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本文介绍了《供热工程》的课程目标、课程设计理念和课程设计内容,并在教学方法和手段上对如何提高学生的学习积极性、主动性进行了探讨。  相似文献   

对人因工程等新兴边缘学科课程设计进行研究式改革探索,以培养大学本科学生"知晓—判断—改进—设计"的工程知识应用逻辑。文章主要从注重开放式设计题目类型,课程设计任务布置时间前移,重视学生发现问题并尝试改善研究习惯养成,课程设计说明书强调逻辑性、多样性和可视化,成绩评定更加重视探索研究精神的价值判断等方面进行研究。实践证明,该课程设计模式可以显著提高学生应用理论知识解决实际问题的兴趣、能力和自觉性,较好地实现了课程设计目的。  相似文献   

电子技术课程设计是为提高电子类专业学生综合能力而开设的应用型实践课程。通过课程设计,.-j-~检验学生掌握电子技术理论知识的程度,考核学生运用理论知识分析问题、解决问题的能力,培养学生自学能力、团队合作和实际电路设计的能力.从电子技术课程设计内容和要求,到教学方法和教学手段的改进等几个方面进行了探讨并付诸实践,提高了学生的实践能力和创新能力.  相似文献   

课程设计是教学过程中一个重要的实践性环节,是培养学生综合素质与能力的有效途径。基于此,阐述了课程设计在机械类专业教学中的重要性,并针对课程设计对学生能力培养,以及在课程设计中应注意的几个重要环节进行了探讨。  相似文献   

虚拟仪器技术在电子技术课程设计中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以虚拟万用表系统的设计实现为例,具体阐述了如何将虚拟仪器技术引入课程设计、进行"软硬结合"。实践表明,这种形式的课程设计极大地调动了学生的学习兴趣,提高了学生参与的主动性和积极性,提高了课程设计的完成质量。同时学生的优秀设计又可以服务于实验室建设,为后届学生提供参考并在此基础上开设新的实验项目。  相似文献   

结合工程实际对新型人才培养的要求,探讨了机械原理课程设计改革的意义,并运用若干心理学规律对机械原理课程设计的形式、方法和手段进行了改革尝试,激发了学生的学习兴趣和热情,培养了学生的创造性能力。  相似文献   

论课程设计环节中学生创新能力的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文探讨了大学教学过程中学生创新能力的培养途径,提出课程设计环节可以作为学生创新能力培养的主要方法,并对课程设计的设计、实施过程进行了分析。  相似文献   

“土力学课程设计”属于实践环节内容,是培养学生综合运用专业知识、工程实践能力和创造精神的关键环节。文章分析了传统“土力学课程设计”开展过程中遇到的一系列问题以及所开发的“土力学课程设计”任务书生成辅助软件。利用该软件,可以很方便地创建、管理和重复利用课程设计的基础数据信息,可以选择课程设计主题、设计任务、工程场地条件与建筑物规模,自主组合课程设计任务,满足不同基础、不同学习兴趣与钻研深度的学生进行课程设计的需求。利用该软件,可以快速生成与导出“土力学课程设计”任务书,并避免数据与任务不匹配等错误的发生,方便实现学生一人一题,从而解决传统课程设计的弊端,具有推广价值。  相似文献   

《工程水文及水利计算》是农业水利工程专业的一门重要的专业核心课程.其课程设计是该专业学生所接触的第一门课程设计,具有非常重要的作用和意义。通过指导学生进行课程设计,发现学生在设计过程中出现了不少问题并对这些问题进行了分析,提出一些建议。  相似文献   

在分析智能仪器课程设计现状的基础上,以工程教育专业认证为背景,基于成果导向教育,对测控技术与仪器专业的智能仪器课程设计进行教学改革。设计了基于能力要素的课程目标、“以学生为中心”和成果导向的课程设计实施过程、评价方法,包括指导教师、答辩组以及学生团队的自评价,并在实践中验证了教学改革的有效性。  相似文献   

基于实际的高中生物课堂有效教学策略的思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
根据高中生物课堂教学实践,针对无效教学常见的问题探讨有效教学的策略.阐述处理好教材是有效课堂教学的前提;教学活动的合理组织是有效课堂教学的关键;课堂探究有效性是有效课堂教学的的活力;重视错题整理是有效课堂教学的保障.  相似文献   

In 2006 and 2008, two large trans-national residential summer schools on conservation science were organized as intensive programs. Learners were not only second/third cycle students in both exact sciences and humanities, but further practicing restorers; consequently their educational background, and even their way of approaching scientific problems, were very diversified, and evaluation of the feedback brought about an urgent need for leveling knowledge and skills. The 3rd summer school, scheduled for July 2009, is addressing the issue by offering self-paced preparatory material authored by the lecturers, and obeying patterns that satisfy the specific needs of both an e-learning environment and a homogenization procedure. Before being offered to the attendees, the pre-lecturing material underwent an interim evaluation concerning its conformity to the Bologna process concepts, as well as to generally accepted methodologies for electronically supported distance learning. Furthermore, teachers were asked on their attitudes towards the proposed scheme. Evaluation of the answers permits drawing conclusions on how far lecturers are capable of and/or willing to accept the abovementioned course structure, in order to fit with a framework designed according to the student-centred Bologna approach, and the fundamental e-learning practices.  相似文献   

Ten teachers, from preschool to secondary school have tried out puppets as a stimulus in science lessons. Data were gathered by teachers answering a questionnaire and by interviewing the teachers. We report what teachers have experienced by using puppets in science classrooms and in science activities in preschools. Data indicate that the puppet can be used to stimulate science both in preschool, primary school and secondary school. Probably the puppet must be used in different ways in preschool and primary school than in secondary school to get the pupils to accept them. This pilot study has given us courage and ideas to start a following-up study in using puppets in science.  相似文献   

Increasing accountability and efficiency in the use of public and out-of-pocket financing in education are critical to realizing the maximum impact of the meager allocations to education in most developing countries. While broad estimates and numbers are routinely collected by most national ministries and state departments of education, the lack of accuracy and reliability as well as the obtuse nature of recording and presentation of the data does not facilitate any serious policy use. A major advance in this area has been brought about by the development of NEA (National Education Accounts), which is a new tool for measuring education expenditures in a systematic policy-~endly manner. In essence, NEAs measure the "financial pulse" of an education system, answering 4 key questions: Who is financing education? How much do they spend? How are funds distributed across different education providers, levels and activities? Who benefits from or receives the services? NEAs gather information on all spending from public, private and donor sources, and provide a snap-shot of all expenditures on education in the state or country. While not an auditing tool, it provides real time information on the flow of funds that can be used for evidence-based decision-making. It provides information to policy-makers, enabling them to discern systcm-wide inequities and identify areas that require changes in policy. In addition, the use of a standard classification of expenditures allows for data from NEAs to be comparable between and within countries. This paper provides an assessment of accountability and efficiency in the use of public and private resources in the education sector in 2 states of Nigeria. Using comparative data from implementation of education accounts in 2 states of Nigeria, it presents a breakdown of education spending by public and private sources as well as donor agencies, by types of providers, by geographical regions and by category of expenditures. It analyzes educational expenditures for the 2 states in the context of state government priorities for education, and proposes a novel way of tracking trends in education spending as a means for policy-makers to organize a strategic vision supported by resources and to evaluate the outcome of policies.  相似文献   

It is becoming more and more apparent that globalization processes represent, theoretically as well as practically, a challenge for educational sciences and therefore, it must be addressed within the sphere of education. Accordingly, educational conceptions have to adapt to globafization phenomena and focus more on alternative and innovative educational concepts. The observable phenomena that appear as part of globalization then lead to the following question: Is there still space for educational concepts like emancipation, self-determination, equal opportunities and fairness in distribution, democracy and common sense? The most indispensable tools for the development of equitable and peaceful contemporary education perspectives are a differentiated reflection on globalization phenomena and consequences, an intensive analysis and disclosure to address (global) conflict lines, the questioning of well-established concepts, the formation and embodiment of visions of the global future and the articulation of innovative education concepts. Modern social and political structures and practices have to be reoriented to combat the negative effects of globalization processes through the incorporation of more humane, socially fair and ecological principles. Educational science is sure to make an important contribution in making this a reality.  相似文献   

This article discusses the teaching of life skills to urban American youths who are highly fascinated with the hip-hop culture--songs, raps, miming, lyrics, dressing and musical rhythms, especially individuals with emotional disabilities in the public schools. This is an instructional curriculum strategy to encourage positive and active participation of these students, promote perfect school attendance, encourage good behaviors, deal with anger management and motivate committed learning in the classroom. The instructors' understanding of students' culture, learning needs and styles, and using such background knowledge to educate them become imperative in this setting. These urge for innovative and leadership projects in the author's special education classroom necessitated the application of hip-hop music to teach life skills, reading and other functional skills in the classroom. The outcome was positive and rewarding to both the teachers and students. There are recommendations for interested teachers to devise creative teaching methods, differentiated instruction and appropriate classroom management practices to attain student achievement.  相似文献   

本文从构建全程化的教学体系、模块化的课程结构、实践性的教学内容和多元化的教学方法等4个方面,阐述了高职院校建设就业指导课程体系的方法和途径,为构建具有高等职业教育特色、突出社会性和实践性的就业指导课程体系提供了有效的实施策略。  相似文献   

This paper reveals a new evaluation model, which enables educational program and project managers to evaluate their programs with a simple and easy to understand approach. The "index of success model" is comprised of five parameters that enable to focus on and evaluate both the implementation and results of an educational program. The integration of these parameters forms a complete and comprehensive picture, which in turn provides the most information on the success or failure of the program. The parameters are: (1) the relevance index, referring to an evaluation of predefined objectives; (2) the efficiency index, referring to the fiscal efficiency of the program; (3) the effectiveness index evaluating the attainment of the program's objectives; (4) the impact index gauging the effect on the consumers, for whom the program is undertaken; and (5) the final parameter is the program's sustainability index. Since Israel's education strategy currently leans towards site-based monitoring and evaluation, such a model can potentially be of great help to school management and staff.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to explore the operation of magnet and professional development school (PDS) programs in a real life situation using an ethnographic study of Downtown Elementary School (DES-a pseudonym) that simultaneously operates as a PDS and a magnet school. The author spent almost three years at DES, located in the Southern United States, collecting data through participant observation, interviewing, and document collection. The purpose is to provide answers to compelling questions such as: What does it mean to have both magnet and PDS programs operating simultaneously in the same school as in the case of DES? What can be learned from the experiences of the unique school-DES? The paper provides an outline of both magnet and PDS programs and their operations at DES and analyzes how these programs are interrelated and intertwined. Some of the outcomes indicate that DES is about the only school in its locality that juxtaposes two innovative school reform programs. These programs impede each other's progress sometimes and in some cases feed off each other. There is a lot to be learned from the unique experiences of DES. Coupled with other conclusions, the author concludes that, PDSs, as school restructuring projects are intertwined with magnet schools' reform activity which is motivated by the drive to provide equity of opportunity to learn, particularly for poor, minority and black students in mostly urban areas who are at a disadvantage for various reasons. The final section of the paper takes a critical look at the issues at stake through the lens of critical multiculturalism.  相似文献   

The study aimed to assess and compare the values prevalent among the students and teachers of Universities in Bangladesh, Japan, USA and Germany. The sample consisted of 480 students and 236 teachers. The sample included 120 undergraduate students Japan; 120 undergraduate students from Bangladesh; 120 undergraduate students from USA, and 120 undergraduate students from Germany. The faculty sample included 60 teachers from Japan, 60 teachers from Bangladesh; 60 teachers from USA, and 56 teachers from Germany. To identify the value preferences of the individuals a list of 10 values, pro-social, achievement, power over others, security, self direction, otherworldliness, fatalism, narcissism, inner directed, and conservative, based on previous values studies by Singh and Parek were prepared. The first five values were identified in previous studies as functional (Singh, 1975) and other five were identified as dysfunctional (Parek, 1988) in the context of national development of Asian cultures. The results revealed that Bangladeshi students held stronger preferences for values identified as functional values than for those identified as dysfunctional. Japanese students indicated stronger preferences for the values identified as functional values except narcissism. The American students indicated a preference for three of the five values identified as functional but also ranked narcissism and other worldliness as third and fifth preferred values respectively. German student showed a preference for functional values, except narcissism which they also ranked as third. Bangladeshi teachers' preferences for functional values were higher than dysfunctional values. Japanese teachers indicated a preference for functional values except narcissism. American teachers preferred functional values except other worldliness. German teachers' value preferences were also functional, except for narcissism which they ranked as fifth. Students and teachers in the four countries sampled indicate preferences for values identified as functional with few exceptions. This research suggests that value preferences among university students and teachers are more similar than different, suggesting a homogenizing effect (Boli, 2005) on human values.  相似文献   

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