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采用DeST软件,对夏热冬冷地区外墙保温的住宅进行了全年的能耗模拟,分析了不同外墙保温形式对住宅负荷的影响·  相似文献   

夏热冬冷地区夏季闷热,冬季阴冷,居民冬夏两季对室内的通风换气均有较高的需求.以夏热冬冷地区采暖居住建筑为研究对象,针对室内不同功能空间的自然通风方式进行了优化设计,做到保证夏季良好通风效果的前提下,同时协调冬季室内空气品质与采暖能耗的矛盾,提出了兼顾该地区冬夏两季室内风环境需求的自然通风设计策略.  相似文献   

根据夏热冬冷区的气候特征,探讨了热传递机理.提出了节能指标体系的优化方法.  相似文献   

探讨了夏热冬冷地区的气候特征和建筑结构的热传递机理,从建筑围护结构的热传导和蓄热两个方面,通过热传导的非稳态过程分析方法,分析了该地区建筑围护结构的传热特性,并得出准确计算建筑热负荷工程设计的计算方法和内保温建筑围护结构更适宜于夏热冬冷地区建筑节能设计的结论。  相似文献   

随着农村居住建筑面积的不断增大,对农宅进行建筑节能设计变得尤为重要.本文以位于夏热冬冷地区的岳西县某农宅为研究对象,利用Dest-h软件建立模型并进行模拟计算,通过控制变量法分别研究建筑朝向、南向窗墙比、层高对全年累计冷负荷、全年累计热负荷以及全年累计总负荷的影响,得出了适合该地区农宅的最佳朝向和南向窗墙比、层高对建筑...  相似文献   

针对夏热冬冷地区的气候特点,以及该地区农村住宅建筑节能现状,从建筑朝向和平面布置、体形系数的控制和住宅外围护结构的技术等方面探讨该地区农村住宅建筑节能技术.  相似文献   

根据夏热冬冷区的气候特征,探讨了热传递机理,提出了节能指标体系的优化方法。  相似文献   

福建夏热冬冷地区住宅建筑节能的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据福建某些地区夏热冬冷特点,从规划、墙体的构造、门窗及屋面的保温、建筑设备节能技术等方面探讨住宅建筑节能的途径。  相似文献   

夏热冬冷地区高舒适度住宅的节能设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以宁德市气候条件为例 ,对夏热冬冷地区住宅建筑的体形、朝向、夏季通风、外围护结构等进行了分析 ,提出了高舒适度住宅设计的节能途径  相似文献   

介绍了自然通风研究的现状,并以某公共建筑为研究对象,通过建立该建筑自然通风的物理模型,设定相应的边界条件和网格划分,选用数学模型,运用CFD分析了不同室内外温差对室内温度场和速度场的影响规律,得出该特征气候区的通风策略。该研究结果可为与气候相近的地区建筑设计以及建筑节能改造提供技术参考。  相似文献   

The related existing energy saving index system of buildings is deficient in direction, index coverage, depth, and technological and economic considerations. Aiming at the deficient existing research and with the advancement of energy saving of buildings in China from northern heating regions to southern hot summer and cold winter regions, selecting residential buildings in hot summer and cold winter regions as the research object, and through much evaluation index reference and repeated demonstrations and the borrowing of literature research home and abroad and relevant energy saving standards, filters and eliminates energy efficient technologies evaluation indexes according to the design principle of index system, the factors influencing the energy saving of residential buildings are evaluated, index system weight is established by adopting analytic hierarchy process, and finally the evaluation index system of energy saving technologies of residential buildings in hot summer and cold winter area of China is established. Each target layer includes five standard layer indexes and sixteen index layer indexes The standard layer of evaluation index, namely primary indexes, includes the technological, energy saving effect, economic, environmental, and social indexes. The secondary indexes are selected based on the principles of concision, comprehensiveness, representativeness and operability.  相似文献   

Sewage source heat pump unit operates under partial load most of the time, and study on the law of coefficient of performance (COP) of the unit varying with load ratio can provide basis for the heat pump units running in high efficiency. A mathematical model determining COP, evaporation temperature and condensation temperature of a single unit was proposed. Under the condition of uniform load distribution, the model was established according to different ways of bearing partial load with the same type multiple units but different parallel operation models, and the operation characteristics of units were analyzed as well. Results show that the single screw water-source heat pump can maintain high COP only at 60%—100% load ratio, COP decreases sharply with the decrease of load ratio, and the units with parallel operation are controlled by the load ratio of a single unit according to the reduction of total load which can keep the average COP at high level within a wide load range.  相似文献   

根据建筑功能要求和当地气候特点,在总体规划和单体设计中,科学合理地确定建筑朝向、平面形状、空间布局、外观体型、间距,选用节能型建筑材料,保证建筑外维护结构的保温隔热等热工特性,应用节能技术措施,尽可能减少建筑物能耗,获得理想的节能效果.  相似文献   

豫东平原夏花生生产量构成因素分析及增产途径探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对豫东平原夏花生生产量构成因素进行了统计分析.结果表明:公顷株数对产量的贡献最大.单株果数次之,百果重居三.因此,在高产栽培中应在保证一定公顷株数的基础上,力争增加单株果数,提高百果重.以提高产量.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Located in subtropical monsoon area, the redsoil region in western Zhejiang, China, is one of themain cash crop production bases of this province. Dueto the climate, the temporal and spatial distribution ofrainfall varies greatly in this region. Only 15 percentof rainfall occurs in summer (July, August and Sep-tember), while about 60 percent of rainfall occurs inspring (from March to June). The region suffersdrought in summer and waterlogging in spring. Theparent ma…  相似文献   

文章构建了具有自主知识产权的煤矿采掘面产尘模拟分析实践教学系统。该系统可使学生全面、直观地感受煤矿采掘面截割/钻进破煤产尘过程,并指导学生开展“截割/钻进参数调控-产尘特征监测-数据统计分析”的全过程自由探索型创新实验,量化分析截割/钻进参数对产尘特征(浓度、分散度等)的影响。对于提高学生的思考和实践能力,培养学生的创新思维,深化学生对采煤、掘进过程中粉尘灾害和产尘机理的理解,激发学生的科研兴趣,以及有针对性地提出截割/钻进减尘、优化粉尘工程控制措施和个体防尘技术具有重要意义。  相似文献   

文章构建了具有自主知识产权的煤矿采掘面产尘模拟分析实践教学系统。该系统可使学生全面、直观地感受煤矿采掘面截割/钻进破煤产尘过程,并指导学生开展“截割/钻进参数调控-产尘特征监测-数据统计分析”的全过程自由探索型创新实验,量化分析截割/钻进参数对产尘特征(浓度、分散度等)的影响。对于提高学生的思考和实践能力,培养学生的创新思维,深化学生对采煤、掘进过程中粉尘灾害和产尘机理的理解,激发学生的科研兴趣,以及有针对性地提出截割/钻进减尘、优化粉尘工程控制措施和个体防尘技术具有重要意义。  相似文献   

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