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冯萌献 《少年月刊》2014,(10):22-23
我中华,五千春,好儿女,德为根。要立世,先修身。如建楼,地基深。根本固,负万钧。人之初,最纯真,自童年,怀爱心。爱祖国,为人民,践于行,铸于魂。岳武穆,怀忠丹;林则徐,烧鸦片;郑成功,复台湾;戚继光,抗倭蛮,名千古,功齐天。水有源,树有根,孝父母,敬老人。黄温席,莱悦亲,子和女,当报恩。蜡烛光,情最深,导言行,塑灵魂。对老师,敬而尊。杨立雪,传至今。学人长,补己短。常省身,莫自满。犯错误,不遮掩。做好事,要争先,讲公德,品行端。善帮困,乐助残。是非观,泾渭分,事求实,理求真。讲原则,树公心。言守信,意诚恳。无诚信,亲友分。季布诺,值千金。  相似文献   

对酒当歌,人生几何?譬如朝露,去日苦多。慨当以慷,忧思难忘。何以解忧,唯有杜康。青青子衿,忧忧我心。但为君故,沉吟至今。呦呦鹿鸣,食野之萍。我有嘉宾,鼓瑟吹笙。明明如月,何时可掇。忧从中来,不可断绝。越陌度阡,枉用相存。契阔谈宴,心念旧恩。月明星稀,乌鹊南飞。绕树三匝,无枝可栖。山不厌高,海不厌深。周公吐哺,天下归心。曹操的《短歌行》是诗,还是歌?回答自然是双重肯定的。是诗,也是歌,是歌行体的诗歌。这种回答似乎循环解释,又像绕口的文字游戏,但似乎也不能完全用无以做答故以滑头充塞来置评。因为至少它还示意有另外一种解读,说明了歌行是诗体的一种。  相似文献   

携一身久坐斗室的疲惫,他,走了出去,从喧嚣的城市,朝着黄昏中的原野走了出去,仿佛一只快乐的小鸟逃出牢笼。空气,空气是那么的清新,就像雨水洗过,洗过的森林。春泥散发出迷人的体味。植物吐纳出可人的馨香。农家屋顶炊烟袅袅,像一个扭着腰肢走秀的模特。田间小路,劳作一天归家的形影匆匆。屋檐下,夜归的燕子展翅,划出丽影。一路走去,风景,越来越美。一幅偌大的画卷,大自然巧夺天工的画卷,徐徐,在他面前,打开,展开,铺开。他,是幸运的,他破卷而入。美丽的风景让他疲惫渐消。脚步轻快,他踏歌而去。  相似文献   

北国风光,千里冰封。万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣。数风流人物,还看今朝。  相似文献   

<正>文学是可爱的不要讲文学是崇高伟大的。文学可爱。大家课后不要放弃文学。文学是人学。至少,每天要看书。我是烧菜、吃饭、洗澡时,都会看书。汤显祖,鸡棚牛棚里也挂着书,临时有句,就写下来。电视尽量少看。西方人称电视是白痴灯笼。最有教养的人,家里没有电视。最多给小孩子看看。电视屏幕越来越大,脑子越来越小。理解事情,不可以把一个意思推向极端,我也看电视。鸦片、酒,都好。不要做鸦片鬼、酒鬼。什么事,都不要大惊小怪,不要推向极端。读书,开始是有所选择。后来,是开卷有益。开始,往往好高骛远。黄秋虹来电话说在看庄老,在看《文心雕龙》。  相似文献   

日出东南隅,照我秦氏楼。秦氏有好女,自名为罗敷。罗敷善蚕桑,采桑城南隅。青丝为笼系,桂枝为笼钩。头上倭堕髻,耳中明月珠。缃绮为下裙,紫绮为上襦。行者见罗敷,下担捋髭须。少年见罗敷,脱帽著帩头。耕者忘其犁,锄者忘其锄。来归相怨怒,但坐观罗敷。  相似文献   

放学时,郭晓明找我,说有事要谈谈。我一向对他反感,所以说,对不起,还要回家做作业呢。他笑了,说,这么忙?我不答。给个面子吧,就几分钟时间。他说。我就站住了,故意看了看手表。两分钟。他说。我看了看他,然后又侧过头看路边一株并不高大的树,树上挂了几片凋零的树叶。树叶放学时,郭晓明找我,说有事要谈谈。我一向对他反感,所以说,对不起,还要回家做作业呢  相似文献   

九月未央,烟雨薄凉兮,淡若素。白色裙摆,随风叠叠飞,轻如燕。雨声清脆,荡起漪漪画,冷若丝。阳光田园,麦苗漫漫舞,飘如烟。九月,初秋的麦田以生机勃勃的姿态迎接着雨的挥洒,酝酿着一场自然与自然的邂逅。历经一夜,潮湿的水珠已然藏匿于每一处。秋季的干燥仿佛从未存在一般。静待温暖归来。秋水薄凉,伊人藏于流水间。  相似文献   

饮料与人生,有着不可分割的密切关系。少年多喜欢喝汽水。它甜,变化多。少年不知愁滋味,人生的酸甜苦辣,他独尝到甜味。世界在他眼中,犹如味道各异的汽水,缤纷多彩。进入青春期,他工作了,恋爱了。这时,他的口味,已由汽水转向了咖啡,亦苦亦甜,也香也涩,有一种成熟的刺激感,符合他复杂多变的心境。  相似文献   

对农民来说,时间就是粮食。对工人来说,时间就是财富。对医生来说,时间就是生命。对战略家来说,时间就是胜利。对教育家来说,时间就是知识。对科学家来说,时间就是速度。对企业家来说,时间就是金钱。对我们大家来说,时间就是一切。因此,把握今天!现在就开始!每天都是一次新生。把握住它,好好生活。因为今天未逝时,明天已开始。  相似文献   

主要论述了成绩查询系统的分析、设计和实现,具体介绍了成绩查询、成绩下载、成绩统计等三个功能模块的程序流程图和主要程序代码.本系统基于ACCESS数据库、采用ASP技术开发实现.该系统既能实现一般的考生成绩查询功能,又能面向教师实现班级成绩查询、下载、统计功能.本系统在实际当中投人运行,经过不断修正,实现了预期的功能.  相似文献   

This chapter presents and discusses the results of the study. The results are presented in three sections: results of the correlational analysis, results of the regression analysis, and results of the path analysis. In general the results suggest that family background is indirectly linked to GPA by virtue of its direct effect on study behaviors, verbal ability, and nonverbal ability. Similarly, the link between study behaviors and GPA is mediated through verbal ability and nonverbal ability. Family background and study behaviours consistently predicted nonverbal ability, verbal ability, and GPA, even after the effects of the other cognitive variables had been removed.  相似文献   

对变质量雨滴的下落过程进行了研究,建立下落雨滴的动力学方程,用理论推导求解析解,并用计算机编程求解数值解,结果表明理论分析与数值结果一致。  相似文献   

创新既有语词意义,又有概念意义,熊彼特的创新理论主要指技术创新和管理创新,是经济学中的概念,根据创新的广阔性,不能把创新仅限于经济学范围之内,凡是在已知信息的基础上,经过思维活动或者实施行为能产生有价值的新成果的活动都是创新。创新成果分为观念成果和再造成果。发明、发现、创造都是创新,但它们取得的成果是观念成果,是不完全创新。不完全创新有科学价值,但对人类社会没有实际贡献。完全创新是将观念成果继续推进,纳入实施轨道,从而产生再造成果并争得经济效益和社会效益的综合活动。  相似文献   

This article presents the results of the 2nd-year evaluation of an after-school program designed for an extended school day program serving African American middle school students in the city of Baltimore, Maryland (ACCESS-West). This study describes the effects of schoolwide reform especially as it relates to single-gender schools, educating African American males, and extending the school day. The ACCESS-West program goals included improving academic achievement, improving student attitude toward school, decreasing chronic truancy and absenteeism, and increasing parental engagement and involvement. Second-year results reveal that three of the four goals were met but that the interplay between schoolwide reform and implementing the extended-day program had mixed effects on the program. Staffing and administrational changes and high percentages of special needs students adversely affected the program and results. Dedication, commitment, and implementation positively contributed to the outcomes of the 2nd-year results. The results contribute to the growing body of literature and research that continues to investigate the effects of single-gender schools on minority males. The results suggest that the schools need a number of years to establish their areas of staffing, administration, curriculum, and student enrollment before the results they can expect positive results. These results also suggest that providing African American males with an extended-day program that is flexible, yet structured, can provide positive results academically, behaviorally, and with the challenges of parental engagement and involvement.  相似文献   

This paper compares the results of NCES and Carnegie surveys of postsecondary faculty to identify points of agreement and disagreement between them, and to contrast the respective survey results to other recent research on faculty. The two surveys utilized differently constructed samples, experienced different response rates, and employed different weighting schemes for purposes of analyzing and interpreting the results. Certain important inconsistencies in the results of the two surveys were observed and the paper provides a critical analysis of methodological and interpretive issues raised in a comparison of the surveys' results.  相似文献   

The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is a nationwide testing program for literacy and numeracy in Australia. Several studies explored and used NAPLAN numeracy test results as a source of valuable data and a potential means to improve education. This paper presents a systematic literature review to investigate the use of NAPLAN numeracy test results in those peer-reviewed articles in relation to the purposes of NAPLAN results mentioned by the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA). Findings showed a variety of uses of the NAPLAN numeracy test results in these studies. Most of the studies used the test results to map student progress and identify strengths and weaknesses in teaching. A significant number of studies used the NAPLAN numeracy test results that differ from the purposes mentioned by ACARA. The review concluded that there is currently insufficient use which reflects the purpose of NAPLAN test results.  相似文献   

研究了Hilbert空间中一类强伪压缩映射的不动点问题,提出了一个新的路径公式,得到了一个新的不动点存在定理和路径收敛性结果.给出了所得结果在变分不等式解存在性研究中的应用.  相似文献   

This study applied kernel equating (KE) in two scenarios: equating to a very similar population and equating to a very different population, referred to as a distant population, using SAT® data. The KE results were compared to the results obtained from analogous traditional equating methods in both scenarios. The results indicate that KE results are comparable to the results of other methods. Further, the results show that when the two populations taking the two tests are similar on the anchor score distributions, different equating methods yield the same or very similar results, even though they have different assumptions.  相似文献   

This study investigated students’ responses to presentations of experimental results that conflicted with their preconceptions regarding electric circuits, and how those responses varied according to the type of inquiry skills required to obtain the results. One hundred and twenty students of both sexes were randomly selected from a science high school in Korea. They were questioned about their preconceptions regarding an electric circuit and forty-two students with relevant misconceptions were selected. The students were randomly assigned to two groups, and presented with one of two sheets of paper presenting results obtained by a fictional investigator. The first group was presented with results that were obtained by simple observation and asked for their evaluation of them. The second group was presented with a set of results that were obtained by controlling variables, and asked to draw a conclusion and to evaluate it. Students’ responses were classified into two categories. Some students rejected their own preconceptions and introduced a new explanatory model when contradictory results were presented, and others denied the results for the simple reason that they conflicted with their preconceptions, or only modified a protective belt without changing their core of preconceptions. We found that this distribution of responses varied considerably by inquiry skill type. For the results obtained by controlling variables, almost all students accepted them and changed their preconceptions, but for the results obtained by simple observation, fifty-five percent of students preserved their own preconceptions by denying the contradictory results or modifying the protective belt.  相似文献   

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