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Einstein was in many ways like a detective on a mystery trail, though in his case he was on the trail of nature’s mysteries and not some murder mystery! And like all good detectives he had a style. It consisted of taking facts that he knew were correct and forcing nature into a situation that would contradict this established truth. In this process she would be forced to reveal some new truths. Einstein’s 1917 paper on the quantum theory of radiation is a classic example of this style that enabled him to predict the existence of stimulated radiation starting from an analysis of thermodynamic equilibrium between matter and radiation.  相似文献   

Gopalpur Nagendrappa 《Resonance》2011,16(11):1007-1018
Rutherford was the greatest experimental physicist since Faraday. He had the most astonishing insight into physical processes, and in a few remarks he would illuminate a whole subject. He liked his physics and his experiments simple and described his work in simple and concise language. Rutherford’s discovery of the atomic nucleus had solved the mystery of the matter which had troubled the world’s great philosophers for centuries. He is to the atom what Darwin is to evolution, Newton to mechanics, Faraday to electricity and Einstein to relativity. These are a few remarks made about Rutherford by his students and colleagues.  相似文献   

Shailesh A. Shirali 《Resonance》2008,13(12):1156-1172
In this article we examine the role of mappings in elementary geometry. After making some comments about the Erlangen programme initiated by Felix Klein in 1872, wherein he proposed a way of studying geometries based on the underlying transformation groups, we see how theorems like Von Aubel’s theorem and Napoleon’s theorem can be proved in an elegant manner using similarity mappings, and how some construction problems may be solved using isometries. At the end we present a recent proof by Alain Connes of “Morley’s Miracle”, based on affine transformations. Shailesh Shirali heads a Community Mathematics Center at Rishi Valley School (KFI). He has a deep interest in teaching and writing about mathematics at the high school/post school levels, with particular emphasis on problem solving and the historical aspects of the subject.  相似文献   

Joseph Samuel 《Resonance》2005,10(5):54-61
In the first part of this article1 we gave an elementary introduction to Chern’s ideas and their impact on modern physics. In this concluding article we describe some more advanced applications of Chern’s ideas. This second part is some-what more demanding than the first part and is addressed to students with some background in mathematics and physics. Joseph Samuel is a theoretical physicist and by natural inclination a classical mechanic. Over the years he has strayed into other fields like optics, general relativity and very recently DNA elasticity. A unifying theme in his work is differential geometry and topology in physics. He keeps moderately fit by raising and lowering indices and relaxes by playing semiclassical guitar.  相似文献   

A climate of innovation and principal leadership in schools are regarded as significant factors in successfully implementing school change or innovation. Nevertheless, the relationship between the school climate supportive of innovation and the principal’s leadership has rarely been addressed to determine whether schools successfully perform their intended change. In this vein, this study investigated the impacts of the principal’s leadership style on the teacher’s perceived school climate in terms of support for innovation. The participants were 981 full-time teachers in 32 public vocational high schools in South Korea. To examine the unobserved characteristics of schools and principals that promote a school climate supportive of innovation, both traditional multiple regression and HLM analyses were conducted and compared to the estimated effects of the principal’s leadership style as a predictor at both the teacher level and the group level. While the unobserved characteristics of school type and principals’ demographics were considered, results of the study revealed that the leadership style of the principal significantly affects how the teachers perceive the school climate in terms of support for innovation. More specifically, the findings of the study assert that principal’s leadership style as an Initiator or a Manger, rather than a Responder, can provide support for an organizational climate which enhances innovation in schools. Additionally, evaluating the government’s change initiative, the study illustrates that the government’s top-down mandate requiring schools to change was not related to the creation of a climate supportive of innovation in schools.  相似文献   

当我们说起一个重要诗人时,往往会说他是具有鲜明风格的。但当一种风格太过鲜明时,风格就会成为一种模式,这时读一百首诗就像是在读一首,审美疲劳便产生了。这时的风格已成为一种"侵扰"。一个有挑战和创造精神的诗人,他会尽量抑制本身的风格化,让词语由着自由的心性往前走,使作品呈现出既有自己的独特印记,又不致遮蔽每一首诗自有的纯粹性和区别于其它的异质性。任由语言自如挥洒的方式也附予了哲思性的诗歌一种举重若轻的灵动,这就是大卫诗歌的品质。  相似文献   

E. P. Wigner 《Resonance》2009,14(10):1018-1027
The present discussion is not put forward with the usual pride of the scientist who feels that he can make an addition, however small, to a problem which has aroused his and his colleagues’ interest. Rather, it is a speculation of a kind which all of us feel a great reluctance to undertake: much like the speculation on the ultimate fate of somebody who is very dear to us. It is a speculation on the future of science itself, whether it will share, at some very distant future, the fate of “Alles was entsteht ist Wert dass es zu Grunde geht”*. Naturally, in such a speculation one wishes to assume the best of conditions for one’s subject and disregard the danger of an accident that may befall it, however real that danger may be.  相似文献   

A working memory model applied to mathematical word problem solving   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The main objective of this study is (a) to explore the relationship among cognitive style (field dependence/independence), working memory, and mathematics anxiety and (b) to examine their effects on students’ mathematics problem solving. A sample of 161 school girls (13–14 years old) were tested on (1) the Witkin’s cognitive style (Group Embedded Figure Test) and (2) Digit Span Backwards Test, with two mathematics exams. Results obtained indicate that the effect of field dependency, working memory, and mathematics anxiety on students' mathematical word problem solving was significant. Moreover, the correlation among working memory capacity, cognitive style, and students’ mathematics anxiety was significant. Overall, these findings could help to provide some practical implications for adapting problem solving skills and effective teaching/learning.  相似文献   

This article examines the multiple worlds in Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials trilogy in light Pierre Bourdieu’s “space of possibles” and the combination of chance and choice that impact Lyra and Will’s decisions. Rather than viewing chance or destiny as disempowering, this article considers how the protagonists’ choices also encourage readers to confront their own notions of space in the world outside the narrative. As Lyra and Will work to escape and restore the dystopic multiverses through which they travel, Pullman’s text challenges readers to recognize and repair the dystopias in their own worlds and to accept the Keatsian “negative capabilities” of ambiguity and mystery in place of facile escape. Given this pedagogical imperative, Pullman’s enclosure of Lyra and Will in their separate worlds lies at the heart of his resistance to escapist tendencies of fairy-tale endings. Fantasy must be grounded in reality because Pullman’s readers must also continue the struggle for wisdom in their own worlds no less than Lyra and Will.  相似文献   

Cosmic rays are very high energy particles arriving from the depths of space and incident on the earth’s atmosphere at all places and at all times. The energy of these particles extends over 12 decades from around 109 ev to 1021 ev and mercifully for the survival of life, the intensity falls by atleast 22 decades from about 100 particles/cm2/s to 1 particle/1000 km2 year. Cosmic ray research led to the discovery of many of the fundamental particles of nature in the 30’s, 40’s and 50’s of this century and ushered in the era of ‘elementary particle physics’ at man-made accelerators. Even 86 years after the discovery, the sources of these particles and the mechanism of acceleration continue to remain a mystery.  相似文献   

   This guest editorial describes ways teachers can use guessing games about an unknown item in a “mystery box” to help children improve their abilities to listen to others, recall information, ask purposeful questions, classify items by class, make inferences, synthesize information, and draw conclusions. The author presents information from a qualitative analysis of 90 preservice teachers’ reflections on using mystery boxes with preschool through elementary students in urban public school settings in central New York State. Children were enthusiastic about the game, used a variety of strategies to generate questions, experienced difficulties in paying attention, remembering and synthesizing information, and had difficulty focusing on more than one characteristic at a time. Errors included repetition of questions and class inclusion/exclusion errors. Modeling, thinking out loud, and giving hints helped children become successful. Creating one’s own mystery box, exercises in identifying attributes and classifying items, and practice in questioning techniques are among suggested follow-on activities.  相似文献   

There are numerous academics who have also been novelists, including several prominent writers of children’s literature. Yet the relationship between academic writing and the writing of fiction has not been systematically explored, nor have the kinds of knowledge gained from the experience of writing fiction always been easy to incorporate into the scholarly and institutional contexts of academic criticism. The author discusses some of the ways in which academic and fiction writing can complement and inform each other, drawing on his own experience in both fields. He also argues that ‘the act of writing’ needs to be far more thoroughly integrated into English studies at both a practical and a theoretical level. Charles Butler was a fiction writer before he was an academic, writing his first novel before he went to London University to study English Literature. He readily admits that his first and second novels remain deservedly unpublished, the influence of other authors hanging too heavily over them. The Darkling (1997) was the first of his six fantasy novels published to date and, as he relates in this article, he has also written a number of critical works. As Charles is one of that rare breed of writers who have managed to combine these two careers (though he has some illustrious precursors, in Tolkien, of course, C.S. Lewis and Ursula Le Guin), we invited him to share his views on both the rewards and possible pitfalls of trying to keep both activities buoyant. Charles Butler is a Senior Lecturer at the University of the West of England, Bristol, where he specializes in children’s literature. He is author of Four British Fantasists: Place and Culture in the Children’s Fantasies of Penelope Lively, Alan Garner, Diana Wynne Jones, and Susan Cooper (Scarecrow/ChLA, 2006), and editor of Teaching Children’s Fiction (Palgrave Macmillan, 2006). He is also the author of six children’s fantasy novels, of which the most recent are Death of a Ghost (HarperCollins, 2006) and The Lurkers (Usborne, 2006). His web site is http://www.charlesbutler.co.uk  相似文献   

Cyril Smith’s distinguished career in industrial metallurgy was wonderfully transformed into his masterful engagement with the history of science and technology. These two phases were bridged by a piece of research that particularly pleased him, as epitomising his general ideas of form and organisation. It was based on his conception of the 2D soap froth as a prototype for metallic grain growth (and much else). He rightly sensed that it would be an enduring source of understanding of some of the complex effects that he so admired in materials.  相似文献   

In this paper, the main points of Lamarck’s and Darwin’s theoretical conceptual schemes about evolution are compared to those derived from 15 years old students’ explanations of evolutionary episodes. We suggest that secondary students’ preconceptions should not be characterized as “Lamarckian”, because they are essentially different from the ideas that Lamarck himself possessed. Most students in our research believed that needs directly impose changes on animal bodies in order to survive in a given environment and accepted the possibility of extinction whereas Lamarck believed that it was the effect of use or disuse that would produce changes on body structures and that species would transform but would not die out. We conclude that the relationship between secondary students’ ideas and historical views on evolution should be treated more skeptically, given the differences in the historical, social and cultural contexts, and that instruction should focus on students’ ideas of need-driven evolution as well as on the role of chance in the evolutionary process.  相似文献   

鲁迅的翻译选材独辟蹊径,风格迥异自成一家。从“别求新声于异邦”到“为起义的奴隶搬运军火”,鲁迅的翻译思想走过了从以文学启蒙国民思想到以文学为革命服务的艰难历程,经历了翻译文学化、翻译文化化和翻译政治化三个阶段。他的翻译从根本上说归属功能翻译,其目的不仅仅在于文字之间的转化,而在于要完成社会与历史所赋予他的伟大使命。  相似文献   

Catherine Milne’s book, The Invention of Science, recounts the history of science (mainly Eurocentric) from cross-cultural, historical and philosophical worldviews. Scientists, science educators, and teachers would find this an interesting book, not only for themselves but also for those with whom they interact. Most accounts are of the great men in science with some to women in science, including reference to the exclusion of women from science. Milne provides thought-provoking activities to use in the classroom, like asking students to write the processes that occur when sugar dissolves in hot tea, with students including the three components of causal explanation. She also encourages teachers to use narratives to help students learn the context of discovery in science. In a comparison of analogical, deductive, inductive and abductive reasoning, she encourages teachers to pay attention to dialogical arguments. Book review author predicts that Milne’s book will fit well with the nation’s next generation science standards, still in development form. Milne succeeded in her goal “to combine aspects of the philosophy and history; not just to focus on specific scientific ideas but to provide a hint of the complex relationship between place and history, space and time, in the development of Eurocentric science.”  相似文献   

Mark Haddon’s The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, the first novel to be published simultaneously for the UK adult and children’s market, exemplifies the phenomenon of crossover literature better perhaps than the “Harry Potter” series, whose appeal to a dual-aged audience had caught the publishing industry by surprise. This article identifies Haddon’s engagement with the genre of detective fiction as one of the reasons for the novel’s crossover success: while the mystery plot offers a compelling narrative “hook” for children and adults alike, the postmodern twists on the detective formula open up deeper levels of satisfaction, without alienating the less experienced members of the audience. Analysed within the context of contemporary crime fiction, Curious Incident also appears to be tapping into a relatively recent literary trend that sees detective novels focusing on young characters as victims, witnesses and even perpetrators of crimes—itself a reflection of our changing attitudes towards the Romantic view of childhood as an age of innocence.  相似文献   

In this essay I explore a number of questions about purposes and methods in science education research prompted by my reading of Wesley Pitts’ ethnographic study of interactions among four students and their teacher in a chemistry classroom in the Bronx, New York City. I commence three ‘lines of flight’ (small acts of Deleuzo-Guattarian deterritorialization) that depart from the conceptual territory regulated by science education’s dominant systems of signification and make new connections within and beyond that territory. I offer neither a comprehensive review nor a thorough critique of Wesley’s paper but, rather, suggest some alternative directions for science education research in the genre he exemplifies.  相似文献   

Takayasu’s arteritis (TA), also known as the “pulseless disease,” is a chronic vasculitis of the aorta and aortic branches. TA with Crohn’s disease is rare and has not been documented in China before. In this paper we report on a case of Takayasu’s arteritis associated with concurrent Crohn’s disease. A 17-year-old Chinese male developed upper limb sourness and a sensation of fatigue, and his upper limb pulses were absent. He was diagnosed with TA and underwent an axillary artery bypass with autologous great saphenous vein on the left subclavian artery. After the surgery, he regained the normal blood pressure. This patient also had years of diarrhea and developed an anal canal ulcer, and was diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease and ulcerative colitis before. Five months after the TA surgery, he was hospitalized for severe stomachache and diarrhea and was finally diagnosed with Crohn’s disease. The possible pathophysiological mechanisms responsible for concurrent existence of TA and Crohn’s disease may be associated with immune disorders, especially autoimmunity.   相似文献   

This article proposes a model that integrates some of the determinants of scholastic judgment. The model is based on the assumption that a teacher’s judgment in a particular discipline is influenced by different variables: the pupil’s actual performance in the discipline, his/her actual performance in other disciplines (halo effect), the average performance of the class in the discipline (class context effect), the pupil’s individual characteristics such as whether he/she has ever repeated a grade and the teacher’s perception of the pupils’ causal explanations. Furthermore, the model proposes that a teacher’s perceptions are related to the pupil’s spontaneous expression of causality, which in turn is influenced by the pupil’s knowledge of the social value of causal explanations. In order to test the validity of the proposed model, the authors conducted a study in a real classroom setting on a population of 663 pupils from 38 classes (3rd grade) and their respective teachers. Path analyses showed that the theoretical model fit the data to a satisfactory extent. However, a comparison of the fit indexes of the theoretical model and two alternative models (one nonhierarchical and one hierarchical) showed that the initial theoretical model could be significantly improved by additional paths.  相似文献   

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