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词语作为表达思想的载体,常常被打上时代的烙印,留有历史变迁的痕迹。“支那”一词的称呼也是一样。据考证,“支那”原是“Cina”的音译,是古代印度对古代中国的称呼,最早出现在梵佛经中。梵Cina进入不同的语言中,其读音变化不大。译音是“China”,“支那”、“脂那”、“至那”或“震旦”。根据对Cina来源的不同看法,其原始含意也不相同,比较有  相似文献   

“痱子”的概念在汉代可用“疿”表示,“疿”得名于“沸”。在南北朝时“痱”加入了进来,一同表达这个概念,并形成双音词“沸子/疿子”,在这个过程中,“痱”的读音和词义都发生了很大的变化。  相似文献   

汉代“鲁”、“齐”、“韩”、“毛”四家诗中“齐诗”衰亡最早,但现存的文献中却依然保存着许多关于“齐诗”的资料,齐诗传授的脉络也因此可大致考出:齐诗酝酿于先秦,成于辕固生,发展、转折于夏侯始昌、后苍,鼎盛于西汉元、成之际的翼、匡、师、伏诸家,衰亡于东汉。  相似文献   

“身分”是中古时期产生的一个口语词,一直沿用到现代汉语中。“地位”义是其现代的常用义,但其本义为“身体某部分”。只有搞清楚“身分”词义发展脉络,才能正确理解本义“身体某部分”和现代常用义“地位”之间的内在联系。“身体,身子”义是“身分”词义发展过程中的关键环节,其他意义都是以此为基础直接或间接引申出来。  相似文献   

"一尘不染"最早来源于后秦鸠摩罗什译《大智度初品中菩萨释论》卷八,其最初形式为"一尘不着身",宋代的时候最终固定为四字格"一尘不染",在历史上还有"一尘不立"、"一尘不受"、"纤尘不染"、"一尘不到"、"不染一尘"等众多形式,因为音节对称、音韵和谐、通俗易懂、强调性强等原因在竞争中取胜,发展到现代,意义扩大,多含有褒义色彩。  相似文献   

“龌龊”是一个从古至今都在使用的叠韵连绵词。在不同时期,“龌龊”的词形和词义均发生了极大的变化,且这些变化相互之间存在一定的关系。文章认为“龌龊”一词的意义来源于表“廉谨”义的“娕”,后演变出成熟形式“龌龊”。随着时代发展,其意义也由形容人气量狭小、拘于小节引申出某物不干净、脏和形容人品质恶劣等义,用法逐渐灵活多样。此外,文章还简单介绍了“龌龊”一词在古书中的异文情况。  相似文献   

“以人为本”源自中国古代文献,并非有些文献说的源自西方“人本主义”。它在先秦时期就已经产生,可考文字存在于汉代的文献中。这个熟语在先秦时期标识民本思想,唐代概括为为政之道,当今用此语具有新的时代意义,包含了执政理念、政治思想和科学发展观。  相似文献   

“马政”是“掌王马之政”的缩语,出自《周礼·夏官·校人》。马,《说文》、《释名》均音训为武也,马与武事有密切关系,故养马用马被称为“甲兵之本,国之大用”。“安宁则以别尊卑之序,有变则以济远近之难”。《周礼》中有很多淡及马政的条文,形成了一套较为完备的有关马政的制度。“天子有十二闲,马六种;邦国六闲,马四种;家四闲,马二种。”每厩为一闲。校人具体负责掌管马政,“政谓差择养乘之数也”。  相似文献   

《汉语大词典》指出,成语“香象渡河”故事出自北凉昙无谶译《优婆塞戒经》,比喻悟道精深,后来也用以比喻评论文字精辟透彻,亦作“香象绝流”。通过调查和分析,我们发现“香象渡河”故事来源于前秦伽跋澄译《辑婆沙论》卷四,它的最早形式是“香象度河”,历史上还有“香象至底”、“渡河香象”、“香象蹴踏”、“香象截流”、“香象绝流”、“香象渡海”等众多形式。“香象渡河”最初用来比喻悟道深刻,宋代以后它的使用范围从佛教扩大到诗文、书画领域,比喻诗文精美透彻,也比喻书画笔法的深刻独到。  相似文献   

成语是熟语中最重要的一种语言形式,它既是语言的精华,又是别的词所不能替代的。文章借助电子检索系统,以时间为线索,适当采取数据和例证的方法。从形式和意义两方面,对"一丝不挂"的演变轨迹进行刻画。纵观唐到清,义项发生明显增减,而且形式演变居多。成语的发展演变是要经历一个渐变的过程。变体形式虽多,但有语序变化、成分替换、成分增减三种方式。主要是因为人们在沿习使用过程中随着语言环境的变化而发生变化。与形式相比,意义的定型性更重要。  相似文献   

Efforts to prevent and curb school bullying have resulted in a proliferation of anti‐school‐bullying programmes, many based on intuitive appeal rather than systematic evidence. This article presents a comparative analysis of two Norwegian programmes whose developers have demonstrated the effectiveness of their interventions: the Olweus Programme and the Zero Programme. By probing the key components of these programmes, the article provides schools with information about two prominent anti‐school‐bullying programmes that, to varying degrees, and mainly based on quantitative evaluations, have been found to work. In weighing up the potential of lesson drawing (both nationally and cross‐nationally), schools will attach significance to the probability of positive effects, to issues concerning intensity of implementation, and to the prospect of adapting programme content to school culture and school‐specific problems. It is important too that schools keep up to date with current research in the field, including studies that offer qualitative insights.  相似文献   

This paper draws on data collected in a one‐year research project focusing on elucidating theory/practice relations in learning to teach. As a teacher educator I grapple with the nature and role of teaching methodology. The notion of method, with its implied order and certainty, is confronted alongside prospective teachers throughout their coursework and student‐teaching experiences. Reflexivity is considered essential to this research process, providing a means to address the interface between the empirical data collected alongside student‐teachers and its interpretations. In this regard I draw on the historical writings of Dewey (1904 Dewey J (1904) The relation of theory and practice in education in: C. A. McMurry (Ed.) The relation of theory to practice in the education of teachers: the third yearbook of the National Society for the Scientific Study of Education (Chicago, IL, University of Chicago Press) 9 30  [Google Scholar], 1910 Dewey J (1910) How we think (Boston, MA, Heath) [Crossref] [Google Scholar], 1938 Dewey J (1938) Experience and education (New York, Collier Books) [Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar]) and Bakhtin (1990 Bakhtin MM (1990) Art and answerability (Austin, TX, University of Texas Press)  [Google Scholar], 1993 Bakhtin MM (1993) Toward a philosophy of the act (Austin, TX, University of Texas Press)  [Google Scholar]), found to provide insights into theory/practice relations. Through Dewey's thinking, bearings are retrieved that reorient teaching/learning methodology toward neglected needs and opportunities in learning to teach. Through Bakhtin's early aesthetic essays, a language is retrieved that addresses forgotten assumptions central to reformulating teaching methodology. This paper pursues the necessary character of a teacher preparation course fostering a mode of method that is radically different from the technical one. It is a mode of method that attends to the voices of prospective teachers in schools confronting the nature of learners and learning, teachers and teaching. It is a mode of method that reminds all involved in the schooling process of the power of teaching/learning restored to its participatory and complex nature.  相似文献   

以LED为光源,应用驱动原理并采用现有驱动元器件,设计了太阳能LED灯的供电电路.其发光效率高,电路简单、实用,能满足一个卧室(室内面积10M2左右)的照明需要.以它代替传统的光源,既节能又清洁.  相似文献   

Research on learning pattern development in higher education contexts is scarce. This longitudinal study seeks to address this issue by analysing the development of students' learning patterns throughout University College. Vermunts' Inventory of Learning Styles was used to assess individual differences in learning conceptions and learning strategies. By examining intra-individual changes in learning patterns we expected to find developmental trends within learning patterns. Results show that meaning oriented learning increases over time and undirected learning decreases. Some learning patterns are however more subject to change than others. The development of learning patterns was found to be relative and dependent on the learning pattern which students have already acquired in the first-year of University College.  相似文献   

Early, effective instruction to introduce both science vocabulary and general academic language may help children build a strong conceptual and linguistic foundation for later instruction. In this study, a design research intervention was employed to expose children to a variety of interrelated science content words to increase both the breadth and the depth of their vocabularies. This 8-week intervention targeted specific science content vocabulary development through adapting teachers' practices to include use of three instructional techniques: Teachers interactively read aloud information books, engaged students in conversation, and provided hands-on science activity centers. Results demonstrated that children deepened their understanding of the targeted vocabulary words.  相似文献   

This paper takes seriously the claim that postmodernism has seriously undermined our‘modern’ understanding of what the role of education in a democratic society should be. It therefore seeks to reinterpret this role in a way that confronts the challenge that postmodernism has posed. In order to do this the paper clarifies how postmodernism has now discredited the‘modern’ assumptions on which our view of the relationship between education and democracy has been erected. Drawing on the philosophy of John Dewey, it then reconstructs the relationship between education and democracy so as effectively to resist the challenge that postmodernism has posed.  相似文献   

This essay explores my role as a teacher educator within a changing policy and curriculum landscape, including managerial attempts to define acceptable educational ‘outcomes’ and other globalising pressures to regulate education. I interrogate my professional knowledge and experience as a teacher educator, raising questions about the adequacy of my support for student teachers as they enter this new landscape. I conceive the key challenge facing me at the moment as a challenge to my professional identity that requires me to find new ways of understanding and talking about my work (cf. Teaching and Teacher Education 19(1) (2002) 5). The essay might be read as a ‘self study’, in which my ‘self’ is conceived as a function of the networks or relationships in which I operate as a teacher educator and the larger structures that shape my professional world.  相似文献   

Cultural Studies of Science Education - This article presents a case study of “the aspirin unit,” a curriculum unit from an advanced chemistry class in a neighborhood high school in a...  相似文献   

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