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The Taubman Health Sciences Library (THL) is integrated in all four years of the University of Michigan Medical School (UMMS) curriculum. Information resources are introduced at strategic points throughout the curriculum so that students receive training at times when they are most likely to need the resource. Most of the core instruction sessions are taught in teams that consist of librarians and UMMS faculty, which provides unique learning opportunities for students. This article describes each THL instruction activity in the four-year undergraduate UMMS curriculum and provides commentary on the overall effectiveness of this integrated approach to instruction.  相似文献   

Fulfilling the need for a course in medical informatics to be taught to medical students requires an effort on the part of the teaching faculty and administration. Creators of the curriculum must take into account contemporary pedagogical trends and the direction of medical education. Producing a course of study requires a firm conviction that practicing medicine in the 21st century demands currency, accuracy, and literacy with the available information sources.  相似文献   

The Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California's newly revised Year I-II curriculum integrates information literacy components based on the AAMC's medical informatics objectives throughout the two-year continuum. Students are required to participate in various components taught by librarians from the Norris Medical Library including (1) an information skills workshop, (2) a yearlong literature search project, and (3) an evidence-based medicine resources workshop. Critical appraisal of literature also is included in the curriculum to ensure that the students are familiar with the various research study designs. Librarians also provide resources to assist students in researching learning issues related to cases presented in the curriculum. To encourage the faculty mentors to serve as good models of information users, librarians offer brief training sessions on information resources to faculty.  相似文献   

The growing recognition of the need for humanities taught in schools of medicine is affecting acquisitions policies of medical libraries. This paper presents results of a survey conducted in various medical school libraries to evaluate the availability of humanities literature in their collections.  相似文献   

Fulfilling the need for a course in medical informatics to be taught to medical students requires an effort on the part of the teaching faculty and administration. Creators of the curriculum must take into account contemporary pedagogical trends and the direction of medical education. Producing a course of study requires a firm conviction that practicing medicine in the 21st century demands currency, accuracy, and literacy with the available information sources.  相似文献   

Librarians at the Ohio State University Health Sciences Library developed and taught a four-week elective minimodule on database searching to second-year medical students. The behavioral objectives, design, implementation, and formal evaluation of the program are described. The authors point out the need for a systematic means of assisting all future physicians to develop information retrieval and management skills.  相似文献   

Changes in LCME accreditation for medical colleges fostered the development of Health Information Resources, a required, for-credit course created by the Saint Louis University Health Sciences Center Library Reference Department for the first-year medical school curriculum. Six content areas were developed for inclusion in the syllabus: "Electronic Resources Survival Kit"; "Introduction to Problem Based Resources"; "Introduction to Literature Searching"; "MEDLINE Searching Hands-On/Publishing Pearls & Pitfalls"; "The World Wide Web and Patient Information"; and "Introduction to Electronic Mail." A combination of lectures, hands-on instruction, and active learning techniques were employed in the teaching of this class. Submission of a Health Information Resource Guide and a two-part final exam were required.  相似文献   

This case study describes strategies developed for medical students to conduct Specific (as opposed to Sensitive) searches in PubMed so they can quickly locate several relevant references to articles on the population and social aspects of medicine. The Specific search strategy protocol for population and social aspects of medicine involves use of the MeSH Database, certain features of the Detailed Display in the MeSH Database, and applying Limits. By teaching the Specific form of search strategy, busy users can learn a handful of basic techniques that should yield a useful proportion of references, thereby ensuring these users' frequent success.  相似文献   

Differentiation and integration of the life of society play a prominent role among dialectical opposites that determine social progress. This is certainly true for science as well. A special aspect of this problem is interlinked with the development of informatics. It has many links with extension of scientific-technical revolution. It will not be an overstatement to say that today’s informatics has been determined by differentiation and integration in modern science. The future of informatics is also linked with these trends.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the results of a survey of sixty-six graduates of the University of Missouri-Kansas City (UMKC) School of Medicine conducted in the spring of 1977. The graduates were questioned about their present library use behavior and their restrospective perceptions of the clinical medical librarian (CML) services which they received as medical students at UMKC. The results show that these young physicians, after regular association with other, more tradional medical library services, hold very positive impressions of the CML program. The graduates also typically credit the CML'S with helping them to learn to use library resources effectively. These retrospective perceptions of the CML match the short-term benefits reported in other studies of similar programs.  相似文献   

本文通过问卷调查、文献资料、专家咨询和毕业生访谈相结合的研究方法对中南大学医学信息学毕业生进行调查研究,探讨其在就业过程中遇到的问题。从医学信息学专业定位、培养模式改革、完善课程体系、增加实习机会等方面提出提高医学信息学毕业生就业质量的对策,为提高医学信息学毕业生就业质量提供了数据基础,为进一步完善医学信息学课程体系和改革培养模式提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

《Research Strategies》1997,15(2):80-88
This article describes a two-week graduate course on information literacy, developed and taught by a librarian and a professor of industry and technology, and intended for teachers and librarians in elementary and secondary schools. Information literacy is not only the content of the course but also the basis of its structure: active, student-centered learning with several group assignments helps students develop skills in finding information, analyzing and interpreting it, and putting it to practical use. Both pedagogical and evaluation methods reflect recent educational reforms, and the team teaching provides a model of collaboration between teachers and librarians.  相似文献   

陈立锋 《大观周刊》2012,(36):215-215
新课程改革给小学语文课堂教学带来了全新的面貌,传统的教学模式在向现代教育靠拢。小学语文教学论文新课改不仅是教材内容、教学形式的变化,更重要的是语文教学理念的转折,犹如一股春风,让语文教育旧貌换新颜。教师在教学中不断感受到新课改带给自己能力的提升,在学生素质教育的培养上更加得心应手,富有成效。  相似文献   

应用改进的共词聚类法探索医学信息学热点主题演变   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对传统的共词聚类方法进行完善:依据高频低频词界分公式选取高频词;计算粘合力确定每个类别的中心词;对比分析两个时间段,发现主题演变。以医学信息学为例,从PubMed数据库分别下载1999年-2003年和2004年-2008年该学科相关文献,提取主要主题词,进行共词聚类分析,探索医学信息学学科结构的演变过程。  相似文献   

The study of veterinary medicine is becoming increasingly important in the progress of human medicine, and as a consequence the literature of veterinary medicine is assuming increased importance in the libraries of schools of human medicine. In the past decade programs in comparative medicine have been initiated in many centers, reestablishing the linkage between veterinary and human medicine.Since 1966 the National Library of Medicine has assumed extra responsibilities in the collection and control of veterinary medical literature. increased indexing has thus far been the major result, with a resultant increase in the need to consult veterinary journals. Advances in the veterinary curriculum and continued veterinary education have also increased demand for veterinary publications. Such demand must be foreseen and met by medical school libraries if they are to fulfill their obligations to the scholarly medical community.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]对比分析中美高校医学信息学本科、硕士教育概况,为我国未来医学信息学教育提供参考和借鉴。[方法/过程]以院校开设时间、院校层次为筛选标准,从中美开展医学信息学教育的高校中各选取10所代表性高校为研究对象,通过网络调研,从基本要求、课程设置、师资力量、教育教学方式、就业前景等方面对中美医学信息学本科、硕士教育概况进行综合分析。[结果/结论]我国医学信息学本硕教育虽经历几十年的探索和实践并取得一定成就,但与美国相比,我国还存在一些不足,如在入学基本要求方面,注重本科教育,高层次人才培养体系不完善;在课程设置方面,课程内容设置单调,非医学基础课程占比过高,学科交叉融合不明显;在师资力量方面,教师学科背景单一,职称结构分布不平衡;在教育教学方式方面,教师教学方式简单,学生实践机会较少;在就业前景方面,学生知识体系不系统,就业前景局限。未来我国应顺应大数据科学研究范式发展要求,加快培养高层次医学信息学人才;改善课程体系和内容设置,拓宽学科知识体系;优化师资力量配置,吸引多学科背景人才;丰富培养方式,注重理论与实践相结合。  相似文献   

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