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王梦倩 《电化教育研究》2022,(12):86-92+113
互动是在线学习共同体进行知识建构的关键中介,对在线学习共同体的互动关系和互动内容的整合性分析有待深入。研究基于多层网络分析构建了在线学习共同体行为—认知—情感多层互动网络模型及显性可量化的指标框架。将该模型应用于分析中学生“数字化阅读”在线课程四个班级的互动,在群体层面上,学生读写能力和教师深度支持对于群体互动有着积极正向的影响;在个体层面上,学生的投入度和受关注度同步性不高,学生在互动中行为、认知、情感投入的同步性存在差异,而行为、认知、情感层面受关注度则具有较为普遍的同步性。该模型能够对在线学习共同体行为、认知、情感互动的关系和内容进行整合性量化评价,对开发智能化的在线学习共同体互动评价工具以及为学习者在线互动提供教学支持具有启示意义。  相似文献   

新冠疫情常态化防控背景下,探讨在线教学模式中大学生自律学习和学习动机对其学习参与的影响,对于改善在线教学效果具有重要意义。基于2020年上半年新冠疫情期间某大学803名本科生的问卷调查数据,运用结构方程模型探析自律学习对大学生学习参与的影响机理。结果表明:学习动机和自律学习对学生行为参与、认知参与、情感参与均具有正向影响,学习动机不仅直接影响大学生行为参与、情感参与、认知参与,还会通过自律学习间接影响大学生的学习参与,自律学习是学习动机作用于大学生学习参与的重要中介变量。因此,从在线教学目的、教学设计和教学考核等方面激发大学生的学习动机,对于提高大学生学习参与和改善学习效果具有重要意义。  相似文献   

动态在线讨论:交互式学习环境中的深层学习   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文阐述了在远程教育中进行面向深层学习的动态在线讨论的一个框架。该框架建立在信息、方法和认知等三个普遍性过程的基础上。在本框架中进行动态讨论的结构包括三种在线讨论的类型,即灵活的同伴、结构化的主题和协作性任务讨论。该框架在一门有关教学多媒体设计的在线研究生课程中使用过两个学期。创建动态讨论的策略是为了促进不同学习者之间的在线交互,并有助于设计能实现有效交互的任务。学生通过设计的任务产生了接受性学习,在此基础上促进了适应性学习,并且激发了他们促进深层学习的认知能力。该框架及动态讨论的策略提供了一个在线学习环境,在这样的环境中学生的学习超越了既定的课程目标。  相似文献   

信息技术的突飞猛进使人们对远程学习充满信心,造成了学生学习似乎可以脱离学校教育的幻象。疫情期间,远程学习成为主要方式,在线平台占据优先地位,改变了教师工作状况和学生评价体系,这给了人们评估大规模远程学习效果的机会。国际组织调查表明,远程学习造成了学习悖论,产生了学习损失、学习机会不公和社会情感问题。这皆因基础设施、家庭环境、课程体系及教师信息技术素养等外部支撑条件尚不充分,以及远程学习本身在教育性、学生自我认知及师生互动成效方面也存在若干固有不足。因此,大规模远程学习不是未来,构建以学校为中心的混合学习环境才是前进的方向。  相似文献   

参与是衡量课堂教学有效性的标准,也是开展深度学习的必由路径。以“分数的意义”为例,从教材资源、学生立场和学习经历这三个维度来挖掘引发学生深度参与的因子。从一节课的各个环节入手,阐述认知参与、思维参与和情感参与的策略和方法。  相似文献   

远程开放教育学习者的参与式学习简论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
远程开放教育具有分离性、交互性、自主性、媒体性等特点,师生处于准分离状态,学习者是学习的主体,需要有较强的自主学习能力,即对学习有一种积极主动的参与愿望。参与式学习有别于传统的接受式学习,能让学生充分参与到学习过程中,感受学习的快乐,有效促进和帮助学习者进行自主学习。恰当分组、有效的引导和指导、创设教学情境和加强网上教学资源建设等是远程开放教育学习者参与式学习的实施策略。  相似文献   

正参与式教学是指学生主动参与课堂教学,是以学生在学习活动中参与行为特征及发展规律为依据,以营造民主、平等、和谐的课堂氛围为前提,以调动学生的学习愿望、唤起学生个体发展需要为核心,以学生在情感、思维、动作等方面积极、主动、愉悦地参与学习过程为基本特征,让不同层次的学生都拥有主动参与和主动发展机会的一种教学。所以,"参与式教学"能使学生易学、乐学、创造性地学。现介绍几种已经实践过的方式。  相似文献   

每个儿童的课堂学习都是个性化的历程,这种个性化体现在学生的认知过程上,也体现在学生的学习情感与社会关系上。当前我们缺少对学生个性化课堂学习的理解与评估方法。以学习为中心的课堂观察从知识与技能类目标达成、个体认知过程、群体合作学习的认知过程、积极学科情感、同伴关系等五个维度为理解与评估学生的个性化学习提供了一种分析框架与系列工具。  相似文献   

课堂参与是衡量学生学习效能和学校教育教学质量的关键指标。为实现学生学习提质增效的价值诉求,需要重识学生在课堂场域中参与的广度、程度和深度。在分析国内外相关文献的基础上结合半结构化访谈,明晰中学生课堂参与的内涵与理论框架。经过两轮的数据收集和分析,形成了包含课堂行为参与、课堂认知参与和课堂情感参与三个维度的“中学生课堂参与问卷”,共计32个题项。研究表明该问卷具有良好的信效度,符合测量学的各项要求,可作为测评中学生课堂参与水平和质量的有效工具。  相似文献   

具身理论强调身体参与教与学的重要性,有利于克服在线学习的局限性,为提升在线学习有效性提供新思路。将具身认知、具身教学、具身学习、社会具身、情感具身理念融入在线教育的教与学过程中,探讨教学临场感、社会临场感、情感临场感、学习临场感、认知临场感对在线学习有效性的影响,从“身体主体”“身体体验”“身体关怀”“身体参与”“身体思维”等五个维度寻求提升在线学习有效性的路径,为在线课程教学提供参考。  相似文献   

Technology integration has become an ever-present phenomenon in institutions of higher education. This has led to an increase in online learning experiences that make higher education accessible to those who previously experienced barriers, such as having full-time jobs. One issue that affects online education is the challenge of engaging the learner in meaningful learning experiences that they subsequently use once they are in their careers. This article uses the Community of Inquiry (CoI) theoretical model to explain how instructors can increase student engagement in online kinesiology courses. By focusing on the CoI constructs of teaching presence, cognitive presence, and social presence, instructors can design engaging online classes that can help to positively influence each student’s experience with online education.  相似文献   

With increasing need to achieve appropriate balance between learning support and self-regulation within the context of online learning, formative feedback has been identified as a viable means to achieve meaningful engagement. Specifically, this study sought to establish how peer–peer formative feedback was facilitated in an online course and to what extent this engaged students in meaningful learning experiences. This case study entailed an in-depth investigation into the design and implementation of an online course in a New Zealand university. The studied course was part of a postgraduate programme in continuing (in-service) teacher education. The study adopted a case study methodology with a bias on qualitative techniques. Online observations, analysis of the archived course discourse and interviews were utilised as sources of data. The data from multiple sources were subsequently triangulated to corroborate the evidence. The findings indicate that peer formative feedback promoted active learners’ participation and meaningful engagement. The findings further showed that opportunities for dialogic peer formative feedback promoted learning support and self-regulation.  相似文献   

Higher education system has been globally evolving over time with the development of courses that offer distance online models of delivery to meet the changing needs of students in an era of technology-driven transformation. However, one of the biggest challenges of distance online education has been higher attrition rates mostly due to difficulties in engaging the students in the learning process adequately. In this regard, peer-assessment has been recommended in the literature as an interactive method to optimise student engagement and learning in collaborative environments. This study demonstrates how formative peer-assessment was utilised in an online multi-model sport management unit to enhance engaged learning outcomes.  相似文献   

The GoNorth! Adventure Learning (AL) Series delivered educational programs about global climate change and sustainability from 2006 to 2010 via a hybrid-learning environment that included a curriculum designed with activities that worked in conjunction with the travels of Team GoNorth! as they dog sledded throughout the circumpolar Arctic. This study addresses a gap in the AL literature by identifying factors that lead to high levels of student engagement and reveals strategies for instructional designers and educators on how to design emotionally engaging online learning environments. A mixed methods study was conducted to explore patterns of learner engagement in relation to two AL programs: GoNorth! Fennoscandia 2008 and GoNorth! Nunavut 2009. Survey data were drawn from a total of 101 students in 2008 and 2009.  相似文献   

饶爱京  万昆 《教育科学》2020,36(2):31-38
在线学习投入是保证"停课不停学"期间在线教学质量的重要条件。对大学生开展调查,运用描述统计和回归分析法对疫情期间大学生在线学习准备度的现状、大学生在线学习投入度的现状进行分析,可以发现在线学习准备度对大学生在线学习投入度的影响以及在线学习自我效能感、感知教师支持、在线学习平台体验在其中的中介作用。结果表明:大学生在线学习准备不足;大学生在线学习投入整体不高;大学生在线学习准备度对大学生在线学习投入度具有显著影响;在线学习自我效能感、感知教师支持、在线学习平台体验在在线学习准备度和在线学习投入度之间存在中介效应。因此,可以从技术支持维度、在线学习资源设计维度、教师支持维度着手提升学生的在线学习投入度。  相似文献   

Medical school curricula are undergoing transformational change in response to calls for integrating content across courses and years to enable better retention and application and for individualizing learning to meet the diverse backgrounds and thus differing needs of students. To address the related teaching challenges, faculty can employ solid principles of adult learning and instructional design and use teaching strategies that stimulate different learning styles. We developed laboratory sessions that follow a learner‐centered instructional design model we refer to as “PLHET,” reflecting the steps of preparing, linking, hooking, engaging, and transferring learning, and also applied teaching strategies that reflect Kolb's four styles of learning (accommodative, divergent, assimilative, and convergent). We utilized a group learning format to promote active learning, teamwork, and self‐direction. Preliminary data based on student surveys of laboratory activity show positive responses. In the future, we will test the hypothesis that this design will improve medical students' performance. Anat Sci Educ © 2013 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

Although online education is popularized, it is in a developing stage that continues to struggle with communicating and engaging with students. The question remains on how students can be better engaged in online educational materials that are presented in asynchronous media, especially in lecture videos. Thus, using engagement theory, the present study explored how online lecture videos can be improved by incorporating entertainment education. Using a public lecture video found on YouTube, an online survey (N = 133) was conducted to identify digital storytelling techniques and their effects. Results revealed that these techniques that are often utilized in entertainment became meaningful components to increase student engagement and learning outcomes. However, they can also negatively affect instructor credibility, which could suggest the need to increase instructors’ skills. The implications for the development of lecture videos using entertainment and its potential to positively impact online education are discussed.  相似文献   

Cognitive conceptions of human learning are discussed with regard to their implications for instructional-design theory. These cognitive conceptions of learning view learning as an active, constructive, cumulative, and goal-oriented process in which the learner plays a critical role. The nature of meaningful learning and the importance of affective and motivational - as well as cognitive - engagement are discussed. It is suggested that in order for students to learn from instruction, various psychological functions (attention, monitoring, etc.) must be engaged by either the instructional agent (e.g., teacher, textbook, etc.) or the student. One characteristic of these learning functions is that there is not a single best way to perform a given function; each may be accomplished in a number of equally appropriate and effective ways.  相似文献   

Teamwork skills such as conflict resolution and communication strategies are challenging to teach. The use of stories may help develop these complex skills. Although engagement is generally seen as a key component of learning environments, what constitutes engagement has not been fully explored. The purpose of this study was to examine how graduate instructional design students engage with and learn from stories in an online environment. This WisdomTools Scenario (Scenario) was designed specifically to facilitate the development of teamwork skills. Students followed the experiences of two fictitious student teams and discussed what happened asynchronously with small dialogue groups. Through a qualitative case study analysis, four themes emerged which captured how students engaged with and learned from this environment. First, engagement was evident through students’ emotional reactions to the characters. Second, this engagement was affected by perceived credibility and relevance of the scenes. Third, students often reflected on their prior experiences and demonstrated an increased awareness of teamwork issues. Fourth, students reported various degrees of application of what they learned to their team practice. Implications for the design of story-based learning environments are explored.  相似文献   

This paper describes a study that explored the utility and efficacy of the application of a Web-based tool to promote learner engagement among first year students in a large class in an undergraduate communications degree. The Web-based tool was developed to support an inquiry-based learning approach that was characterised by strong learning scaffolds, meaningful contexts, feedback and support and administrative efficiencies. The study explored the forms of engagement that the Web-supported inquiry-based learning approach was able to engender among first year undergraduate students and the factors that were found to influence students’ levels of engagement and achievement in the approach.  相似文献   

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