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Emotion experienced in the classroom has been shown to influence subject-level satisfaction and loyalty to the institution. To date, a valid and reliable scale to measure higher-education satisfaction emotions does not exist and this study aims to rectify this shortfall. After a qualitative and quantitative investigation, 14 emotions that formed three dimensions were retained. These emotions, when combined with performance perceptions, explained 71% of the variance in satisfaction with a learning and teaching experience that, in turn, explained 82% of the variance in loyalty to the institution. This scale can complement existing evaluation instruments and assist education managers and marketers in capturing a richer understanding of their students' experience, which, if managed correctly, can lead to enhanced reputation and increased future enrolments.  相似文献   

把一道化学动力学题的内容形式和解题方法做三种变化处理,能达到启发思维、增强兴趣的效果,并能更全面、深刻地理解化学反应动力学原理。  相似文献   

Vicki Donne 《TechTrends》2012,56(2):31-36
The present study reports on action research conducted using a resource wiki. Participants included 48 certified teachers and pre-service teachers enrolled in a face-to-face graduate course supplemented with online activities. Data collected include student reflections that indicate the use of a wiki at the university level is a feasible means of online collaboration, facilitates constructing new knowledge, and provides a medium of modeling technology integration into the classroom.  相似文献   


The schools‐industry movement advocates the development of greater industrial awareness in pupils through experiential learning methods. It follows that student teachers need to be prepared for this work in a similar way. Such experiential work, to be effective, needs to be reflective. The use of such ‘reflective practice’ is an important strategy in teacher education in its own right This paper explores these ideas in the context of an industrial simulation run in school, by students in Initial Teacher Training, involving local industrialists. Such an activity can play a valuable part in preparing such students for initiatives such as TVEI, and can enhance their personal and professional development. However, when several agencies are combining on a single project, they approach the activity with differing objectives. These need to be recognised in the planning, so that valid compromises can be achieved.  相似文献   

In Kuhnian terms, science education has been a process of inducting students into the reigning paradigms of science. In 1985, Duschl noted that science education had not kept pace with developments in the history and philosophy of science. The claim of certainty for scientific knowledge which science educators grounded in positivist philosophy was rendered untenable years ago and it turns out that social and cultural factors surrounding discovery may be at least as important as the justification of knowledge.Capitalizing on these new developments, Duschl, Hamilton, and Grandy (1990) wrote a compelling argument for the need to have a joint research effort in science education involving the philosophy and history of science along with cognitive psychology. However, the issue of discovery compels the research community go one step further. If the science education community has been guilty of neglecting historical and philosophical issues in science, let it not now be guilty of ignoring sociological issues in science. A collaborative view ought also to include the sociological study of cultural milieu in which scientific ideas arise. In other words, an external sociological perspective on science. The logic of discovery from a sociological point of view implies that conceptual change can also be viewed from a sociological perspective.  相似文献   

"家校通"问题初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"家校通"传递信息便捷,但问题也不容忽视.从信息传递量来看,作业通知的数量偏多;从内容上来看,仍停留在应试教育层面;从语言上看,教师一言堂的现象明显;从对家长的要求来看,有点偏高,且鲜有家长会主动回馈信息;从对儿童的培养来看,忽视了儿童在教育中的主体地位.  相似文献   

高校健美操教学作为深受大学生喜爱的学习内容之一,对促进大学生的身心健康发展与社会适应能力有着重要的意义。基于此,本文以高校健美操教学为研究的主题,结合健美操教学的实际,就其对大学生锻炼习惯的养成策略展开了研究。  相似文献   

Increasing numbers of educators and parents are recognizing that traditional educational models can be unsupportive and, at times, alienating to children, particularly those with special needs. SAIL, a public charter* school in Washington, DC, for children 5–12 years old (often labelled as having special needs), has used an innovative education model that infuses the arts in learning experiences. Providing a unique physical and social environment, an arts‐based curriculum, and authentic assessment methods, SAIL is steadily achieving or exceeding its goals after two years of operation. This paper describes the work of SAIL. * A charter school is an autonomously governed public school designed to educate students in non‐traditional ways and obligated by its charter to monitor and record its performance.  相似文献   

Educational research suggests that lower-income children exhibit poor general executive functioning relative to their higher-income peers. Meanwhile, sports psychology research suggests that an acute bout of aerobic exercise improves executive functioning in children. Yet, it has never been determined if such exercise (1) specifically improves the selective attention aspect of executive functioning in children or (2) impacts lower-income children any differently than higher-income children. The current study utilised a randomised experimental design and found that a 12?min session of aerobic exercise improved the selective attention of both lower- and higher-income children. Moreover, lower-income children exhibited even greater improvement than higher-income children. As the income-achievement gap persists, it is important to explore feasible interventions that strengthen the cognitive processes that underlie academic performance.  相似文献   

本文着重论述情感对于师生心灵交往的作用及教育涵义,指出通过情感,师生确认存在,从而使教育成为可能;通过情感,师生共享世界,从而焕发出生命活力;通过情感,师生对话人生,从而引起师生同往。  相似文献   

A wide range of literature and experience has shown that teaching methods that promote active learning, such as inquiry-based approaches, are more effective than those that rely on passive learning. Gel electrophoresis, one of the most common laboratory techniques in molecular biology, has a wide range of applications in the life sciences. As such, we chose it as a platform to expose high school and undergraduate students to the active process of scientific inquiry in general, while specifically teaching electrophoresis. First, we optimized DNA electrophoresis in the laboratory by using common beverages instead of standard media (e.g., Tris-based media). Second, we adapted this laboratory process of progressive optimization to a Web-based format in which students had to achieve all the same steps of optimization by performing serial electrophoreses. And third, we evaluated the use of this entirely Web-based virtual laboratory exercise in high school and undergraduate biology courses. Students learned fundamental and practical principles of electrophoresis, while experiencing the essential inquiry-based process of optimizing a technique, and they also enjoyed it. Our findings provide a readily accessible, inexpensive, and intriguing technique for teaching electrophoresis and the progressive optimization of a laboratory technique.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this article is to describe a student exercise about ageing which is part of a university course about the lifespan for social workers. The year‐long course covers development from infancy to old age. In order to describe the context for the ageing exercise, the article also summarises exercises done by students prior to that about ageing. The ageing exercise could be generalised to shorter courses, to ones dealing solely with the elderly, and is suitable for both applied and theory‐based curricula, and to both undergraduate and continuing education. This exercise is compatible with an experiential and reflective approach to learning. Dealing with elderly people is often personally challenging for students as the elderly are at a different part of the life cycle from that of students’ usual friends and acquaintances. The exercise helps students to cope with the unfamiliarity of dealing with individuals unlike themselves, and often proves to be an enriching experience for them. At the same time it enhances their understanding and subsequent ability to relate to the elderly.  相似文献   

Guy Neave 《Higher Education》1996,32(4):403-415
The study of higher education is a broad field. A recent estimate identified some 19 different disciplines and perspectives. Such range of perspectives raises central questions as to what might constitute the core areas. Whilst recognising that history does not possess a single dominant paradigm, this article suggests that history opens up several avenues not without interest to policy studies in higher education. By providing issues the outcome of which is known, history may serve as a vehicle for testing the validity of contemporary theories developed in higher education policy studies. The article argues that greater attention ought to be paid - and most particularly in studies involving cross national comparisons - to the cultural and historic specificities that permeate the formal dimensions of law, structure and administrative forms.  相似文献   

以参加37届体操世锦赛男子自由体操比赛的运动员为对象,从D组以上技巧动作的难度、类型和连接,以及完成动作的质量等方面,对当代男子自由体操发展趋势作了比较系统的研究.另对中国男队与世界各国的差距也作了简要分析.  相似文献   

中国与澳大利亚最新的国家数学课程标准都特别强调数与代数学习衔接的重性。运用问卷,从以下四个方面分析、比较中澳两国数学教师在这一问题上的教学能力:相关数学知识,对数学课程标准理念的解读,对学生数学思考的理解,短期与长期的教学计划。结果表明,中澳数学教师在总体能力上水平相近,中国教师对于数学知识的理解更为清晰,而澳大利亚教师则在对学生数学思考的理解上表现得更好。与此同时,在推行国家数学课程标准时,教师教学能力是一个不容忽视的关键因素。  相似文献   

1问题的提出 习题:常温常压下,Fe、Cu、Zn、Mg四种金属分别放入相同质量分数的稀盐酸溶液中,图1表示金属质量在酸中减少情况与时间的关系,则图1中四条线分别表示四种金属与酸作用的情况,依次应为(写元素符号)A、__;B、__;C、__;D、__.  相似文献   

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