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In developing open data policies, governments aim to stimulate and guide the publication of government data and to gain advantages from its use. Currently there is a multiplicity of open data policies at various levels of government, whereas very little systematic and structured research has been done on the issues that are covered by open data policies, their intent and actual impact. Furthermore, no suitable framework for comparing open data policies is available, as open data is a recent phenomenon and is thus in an early stage of development. In order to help bring about a better understanding of the common and differentiating elements in the policies and to identify the factors affecting the variation in policies, this paper develops a framework for comparing open data policies. The framework includes the factors of environment and context, policy content, performance indicators and public values. Using this framework, seven Dutch governmental policies at different government levels are compared. The comparison shows both similarities and differences among open data policies, providing opportunities to learn from each other's policies. The findings suggest that current policies are rather inward looking, open data policies can be improved by collaborating with other organizations, focusing on the impact of the policy, stimulating the use of open data and looking at the need to create a culture in which publicizing data is incorporated in daily working processes. The findings could contribute to the development of new open data policies and the improvement of existing open data policies.  相似文献   

探索政府开放资料在台湾的发展现况:研究发现政府机关在其信息公开发展已经成熟之际,更持续地进一步施行更为全面的政府资料开放,相关主管机关已经在法制层面开始规划研拟,以逐步完成政府开放资料环境之整备;实证数据显示,政府开放数据实行对于政府信息增值有直接的影响,可以协助公众更有效率地获取政府数据与信息以从事增值应用,并减少公众在使用政府信息增值时所面对的困难;研究建议政府从法令规范、开放数据平台、开放数据面向、技术与格式标准、开放数据的推广与授权使用机制之6个方面,推动政府开放数据政策的落实。  相似文献   

国家财政资助科技活动产生的成果论文是一种重要的公共知识产品,在开放获取逐渐兴起的国际背景下,构建国家科技成果论文共享机制,促进科技成果的共享和传播是迫切需要解决的问题。为此,作者提出由国家支持建立在线数字作品仓储共享平台,通过制度保障国家科技成果论文强制缴存和开放共享,并充分协调和保障论文作品各权利主体的合法利益,真正实现科研投资的社会价值。  相似文献   

国际上公共数据开放被赋予了透明政府、社会治理、公共服务、促进数据经济发展等多重价值。基于对国际理论的效仿和对国家政策表述的简单照抄,我国各地公共数据开放制度没能精细区分公共数据开放制度的价值目标和价值效果,导致价值定位不清晰,造成公共数据开放效果不理想。本文梳理公共数据开放运动的发展历史,立足我国的制度实践分析造成公共数据开放定义不清晰的内在原因,提出应当以价值目标为导向,重新界定公共数据开放概念;并以此为基础,重新建构不同类型的公共数据开放机制,以期对我国公共数据开放制度完善和实践发展提供助益。  相似文献   

Open government data has led to public policy innovation in pursuit of various expected benefits. One of the intended goals of open data innovation to improve transparency and accountability. However, our current understanding of open data innovation and its ability to generate transparency and accountability is limited, particularly with regard to empirical evidence. In this paper, we describe how a state agency redesigned its organizational processes around visualization tools and how such efforts helped bridge the transparency-accountability gap by enhancing the understandability and usability of open government data. We conclude that open data innovation does not stop with the adoption of an open data policy, but rather involves an ongoing cycle of improvements through which the organization responds to its various stakeholders' use of open data, thereby increasing usefulness of those datasets and, subsequently, improving overall accountability.  相似文献   

Open data is information that is provided by public entities to be accessed and reused. Publishing open data is an excellent way to improve an organization’s transparency and provide insight into the value of the organization. Libraries are uniquely positioned to assist their patrons in the use of open data by making them aware of it and helping them access and use it. This article provides a short history of open data and explores ways that library trailblazers are already using open data as well as contributing open data for others to use. Getting started with open data involves identifying key open data resources such as data.gov, identifying library information that would be beneficial to publish, and creating programs that provide digital literacy training and create opportunities for patrons to engage with open data in new and creative ways.  相似文献   

Transparency is popularly believed to enhance the public's trust in government, yet experimental studies have found mixed results. One explanation is that public trust may respond more positively to a kind of “latent transparency” in which citizens highly value the mere potential for open access to government information, even if they may have more negative reactions when presented with the particular content of actual government information, documents, or data. To test this hypothesis, we designed two survey experiments in which samples of US adults were primed with general information about the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) or the existence of open government data.Compared to controls, we find that awareness of FOIA rights and requirements (latent transparency) tended to be unrelated, or even slightly negatively related, to trust of government agencies, contrary to our expectations. Our findings, combined with prior evidence, suggest that—even in the case of latent transparency—the popular belief in transparency's positive effects on citizen trust needs a more critical examination. Implications for the theory and practice of transparency are discussed.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]对开放政府数据进行规范描述有利于将政府数据资源相关联,提高政府数据资源的公众发现和重用,从而推动我国政府数据统一开放门户建设,促进尚处于起步阶段的我国政府数据开放共享的实现。[方法/过程]采用文献调查法,对开放政府数据水平较高的英国、美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰、欧盟的政府数据开放门户及其相关公共部门的元数据描述规范进行调研。[结果/结论]由国外情形,建议我国开放政府数据描述规范采用国际通用标准拟定本国元数据标准草案、适应网络特点编写控制词表、统一元数据格式,并提出我国开放政府数据元数据元素集草案,以期更好地实现政府数据开放共享。  相似文献   

The claim of the open government data (OGD) movement is that it would add considerable value to the political, economic and social development of nations. Thus, during the past few years, governments around the world have been under increasing pressure to release data to encourage citizen participation in government. In the UK, the government publishes its data on the data.gov.uk website for the public to find, view, download and interrogate.1 In this paper, we evaluate the extent of openness of OGD in the UK – a recognised global leader in the OGD movement – by examining a sample of 400 datasets listed on this website. The examination uses an ‘ordinary citizen’ test, which is developed based on the original eight Sebastopol principles of open data. Our examination discovers that existing prevalent measures of openness of data are inadequate. Our findings demonstrate that the majority of the published government resources on the website are informational rather than granular data. In fact, only a small minority of these advertised as open data are actually open, which severely limits their open government utilities.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 探讨政府数据开放中公众参与的理论模式,旨在指导政府部门有效实现公众参与数据开放的政策目标,以及推进政府数据开放中公众参与议题的研究进展。[方法/过程] 采用文献分析法、逻辑分析法和案例分析法,同时以公众参与阶梯理论作为分析工具,构建并实证政府数据开放中的公众参与模式。[结果/结论] 政府数据开放中的公众参与可从理论层面构建为告知型参与、咨询型参与、合作型参与和授权型参与4种模式,其核心涵义分别是政府向公众传达信息、政府咨询公众意见、政府与公众平等合作、政府与公众共同治理。这4种政府数据开放公众参与理论模式一方面在政府意图、主导力量、信息流动、公众信息知晓度和公众自治程度方面存在明显的特征差异,另一方面从国内外政府数据开放公众参与实践案例中获得良好的经验支持。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 对开放政府数据价值的相关研究成果进行总结和梳理,形成较为完整的文献综述,为国内该领域的未来研究提供参考。[方法/过程] 通过文献计量与内容分析描绘开放政府数据价值研究领域的文献分布状况,对现有研究成果进行全面梳理与评价,并提出未来研究方向。[结果/结论] 学界目前对开放政府数据价值的研究主要集中于价值类型、价值生成机制以及价值测量3个方面。多数研究停留于探讨开放政府数据的预期价值,缺乏对预期价值的实证验证;缺乏对利用和效果之间的因果关系的检验;对价值生成机制和价值测量的研究不足。建议未来研究更多关注本土实践,从多学科视角出发,加强开放政府数据价值相关理论与实证研究。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 探讨政府数据开放中公众参与的理论模式,旨在指导政府部门有效实现公众参与数据开放的政策目标,以及推进政府数据开放中公众参与议题的研究进展。[方法/过程] 采用文献分析法、逻辑分析法和案例分析法,同时以公众参与阶梯理论作为分析工具,构建并实证政府数据开放中的公众参与模式。[结果/结论] 政府数据开放中的公众参与可从理论层面构建为告知型参与、咨询型参与、合作型参与和授权型参与4种模式,其核心涵义分别是政府向公众传达信息、政府咨询公众意见、政府与公众平等合作、政府与公众共同治理。这4种政府数据开放公众参与理论模式一方面在政府意图、主导力量、信息流动、公众信息知晓度和公众自治程度方面存在明显的特征差异,另一方面从国内外政府数据开放公众参与实践案例中获得良好的经验支持。  相似文献   

开放数据在英、美政府中的应用及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴旻 《图书与情报》2012,(1):127-130
开放数据是一种理念与实践,按照用户特定的需求和相应的互联网协议、规则、框架对Web数据进行开发、加工、存储、组织等管理活动,以实现局域和全部Web空间的数据开放、互通、共享,受到了政府、企业和一些行业如图书馆的重视与应用。英、美政府对开放数据的应用实践走在了世界的前列,其与W3C相关协议保持数据相同、数据保持完整性与统一性、建立政府信息开放门户网站平台等做法均值得我国政府和一些开放数据应用行业的借鉴。  相似文献   

Social media has opened up unprecedented new possibilities of engaging the public in government work. In response to the Open Government Directive, U.S. federal agencies developed their open government plan and launched numerous social media-based public engagement initiatives. However, we find that many of these initiatives do not deliver the intended outcomes due to various organizational, technological, and financial challenges. We propose an Open Government Maturity Model based on our field studies with U.S. federal healthcare administration agencies. This model is specifically developed to assess and guide open government initiatives which focus on transparent, interactive, participatory, collaborative public engagement that are largely enabled by emerging technologies such as social media. The model consists of five maturity levels: initial conditions (Level 1), data transparency (Level 2), open participation (Level 3), open collaboration (Level 4), and ubiquitous engagement (Level 5). We argue that there is a logical sequence for increasing social media-based public engagement and agencies should focus on achieving one maturity level at a time. The Open Government Maturity Model helps government agencies implement their open government initiatives effectively by building organizational and technological capabilities in an orderly manner. We discuss challenges and best practices for each maturity level and conclude by presenting recommendations.  相似文献   

This study aims to enlighten the controversial discussion about the term public value in an innovative way. Instead of normative pronouncements and paternalistic posits, this study combines a theoretical, literature-based conception with an empirical quantitative approach. For this, the key term, public value, is split into its constituent parts of customer value and citizen value and is transformed into measurable attributes. By means of a choice-based conjoint analysis on panel data for Germany and the United Kingdom, we explore which performance attributes of public service broadcasters are the most important. Based on the results, we create a conception of public value from the perspective of the license fee payers as the main stakeholder of public service broadcasters. Our findings may unlock existing potential to increase our understanding of what is meant by the term public value.  相似文献   

The opening up of public sector data has provided a new data resource for the citizens. However, the use of open data and its consequent societal value has proved not to be as extensive as initially hoped for, although multiple innovations have emerged; rather it is still considered problematic, and knowledge about open data use is scarce. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to clarify open data use and engagement by people outside the public sector, especially what motives exists and how different user types align to these motives. To achieve this, a document analysis has been carried out of reported use cases identified in EU topic reports between 2014 and 2016. By applying the theory of Relevant Social Groups (RSG), which focuses on the people's interpretation of the purpose with the technology, we identified five RSGs representing overall motives for open data use: 1) Exploring for creativity, 2) Creating business value, 3) Enabling local citizen value, 4) Addressing global societal challenges, and 5) Advocating the open data agenda. We also discuss differences between the relevant social groups and the included user types, issues and implications for understanding the evolvement of the open data field, and suggests research ahead.  相似文献   

Societies face difficult challenges which require responses that go beyond the innovation capability of most public sector organisations. Open approaches to public sector innovation that exploits digital technologies have been proposed for some years to close this gap, but our knowledge of the use and outcome of using open innovation in this context is limited. This research takes stock of the study and use of these approaches by investigating the purposes for which public sector organisations use open innovation, and how it creates value. The research question is answered through a systematic literature review and an analysis of publicly available data about the open innovation projects referred to in that literature.The research identifies five different purposes of using open innovation. It also suggests that public sector organisations primarily use open innovation to pursue one specific purpose: innovation in society. When using open innovation for this purpose, public sector organisations attempt to create value by improving citizens' quality of life and the quality of neighbourhoods. They do this primarily by co-specialising IT and other resources in society (e.g. the transportation system) and by using the outcome of this co-specialisation process to change citizen behaviour, capabilities and experiences (e.g. encouraging citizens to use the transportation system more efficiently or making citizens feel more safe when using the transportation system).This research indicates that open innovation is generally not used to open up public sector organisations or to give citizens more influence in public sector or democratic processes. The research also indicates that open innovation, until now, has primarily been used to solve minor problems, and not large scale wicked problems in society. The research suggests a framework for value creation from open innovation initiatives that pursues innovation in society. This framework might help public sector organisations increase value creation and solve wicked problems using open innovation, and might help researchers to focus future open innovation research on essential knowledge gaps.  相似文献   

In the last decade, governments around the world have created open government data (OGD) repositories to make government data more accessible and usable by the public, mostly motivated by values such as improved government transparency, citizen collaboration and participation, and spurring innovation. The basic assumption is that once data are more discoverable, accessible, available in alternative formats, and with licensing schemes that allow free re-use, diverse stakeholders will develop innovative data applications. Despite OGD's potential transformative value, there is limited evidence for such transformation, particularly due to scarce data use, which is partly attributable to the lack of technical skills and user training. To advance the dialogue around methods to increase awareness of OGD, improve users' skills to work with OGD, and encourage data use, the paper compares and contrasts how three training interventions in Spain, Italy, and the United States have sought to increase awareness of OGD, improve users' skills and potentially engage them in their use of OGD. We report three main findings. First, introduction and analysis skills are taught in combination to encourage use of open data. Being aware of OGD and its benefits is insufficient to promote use. Second, OGD training seems to be more effective when complemented with knowledge about context and interactions with government. Finally, embedding the training interventions in the specific contexts and considering the unique characteristics, interests, and expectations of different types of users is critical to success.  相似文献   

Artificial Intelligence (AI) implementation in public administration is gaining momentum heralded by the hope of smart public services that are personalised, lean, and efficient. However, the use of AI in public administration is riddled with ethical tensions of fairness, transparency, privacy, and human rights. We call these AI tensions. The current literature lacks a contextual and processual understanding of AI adoption and diffusion in public administration to be able to explore such tensions. Previous studies have outlined risks, benefits, and challenges with the use of AI in public administration. However, a large gap remains in understanding AI tensions as they relate to public value creation. Through a systematic literature review grounded in public value management and the resource-based view of the firms, we identify technology-organisational-environmental (TOE) contextual variables and absorptive capacity as factors influencing AI adoption as discussed in the literature. To our knowledge, this is the first paper that outlines distinct AI tensions from an AI implementation and diffusion perspective within public administration. We develop a future research agenda for the full AI innovation lifecycle of adoption, implementation, and diffusion.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]针对英美新三国政府开放数据用户参与案例的研究,探索政府开放数据用户参与的国际经验与中国路径.[方法/过程]基于第三份《开放数据晴雨表》的统计数据,利用政策文本分析法和案例研究法,系统梳理英美新政府开放数据用户参与的价值定位、主体权责和实现机制,破解为什么参与、谁参与和怎样参与等政府开放数据用户参与的关键问...  相似文献   

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