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Academic mobility is an increasingly crucial topic to the current and future dynamics of doctoral study and the professoriate. Much of the research has focused on US, UK and European contexts. This research explores academic mobility and the manifold issues that arise between the jurisdictions of Canada and the US, in ways that parallel and diversify previous research based on various understandings of mobility. The qualitative perspective is grounded in a reflective narrative approach that enables exploration of powerful themes. The findings indicate that there are costs, tensions and benefits to academic mobility that serve to emphasise specific personal and professional elements to the pursuit of academic life that need explicit articulation. These findings encourage additional scholarly and practical attention to the changing nature of doctoral study and of academic work and life across jurisdictions.  相似文献   

杜曼·叶尔江和巴战龙是漂泊异地的裕固族学者。业余的文学创作是他们排解思乡情怀、寻求精神栖息的寄托。杜曼·叶尔江的诗歌深入民族文化的肌理,在对草原文化的叙写中努力做到历史和现实、情趣和理趣的和谐统一,并兼具汉语诗歌的传统美感和现代气息,语言节制含蓄,节奏变幻摇曳,意境悠远恬静。巴战龙的诗歌内涵丰厚,既有民族历史文化景观的遗存想象和现代思考,又有游牧文明日益衰微的现实焦虑和生态关怀,以及草原诗意生活场景的遥远记忆和切身体味,构思精巧,描写极具画面感和冲击力,体现出浓烈的民族情怀和深刻的忧郁气质。  相似文献   

Phenomenological investigation of a community intergroup dialogue program reveals that participation in the program promoted complex thinking about diversity, feelings of self-efficacy, and changes in communicative action. Agency in the interest of social change, however, depended on both access to resources such as cultural capital, and incentives to recognize a need for change. The results suggest that dialogue has important potential for intercultural understanding, alliance building, and social change, but also that the indeterminacy implied in open systems prohibits assurance that change will be in the direction intended by program organizers.  相似文献   

原型具有较高的体验频率,在文本和话语中常常被广泛的指涉,衍生意义较多,体现出高互文的特征。汉语文化中的"风"内涵丰富,引申意义复杂。从原型和互文性两个方面审视"风"的多重意义可以发现,"风"的多义性是人们对"风"的原型进行广泛地互文指涉的结果,既与"风"的原型有关,也与人们对"风"的互文运用分不开。  相似文献   

教育对话与对话教育存有相通之处,但二者之哲学异趣也决定了教育对话与对话教育的分殊。对话教育不是教育对话的子属范畴,对话教育不能代替教育对话。对二者认识上的模糊,必然影响教育目标的实现。厘清二者之间的关系,对于进一步研究教育对话论,具有极大的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

教育对话与对话教育存有相通之处,但二者之哲学异趣也决定了教育对话与对话教育的分殊。对话教育不是教育对话的子属范畴,对话教育不能代替教育对话。对二者认识上的模糊,必然影响教育目标的实现。厘清二者之间的关系,对于进一步研究教育对话论,具有极大的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

高等师范教育改革:理论与实践的对话   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在高等师范教育改革的过程中,师范院校内部专业人员和基础教育工作者对师范院校的办学层次与培养目标定位、教师教育课程体系调整、职后教师教育市场开辟前景等问题存在明显分歧,高师院校人才培养与基础教育需求之间存在相互脱节、相互错位现象。师范院校改革不仅仅是师范院校自身的转型和改革,更关系着基础教育的改革和发展,诸多问题需要双方改变过去相互隔绝的状态,开展积极对话和探讨。  相似文献   

根据大学学者的特性,参照决定知识工作者生产率的六方面因素,文章着重探讨了如何从"任务确定"、"自律自主"、"追求创新"、"自我更新"、"重质保量"和"待遇保障"等方面入手,遵循知识工作者的管理与激励规律来提升大学学者的学术生产力.  相似文献   

In this self-study we examine our collaborative practice across two undergraduate early childhood education methods courses. Framed by our larger question of how teachers and teacher educators do school, we drew on multiple data sources to investigate how we were modeling teaching, listening, and learning to and with these students in our science and literacy courses. Through our analysis, we identified three categories of connectedness that define our collaborative approach: (1) collaboration as intellectual connectedness, (2) community as emotional connectedness, and (3) integrated disciplines as pedagogical connectedness. In this paper we address these areas of connectedness across disciplines and model our approach using reconstructed dialogue and analysis of our collaborative process to illustrate our actual practice. Through our discussion and joint narrative we hope to highlight the value inherent in small moments of communication.  相似文献   

笔者按照日本学者的方式,首先介绍了张世明教授的标志性著作《法律、资源与时空建构1644—1945年的中国》的概要,并阐述了对于该书的阅读后的若干感想,概括揭示了日本关于中国法制史的研究状况,以及中日两国对于中国法律史研究的区别。笔者认为:日本目前研究趋势的结果就是踏实、细致的实证研究过多,但研究的目标却正在迷失。现在的日本对中国法制史的研究几乎都局限在法律框架内,立体、结构性地发现与法律以外事物相关联的研究却很少。本文对于《法律、资源与时空建构:1644--1945年的中国》一书跨学科的创造性研究予以肯定,认为中日学者之同学术交流更加热络至关重要。  相似文献   

以义变应:“后王”与“先王”的历史对话   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
荀子既言“法先王”,又言“法后王”,遭到后世批判。然考察诸家所论,均未得荀子本意。借用荀子自己的话来概括其本意,就是“以义变应”、“以义制事”,即后王以先王成功治国的普适性理念,来应对当时错综复杂的形势,化普适性理念为具体政治实践,从而造福生民。  相似文献   

对话不仅是人们思想交流的一种重要手段,而且也可以促使人们打破思想僵化、促进思维发展。米哈伊尔.巴赫金对此有深入研究,并将这一理念运用于文学创作。他认为真正的文学创作都体现出积极的对话精神,女性创作也不例外,奥斯丁的小说亦遵循此道。她的最后一部小说《劝导》展现了女主人公与父亲的直接对话,以及父亲不在场的情形下父女之间的虚拟对话,从而展示了奥斯丁对当时女性生存状态的反思以及她的女性觉醒意识。  相似文献   


This article highlights how two researchers started Critical Community Conversations (CCC) with a school community in an effort to learn from one another and build solidarity. The intent was for CCC to focus on some of the most pressing issues facing our nation, state, and local neighborhoods, with a special lens on racism.  相似文献   

一股前所未有的新技术浪潮正在向我们涌来,它在更新教育的物质形态的同时,也在冲击着教育者的精神世界,并提出种种新问题迫使我们思考:信息技术的应用怎样才能有效地改变教育?是什么导致了教育技术应用上的误区?信息技术的这些应用对学生和教师已经和将要带来什么影响?人在新技术创造的新环境中究竟如何生存……存在的差异决定思维的差异,从事教育学原理研究的人们与从事教育技术学研究的人们,对这些问题给出了不同的答案,在我们以教育现代化为追求的思考与行动过程中,正是这些有差异的思维与答案,使理论与技术之间的对话成为必要,也成为可能。  相似文献   

馆员既是图书馆活动中对话的组织者,也是建构者,合理建构馆员与读者的心灵对话和日常交往关系,将大大提高图书馆的服务功能和教育功能。  相似文献   

符号学就是研究符号与意义的学问及其相关理论.符号教育学即以符号学为武器批判教育的一种教育学理论形态.符号教育学者在教育符号域(教育情境和教育活动)中观察和解释符号及其意义、探究教育符号行为的心理动机、意义及各种指称关系中的认知和释义过程,并通过对符号的研究来认知教育现象和思考教育问题,从符号学视角描述、解释、预测、改进教育.符号教育学时代,意义与意义感将成为人生与教育的中心目的 .未来符号教育将是无时、无界、无人,借助虚拟现实与人工智能和基因修复技术,将会出现"万径人踪灭,空山不见人",因而教师教育和教育政策亟需革故鼎新,应对虚拟符号主宰的未来世界.  相似文献   

There has been a steady stream of research exploring the impact of scholars' research within criminology/criminal justice journals (CCJ), but only a small number of studies have examined the impact of female scholars in particular. Extending that line of work, the present study identifies the most productive sole and lead female authors published in eight top-ranked CCJ journals between 2000 and 2010. Findings reveal that individual ranks of the female scholars are relatively stable when adjusting for frequency and journal impact factor. However, there is more movement in the ranks when they are adjusted based on the year the PhD. degree was earned. Consistent with previous research including both males and females, a handful of female scholars, in particular Robin Engel, Beth Huebner, Jodi Lane, and Nicole Leeper Piquero appear to be responsible for a large portion of work in the selected eight elite CCJ journals.  相似文献   

“一与多”的关系是理解巴赫金与圣经对话的关键。巴赫金对话哲学强调存在意义上的多元性,然而他对“多”的强调导致将其哲学观点移植到文艺学观点时发生错位,具体体现在其复调理论中作者与主人公的关系上以及其狂欢理论缺乏史料支持的尴尬。圣经的宏观思想与微观文本皆具有鲜明对话性。然而其先天的信仰胎记导致它强调“一”而忽视“多”,具体表现为上帝在基督教传统中的主导地位以及上帝形象在圣经文本中的绝对主人公地位。巴赫金对话理论与圣经中的对话思想并非乌托邦式幻想,而是出于对普世的深沉关注而生发的可贵理想。  相似文献   

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