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If statistical projections are accurate, by the year 2000 there will be 10 million children, worldwide, infected with the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome or AIDS virus (The World Health Organization). This is considered by Dr. Jonathan Mann of Harvard University's International AIDS Center to be a conservative estimate (Signor, 1992). We do know as a fact that by 1991 in the United States there were 3,624 children under the age of 13 who had been diagnosed with AIDS since 1981, and 211,633 adolescents and adults diagnosed during that same period (United States Federal Centers for Disease Control). There are many who believe that counseling with students who have AIDS soon will become the major challenge facing school counselors (Arnzen, 1992). This article will discuss a two-pronged approach for use by school counselors in responding to AIDS in the school setting: a preventive approach through AIDS education, and a model for counseling with students.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify the specific contribution of executive functions to pre-academic skills (emergent literacy, phonological awareness and orthographic knowledge, and emergent mathematic knowledge) over and above cognitive and linguistic underpinning abilities such as naming, short-term memory and vocabulary. The study was designed to examine the following questions: (1) Are executive functions related to pre-academics skills in general or are they related to specific pre-academic skills? (2) Does the magnitude of the relationship between executive functions and pre-academics skills change with the progress in pre-school age? 54 children between the ages of 5 and 6 years old from 4 different kindergartens participated in the project. A wide range of pre-academic skills, cognitive, linguistic and executive functions tasks were administered. The results demonstrated that executive functions contributed significantly to both emergent literacy and emergent mathematic knowledge. In addition, the current study also suggests that the role of executive functions increases with the growth of child’s pre-academic development. Finally, the strongest contribution of executive functions was found to orthographic knowledge.  相似文献   

Formal evaluation of a new Netherlands school counselor education program revealed the program fulfilling its mission very effectively. The first class (1975–'76) was evaluated after one year of work in their new counseling-consulting roles. Questionnaires were completed by the graduates and their directors, and depth interviews were conducted with a one-third sample of graduates and directors in their school settings.The data revealed general satisfaction with the counselor-consultant course, initiation of many projects as a result of the training program, and much optimism about the future of counseling in Netherlands schools.  相似文献   

Childhood cancer incidence is rising, affecting a growing proportion of elementary school students. For most of these children, school attendance can be limited by hospitalisations, treatments and side effects. However, little is yet known about the educational needs and experiences of this population. This phenomenological study explored the school experiences of 10 6- to 12-year-old children with cancer as they underwent chemotherapy. Results revealed perceptions that attending school in the hospital or home during cancer treatment is essentially lonely, confusing and “different”. These perceptions intertwined to illuminate five themes: (1) school should involve fun activities; (2) group educational formats are preferable; (3) old school is the “best school”; (4) being a “good student” is important during treatment; and (5) attending school is complicated during treatment. Therefore, hospital-based and homebound schooling programmes should integrate socially interactive and cognitively engaging curriculum to best support the learning needs of this population.  相似文献   

新的历史时期,高校毕业生工作越来越具挑战。高校毕业生工作千头万绪,毕业生问题繁杂,这就要求高校辅导员能够在生活中主动关注、关心学生,在工作中和声细语,宽以待人,以人为本,学会倾听,学会换位思考,增强自身服务意识,充分发挥辅导员"四心"在高校毕业生工作中的作用。  相似文献   

陈秋兰 《教育导刊》2005,(12):42-43
走向学习共同体的学校意味着一场深刻的变革,它不仅要把学校建成学生相互学习成长的地方,而且要成为教师相互学习、走向专业化的地方。打造学习共同体学校的起点就是塑造学习型校长,使其重塑多元角色形象,成为团队的首席学习官、共同愿景的开发者、管理创新的设计者和团队关系的协调者。  相似文献   

This review integrates theoretical perspectives and empirical evidence of a sense of school belonging (SOSB) to highlight its importance in understanding the inclusion efficacy research for pupils with special educational needs (SEN). Specifically, it examines the role of a SOSB on pupils' cognitive, affective, behavioural and social developmental outcomes. In addition, it considers the inclusion efficacy research regarding the outcome of mainstream and special education for pupils with SEN. In turn, the review synthesises the two areas of research on school belongingness and inclusion to suggest that a SOSB is important in understanding the relationship between school placement and developmental outcomes for pupils with SEN.  相似文献   

There are a variety of ways in which the children of today cope with the stresses of modern life. This paper examines the mechanisms used by a sample of children who had established school refusal and found their mechanisms of coping to be quite different from those of a control group. The findings raise the question as to whether there is a connection between social isolation and poor socialisation in the aetiology of school refusal, and suggest a possible mechanism by which such problems are compounded by enmeshed family relationships. This work also indicates that some protection against the need to refuse school can be gained by establishing good social relationships, focusing upon improving coping strategies and increasing the young person's sense of belonging.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose that successful education needs to fulfil three purposes while being cognisant of time and context: (a) learning, (b) lifework and (c) well-being. An education system is successful if it can develop future-ready individuals who will continue to learn beyond graduation, take on future lifework, and thrive in a changing society and environment. The future is context-situated and context-dependent. We have chosen to examine the economic, social and environmental context of Singapore to provide insight on the values, skills and knowledge that are required of future-ready learners according to the three purposes. We have compared the trajectories of other high-income nations with those of Singapore. Traditional teaching and learning practices no longer serve us well in the new realities that emerge. Education practices need to evolve in tandem to meet the demands of the 21st century. The roles that school leaders play include creating teaching and learning environments where these practices can be implemented. In our review of leadership practices and concepts, we have found that it is important for school leaders to question existing assumptions of teaching, learning and leadership practices in order to advance the development of 21st century skills, knowledge, values, and habits in learners.  相似文献   

The paper suggests that there is currently a good deal of uncertainty over the role of the principal, which is frequently described as one of educational leadership. This notion seems obsolete. Currently, there are pressures on principals to substantially modify this role, and these pressures seem to push the principal toward the definition of his role as that of administrator. On the basis of the beliefs of those involved in training programs for educational administrators, it is possible to predict that the future role of the school principal will, in fact, be that of building or school administrator. The role can be defined as that of administrative leader, as opposed to instructional leader. Administrative leadership involves at least the following elements: purpose-definding for the organization; coordination of the work of specialists, including decision-making; and responsibility for external relationships. The paper concludes by pointing out that this redefinition of the role of the school administrator, or administrative leader, has significant implications for in-service training for administrators, collective negotiations, and affiliation with teacher associations.
Résumé D'après cet article, il y aurait actuellement une bonne dose d'incertitude quant au rôle du principal, rôle assimilé fréquemment à celui d'un leader en éducation. Or cette notion semble être périmée. De nos jours, les principaux d'écoles sont soumis à des pressions pour modifier considérablement ce rôle et ces pressions semblent pousser le principal à considérer son rôle comme celui d'un administrateur. D'après les croyances entretenues par les responsables des programmes de formation des administrateurs scolaires, il est possible de prédire que le rôle futur du principal d'école sera, en fait, comparable à celui d'un administrateur d'école ou d'immeuble. Ce rôle peut être assimilé au rôle de directeur administratif qui se distingue du directeur pédagogique. La direction administrative implique, au minimum, les éléments suivants: définition des objectifs d'organisation, coordination du travail des spécialistes, y compris la formulation de la politique et enfin responsabilité des relations externes. En conclusion, l'auteur souligne que cette redéfinition du rôle de l'administrateur scolaire ou du directeur administratif a des répercussions considérables sur la formation pratique des administrateurs, les négociations collectives et l'adhésion aux associations d'enseignants.

An argument is made for the usefulness of sociology in solving current problems of the public school and for the creation of a new professional role—the school sociologist—to carry this out. Five areas of sociological knowledge useful to the school are discussed: family and community life, youth culture and adolescence, organization and bureaucracy, teaching as a profession, and the school as a social system. Specific tasks that the school sociologist would undertake are then discussed, followed by an analysis of how the sociologist would fit into and work within the school organization. Finally, suggestions are made about university training for the job and the kind of curriculum necessary for that purpose.
Résumé L'auteur défend l'utilité de la sociologie dans la solution des problèmes actuels de l'école publique et dans la création d'un nouveau rôle professionnel—celui du sociologue scolaire—pour résoudre ces problèmes. Il étudie cinq domaines de connaissances sociologiques utiles à l'école: vie familiale et communautaire, culture des jeunes et adolescence, organisation et bureaucratie, l'enseignement en tant que profession, et enfin l'école en tant que système social. L'auteur étudie ensuite les tâches particulières qui seraient entreprises par le sociologue scolaire et il analyse la façon dont celui-ci pourrait s'intégrer et oeuvrer au sein de l'organisation scolaire. L'auteur présente enfin des suggestions sur la formation universitaire à donner à ce sociologue et le type de programme d'études nécessaire à cette formation.

The author wishes to acknowledge the assistance of two colleagues, William G. Spady of the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education and Norman L. Friedman of California State College, Los Angeles. Their criticism of the first draft of this article was extremely useful in the preparation of the final version presented here.  相似文献   

Reading fluency defined as speed, accuracy, and prosody, is a critical component of reading development. The purpose of this research was to compare the efficacy of automaticity versus prosody programmes on reading comprehension. The study included 122 Spanish primary-school children (74 second and 48 fourth graders), randomly assigned to one of three groups: (a) automaticity training, which consisted of repeated reading with a focus on speed and accuracy plus phonological and orthographic awareness activities; (b) prosody training, which consisted of repeated reading with a focus on expressiveness plus prosody sensitivity activities; and a (c) ‘no treatment’ control group. Multiple measures were used to determine pre-post training performance in reading fluency—automaticity and prosody—and comprehension. Prosody training proved superior to automaticity training in promoting automaticity and prosody. Prosody and automaticity training in fourth graders resulted in superior sentence comprehension compared to controls. The importance of prosody for reading development in primary school is discussed.  相似文献   

高等学校实行学生辅导员助理制度有极其重要的意义,是学生思想政治教育工作和管理工作的有益补充。本文重点分析了高校学生辅导员助理的角色定位和作用,对进一步促进高校学生教育管理工作有重要意义。  相似文献   

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