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中国古典美学具有系统的具象思维特征,它与中国哲学思想骨肉相连,因此,中国古典美学的思想生态与精神气质具有鲜明的民族独特性。中国古典美学思想往往与中国哲学、政治、历史、教育和文艺等文化形态杂糅在一起,它所涉及的概念范畴大多具有形象直观性,它所触及的思想境界往往采用具象化传达方式,其思想的生发具有极强的文艺审美现场性与文本语境性。  相似文献   

《新感觉派的身体审美研究》一书不落窠臼,创造性地从身体审美的角度切入,研究新感觉派的文学文本中对"身体"的书写,并将其上升到生命美学与生命意识层面,带领读者领略中国社会由古代向现代转型时期身体美学与生命意识的觉醒。  相似文献   

修辞论美学是研究文本的符号系统与文化语境的修辞关系的一种美学理论。它是由文艺评论家王一川教授提出的。认识论美学、感兴论美学和语言论美学是其三大理论来源;文本阐释、文化语境阐释和历史阐释是其三个阐释层次;内容的形式化、体验的模式化、语言的历史化和理论的批评化是其四大特征。修辞论美学吸收了社会语言学的某些特性,是一种较为成熟的理论,代表着一种美学潮流,而且具有民族文化渊源,更适合解读中国文本。当然,修辞论美学在对历史力量的认识、对自身最高境界的阐释和对多种批评方法之间关系的阐述等方面也有缺憾之处。  相似文献   

接受美学强调作品的价值主要取决于读者的接受意识。从接受美学的角度来解读少数民族诗歌,不难发现少数民族诗人的创作立场到诗歌的主题意蕴,都显示出少数民族诗人群的诗歌文本所具有的接受效应,以及由此体现出的历时性特点及其价值。  相似文献   

1980年代作家将身体纳入写作视野,身体得以在新时期文学中获得全面呈现。解禁后的身体迅速与政治、女权及文化等意识形态相结合,力图发出积蓄已久的最强音:在政治书写文本中,身体通过狂欢反叛的宣泄,成为对抗政治、颠覆清教徒式禁欲主义最有力的武器;在女性主义文本中,身体成为女性争取自身解放、寻找失落在男性话语中自我的工具;在与文化的合奏中,身体成为蕴涵深厚文化内涵、揭示中国文化表象深层底蕴的场所。消费社会的到来带来了女性客体化的男性欲望写作和以观赏交换为目的的女性写作的话语分野。  相似文献   

身体写作在女性主义看来,是一种将文本与生理的愉悦紧密联系起来的写作方式,而在以消费文化为主导的后现代语境中,由于对身体新的哲学认识及日常生活的审美化,身体转化成为新的美学对象,形成身体美学。在女性主义和身体美学化的双重语境下,身体写作具有如下内涵:一是身体写作是女性主体确立的一个标志;二是身体写作并不是要用物质的身体来取代语言的创造,而是一种女性对话语权的争夺;三是身体写作把私人领域转化为公共领域,从而与他者建立联系;四是身体写作使身体成为本体,形成新的身体诗学。  相似文献   

以外宣文本英译为例,针对新疆多民族聚居和多元文化特点,探讨跨文化传播学视角下外宣文本翻译中译者主体性发挥的重要性,并进行详细剖析。研究发现,外宣文本翻译中译者主体性的发挥体现在文本翻译的技术性处理上。技术性表现在对政治话语和对文化词语的技术处理两方面:对前者的技术处理表现在经意识形态析出后对外宣文本中政治话语的译法多元化;对文化词语的技术处理可能有多元民族历史文化、民俗文化及其它三种不同类型。外宣文本翻译中政治话语的变通和多民族文化词语的有效传播,对译者是个较大挑战。除非译者发挥主体性,对文本中的一些话语进行技术处理方能成功实现文化摆渡。  相似文献   

高职语文课堂教学改革日新月异,我们要突破语文教学简单化、文本化之藩篱,而将语文教学延伸到美学教育、文化教育,并以开放的课堂形式,激发学生学习兴趣,让他们自觉地感知美、热爱美、鉴赏美,在潜移默化中接受民族文化的影响和要求,所以在开放、互动的高职语文教学过程中要培养学生的审美情感;激发其审美想象;挖掘文本背后所蕴涵的中国传统文化内涵;鼓励学生进行有价值阅读。  相似文献   

在福柯等人的著作中,"政治身体"是理解政治观念与合法性变迁的重要概念。中世纪至近代以来的统治者利用多种视觉与艺术再现手段,诉诸崇高与神秘美学效果的营造,达成对臣民视觉经验和身体感受方式的控制,以期实现神圣化国家的统治目的。分析政治身体的美学建构方式,为解读政治与美学的关系提供了新的思考向度。朗西埃从政治身体建构的美学机制中,挖掘出潜藏在身体美学中的政治解放潜能,通过打破感性的既有分配格局,赋予身体平等参与和分享审美经验的权利,从而消解和抵抗"治安"对身体的规训。  相似文献   

《平原枪声》的英雄叙事具有独特性。这主要体现在对马英的英雄叙事上,叙述主体通过对于其所包蕴的美学意蕴的展示,揭示了抗日战争这样的二元对立的文化语境下,个体在进行二难抉择时所体现出来的民族文化心理的嬗变过程。马英在对于现实的抗争中,高扬人的主体性,从而完成了自我英雄形象的铸造,具有着独特的美学意蕴。这一切,标明了《平原枪声》这一文本在“十七年”文学叙事中具有着独特的美学价值。  相似文献   

Several studies have examined the alternative conceptions that students possess about the process of natural selection. The goal of this study was to explore the nature of the changes in students' explanations of evolutionary scenarios. Fifty names were randomly selected from a pool of over 200 high school students who took a pretest prior to and a posttest following instruction about evolution. Teleological and Lamarckian explanations accounted for over half of the students' explanation on the pretest, but dropped to less than 20% on the posttest. Most of the students that, on the pretest, attributed evolutionary change to individual need for a trait or extended use or disuse of some part of the body shifted, on the posttest, to explanations that described the role of a population's variation to the evolutionary process. Explanations that included the idea of spontaneous genetic mutations increased, but this totalled less than 10% of all posttest responses.  相似文献   

In this paper, the main points of Lamarck’s and Darwin’s theoretical conceptual schemes about evolution are compared to those derived from 15 years old students’ explanations of evolutionary episodes. We suggest that secondary students’ preconceptions should not be characterized as “Lamarckian”, because they are essentially different from the ideas that Lamarck himself possessed. Most students in our research believed that needs directly impose changes on animal bodies in order to survive in a given environment and accepted the possibility of extinction whereas Lamarck believed that it was the effect of use or disuse that would produce changes on body structures and that species would transform but would not die out. We conclude that the relationship between secondary students’ ideas and historical views on evolution should be treated more skeptically, given the differences in the historical, social and cultural contexts, and that instruction should focus on students’ ideas of need-driven evolution as well as on the role of chance in the evolutionary process.  相似文献   

The goal of our study was to examine a large (>400), cross-sectional sample of Chinese pre-service biology teachers (PBTs) in order to document their evolution acceptance levels, evolution knowledge, and evolutionary reasoning patterns. This approach was taken in order to better understand the degree to which particular evolutionary reasoning difficulties exist independent of religious worldviews. The sample included (1) 160 PBTs tasked with completing four items from the ACORNS instrument, (2) 320 PBTs who completed the CINS and MATE instruments, and (3) 32 teachers who completed semi-structured clinical interviews using four ACORNS items. Findings from these samples revealed that Chinese PBTs’ knowledge (CINS) and acceptance (MATE) were equivalent with teachers’ scores from other countries, whereas performance on explanation tasks was lower. Scores from the CINS, MATE, and ACORNS did not reveal any significant improvements through the four-year teacher education programme. Although a large body of work has shown the important roles that religious affiliation and religiosity can play in evolutionary understanding and acceptance, our findings demonstrate that many evolutionary reasoning difficulties extend beyond religious factors, and add to a growing body of work showing that religiosity does not adequately account for PBTs’ moderate evolution acceptance.  相似文献   

A large body of research has examined students' conceptions of evolution and their relationships to acceptance of evolution. Proficiency in statistical and probabilistic reasoning has long been considered to be an essential feature of evolutionary reasoning, yet almost no empirical work has explored these putative connections. The RaPro instruments have recently been developed to measure statistical reasoning in the contexts of mathematics (RaProMath) and evolution (RaProEvo). Our study provides additional validation of these instruments using Rasch analysis and quantifies the contribution of statistical reasoning to both understanding and accepting evolution. We recruited a large sample (N = 564) of undergraduate students enrolled in an introductory biology course at a large public research university in the United States. Students completed a suite of published instruments that assessed statistical reasoning, evolutionary understanding, and evolutionary acceptance. Our findings indicate that validity inferences derived from RaPro scores generalized to the new sample, and that proficiency in statistical reasoning explained 28% of the variance in evolutionary knowledge and 19% of the variation in evolutionary acceptance. The inclusion of demographic variables into the model significantly increased the explained variance in acceptance. Notably, the variance in evolution acceptance explained by statistical reasoning was comparable to that of thinking dispositions or evolutionary knowledge reported in the literature. This work provides the first large-scale evidence of the role of statistical reasoning in evolutionary knowledge and acceptance and motivates future work to explore how statistical literacy should be integrated into evolution education efforts.  相似文献   

文章通过对以下三个方面的考证分析,得出《红楼梦》后40回非高鹗续作的结论:程伟元没有作伪欺世;张问陶的诗及注不足为据;从程甲本的产生及由程甲本到程乙本的演变情况看。后40回不可能是高鹗续作。  相似文献   


This study focuses on the similarities and differences in structure and meaning between pupils’ conceptions about steady state tasks and evolutionary tasks, in which the system under study undergoes changes over time. A nine‐item written questionnaire was given to 197 Greek secondary school pupils. Results showed that the majority of pupils employ causal structures for their predictions. Two models were identified: a ‘give’ model, applied by pupils in steady‐state tasks; and a ‘take’ model, applied in evolutionary tasks. Structural similarities and semantic differences were identified between these models. In the light of these results, the study also examined the types of experiments in introductory electricity that would or would not obtain a counter‐intuitive reaction in pupils.  相似文献   

身体作为一种文化符号,经历了漫长的发展演变过程,中国和西方都有着忽略身体、藐视身体的历史,在过去的文学写作中,身体一直处于不在场状态。如今,消费主义时代的来临,使身体成为大众关注的热点,涌现出了女性作家的“身体写作”,陈染、林白为代表的第一代“身体写作”以激进的写作姿态对传统社会的男权中心进行了彻底的颠覆和反拨。而以卫慧、木子关等为代表的第二、三代“身体写作”由于其低俗的文化品位和商业目的,背离了反抗男权社会,张扬女性意识的初衷,最终走向文学的堕落。只有坚持身体灵与肉的统一,才能使文学回归其本质。  相似文献   

The oral arguments of 12th grade students while solving tasks related to evolution are examined. Two groups (N = 45), taught by the same teacher, were studied during a complete teaching sequence. The paper focuses on data from the last sessions, devoted to solving problems in small groups, problems related to different dimensions of the evolutionary model. Data include video recordings, the students’ written productions and the researcher (first author) field notes. The objective is to examine the process of articulation of students’ argumentation practices with their use of evolutionary models. The results show that participants were able to apply notions such as common ancestors, radiation, or gradualism to different contexts. The arguments required the articulation of evolution notions with argumentative practices as coordinating evidence with claims at different epistemic levels. The influence of the teacher’s strategies in the students’ role is discussed.  相似文献   

身体作为一种文化符号,经历了漫长的发展演变过程,中国和西方都有着忽略身体、藐视身体的历史,在过去的文学写作中,身体一直处于不在场状态。如今,消费主义时代的来临,使身体成为大众关注的热点,涌现出了女性作家的"身体写作",陈染、林白为代表的第一代"身体写作"以激进的写作姿态对传统社会的男权中心进行了彻底的颠覆和反拨,而以卫慧、木子美等为代表的第二、三代"身体写作"由于其低俗的文化品位和商业目的,背离了反抗男权社会,张扬女性意识的初衷,最终走向文学的堕落。只有坚持身体灵与肉的统一,才能使文学回归其本质。  相似文献   

An overview of the challenges facing the Spanish Special Education system at the turn of the century is presented. Significant changes have occurred in Spain over the last two decades that have affected the landscape of Spanish public schools in an unprecedented way. First, since the late 1980s, students with a variety of disabilities have been attending general education classrooms along with their peers. Additionally, for the last 20 years, Spain has experienced a dramatic increase in immigration patterns from Northern Africa, Eastern Europe and Latin America. Thus, Spanish educators are facing the challenge of educating an increasingly heterogeneous student body. Students' different educational needs are often handed down to the special educator teacher who is faced with the task of ensuring the student's academic and social participation. Reform efforts conducted by Spanish educators to ensure that all students, regardless of their gender, ability level, ethnic and social backgrounds, as well as language and religion of origin, have equal access to a full social and academic participation in their schools and communities are described.  相似文献   

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