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Young children are often viewed as being unable to differentiate fantasy from reality. This article reviews research on both children's and adults beliefs about' fantasy as well as their tendency to engage in what is thought of as "magical thinking." It is suggested that children are not fundamentally different from adults in their ability to distinguish fantasy from reality: Both children and adults entertain fantastical beliefs and also engage in magical thinking. Suggestions are offered as to how children and adults may differ in this domain, and an agenda for future research is offered.  相似文献   

Three pretest–posttest experiments were conducted to compare the effects of viewing versus interacting with either fantastical or real events on 4‐ and 6‐year‐old children's inhibitory control. Experiment 1 (= 72) suggested that although viewing fantastical events had a negative effect on inhibitory control, interacting with them produced no such disruption. Experiment 2 (= 17) also found that children's inhibitory control decreased after viewing fantastical events but not after interacting with them. In addition, functional near‐infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) data showed that viewing fantastical events resulted in greater activation in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Experiment 3 (= 72) showed that children's inhibitory control increased after viewing and interacting with real events. The implications for studying the effects of mobile devices are discussed.  相似文献   

要想落实广大青少年核心素养的培育,需要解决两个根本性问题:一是培育的“途径”问题;二是培育的“关键”问题。第一个根本性问题的答案,显然就是要实施STEM的理念与模式。第二个根本性问题的答案,应当是如何落实创造性思维的培养。为了让青少年具有良好的创造性思维素养,必须从培育创造性思维的要素入手。关于创造性思维的片面乃至错误的认识,若不尽快予以批判及清除,将会成为广大青少年培养创造性思维的极大障碍。“横纵思维”是专门应对复杂问题的,与科学的发明和技术的创新有着很密切的关系,要先掌握“复杂性理论”才能理解“横纵思维”的内涵,所以在进行中小学生的创造性思维培养时,可先从其他五个更基本的要素入手。  相似文献   

Research Findings: Emotion regulation is a strong predictor of both short- and long-term peer relationships and social competence and is often targeted in preschool curricula and interventions. Pretense is a natural activity of childhood that is thought to facilitate the development of socialization, perspective taking, language, and possibly emotion regulation. This study investigated whether fantasy-oriented children, who engage in more pretense, demonstrate higher levels of emotion regulation. Prekindergartners (n = 103) and teachers were given a battery of measures assessing children’s emotion regulation, fantasy orientation, theory of mind, and language. Results from hierarchical regression analyses indicated that children’s proclivity toward fantastical play (their fantasy orientation) uniquely predicted 24% of the variance in their emotion regulation skills over and above typical predictors: age, theory of mind, and language skills. That is, children who participated in more fantasy pretense demonstrated better emotion regulation skills than their peers. Practice or Policy: The present study suggests that future research, curriculum, and interventions should focus on targeting fantastical pretense to assess causal mechanisms of emotion regulation development. Teachers and parents should encourage children’s fantastical pretense, as research suggests it may be an important contributor to the development of critical socialization skills such as emotion regulation.  相似文献   

汤显祖《牡丹亭·圆驾》写了杜丽娘、柳梦梅的团圆 ,但这是不了了之的团圆、荒诞的团圆 ,其独特结局的形成 ,与明代中期开始的审美情趣的发展有关 ,也反映了汤显祖创作思想的矛盾。本文对深入研究汤显祖的创作思想 ,有一定的意义  相似文献   

During comprehension, readers’ general world knowledge and contextual information compete for influence during integration and validation. Fantasy narratives, in which general world knowledge often conflicts with fantastical events, provide a setting to examine this competition. Experiment 1 showed that with sufficient elaboration, contextual information can dominate the integration and validation of fantastical information. In Experiments 2a and 2b, contextual support was diminished and general world knowledge dominated integration and validation and disrupted fantasy comprehension. Experiment 3 demonstrated that skilled readers make better use of contextual elaborations during integration and validation than less skilled readers, leading to different consequences for comprehension.  相似文献   

中国古代文论有着自己独特的理论体系、言说方式和思维方法,教学中要依据学生的特点优选教材,合理地安排教学内容。以文论原典教学为本,做到史论结合,构建宽松的教学环境在现代科技教学手段介入下,启发学生独立思维,使其在当代文论语境下有效地转换,做到“资以故实,酌于新声”,以充满活力的面貌徜徉于世界文化之林。  相似文献   

<正>The essay tries to reflect on"queer"and(its)"future/futurity"through a perspective from"outside."The socalled"perspective from outside"first implies that,it is a kind of thinking provoked by the encounter of different cultures,languages,views,and horizons.Also,the"outside"reflection is mainly inspired by the experience of reading and translating  相似文献   

关于中国古代重民思想本质的问题,有人认为古代重民思想亦即古代的民主思想,或称民本思想.那么,在中央集权下的专制体制下,是否真就会存在所谓的"民主"思想呢?在中国古代历史中从来没有出现过类似西方的"民主"政治体制,我国古代延续上千年的"家天下"思想和儒家尊崇的"上下尊卑"的礼乐教化,使得中国古代没有出现过真正的民主思想.  相似文献   

解析几何里蕴涵着丰富的数学思想方法,其为数学思想方法的教学提供了一个很好的知识平台。师专数学专业主干课程《解析几何》中的数学思想方法可按核心数学思想方法和一般数学思想方法来划分。  相似文献   

Fiction presents a unique challenge to the developing child, in that children must learn when to generalize information from stories to the real world. This study examines how children acquire causal knowledge from storybooks, and whether children are sensitive to how closely the fictional world resembles reality. Preschoolers (N = 108) listened to stories in which a novel causal relation was embedded within realistic or fantastical contexts. Results indicate that by at least 3 years of age, children are sensitive to the underlying causal structure of the story: Children are more likely to generalize content if the fictional world is similar to reality. Additionally, children become better able at discriminating between realistic and fantastical story contexts between 3 and 5 years of age.  相似文献   

培育中介组织促进社区建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文思考了社区中介组织在我国社区建设中的重要意义,提出了推进"小政府大社会"过程中建立社区中介组织的必要性和培育社区中介组织的思路.  相似文献   

道家审美观将“真”置于第一位,“美”和“善”次之。道家理解理解的“真”倾向于事物本然的存在状态,与主观想象之“真”似乎无关。道家理解理解的“善”和“美”则是从一系列相对立的范畴中引出。道家审美观中真、善、美三个审美范畴的内涵建立在“无”这一哲学思想的基础上。  相似文献   

In today’s urban schools, foreign-born children and children of immigrants are the fastest growing sector of the student population and as a result of this changing demographic, our schools are more ethnically, racially and religiously diverse than they have ever been (Suárez-Orozco et al. in Thriving and spirituality among youth: research perspectives and future possibilities. Wiley: Hoboken, NJ, 2012). For many students of immigrant families, their spiritual/religious identity is an important aspect of a healthy and integrated identity. While professional journals in education have focused on race, ethnicity and culture as important diversity variables, the extent to which students’ religion and spirituality influence their development and education has largely been a neglected topic (Woolley in Int J Child Spiritual 13:145–156, 2008). Thus, we highlight research in education, school counseling, and psychology that examines the legal and ethical implications of including religion and spirituality into urban educators’ work with students. We then explore the role that spirituality/religion plays in health, coping, and academic achievement for students, the importance of spirituality/religion within historically marginalized communities, students’ experiences as religious minorities, and religious discrimination in schools. Within each topic area, we outline practical considerations. Finally, we offer some guidelines for professional preparation programs and curriculum development in urban education.  相似文献   

批判性思维是知识经济时代人才所必备的高阶思维,在线交互活动是发展学习者批判性思维的重要途径。但目前对在线交互活动中批判性思维的行为特征及其发展轨迹还缺乏深入的研究。故基于“多媒体课件设计与开发”课程,采用滞后行为序列和认知网络分析对学习者批判性思维发展轨迹进行分析。结果显示:(1)学习者批判性思维行为模式呈现多元化态势,批判性思维深度在不同阶段的表现有所不同;(2)核心参与者批判性思维行为在“创造”层级占据首位,边缘参与者批判性思维行为在“分析”层级占据首位;(3)学习者可分为优秀型、被动型、问题型和跟随型四种类型;(4)提问次数、被教师回复次数、被同伴回复次数与“评价”和“创造”层级的批判性思维显著相关,被点赞次数与“评价”层级的批判性思维显著相关,回复他人次数与“理解”和“分析”层级的批判性思维显著相关。  相似文献   

协商互动是交际的过程,也是思维联想、判断和语言创作的过程。在此过程中学习者运用所学知识进行实际应用,以达到交际的最终目的。协商互动作为语言习得重要环节之一,已引起了国内外众多语言研究者的重视。文章就目前国内英语专家和英语教育工作者的研究热点问题——英语人才"思辨缺席"展开深入探讨,从内容协商视角探索思辨能力提升办法。并提出协商互动一些具体策略企图来提升语言学习者的思辨能力和交际能力。  相似文献   

与西方的“一分为二”不同,儒家思想体现的是一种中国传统的“一分为三”的思维方式,对“道”与“器”之间的“象”的申明并重视,赋予儒家思想以诗性气质,这一气质的鲜明反映为儒家对诗的重视。本文通过分析“一分为三”的思维方式与儒家对诗教的重视,试图建立“象”与儒家思想的诗性气质及重诗之间的合理联系,并阐明这一点对于儒家文艺思想中审美标准与解读原则的确立的重要影响。  相似文献   

马克思"以人为本"思想是建立在唯物史观基础之上,把个人的存在看做是人类历史的前提和基础,在继承了前人的人本思想的同时,不断批判、吸收、创新,在实践中得到发展,使"以人为本"思想具有了现代意义。党的十六届三中全会上"以人为本"的科学发展观的提出是对马克思"以人为本"思想的创新和发展。  相似文献   

作家文学思想的形成依据,一是社会环境为其创造了有利的发展契机,这是外部条件;一是“母根文化”的影响为其奠定了深刻的思想基础,这是内在依据。撇开所谓主流文化的影响,从客家文化视野的角度对郭沫若的文学创作思想进行内在的逻辑论证,认为郭沫若文学创作思想的形成与客家传统文化有着一种天然血缘承传的潜在关系;客家文化的深厚浸染,锻造了郭沫若的创作品格,这是郭沫若文学思想的形成原因及其根本所在。  相似文献   

马克思认为人类理性思维的特质就是运用思维的“抽象力”通过现象揭示事物的本质,而这种抽象力把世界作为整体把握时是“思维着的头脑的产物”。因而认为“马克思对形而上学的颠覆”,首先在于他意识到任何理性,观念不是现象背后的本质,只是“传统形而上学的幻觉”的观点是难以令人信服的;而且这种反本质的观点,又是一种标准的后现代哲学语境。在黑格尔哲学体系中并不存在“认识过程”混同于“表达过程”,语言不仅不是消除哲学问题的工具,而且还是澄清哲学问题的砝码,马克思思想的连续性与“颠覆”一词是格格不入的,马克思对黑格尔哲学的批判旨在剥离它的唯心论外壳,决非要去颠覆它。  相似文献   

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