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夏恩公司是世界网络数据存储管理的领导者,是首家进入国内的专业数据存贮管理软件厂商,为用户提供了先进的技术与服务。其产品包括病毒软件、传真通讯软件、网管软件、存贮管理软件等。 夏恩北京办事处在业界合作和参与下,从1996年8月至12月,成功的在全国十个城市举办了以“有备无患、高枕无忧”为主题的巡回展,为客户  相似文献   

This study examined ten, selected word pairs, each containing a word's full spelling and its abbreviation, to determine which form search engine users preferred in searching. Using seven search logs gathered from several Internet search engines with approximately 608 MB of data, the study measured the occurrences of the twenty terms. The selected words are important in library cataloging, for some are prescribed abbreviations in metadata content standards. The study found that in eight of the ten word pairs users preferred to search words’ full spellings over the abbreviations, often by a high margin.  相似文献   

This article seeks to reappraise two popular yet neglected examples of variety programming, which appeared on French television during the 1960s: Discorama and Age tendre et tête de bois. While the former has been situated within a realist televisual aesthetic and regarded as a launch-pad for French singer-songwriters, the latter has been represented as a youth-oriented vehicle for rock ‘n’ roll and yé-yé pop music. Although such interpretations are to a large extent valid, this article will argue that both programmes should also be viewed as symptomatic of Charles de Gaulle's statist broadcasting strategy, which placed great emphasis on creating social cohesion via programmes designed to appeal to the widest possible audience.  相似文献   

Established during the Sudeten crisis in September 1938, the BBC German Service played an important role in Chamberlain's appeasement policy and warfare towards Nazi Germany. Yet the BBC's employment for official propaganda, especially in peacetime, raised delicate issues of its independence from government control and of the objectivity and credibility of its broadcasts. This paper discusses, first, the origins of the BBC German Service and its role within Chamberlain's policy. Second, it analyses the relationship between the BBC and Whitehall. Third, it traces the evolution and development of the British propaganda strategy towards Germany and investigates how the concepts of ‘truthfulness’ and ‘objectivity’ were internally understood and employed by the BBC and Whitehall in their propaganda campaign. Finally, the paper argues that Chamberlain's propaganda strategy towards Germany collapsed during the Allied campaign in Norway in April 1940 precisely because it no longer conformed to its self-proclaimed principles of ‘truth’ and ‘objectivity’. As a result, the credibility of the BBC German Service suffered a significant, if ultimately temporary, setback.  相似文献   

This paper explores the benefits of using in-house periodicals for writing the history of interest groups and unions in southern Africa. In particular, it focuses on using The Farmer magazine as a source to write more nuanced social and cultural histories of white farmers in Zimbabwe. The importance of The Farmer to the white farming community is laid out and it is argued that long-term and detailed readings of this magazine offer the opportunity to explore the evolutions in discourse within the farming community, the processes of transition and the ambiguities of independence for a group like the white farmers. The uses described are ones that have rarely been put into practice in southern Africa, but are also ones that can be easily transposed to other settings and context.  相似文献   

Conversation is key and as the communication landscape shifts rapidly, harnessing ‘e’ is pivotal in extending ‘story’ as digital evolves, catapulting publishing from analogue to digital. Harnessing ‘e’ is an exciting and effective way to add value, but for ‘e’ to be implemented successfully and seamlessly requires more than a standard ‘roll out’ of strategy. Staying Single [1] was my MA dissertation project in the form of a fictional blog that bridged a fictitious digital world with a real physical one as I supplemented Sophie’s story with souvenirs, additional digital content, UGC, and social media elements, all channelled through Sophie’s fictional storyworld. This study was an investigation into the effects that interactivity and community might bring to contemporary fiction, traditionally published in print form, by women, for women. The presentation of Staying Single as a cross-media, digital story challenged conventional boundaries for story enjoyment and involvement and attempted to vastly expand the story universe, recording how the option for interactivity impacted the story. Readers were offered choices to receive Staying Single through blog feeds, by email or downloaded podcasts, with additional options for involvement through multiple platforms—‘Pulling Power’ ‘relationship’ documentaries, SMS alerts and ‘meeting’ Sophie in Second Life. My current transmedia romantic comedy fiction, Loving NY will push these resources and opportunities further, enhancing and driving the story whilst engaging and interacting with readers. Transmedia storyworld development is extremely fast-moving and with magazines offering web-cam enabled augmented realities and iPhone apps allowing readers to GPS tag co-readers, these are extremely exciting times! To harness ‘e’ is to offer options—levels of immersion and engagement, multi-platform choices, perhaps even linear or non-linear narratives with the intention of organically reaching a wider readership far beyond the restrictions of print based novels.  相似文献   

由于形式主义的社会风气又冒出来了,广播电视中的新闻真实性问题、节目质量问题也受到了形式主义的侵袭。历史的经验,值得注意。“伟大的空话”并未把国人的干劲鼓到实处,难道一些只讲“成就”的宣传就足以反映社会真象的全貌?如果这样来理解和坚持正面宣传,“正面”岂不成了“片面”?盛世难以出危言,爱国未便说忧患.可是,社会的进步要靠讲真话的舆论环境,改革开放岂可让批评报道萎缩下去,民主法制宣  相似文献   

This article examines the content and impact of a series of BBC lecture courses broadcast in the early 1930s. The Group Listening Scheme was established in 1928: experts working in a variety of fields were invited to broadcasts a series of evening lectures. Adults across the country were encouraged to gather for the lectures and stay on afterwards to discuss them. ‘The Changing World’ consisted of half-hour talks over six evenings a week during a six-month period. The broadcasts amounted to a two-term syllabus, with 24 talks devoted to each of the six themes (the modern dilemma, industry and trade, literature and art, science, the modern state, and education and leisure). This article will sample some of these broadcasts and explore the listener response to the series in order to reach an understanding of the BBC’s achievements in adult education during the interwar period.  相似文献   

Qualitatively analyzing 35 responses from a letter-writing homework in a media literacy education program, this study examines sixth graders’ understandings of producers’ responsibility in creating media content. Responses suggest their understandings about producers’ responsibility are bounded within the context of their media use as consumers, rather than as citizens. Findings focus on the importance of introducing contextual factors of media production as well as the challenges that researchers and educators might face.  相似文献   

作者写出作品之后,总希望能够发表,更希望尽快发表.因而,作者把作品寄到(或送到)报刊编辑部之后,都有一种急切的或惴惴不安心情.这是可以理解的. 我们作编辑的经常碰到这样的情况,有些作者把自己创作的文学作品直接送到编辑手上,希望当时就看,立即表态;或者头一天寄到编辑部,第二天就打来电话,催问处理结果,了解作品的“命运”如何!借用服务修理行业的一句话,希望编辑处理稿件能做到“立等可取”才好呢! 诚然,不少作品,编辑一过目,就能分出优劣,判断出能否刊用.但是,在许多情况下,我们并不主张采用“立等可取”的办法.如果采用这种办法,很可  相似文献   

Recent research has shown that parents’ inappropriate disclosures about the divorce process can be stressful for adolescents. However, little is known about the conditions that prompt parents to disclose inappropriate information about the divorce to them. The current study examines factors (a lack of social support, a lack of control over divorce stressors, and the severity of the divorce stressors) that potentially influence parents to reveal inappropriate information about the divorce to their adolescents. It also explores the impact that these inappropriate disclosures have on parents’ and adolescents’ well-being. Surveys were gathered from 118 custodial parent–adolescent dyads. The results suggest that a lack of social support and the severity of the stressors did not influence parents’ inappropriate disclosures. Custodial parents’ lack of control over their divorce-related stressors was the only factor associated with their inappropriate disclosures. When a lack of control over divorced-related stressors was considered, parents with less stressful interparental conflict were likely to be distressed by their inappropriate disclosures, whereas parents who had a strained relationship with their former spouse were not. Adolescents’ perceptions of the inappropriate disclosures were also a stronger predictor of adolescents’ well-being than the parents’ perceptions of their own disclosures.  相似文献   

俗话说:题好一半文。因此,报纸记者,编辑们也往往为拟一条让自己满意,能吸引读者的标题而煞费苦心。好标题的标准,当然首先是准确。准确是新闻的生命,同样是新闻标题的生命。准确的基础上,还要标得“跳”,才算是好标题。所谓“跳”,据笔者理解就是不平淡,有文采,有力度,能琅琅上口。更重要的,它还能从整个版面中一下了“跳”出来,“扑”到读者眼前,抓住他们读完全文。今年10月下旬,美国司法部对微软公司提出指控,说它违反了美国反托拉斯法,凭借在市场上的垄断地位,搞不正当竞争。为此,司法部要求对微软公司处以每天100万美元的罚款。这条新闻中,最能令读者张大嘴巴,心里“怦”地一动的,莫过于每天100  相似文献   

In the last 10 years, the term ‘leftover women’ (剩女)—educated, unmarried women over the age of 27—has emerged as a visible stereotype in popular consciousness in China. Despite the surplus of men that is a result of China’s One Child Policy, women are blamed for marriage market challenges through sexist narratives and terminology. While some scholarship treats ‘leftover women’ as an accepted demographic phenomenon with clear causes and impacts, it can also be viewed as an artificial construct created through socially generated gender stereotypes and furthered through media messaging. This article examines and compares sociological research on Chinese marriage patterns, presentations of ‘leftover women’ in contemporary Chinese media, and independent interview findings to understand the role of media in the construction of gender discourse and the perpetuation of gender stereotypes. These rigid concepts of gender roles and ideal womanhood have far-flung consequences, both for women who internalize these misperceptions and for the social hierarchies supported by antiquated gender constructs.  相似文献   

In this paper, I focus on one particular player in the newspaper production process, i.e. the sub-editor. I analysed the sub-editing process through participant observation in newsrooms in the United Kingdom, Belgium and the Netherlands. Looking at both the sub-editors at work (think-aloud protocol) as well as the articles in various stages of production, and informed by (retrospective) interviews, I have compiled a list of six of the sub-editor’s “production values”. These values guide sub-editors whenever they intervene, and help them to transform a news story into an appealing, correct and credible newspaper article. I took the lead from Östgaard’s “factors influencing the flow of news”, but also from Galtung and Ruge’s “news values” which help reporters to determine which “events” are transitioned into “news”. In doing so, I go beyond the limitations of previous research, in which the types of interventions carried out in the sub-editing stage of newswriting were categorised. By identifying the guidelines driving the alterations made by the sub-editor, I aim to move one step closer towards uncovering the intricacies of the sub-editing process. Moreover, I demonstrate how “the rewrite men” add journalistic value to their newspapers, as perhaps their brand’s strongest ambassadors.  相似文献   

This article examines the contribution of social discovery platforms and user-generated content (UGC) on readers’ advisory (RA) services in Canadian public libraries. Grounded Theory was used to conduct a content analysis of library-assigned subject headings and UGC of 22 adult fiction titles in 43 Canadian public libraries that use BiblioCommons, SirsiDynix, and Encore social discovery platforms. Findings indicate that UGC complements the MARC bibliographic record as it provides insight into the subject of a work, its protagonists, and the effect the book has on readers. User-generated reviews provide a rich data set that clearly connects to known RA access points.  相似文献   

粤语在杭城走俏,“8”成了“发”,“88”成了“发发”,“88,8·8”成了“发发发发”。又听说广州的大酒店8月8日这一天宴席预订一空,许多杭州的青年男女便也竟相仿效,准备在8月8日举办婚礼,然而,老天爷似乎对这种层出不穷的“新习俗”表示了一种由衷的厌恶,一股旋风以迅雷不及掩耳之势横扫杭城,一座看似现代化的城市,一夜之间便陷于瘫痪之中。  相似文献   

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