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本研究基于社会信息加工模型理论,运用问卷调查和个别访谈技术,对幼儿攻击行为的一般特征及其社会信息加工过程进行研究,以探讨身体攻击幼儿和关系攻击幼儿的社会信息加工特点。研究表明,3~6岁幼儿的攻击行为存在显著的性别差异,男孩的攻击行为多于女孩。身体攻击幼儿和关系攻击幼儿存在一定程度的社会信息加工缺陷。  相似文献   

An increasing number of transgender children—those who express a gender identity that is “opposite” their natal sex—are socially transitioning, or presenting as their gender identity in everyday life. This study asks whether these children differ from gender‐typical peers on basic gender development tasks. Three‐ to 5‐year‐old socially transitioned transgender children (= 36) did not differ from controls matched on age and expressed gender (= 36), or siblings of transgender and gender nonconforming children (= 24) on gender preference, behavior, and belief measures. However, transgender children were less likely than both control groups to believe that their gender at birth matches their current gender, whereas both transgender children and siblings were less likely than controls to believe that other people's gender is stable.  相似文献   

The National Board of Health and Welfare in Sweden is the state authority that makes outlines, recommendations, and rules for the services given to the handicapped persons in Sweden, Also, day nurseries, nursery schools, preschools, and special preschools are all under the supervision of the National Board of Health and Welfare.  相似文献   

就目前而言,我国学前儿童的营养状况相较从前有了很大改进。学龄前儿童的营养状况主要面临两个问题,一是营养不良,另一方面是营养过剩。学龄前儿童的营养状况这一问题要追溯至其膳食营养摄入的平衡以及饮食方式上,在不同地区,不同的生活水平和家庭状况也从多方面影响着学龄前儿童的营养状况。因此,针对不发达地区和发达地区,分别对其儿童营养教育展开研究才能找到最为合适的解决方式。  相似文献   

Research Findings: The purpose of this study was to describe differences in the narratives produced by 3-, 4-, and 5- year old Spanish-speaking (SS) children. Narrative productions of 104 typically developing children were collected using a story-retelling task and coded using the Index of Narrative Complexity. The results of this study indicate that 3-year-old SS children produced stories containing characters and actions. Four-year-old SS children’s stories were characterized by the use of characters, actions, and internal responses. Five-year-old SS children retold stories containing characters, settings, initiating events, actions, internal responses, formulaic markers, temporal markers, and knowledge of dialogue. Practice: Developmental information to assist educators working with SS children.  相似文献   

几乎在每一所幼儿园中都有几个有着一些特殊需要的孩子。弱智儿童就是其中一类.他们分布在幼儿园的各个班上。  相似文献   

A Twin Study of Attachment in Preschool Children   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The degree to which individual differences in child-parent attachment were mediated by genetic, shared environmental, and nonshared environmental influences was investigated. One hundred and ten preschool-aged twin pairs (N = 220) were assessed in the Strange Situation and coded using conventional four-way classifications and a continuous measure of attachment security. The degree of sibling similarity in attachment was substantial, with an overall concordance rate of 67% at the secure/insecure level. The degree of concordance was equally high in monozygotic and dizygotic twin pairs, 70% and 64%, respectively, suggesting little genetic influence but a moderate degree of discordance. Twin similarity on the continuous measure of attachment security was r(57) = .48 and r(53) = .38 for monozygotic and dizygotic twin pairs, respectively, also consistent with a modest role for genetic influence but a significant effect for shared and nonshared environment. The implications for genetic influences on the environment and for understanding nonshared and shared environmental influences are discussed.  相似文献   

Behavioral observations and sociometric ratings were assessed in separate 3- and 4-year-old child care classes across a two year period. A cross sequential design included three cohorts. Cohort A was observed at age 4, Cohort B at ages 3 and 4 and Cohort C was observed at age 3 yielding two separate cross sectional comparisons and a longitudinal comparison across ages 3 and 4. Social network analyses were used to determine the relation between behavioral measures of social interactions and sociometric ratings, developmental changes in the degree of organization of the social networks in each class, and the degree to which gender was an organizing principle in the social structure of both age groups. In general, correspondence between the behavioral observations and sociometric ratings increased with age and the social structure showed greater cohesion in the 4-year-old class. Gender was an organizing principle in the social structure of the 4-year-old class and became more apparent across time in the 3-year-old class. Implications of the findings for the assessment of sociometric status and for intervention are discussed.  相似文献   

Behavioral observations and sociometric ratings were assessed in separate 3- and 4-year-old child care classes across a two year period. A cross sequential design included three cohorts. Cohort A was observed at age 4, Cohort B at ages 3 and 4 and Cohort C was observed at age 3 yielding two separate cross sectional comparisons and a longitudinal comparison across ages 3 and 4. Social network analyses were used to determine the relation between behavioral measures of social interactions and sociometric ratings, developmental changes in the degree of organization of the social networks in each class, and the degree to which gender was an organizing principle in the social structure of both age groups. In general, correspondence between the behavioral observations and sociometric ratings increased with age and the social structure showed greater cohesion in the 4-year-old class. Gender was an organizing principle in the social structure of the 4-year-old class and became more apparent across time in the 3-year-old class. Implications of the findings for the assessment of sociometric status and for intervention are discussed.  相似文献   

学前性教育是社会发展对幼儿教育提出的新要求。性教育不仅能有效帮助幼儿了解科学的性知识,还有利于儿童形成正确的性别意向,更能教会儿童从小学会自我保护,远离性侵害。这些都为儿童健康人格发展奠定了良好的基础。因此,师范院校要顺应社会发展要求,改革学前专业相关课程,培养更优秀的幼儿园教师。  相似文献   

家庭教育中的儿童教育历来就被人们所重视。在社会经济高度发展的今天,审美教育作为一种现实的教育活动和方式也被大众所接受。站在审美教育的高度来看当下家庭教育中的儿童(学龄前)教育其实是存在诸多不足,这样的不足值得我们今天去反思,在反思的基础上针对不足提出应对之策。如此我们才能在家庭教育中的儿童教育道路上走得更远、更好。  相似文献   

Understanding of Permission Rules by Preschool Children   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

执行功能指的是个体对自己的意识和行为进行监督和控制的一系列心理过程.学前期是儿童执行功能发展的重要时期.执行功能是与其他功能相互促进、协调发展的,尤其与心理理论发展有密切联系.早期生活环境对执行功能的发展有显著影响.研究者认为,有必要研制相关的早期执行功能评价工具及干预方案,对教师进行有关执行功能发展的专业培训,并向家长宣传有关执行功能发展的知识,以促进学前儿童执行功能发展.  相似文献   

学前儿童数学教育反思   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
《3-6岁儿童学习与发展指南》从健康、语言、社会、科学、艺术五个领域描述幼儿的学习与发展。在科学领域中,《指南》要求引导幼儿对周围环境中的数、量、形、时间和空间等现象产生兴趣,建构初步的数概念,并学习用简单的数学方法解决生活和游戏中某些简单的问题。数学教育能训练幼儿的抽象思维能力,促进其逻辑思维的发展并能培养良好的学习品质,重视数学教育,以幼儿为中心,尊重幼儿的自主性,以游戏化的方式培养幼儿的数学思维。  相似文献   

幼儿数学教育纲要对目标的表述体现在两个方面,一是能够让幼儿从生活和游戏中感受事物之间的数量关系,二是能够让幼儿体验数学的重要性和有趣性。这一句话明确了幼儿学习数学要在哪里学、要怎么学。要想让幼儿喜欢上数学课,教师应该从培养幼儿的兴趣着手,从生活中的点点滴滴、学习游戏的方方面面渗入。在自主设计的游戏活动当中,慢慢地让幼儿发现学习数学的生活实用性,并让幼儿充分享受学习数学的快乐,让幼儿在有趣的游戏中既享受快乐又学到数学知识。本文讨论了培养学前幼儿学习数学的兴趣的若干途径。  相似文献   

Neurodevelopmental Correlates of Theory of Mind in Preschool Children   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Baseline electroencephalogram (EEG) data were collected from twenty-nine 4-year-old children who also completed batteries of representational theory-of-mind (RTM) tasks and executive functioning (EF) tasks. Neural sources of children's EEG alpha (6–9 Hz) were estimated and analyzed to determine whether individual differences in regional EEG alpha activity predicted children's RTM performance, while statistically controlling for children's age and EF skills. Results showed that individual differences in EEG alpha activity localized to the dorsal medial prefrontal cortex (dMPFC) and the right temporal–parietal juncture (rTPJ) were positively associated with children's RTM performance. These findings suggest that the maturation of dMPFC and rTPJ is a critical constituent of preschoolers' explicit theory-of-mind development.  相似文献   

This research investigated the relation between racial categorization and implicit racial bias in majority and minority children. Chinese and Indian 3- to 7-year-olds from Singapore (= 158) categorized Chinese and Indian faces by race and had their implicit and explicit racial biases measured. Majority Chinese children, but not minority Indian children, showed implicit bias favoring own race. Regardless of ethnicity, children's racial categorization performance correlated positively with implicit racial bias. Also, Chinese children, but not Indian children, displayed explicit bias favoring own race. Furthermore, children's explicit bias was unrelated to racial categorization performance and implicit bias. The findings support a perceptual–social linkage in the emergence of implicit racial bias and have implications for designing programs to promote interracial harmony.  相似文献   


A 3‐year study yielded data on the characteristics and progress of preschool children with developmental delays of uncertain aetiology. Children were tested at six‐month intervals in their homes using standard developmental measures (Bayley, McCarthy, Gesell, Sequenced Inventory of Communication Development); additional information about children and families was gathered by personal interview. Findings support the use of standardized assessment techniques for determining developmental level of preschool delayed children. For the group as a whole there was stability of performance over time, but the rates of change varied according to child. Delays in developmental domains were frequently associated with social behavioural and adjustment problems. Some relationship was found between aetiology and rate of development. Analyses across time suggest that three assessments are needed before confident prediction can be made about developmental rate for individual children.  相似文献   

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