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早期阅读教育是幼儿园语言教育的重要组成部份,必须通过多种形式,如图书阅读活动,以阅读为主的综合活动,及日常生活活动中的渗透对幼儿进行早期的阅读能力的培养。  相似文献   

阅读是大学生获得知识的一种最基本、最重要的途径。而网络已成为我们生活中的一个重要载体,网络阅读也已成规模。但现在的大学生网络阅读现象多种多样,因此,我们对于它的多元化进行调查研究。  相似文献   

王璐璐 《华章》2008,(17):152-153
随着网络阅读率的大幅增长,高校图书馆如何指导读者的网络阅读,成为新时期图书馆面临的任务之一.本文探讨了网络阅读的内涵及特征,通过对大学生网络阅读的心理特点及不良行为的分析,提出了高校图书馆应加强对大学生网络阅读的指导.  相似文献   

张青 《成都教育学院学报》2010,24(10):72-73,105
随着网络阅读率的大幅增长,如何指导大学生进行网络阅读,成为新时期图书馆所面临的重要任务之一。大学生网络阅读分为获取知识和信息型、应付考试型、消遣娱乐型,在网络阅读中他们存在着盲目阅读、逆反阅读、猎奇阅读、恋网阅读、恶意阅读等不良行为。高校图书馆应加强大学生网络阅读指导,在传统阅读指导上进行延伸,建立阅读社区,精选优质网站,构建有特色的信息资源导航库,加强对大学生信息能力的培养。  相似文献   

许雁萍 《考试周刊》2009,(30):131-132
英语阅读水平是衡量英语学习者语言综合水平的重要体现。在大学英语教学中;英语阅读理解是教学的重要活动,也是学生在大学英语学习中应该具备的一项重要技能。本文分析了大学生英语阅读中存在的问题。并就如何提高大学生阅读能力提出了一些对策。  相似文献   

大学生阅读心理与阅读指导   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于个人的阅历、专业、兴趣等方面存在差异,大学生读书的范围、重点、层次存在很大的差别,高校图书馆必须掌握读阅读心理,有针对地开展阅读指导和各项服务工作。  相似文献   

叶巧珍 《学周刊C版》2019,(4):106-107
阅读是汲取和掌握知识的重要途径,对智力发展具有促进作用。然而由于应试教育下教师、家长过分注重学生的学习成绩,致使学生课业负担沉重,课外无暇读书,加之现在电子产品的影响,学生的阅读更是难以实现。在这种情况下,课堂阅读就显得尤为重要了。要保证学生的阅读效果,我认为应立足于语文课堂或专门开设的阅读课来进行。  相似文献   

通过分析华北电力大学2013、2014年中文图书借阅排行前十名的图书类别,了解当代大学生的阅读倾向,使图书馆有针对性地开展馆藏建设和导读工作,从而更好地完成促进大学生多读书、读好书和提高综合素质的工作。  相似文献   

阅读是学习知识、获取信息的主要途径之一,对大学生的成长、发展以及实现终身学习显得十分重要。本文分析了大学生中存在不良阅读倾向之主要原因,为指导学生学会阅读、领引其正确阅读走向进行了思考。  相似文献   

郑周轮 《考试周刊》2013,(11):33-34
<正>阅读是因文得义的心理过程,是以文会友的交往过程,是书面文化的消费过程,是人类素质的生产过程。语文课程标准明确指出:"培养学生广泛的阅读兴趣,扩大阅读面,增加阅读量,提倡少做题,多读书,读好书,读整本书。鼓励学生自主选择阅读材料。九年阅读总量在400万字以上。"因此,如何引导学生走进阅读的广阔天地,激发学生的阅读兴趣,培养学生的阅读习惯和阅读能力,让学生真正学会阅读、热爱阅读、有效阅读,已经成为当前整个素质教育的重要课题。  相似文献   

在科学技术迅猛发展的今天 ,学校教育不能仅仅局限于知识的传授 ,而应力求把着眼点转向如何教会儿童掌握学习方法上。“阅读”就是学习知识、吸取信息的最好方法 ,小学数学教师应该取道“阅读”这个重要的途径去启发学生对抽象概念的本质属性的理解。近两年来 ,我在指导学生阅读数学教材 ,做过一些探索 ,现在谈谈我在指导学生阅读数学概念的做法。一、边阅读、边勾画、边旁注。数学教材中通常要阐明某一概念 ,而这些概念的用语又极其精炼、准确 ,在极其简短的一段话中包含着丰富的内涵和对该概念范围的严格界定。学生在阅读这些概念时 ,对其…  相似文献   

节制看动画片的时间,正确的引导孩子阅读图书。  相似文献   

The reading achievement of at-risk first, second, and third grade students participating in a systematic, sequential, multi-sensory, synthetic, phonetically-based approach to reading (Project Read) was compared with that of control group students instructed through the use of traditional basal readers. Data were analyzed for both the full study and a sub-group in which the teacher variable was controlled. Significant differences were found at first grade for all subtests and the total reading achievement of treatment group students. First grade students reached achievement levels thought possible only through tutoring.  相似文献   

A growing reliance on research to guidedecisions about reading instruction hasresulted in a swing toward approaches thatemphasize phoneme awareness and the relationsbetween speech and alphabetic writing. Becausethis is a time of innovation andexperimentation in the schools, and because thenew emphasis has not won universal acceptance,there is a need to address recurring questionsabout the role of phonology in readingacquisition. These questions concern: (1) therelevance of phoneme awareness instructionto reading; (2) the consequences of thecomplexity of English spelling for decisionsabout explicit instruction in the alphabeticcode; and (3) the causes and symptoms of readingdifficulties and implications for remediation. In this paper, we offer our answers to suchquestions and discuss the research bases forthem.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to explore, based on a nationally representative sample, U.S. college students' uses of the Internet in their studies and their perceptions of academic life online, and changes in both perception and use since a 2002 report on the topic. Findings show that overall Internet use for academic purposes has increased. Students report generally positive opinions about the Internet's utility for academic work, but satisfaction with it for academic interactions may be on the decline.  相似文献   

To improve college students'reading comprehension,the author studies student factors-patience and reading motivation.The author views that reading motivation is the main element,and analyzes the instrumental motivation,enjoys mental motivation and the relation between the reading proficiency and the above motivations.Therefore,advice on the English reading teaching is put forward.  相似文献   

感恩教育已得到全社会的重视,在构建社会主义和谐社会的今天,开展大学生感恩教育已成为高校刻不容缓的任务。本文从感恩教育的内涵入手,探讨了开展大学生感恩教育的现实意义、存在的问题以及加强大学生感恩教育的途径和方法。  相似文献   

This meta-analysis examines the effects of phonics instruction on the decoding skills of students with intellectual disability using a random-effects model. Eight single-case experimental studies and six experimental or quasi-experimental group studies met the inclusion criteria, encompassing a total of 297 participants with intellectual disability. The overall effect of phonics instruction on the decoding skills of persons with intellectual disability was large: g = 1.42 (95% CI: 0.75, 2.10). Single-case studies yielded a larger average effect size (g = 1.94, 95% CI: 1.10, 2.78) than group studies (g = 0.41, 95% CI: 0.13, 0.69). Researcher-designed tests also yielded larger effect sizes than standardized tests. The type of interventionist was not a significant moderator. In the majority of the studies, phonics instruction was carried out using a systematic and direct instruction approach and a one-to-one format. Implications for practice and research are presented, and areas that require further investigation are identified.  相似文献   

执行力是企业管理成败的关键;在大学英语课堂上,教师的互动策略和计划制定的再恰当、再周密,如果得不到有效执行,也失去了意义。本文提出了"课堂执行力"这一概念,在分析了大学英语课堂执行力差的原因以后,针对不同问题提出了提高课堂互动执行力的有效方法。  相似文献   

Morphological awareness and learning to read Chinese   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study investigated the nature of morphological awareness and its relation to learning to read Chinese characters among 46 Chinese-speaking preschool children. The children took a morphological awareness task, which varied in semantic transparency and morpheme position. Children’s vocabulary knowledge and extant character reading ability were measured. Additionally, a character learning task was administered. Results showed that children’s performances on morphological awareness were affected by semantic transparency but not by morpheme position. Morphological awareness was related to vocabulary knowledge when partialling out character reading ability but not to character reading ability after partialling out vocabulary knowledge. The results of the character learning task further revealed that morphological awareness was related to character identification in the words that were just taught but not to character identification in the words that were not taught or in pseudowords. The relation between morphological awareness and character identification ceased to be significant when partialling out the variance in children’s prior knowledge of the characters to be learnt. Taken together, the findings suggested that vocabulary knowledge may play a more important role than reading ability in the initial development of morphological awareness and that the facilitative effect of morphological knowledge in reading does not seem to be significant in the very initial stages of reading acquisition.  相似文献   

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