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The authors investigated differences in the processes underlying two types of metacomprehension judgments: judgments of difficulty and predictions of performance (JOD vs. POP). An experiment was conducted to assess whether these two types of judgments aligned with different types of processing cues, and whether their accuracy correlated with different factors such as sensitivity to processing ease and reading ability. Participants (n?=?72) read an extended text about brain structure and after each sentence made either a JOD or POP. Results suggested that JODs and POPs were made based on different sets of cues because different factors correlated with the accuracy of metacomprehension judgments. JOD accuracy correlated with sensitivity to processing ease and POP accuracy most strongly correlated with reading ability. Engaging in different metacomprehension judgments during reading may alter the information sources to which a reader attends and which factors influence metacognitive accuracy.  相似文献   

From a self-regulated learning perspective, adequate monitoring of own learning processes and outcomes is crucial to regulate one's own learning effectively. Research on metacognitive judgments, however, clearly indicates that students frequently overestimate their actual performance. Therefore, the present study with N = 209 undergraduate students aimed to support students in developing accurate judgments in order to improve learning processes and, eventually, performance. A quasi-experimental design with three conditions (metacognitive training, testing, and control) and five testing sessions was implemented. In addition to repeated testing plus individual feedback in the testing group, students in the metacognitive training group received psychoeducation, made item-specific judgments, and were given feedback. Over and above the positive effects of repeated testing, metacognitive training positively influenced several monitoring accuracy scores (bias, absolute accuracy, and specificity) and students' performance. Moreover, the metacognitive training group exhibited a nonlinear interindividual decrease in overconfidence. Overall, the study provided considerable evidence that monitoring accuracy and performance can be improved by means of judgment training.  相似文献   

Metacognition and Learning - The influential metacognitive framework of Nelson and Narens (1990) distinguishes between object-level and meta-level, with two metacognitive processes, monitoring and...  相似文献   

Performance judgment is a situation of incomplete information where raters' inference would play an important role. Consequently, the schematic nature of human cognition may introduce implicit personality theory bias in performance judgment. To demonstrate this, a causal model of performance rating judgment was framed from the theories of person perception and social cognition. The model yielded a good fit to the data obtained from a performance rating task where the availability of performance information was manipulated. The results supported the hypotheses that student raters' inferences are partly contaminated by their implicit theories of a good instructor. Student raters inferred traits and behaviors and provided ratings for corresponding items even when the instructor behavior was limited to a subset of performance data only. The findings imply that one aspect of invalidity in student ratings of instructors is the bias in human inference due to the implicit theories of effective instructional behavior.  相似文献   

This exploratory study was designed to investigate the accuracy of high school students' confidence in their answers on classroom tests, how that accuracy varied between different types of questions, and whether having to judge their confidence in test items resulted in an improvement in accuracy over the school year. The study was conducted in a rural high school in a South Eastern state of the US involving 54 students enrolled in three sections of a human anatomy class. For an entire school year the teacher asked students to indicate their confidence in a response's correctness when they answered questions on tests and examinations. Further data included interviews with 25 students and a career goals questionnaire. Having students gauge the correctness of their responses to test questions on class tests over the school year did not result in quantifiable improvements in their accuracy. However, students indicated that reflective use of the language of human anatomy and physiology through reading out loud to themselves, practising writing words and phrases, and verbal questioning and discussion with others helped them to achieve higher academic outcomes. Modelling or discussing effective study strategies with family members were also identified as important factors on the ways students prepared for tests.  相似文献   

Monitoring one’s own study processes accurately is important in self-regulated learning. This study compared a treatment (N = 45) and comparison class (N = 39) on the effects of monitoring exercises and feedback on calibration and test performance over a 16-week undergraduate course. Path analyses revealed a significant influence of the intervention on class performance, calibration, and self-efficacy. The results suggest the appropriateness of integrating distributed metacognitive exercises in class content and the fundamental role of monitoring ability in performance-based course outcomes and self-efficacy.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to examine the accuracy of teachers' judgments of students' early literacy skills and to determine if students' achievement levels influenced teachers' judgments. Typical and lower‐achieving kindergarten and first‐grade students' scores on the Nonsense Word Fluency and Phoneme Segmentation Fluency measures of the Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) were compared to the predicted performance by their teachers. Results showed a moderately strong correlation between teachers' judgments and students' performance across all of the students, which is consistent with past research. Teachers' judgments, however, consistently and significantly overestimated the actual performance of students, particularly those who were typically performing students. The findings of the investigation suggest that relying on teachers' judgments of students' early literacy skills alone may be insufficient to accurately identify students at risk for reading difficulties. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The effects of teacher training and qualifications on teacher and student performance in developing countries have been matters of considerable interest recently. A forerunner to this debate was a relationship hypothesized by C.E. Beeby between levels of general education and professional training of teachers and passage through stages of educational development. In a recent critique of Beeby's stages, it was argued that the stages concept is theoretically and methodologically unsound; however, the relationship between teachers' training and performance received only cursory attention. This article pursues the issue further through an analysis of recent literature reviews on teacher effectiveness in developing countries. Given the objections to stage analysis, Beeby's hypothesis was recast to predict a positive relationship between teachers' general education and professional training as independent variables and teachers' performance as dependent variable. The two less restrictive and more wide-ranging of the literature reviews provided considerable support for this hypothesis in developing countries, but made clear that the exact nature of the relationship is complex and varies considerably between different educational and cultural contexts. It was noted that considerable attention is needed to operational specification of the hypothesis according to the needs of individual countries. Research should no longer concentrate on whether such a relationship exists, but should seek to establish the particular nature of the relationship in the different contexts.
Zusammenfassung In letzter Zeit ist viel über die Auswirkungen der Lehrerausbildung und ihrer Qualifikationen auf die Leistungen von Lehrern und Schülern in Entwicklungsländern diskutiert worden. Ein Vorläufer dieser Debatte war eine von C.E. Beeby aufgestellte Hypothese über den Zusammenhang zwischen dem Niveau der Allgemeinbildung und beruflichen Ausbildung von Lehrern und ihrem Durchlaufen von pädagogischen Entwicklungsstufen. In einer neueren Kritik von Beeby's Stufentheorie wurde ausgeführt, daß das Stufenkonzept theoretisch und methodologisch angreifbar sei; auf den Zusammenhang von Lehrerausbildung und -leistung wurde jedoch nicht näher eingegangen. Der vorliegende Artikel geht der Frage weiter nach, indem er neuere Literatur über die Effizienz von Lehrern in Entwicklungsländern analysiert. Angesichts der Einwendungen gegen die Stufenanalyse wird Beeby's Hypothese so abgewandelt, daß sie einen positiven Zusammenhang zwischen der Allgemeinbildung und beruflichen Ausbildung von Lehrern als unabhängigen Variablen und ihrer Leistung als abhängiger Variable ergibt. Die beiden weniger einschränkenden und weitreichenderen Literaturstudien liefern beachtliche Unterstützung für diese Hypothese in bezug auf Entwicklungsländer, machen aber deutlich, daß dieser Zusammenhang komplexer Natur ist und in den verschiedenen pädagogischen und kulturellen Kontexten erheblich variiert. Daher muß der operationellen Spezifizierung der Hypothese entsprechend den Bedürfnissen der einzelnen Länder besondere Aufmerksamkeit gewidmet werden. Die Forschung sollte sich nicht länger darauf konzentrieren, ob ein solcher Zusammenhang besteht, sondern vor allem die Eigenart der Beziehung in den verschiedenen Kontexten untersuchen.

Résumé Les effets de la formation et des qualifications de l'enseignant sur le rendement de l'enseignant et de l'étudiant dans les pays en développement ont été l'objet, récemment, d'un intérêt considérable. Le postulat formulé par Beeby d'une relation entre les niveaux de l'éducation générale et la formation professionnelle des enseignants ainsi que le passage par une série d'étapes de développement éducationnel a été le prélude de ce débat. Une récente critique des étapes de Beeby a argué que son concept était théoriquement et méthodologiquement erroné; cependant la relation entre la formation et la performance des enseignants a retenu quelque peu l'attention. Cet article approfondit la question en analysant les enquêtes récentes sur la performance de l'enseignant dans les pays en développement. Etant donné les objections présentées à l'analyse de l'étape, l'hypothèse de Beeby a été remaniée pour prédire une relation positive entre l'éducation générale des enseignants et la formation professionnelle considérées comme des variables indépendantes et la performance des enseignants vue comme une variable dépendante. Les deux enquêtes les moins restrictives et les plus ouvertes portant sur les écrits inspirés par ce thème ont fortement étayé cette hypothèse dans les pays en développement, mais ont clairement montré par ailleurs que la nature exacte de cette relation est complexe et qu'elle varie considérablement selon les contextes culturels et éducatifs. On a remarqué que la spécification opérationnelle de l'hypothèse en fonction des besoins de chacun des pays requiert une attention extrême. La recherche ne doit plus se consacrer désormais à vérifier l'existence d'une telle relation mais bien s'intéresser à la nature particulière de ce rapport dans les différents contextes.

This study takes an individual differences' perspective on performance feedback effects in psychometric testing. A total of 105 students in a mainstream secondary school in North East England undertook a cognitive ability test on two occasions. In one condition, students received item-specific accuracy feedback while in the other (standard condition) no feedback was provided. While accuracy feedback had, on average, no effect on test performance, differential effects were observed. Performance goal orientation and self-confidence moderated feedback effects on performance. The provision of accuracy feedback seemed to have performance optimising effects upon test takers with high performance goal orientation in combination with low self-confidence. The implications of these findings in relation to the validity of findings from psychological testing are discussed.  相似文献   

Victor Quinn advocates teaching critical thinking as a curriculum subject. He has accused Professor John E. McPeck, a vehement critic of such proposals, not only of being wrong but also of being in need of such a critical thinking course himself. In this paper we examine the five supposed critical thinking weaknesses of which McPeck is accused and consider what Quinn's arguments tell us about critical thinking, its skills, its priorities and its claims to subject status.  相似文献   

本研究从频数测量和比率测量两方面探讨准确性指标与口语成绩之间的关系。本研究采用诱导任务方法,收集了61篇中国英语专业学生口语语篇。通过对准确性指标数据分析,本研究获得三个主要发现。对口语教学以及引导学生注意形式与意义的连接,提高语言使用的准确性有一定的启示。  相似文献   

Confidence sharing is an asymmetrical dialogic episode to which both parties consent, in which one reveals something personal to the other who participates in the emergence and unfolding of the confidence. We describe how this is achieved at a discursive level within vocational counselling interviews. Based on a corpus of 64 interviews, we analyse the disclosure of confidences and the discursive procedures allowing their expression, the way the interactants manage the situation and the repercussions on the counselling interview.  相似文献   

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