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大千世界,矛盾无时不有,无处不在。处理好各种矛盾,既是一种能力,也是一门艺术,从中也体现一个人的道德修养与品格。因此,从小注意培养孩子处理好矛盾的能力,对孩子的成长及将来立足社会至关重要。孩子从自己的小天地进入幼儿园这个大家庭,意味着进入社会的开始。在园内,每日与其他孩子一起据戏,既有欢乐,也免不了会产生小小的摩擦,甚至会发生吵架或动手的行为。对此,我们认为,对不同年龄的孩子,尽管教育原则一致,但方式应有所区别。对三岁多的儿子,我们常从三个方面来教育。首先,询问孩子吵架或动手的原因(why)以便帮…  相似文献   

Gerald Kulm is Curtis D. Robert Professor of Mathematics Education in the College of Education, Texas A&M University. Kulm's area of research is mathematics assessment and curriculum evaluation. Kulm re-joined TAMU inAugust 1999, coming from the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) where he wasProgram Director of Mathematics education at Project 2061. There, he edited the Blueprints for Reform and thereport Middle Grades Mathematics Textbooks…  相似文献   

函数类型多种多样,函数最值的求法也多种多样,在竞赛中经常遇到这种min{f(x,y,z),g(x,y,z),h(x,y,z)}、max{f(x,y,z),g(x,y,z),h(x,y,z)}函数,以后称为镶嵌函数.若是一元镶嵌函数的最值,可以利用数形结合的方法解决(本文略),但二元镶嵌函数、三元镶嵌函数的最值就无法用数形结合的方法解决了.对二元镶嵌函数、三元镶嵌函数的最值,在探索时不能孤立地研究每一个函数,而需要同时整体研究二个或三个函数,因而解决此类问题宜采用整体思想,本文将举例说明之.  相似文献   

Кактыдмаешь ,чтобдет ,слипочститькартшку ,сложтьеёвкастрлю (锅 )ипоствитьнаогнь ,забвналтьвод ?А ?Скоревсег ,картшкапревраттсяв голь,кхнязаплнитсядмом ,ихорошещё ,слиненачнётсяпожр .Вншемдворкакразбылтакйслчай :изокнсосднегодмаповаллд…  相似文献   

This article reviews 1) the establishment and functioning of EU citizenship, 2) the resulting perception of education for European active citizenship and 3) the question of its adequacy for enhancing democratic values and practices within the Union. Key policy documents produced by the EU help to unfold the basic assumptions on which democratic principles and values are being promoted through education; while the literature produced primarily in political and social science challenges these assumptions.
By doing so, the author argues that citizenship of the Union is creating new mechanisms of exclusion rather than promoting social equality and a strong sense of belonging to a bonding multicultural community, which are at the very core of democratic participation processes. Thus, the rhetoric embedded in the integrative process of the Union — based on the recognition of equal opportunities, access and democratic participation of all EU citizens — is founded on a limited interpretation of democratic citizenship rather than its concretisation as a multiple citizenship.
As a result, the mechanisms in place at European level are creating specific patterns of social exclusion supported by educational reforms. Most citizens are therefore being excluded, due to the distinction between active and non-active citizens, which results from institutional demand on individual's conduct, whereas little, if any, attention is paid to actual institutional practices. On the contrary, this shift in paradigm — i.e. from the institutional demand on citizens to the recognition of citizens as performing subjects — challenges the 'activism' embedded in recent debate on citizenship. Therefore it needs to be properly addressed, from a multicultural perspective, if education and learning processes are to sustain full democratic participation of all citizens and the construction of a multicultural Europe.  相似文献   

General pedagogical knowledge (GK) as part of teachers’ professional knowledge has been receiving increasing attention in empirical research. Current results are based on the assumption that GK is conceptualized and acquired during teacher education independent from the subjects being studied. Therefore, we examine whether GK can be measured comparably across subjects and whether differences exist among teachers from different subject specializations concerning their level of GK. Results from 2616 preservice teachers starting their induction phase indicate that knowledge can be invariantly measured across three subject groups, i.?e., science, languages/humanities and a combination of these subjects. However, teachers vary systematically depending on their subject specializations (controlling for gender, language, grade point average, and school track). Science teachers achieve higher test scores for diagnostic/evaluation and lower scores in fields more removed from direct instruction (e.?g., theory of education). There are no differences concerning knowledge directly related to instruction (e.?g., learning/development). Results are discussed with reference to subject-related factors of socialisation, selection and development in the profession.  相似文献   

In this paper, the so far hardly explored history of empirical educational research (Bildungsforschung) in West Germany between 1945 and the 1990s is examined and roughly surveyed. The focus is on the 1950/1951 established German Institute for International Educational Research (DIPF) in Frankfurt on the Main, whose foundation was closely linked to the policy of the US occupation forces in Germany. Also considered is the history of the Berlin Max Planck Institute for Human Development (MPIB), which was founded in 1963. It is suggested that the Frankfurt institute was a pioneer of educational research and that its foundation took place quasi-necessarily as a non-university institute due to the political and scientific context conditions at the time. Therefore, the history of the MPIB can be understood adequately only on the background of the DIPF’s history and the further development of educational research should be analyzed with special regard to the specific conditions of non-university research in Germany. Looking ahead, the desideratum of a transnational history of empirical educational research in West Germany is outlined which basically fathoms the development of science as a result of complex interactions with other social knowledge and action fields.  相似文献   

Education in Europe has been one more aspect of social policy, traditionally held to exist within the sovereignty of member states, which has been encroached upon by supranational institutions. This paper explores the legitimacy of the partial control over education matters that has been gained by the European Union since the 1970s, examining in particular the role of the European Court of Justice and also the European Commission, in reshaping and altering definitions of legal competence in the fields of education and training. Special emphasis is placed on the method by which an original competence in training has been reconstituted to incorporate some aspects of education policy. Implications for democratic legitimacy and accountability at the European level are discussed.  相似文献   

针对教科书上恒压摩尔热容与恒容摩尔热容关系式复杂推导,结合凝聚态物质、理想气体特性,对其推导过程进行简化,并应用于教学过程。结果表明,这种简化推导有助于学生对关系式的理解记忆。  相似文献   

给出了图T(F_(n,8),P_m)的定义,提出了该类图的计算机标号算法,理论证明了这种算法的正确性,从而说明图T(F_(n,8),P_m)是奇优美图;最后,编制了"图T(F_(n,8),P_m)奇优美标号算法"程序,并通过大量实验数据说明利用该算法给图T(F_(n,8),P_m)进行奇优美标号是行之有效的.  相似文献   

宁为鸡口,无为牛后是汉语中使用已久的谚语,用以比喻宁愿在局面小的地方拥有主导权和自由,也不在局面大的地方受人支配。然而历代支持宁为鸡尸,无为牛从的学者之诠释亦能符合此种比喻义。这两种说法从古至今莫衷一是。从词义、字形、音韵、延笃著作流传等几个方面进行考察后,能够得出宁为鸡口,无为牛后更符合早期文献的面貌。  相似文献   

伴随G20法国戛纳峰会一系列重大议题的有序进行,“戛纳”一词再次频频出现在国内各大立体和平面媒体中。央视几个重要频道及各地方卫视无一例外地将法国这座著名的海滨城市称为“gana”,字幕显示为“戛纳”,国内各平面媒体也统一将其译作“戛纳”。当然,在国内,这个音译词这样的译法并不是什么最新译法,而是由来已久陈陈相因的通行译...  相似文献   

用两格点分子场理论对Ce_2Fe_(17)X(X=0,D_(4.8),N_3)合金(或金属间化合物)的饱和磁化与温度的关系进行了分析,通过对实验数据的拟合计算得到了分子场系数n_(cc)、n_(CF)、n_(FF),计算出了居里温度,给出了各个磁化强度以及分子场强度随温度变化的曲线.  相似文献   

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