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墓志是中国封建社会礼制的产物,记载了墓主的个人资料,反映了墓主的血缘关系及一个家庭的世系,是研究姓氏和历史人物的重要史料。漳州市图书馆收藏古代墓志拓片近百种。必须重视对墓志中家族世系资料的整理和利用,对馆藏墓志拓片进行献整理,并与方志、家谱等古代献相互对照研究。  相似文献   

哀德尔(E.J.Eitel)的《客家历史纲要》(An Outline History of the Hakkas)与弼顿查理斯(Ch.Piton.)的《客家起源与历史》(The Origin and History of Hakkas)是晚清时期两篇关于客家历史与源流的文章。哀德尔根据传说与族谱资料认为客家人起源于公元前3世纪华北地区,并作为一个特殊的群体不断的南迁。弼顿查理斯(Ch.PITON)则对前者的观点与材料使用等方面提出质疑,认为客家人与其他中国人没有什么不同,族谱记载的内容非常值得怀疑。后来的客家研究受到哀德尔影响较大,而对于弼顿查理斯的质疑却长期没有得到应有重视。  相似文献   

《肃镇华夷志》是裕固族重要的历史资料,其中记载了不少与裕固族生产、生活有关的资料,这些资料,透露了裕固族早期饮食的状况,是研究裕固族历史和文化的重要史料。  相似文献   

河西汉简中出现大量的谷物名称,河西地区的考古中也发现了大量的谷物实物,这都是研究古代河西农业发展的重要资料,也是研究中国古代农业发展的重要资料。本文对这些谷物的种属做了考证和辨析,并说明它们在农史上的重要地位,以期丰富河西史的研究,也丰富中国农史的研究。  相似文献   

《荆楚岁时记》成书于魏晋南北朝时期,该书系统地记载了该时期荆楚地区的岁时节庆,是研究该时期该地区民间信仰的重要资料。本文挑选其中四个岁时:正月、端午、盂兰盆节、腊日,对民间信仰进行分析并归纳其特征。  相似文献   

章对国内外关于近代英国和中国新疆关系的研究进行了总结,并对国内各个时期研究及国外研究特点,资料使用情况做了分析,认为系统探讨近代英国和新疆新关系是十分必要和有意义的。  相似文献   

四事件资料汇编随着辛亥革命史研究的发展,也随着研究课题的拓宽和加深,一批以历史事件为重心的专题资料,相继陆续出版。例如:杨天石、王学庄合编的《拒俄运动》,是记载1901—1905年中国人民反抗沙俄侵占我国领土的斗争资料;朱士嘉编的《美国迫害华工资料》,是记载1905年中国人民反对美国迫害华工的斗争资料;戴执礼编的《四川保路运动史料》,是记载辛亥革命前瘦四川人民破约保路斗争的资料;中国第一历史档案馆和北京师范大学历史系合编的《辛亥革命前十年民变资料》,则是记载清末广大民众起事暴动的资料。从这些专题  相似文献   

事实资料对教育研究来说十分重要,文献资料更是必不可少。因为要想知道别人做了些什么(或者正在做什么)研究以及他们是怎样研究的,要想自己的研究建立在已有的研究基础之上,要想自己的选题具有前瞻性并避免重复,都必须查找文献。作为记载、传承人类文化知识的载体的文献,是一切科学研究的基础。文献法作为一种方法,它贯穿于科学研究的全过程。从选题、设计方案,到调查、撰写论文或报告,都离不开文献的支撑和利用。然而,我们不少的教师(包括一些年轻的研究者)缺乏查阅文献的意识,也不知道如何查找,本文将对此作出一定程度的回…  相似文献   

高等学校章程绝对必要记载事项的内容及格式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高等学校章程的内容是指高等学校章程所应记载的涉及高等学校设立和运行的重大事项。尽管《高等教育法》规定了高等学校章程应当记载的十件事项,但并未就其中的绝对必要记载事项和相对必要记载事项以及文本格式做必要说明。本文力图阐明高等学校章程绝对必要记载事项的具体内容及文本格式。  相似文献   

在中国古代的史籍和其他文字资料当中,有着众多的有关灾害的记载,说明对灾害的关注由来已久,记载灾害,探求其变化规律,是史学研究人文精神的集中体现。随着现代史学的产生,系统整理、研究灾害问题的著作、论文也多了起来。对这些作品进行一番整理,以利于学界同仁作更深入的研究  相似文献   

社会对人才的需求和定位是人才培养及课程设置的风向标。美国社会对教育技术人才的需求如何?对教育技术人才的能力素质提出了哪些具体要求?针对这两个问题,文章网络调研了美国教育技术相关岗位对人才的要求,得到其中最重要的30条能力素质项;通过多种途径访谈了大量美国教育技术专业人士,得出专业人才应具备的一些关键能力。研究结果将为同仁们理解和研究美国教育技术学人才培养及专业课程设置提供参考。  相似文献   

Chunks of stony materials dashing into the Earth’s atmosphere evoke awesome moments of fascination. Laymen generally interpret these dazzling displays of nature as ‘meteors’. In this article, various aspects of astronomical and atmospheric meteors are discussed.  相似文献   

关于完善国家社科基金项目评审制度的若干思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
现行的国家社会科学项目评审制度在实践中证明是行之有效的,但仍存在不足,主要是学科评审专家的遴选多是从一级学科层次上考虑,且只通过他们的一次会议评审确定立项和资助额。为保证基金项目评审立项的科学性和公正性,有必要建立一个包括同行评议制度、回避制度,违纪处理制度、申诉制度、监督制度以及项目成果公开制度在内的管理体系。其中构建专家库和每年同行评议专家的选择非常重要  相似文献   

A multivariate analysis of exceptional states in 384 children aged 6 years is presented. Predictors were six items of information in the domain of child development, four items were in the domain of social factors, and three items were maternal traits. Criteria were six of nine exceptional states on which there were enough cases for multivariate analysis. The AID-4 interaction regression method was the technique of analysis applied to data gathered by prospective longitudinal study. No consistent sets of predictors were found for the criteria. However, Coddington's Life Changes scores were frequently observed as prime sources of variance. Social class scores were also important influences on criteria of exceptionality.  相似文献   

以汇集全国国际商务英语考试(一级)历次考试(2007年4月至2014年5月)为样本,选取阅读模块中“商务短语选择”(BPMC)项目为例子,运用英语语料库和测试成绩分析等工具剖析“商务短语选择”项目命题质量和项目难度、区分度和信度。同时,结合命题和施考实践,探寻提高商务英语词汇测试质量的对策。  相似文献   

Two qualitatively different information-processing algorithms for solution of Raven's Progressive Matrices items have been identified. Whereas the Gestalt algorithm involves spatial operations upon the test stimuli, the Analytic algorithm employs logical operations upon features abstracted from the displays. In this study, training groups were established varying both in the Strength (Weak or Strong) and Type (Gestalt or Analytic) of training at three grade levels. Two sets of post-test measures were given. Ambiguous items were constructed such that more than one correct answer was possible, some being the result of the Gestalt algorithm and others of the Analytic algorithm. Subjects' performances on the Ambiguous items indicated that strong Analytic training had been particularly effective and was specific to Analytic answer options. The second post-test measure was Set I of the Advanced Progressive Matrices. Performance on these Test items indicated that the effects of strategy training had been maintained, and were due to the facilitation of Analytic item performance by Analytic training. The effects of Strength and Type of training were consistent across Grades. These results support Hunt's analysis of Raven's Progressive Matrices items, and demonstrate that strategy training based upon a precise information processing task analysis can be effective in improving Progressive Matrices performance. The implications of these results for intellectual assessment are discussed.  相似文献   

In traditional feeling-of-knowing procedures, participants make judgments on unrecalled items only (e.g. Hart 1965). However, many researchers elicit feeling-of-knowing judgments (FOKs) on all items. When FOKs are made on all items, participants may use recall as a basis for judgments, leading to higher magnitude judgments for recalled items, but causing a relative floor effect for judgments for unrecalled items. We suspected that resolution (relative accuracy) would be better when FOKs are made on all items than when they are made on unrecalled items only. We examined the issue by comparing across studies, reanalyzing data from another experiment, and by conducting an original experiment. In the literature review, we included 83 conditions across 52 studies. We found that feeling-of-knowing judgments made on all items showed higher resolution than feeling-of-knowing judgments made on unrecalled items. This was replicated in the reanalysis of existing data of a single study that used both methods. In the original experiment, we collected feeling-of-knowing judgments for general-information questions. The experiment confirmed that resolution for predicting recognition was higher when feeling-of-knowing judgments were made on all items than when they were made only on unrecalled items. We discuss both methodological and theoretical implications of these data.  相似文献   

Bloom Filter算法是一种高效多哈希算法,它使用紧凑的数据结构以极小且可控的误差率表达一个数据集合,支持查询特定元素是否在集合中出现文中.基于Bloom Filter,针对元素出现频率呈重尾分布的特定集合,提出一种标记多重嵌套Bloom Filter(SMNBF)算法,采用带标记的多重嵌套方式存储集合中元素出现频率的信息.通过对算法的时间和空间复杂度以及误差比例的分析,结果显示该算法以较小计算代价和误差率,大幅减小计算所需的存储空间.将SMNBF算法应用于频率服从重尾分布的集合的实验结果表明,该算法在基本不改变计算误差的基础上,性能明显优于其他类似算法.  相似文献   

《Educational Assessment》2013,18(3):201-224
This article discusses an approach to analyzing performance assessments that identifies potential reasons for misfitting items and uses this information to improve on items and rubrics for these assessments. Specifically, the approach involves identifying psychometric features and qualitative features of items and rubrics that may possibly influence misfit; examining relations between these features and the fit statistic; conducting an analysis of student responses to a sample of misfitting items; and finally, based on the results of the previous analyses, modifying characteristics of the items or rubrics and reexamining fit. A mathematics performance assessment containing 53 constructed-response items scored on a holistic scale from 0 to 4 is used to illustrate the approach. The 2-parameter graded response model (Samejima, 1969) is used to calibrate the data. Implications of this method of data analysis for improving performance assessment items and rubrics are discussed as well as issues and limitations related to the use of the approach.  相似文献   

在中国科举史上,唐、宋、辽、金与清代都曾以五言诗作为考试项目之一。这种用于科场的诗歌,曾有官方规定或约定俗成的若干名称,亦有关于名称的种种争论。对诸种名称追根溯源,进行梳理,有助于澄清相关研究中的某些错误观念与认识,加深对应试诗文化意义的理解。  相似文献   

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