observations of child–software interactive sessions based on video recordings and coded for attention deployment to each programme, including motivation and engagement indicators.  相似文献   

为实现对软件测评实验室能力比对测试结果的定量分析与评价,本文在融合参加能力比对测试各方所发现软件缺陷的基础上,以测试广度和测试深度作为评价要素,选取正态分布作为趋势估计曲线,通过调整诸权重及系数、归一化趋势估计曲线幅度等手段,统一评价基准,构建出一种能力比对测试结果评价体系模型。还对此模型组织实施、关键过程实现手段等方面进行详细阐述。该评价模型可直接用于对软件测评实验室能力比对测试结果的定量分析与评价,对于构建新的定量评价体系也具有较强的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

关若飞 《教育技术导刊》2015,14(12):171-173
随着科学技术的不断发展,计算机软件的种类也越来越多,满足了人们日常生活和生产过程中的不同需求,从而在一定程度上使软件的安全性能呈现出多样化发展趋势。软件在运行过程中也开始出现各种安全漏洞,对计算机和互联网的安全使用造成了很大威胁,因此,研究计算机软件安全检测技术的应用显得十分必要。  相似文献   

能力验证有助于检验各实验室对相应领域基本技术的掌握能力,提高相应领域检测结果的准确性和可比性,为相应领域的实验室管理和认可提供技术依据。实验室的用户、监督和管理机构、评价机构等可以利用CNAS能力验证结果,判断实验室是否具有从事检测活动的能力。本文简要介绍了CNAS组织的软件效率测试能力验证活动的情况,结合软件效率测试能力验证活动,介绍了软件效率测试的一些具体做法及几点启示。对其他软件测试实验室及软件效率测试工作具有参考价值。  相似文献   

听觉障碍学生与正常学生视觉识别敏度的比较研究   总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4  
为了探讨听觉障碍学生和正常学生在视觉图形识别敏度上的差异,我们采用Dr.Hirsch.B.Helmut编制黑白与彩色测试卡设计了二维隐匿图形视觉搜索实验,结果表明:(1)学校、性别与正斜像之间的交互作用显著;不同学校男生对正斜像识别反应时呈现出不同的变化趋势,特别是聋校男生识别斜像的反应时明显低于普校男生;聋校中不同性别学生对正斜像识别反应时呈现不同变化趋势。(2)听障学生的视觉图像识别的敏度优于正常学生,说明了听障学生存在明显的视觉补偿作用。(3)视觉识别敏度不具有明显的性别差异。(4)听障学生和正常学生的心理旋转能力不存在显著差异。  相似文献   

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