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In this article we analyse the inclusion of students with disabilities in the field of university attendance, emphasising the importance of attitudes of teachers as well as the rest of the university community as a whole for inclusion to be successful. The effect of variables of gender, education and training and contact with students with disabilities on these attitudes is also detailed. A scale was applied to assess attitudes towards disabilities to 2671 participants, including students with and without disabilities, teachers and administrative and services staff from the Faculty of Education in a University in Southern Spain. The results show that in general, the university community has positive attitudes towards students with disabilities, with differences according to the group, with university teachers having the most favourable attitudes. The results are discussed and suggestions for future research are offered.  相似文献   

Globally, persons with disabilities are underrepresented in higher education. In sub-Saharan Africa, where opportunities for higher education are especially limited, women are unlikely to continue their education. This research investigates women in Tanzanian higher education with the double marginalisation of being a woman and having disabilities. The women were interviewed on what factors enabled access and participation for their educational success. A thematic analysis of qualitative data was applied. All of the women interviewed were motivated to complete their degrees. Key enabling factors were encouragement from their families and previous teachers, full participation in student life and sufficient financial support. Student life integration, especially peer study groups, and university staff training were emphasised along with structural modifications needed for campus facility access. They understood the importance of education, especially as women with disabilities, and the impact educated women with disabilities have as role models for young women, those with disabilities and without.  相似文献   

美国《残疾人教育法》与残疾人高等教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
崔凤鸣 《比较教育研究》2006,27(10):70-72,81
本文通过解读1990年的美国《残疾人教育法》及其1997年修正案,研究其如何有助于消除高等教育领域对残疾人的歧视、保障他们受教育的权利;进而探讨该法对我国高等教育的启示,即残疾丝毫不能损害个人参与和贡献于社会的权利;仅仅置身于全纳的高等教育环境中不能消除残疾人受歧视和教育"边缘化"的现象;要改变人们的观念,保护和提高残疾人受教育的权利,需要全社会和我们的政府一道进行艰巨的改革,勇敢地面对挑战.  相似文献   

Globally, few students with disabilities progress to higher education. This is mostly due to avoidable barriers they face as they navigate different educational structures from lower levels. Even for those few students who make it to higher education, they continue to face challenges. A qualitative study was carried out at the University of the Free State and the University of Venda. Fourteen students with disabilities took part in this research that was aimed at exploring their academic and life experiences. This article interrogates the inclusion of students with disabilities at two South African universities. This article is timely as South Africa has initiated the development of a national policy framework on disability in the post-school education and training systems. It highlights some of the areas where inclusive policies should pay attention in an effort to fully cater for the needs of students with disabilities.  相似文献   

Internationally, the number of students with disabilities entering higher education institutions is on the rise. Research estimates that 8–10% of students attending higher education are registered with disability, with learning difficulties being the most commonly reported disability. Widening participation in higher education has been supported by legislative changes, inclusive education practices, the use of ICT and accessible facilities and programs and, ultimately, an increasing belief among students with disabilities that higher education maximizes their opportunities for employment and independent living. Within the Cypriot context, research on disability, access and provision in higher education is limited. This study was a part of a large-scale study (PERSEAS) funded by the EU. From the original sample, 15 students attending private higher education institutions in Cyprus reported disability (i.e., sensory impairment, dyslexia, physical disabilities) and were selected for focus group discussions. Also, interviews and focus groups were conducted with the Headmasters and teachers, respectively, in 10 private higher education institutions. This study yielded interesting results regarding the current state of provision (e.g., concessions for exams and assignments, infrastructure, teaching modification, counseling services) as well as issues of social inclusion, equality of opportunity and entitlement to education.  相似文献   

对我国当前残疾人高等教育教师队伍结构和研究现状进行分析,并以系统论作为研究视角,提出了残疾人高等教育院校教师队伍建设要坚持高等教育的质量目标,同时应具备共性结构要素和特性结构要素两个标准的思路.为了提升残疾高等教育教师队伍的整体素质,必须对目前我国残疾人高等教育教师队伍结构的缺失有针对性的优化,从而建立符合时代要求与当代残疾人高等教育规律的优秀教师队伍,实现提高我国残疾人高等教育的水平.  相似文献   

探讨学习不良大学生的心理状况及教育策略。方法:用心理健康量表(SCL—90)、成就动机量表(AMS)和自我概念量表(TSCS)对学习不良大学生进行调查,并随机选择了对照组。结果:学习不良大学生心理健康状况较差,在成就动机方面两组大学生也存在差异。结论:针对大学生学习不良现象教育者必须查找到其不良的真正原因,并且应该从学校、教师及个人三方面进行努力去改变它。  相似文献   

Concept mapping was used to illuminate counselors' positive experiences of providing counseling/psychotherapy to students in higher education. Counseling professionals (N = 65) in 23 colleges and universities responded to the question “What are the positive aspects that motivate you to provide counseling/psychotherapy to students?” From these responses, statements were generated and sorted, and their importance was rated. Using multidimendional scaling and a cluster analysis statistical program to analyze participant sorts, a concept map comprised of 10 thematic clusters was generated. Clusters centered on four positive aspects: the counselor, the counseling process, the client, and the work environment. Implications for promoting a supportive workplace for counseling professionals in postsecondary settings are discussed, as are suggestions for further investigation.  相似文献   

上大学,缘何后悔——高等教育中的七种缺失及弥补   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现行高等教育中存在七种缺失,即开学典礼中入学教育实质内容的缺失;人才培养观念中"人"的缺失(或高校人文教育环境的缺失);课程设置上理论与实践相结合的缺失;课堂教学中学生主体性地位的缺失;课程考试与人才评价中创新机制的缺失;大学生年度奋斗目标的确立与评价的缺失和毕业典礼中成就感的缺失.这七种缺失不仅造成大学生在校学习与生活的种种现实困境,以至于有许多学生认为后悔上大学,而且最终制约了大学生毕业后的可持续发展.  相似文献   

The purpose of this qualitative study is to explore the reasons university students with nonapparent disabilities gave for formally disclosing their disability and seeking the university’s disability services or not and the consequences they associate with their decisions. Conducted in a Mid-western four-year university, nine students with self-identified nonapparent disabilities participated in the study. Qualitative semistructured interviews were conducted to gather in-depth data from participants. A five-stage approach to qualitative data analysis was adapted to analyse the data. The findings indicate positive experiences with formal disability disclosure, but revealed barriers impeding students’ desire to disclose. Recommendations challenge colleges and universities to create an inclusive ethos for all students with disabilities by removing barriers impeding their full participation in academia.  相似文献   

Knowledge about disabled students in higher education is fragmented. It is therefore difficult to assess whether policy goals actually promote better conditions for disabled students. The aim of this article is to take a closer look at the experiences of disabled students in Norway and, in light of policy goals, to identify obstacles in the higher education system. This study is based on qualitative data from in-depth interviews with disabled students in higher education. The findings indicate that an educational reform in Norwegian higher education seems to have helped to strengthen disabled tertiary students’ potential for learning, but there are a number of critical periods during their studies when it is imperative for disabled students to get the adjustment needed.  相似文献   

随着社会转型的不断推进,高等学校内部的管理体制也随之发生转变。其中,大学生在高等学校的受教育权将更为凸显,其法律主体地位也会逐步发生变化。由此而导致的大学生与高校之间的法律争议也将增多,为此,需要建立一个相应的解决机制,公正、高效地解决大学生与高校之间的法律争议问题。本文从建立和完善大学生与高校间法律争议解决机制的政策和法律法规、设立大学生与高校之间法律争议解决的受理机构、创建案例数据库、选拔和配备相应的工作人员等四个方面较为系统地论述了大学生与高校法律争议解决机制建立的构想。  相似文献   

高校学生管理工作在本质上就是实施对人的管理。本文围绕“以人为本”的思想,提出了以学生为主体、以沟通为条件、以民主为原则、以激励为职能、以效能为目标的高校学生工作人文化管理的新模式。  相似文献   

运用调查实地考察和比较分析等方法,分析了高职学生体育意识的现状、形成与问题。提出高职学生体育意识的形成主要受到主体因素、体育教学模式、场地器材、余暇方式等方面的影响,高职学生参加体育锻炼的参与意只男生强于女生,需加强参与意识的培养,适当增加女生运动项目。  相似文献   

高等教育自学考试是我国高等教育体系的组成部分。普通高校在自考助学过程中必须全面贯彻党的教育方针,加强自考生思想政治教育,为社会主义现代化建设培养德才兼备的专门人才。为了使自考生思想政治教育收到实效,要改进“两课”教学,抓好爱国主义、明行为规范、树立良好学风等方面的教育,加强思想政治教育工作队伍建设。  相似文献   

坚持对大龄智障学生进行职业教育康复,为其提供多种服务与支持,可以减轻障碍对他们造成的不利影响,使他们提高社会生存本领和就业机会,更好更快地融入社会,适应社会。本文阐述了北京市某培智学校某职教部在职业教育阶段对大龄智障学生进行职业教育康复的理念、实践及效果,希望能对同类学校或机构开展相应的工作有所启发。  相似文献   

随着高等教育大众化时期的到来,艺术院校高等教育促进个体社会流动的功能呈弱化趋势.家庭经济资本、文化资本和社会资本分别成为影响艺术院校高等教育起点、过程、结果公平的主要因素,而且“艺考热”使处于社会中下层的艺术生完成上升性社会流动的通道更加逼仄.应当在逐步实现高等教育招生政策去城市化和去本地化的基础上,坚持整体发展和适度补偿的原则,加大艺术生中弱势群体的受惠比例和额度,从而促进他们实现合理有序的社会流动.  相似文献   

长期以来,中国大学生群体中绝大多数是家庭第一代大学生。随着2019年中国迈入高等教育普及化阶段,将会有越来越多的大学生父母培养出下一代大学生。未来第一代大学生数量将逐渐减少,不再是校园中的主体人群。目前在中国顶尖大学中,家庭非第一代(第二、三代)大学生已形成一定规模,他们受惠于家庭教育,在大学中显现出学习优势。美国比中国提早半个世纪进入高等教育普及化阶段。美国第一代大学生已经呈现相当大的学业困境,种族、移民和贫困问题叠加的复杂社会背景加剧了教育弱势的代际再生产。综述一系列实证研究结果,中国第一代大学生受益于高考的学力筛选和价值导向,加之普惠公办教育和传统文化信念的赋能,短期内有可能不至于陷入美国第一代大学生的绝对弱势,有机会实现学业追赶和社会地位的跃升。但长期来看,来自体制、政策与文化的有利因素很可能逐渐削弱,需要前瞻性的学术研究和政策支持。  相似文献   

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