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行李检查之麻烦 吾等一路由香港而梧州而柳州而桂林,行李之检查,已不止十数次。记得由香港到梧州,所乘之江宁轮因轮身太大,西江中从都城到梧州一段,水位又太浅,不得已,只得改乘大渡船.由小轮拖带。当渡船将抵梧州时,有海关人员上船检查行李,吾等因事前取得广西省政府护照,行李得以免查,省去周折不少。但等待检查,眼看其他旅客被检查,翻箱倒箧,一箱一囊,无或幸免,船又为之停驶,不能前进,心颇焦急。一小时后,检查事竣,正喜船可以继续前行,此去想可直达梧州,中途不至再有留难——因吾等自晨七时从江宁轮下渡船后,迄未…  相似文献   

重庆市街乡镇巡礼当余甫抵重庆之日之下午,天色阴霾,周勖成先生因谓,如欲观光此间闹市情形,及其遭轰炸后破坏之程度,此正其时。时虽细雨漠朦,但余一想到晴朗之不宜出门,则此正机会,万不可失。矧承周先生如此热心招待,肯冒雨伴同前往,除感激外,尚有何辞可说。于是随同周先生出校。因取道小径,故左折右转,极感崎岖难行,及至几度下坡,几经拐弯后,始到国府路,时见路旁高大之建筑物甚多,有隐匿于绿荫丛树中者,更为幽静可爱。此去无多远,即为国民政府,门前列高大石牌坊一座,上刻斗大“国民政府”四字,气象极为庄严肃穆。循…  相似文献   

甲秀楼避空袭贵阳截至笔者再度莅至时为止,虽仅一度遭敌机轰炸,刻下一切已在不断复兴中,但市况尽管繁荣,而居民心理上却仍时时怀着不安,敌机可能袭至之威胁性依然存在,故在每逢天气晴朗之朝,无不万人空城,群趋郊外预避,免临时措手不及。笔者自五月十五日下午到贵阳后,因购重庆车票尚有待,故在贵阳勾留至四天之久。前三天因连日下雨,虽旅邸闷坐,不无苦寂,但人心大定,籍此可以免跋涉之劳。讵第四日,竟阳光大放,城中人纷纷出城,余等因亦不敢留守旅邸,于是与张雪澄先生等商量,拟寓避空袭于游览风景之中,借此饱览胜景,与专…  相似文献   

1938年春至1939年冬,黄炎培先生倡导职业教育时最亲密的朋友和同事,著名教育家杨卫玉先生,扶妻携幼,辗转于港、桂、滇、渝、黔等西南各地,对战时后方,周历颇多。此稿为同行的杨夫人所记当时情事,题名“西南浪迹稿”。时值抗战,作者自称“记得是1938年春-1939年冬一年多的流浪生活”,但火的历验和女性细致的笔触,使这部稿子翔实地反映了当时的社会民生,记录了侵略者的罪行,它虽不是第一手的档案史料,却无疑是一份珍贵的历史记录。杨夫人彭望芬,又名心雪,1920年北京女子高等师范学校毕业,著有散文、游记数种,编集出版的有《敏儿的母亲》等。1970年逝世。此稿(包括照片)由作者家属捐赠给上海市档案馆,本刊发表时又征得其同意,在此一并致谢。由张爱平整理,略有删节。  相似文献   

一个严重的问题 本节用“一个严重的问题”作标题,好似故作危词,以耸听闻,其实事情确甚严重,并非张大其词。其事非他,即公路上覆车之多是。当然此一事不能不认为严重,而必须设法使公路当局注意,以冀此不幸事件,不再继续发生。盖当笔者往返于各段公路上,所见倾覆之车辆,何止二三次,就中货车客车皆有,不幸的是,多半系西南公路局车。间尝窃思其故,览西南公路,路线虽十之八九在崇山峻岭中,行车固极不易,若得技术熟练之驾驶者,郑重将事,亦何至覆车有如是之多。以余所见,其故必系驾驶者之技术有问题。但余虽作如是想,同时…  相似文献   


原:一年一度的士官选拔和晋升工作尚未展开,某师就提前两个月将今年计划选拔和晋升的士官名额公之于众,然后按照个人申请、群众评议、支部推荐、营团两级把关、师统一组织综合比武的程序,严格选出500余名预选人员,集中进行全面素质培训。这种用提前综合比武公开选拔士官的方式,确保了士官选拔的质量。  相似文献   

光绪十二年十月初三日敬禀者:九月二十日,交承差戴鉴呈升字十七号安禀、京报五本、野意老米二百斤、茶叶三瓶、梹榔二百个、砂十两、贡磨十斤,谅邀鉴收。朱红绢、福方、蜡笺、徽墨等样,两次进内请领,皆云各样尚未找齐,且五龙福方库内现已缺短,特恐此样难于领出。○拟一二日再赴该殿请领,俟将各样领全,当即赶紧宁。兹将二十九日领下催文一角,先附包封辕。至升字十六号所禀,该监欲将此差由京折办,○曾拟令再传一笔各节,昨于领样时向该监斟问。伊云:现与总管商议,尚未定局,拟过万寿再说。第前传之差,迄今无信解京,究竟能否由…  相似文献   

十一月初一日 早,余发命令,饬原上各军依前日出师计划,向各预定地点攻击。余率各营绕出万岭,即遇敌接仗,我军人人奋往。午三点,进攻至李家庄。辛建忠率十余名勇士首先犯敌,被敌炮伤死亡。我军勇气加倍,个个争先。五钟时,我军围城下。城将克时,敌军  相似文献   

1911年10月10日武昌起义后,各省纷起响应。两个月内,鄂、湘、陕、赣、晋、滇、黔、苏、桂、皖、粤、闽、川等省相继宣布独立。其中,陕西省则是经过艰苦奋战而获光复者。 本馆所藏国民党政府国史馆档案中,存有1911年10月—912年2月《张伯英先生日记零稿》抄件,并附有《东路战事节略》、《行军应守之规则》、《甘军提出和议条件》、《我军提出和议条件》、《东征幕府人员前后一览表》等,记载了张钫与张凤翙等光复西安、东占潼关以及最后与第六镇、毅军议和经过,文字朴实无华,记叙详尽细腻,是研究辛亥革命史较有价值的史料。特选出刊布。  相似文献   

十多年前,北京有朋友打来电话,说要寄一些美术片《大闹天宫》人物造型的设计草图、手稿(影印件)给我看.众所周知,这是一部享誉四海的美术片,国内外观众对它都很熟悉.从那时到现在,数十年已过,中间更经历了"文革"浩劫,无论是上海美影厂还是主创者万籁鸣的家中,有关《大闹天宫》的各种资料都早已不复存在了.  相似文献   

任奉贤县长三年的回忆(1930-1933)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
初次从政 我留学法国归来,先在南京中央陆军军官学校任政治教官,后又兼任江苏省区长训练所教官、教务主任,每周往返南京、镇江间.  相似文献   


This papers describes the economic difficulties in Ghana from 1973 to the early 1980's, culminating in a situation where libraries in Ghana, including the UST Library, were unable to acquire library materials. Books in the main library and faculty libraries became so outdated that they were unable to support current academic work. The Library was not able to subscribe to core periodicals and journals.

In 1987, the PNDC government, with the help of the World Bank, instituted a policy to replace scientific equipment and to supply books and journals to higher education institutions. Under the Educational Sector Adjustment Programme (EDSAC), academic libraries in the country received books, journals, and equipment including photocopiers, microfilm/microfiche readers and cameras, and telex machines.

In 1991, the PNDC Deputy Secretary for Education invited the three university libraries to review the procedures for procuring journals for tertiary institutions in view of difficulties which had been encountered in previous years.

Besides materials received under the EDSAC programme, the UST library receives gifts and donations from recognized international agencies. Some of the gifts create problems when materials donated do not cover subject areas of interest to the library. The library also exchanges publications with other institutions as a means of acquiring useful items. The university's calendar and prospectus are the main publications used for the purpose. The Newspaper Registration of Ghana Act, 1963, urges publishers to deposit copies of books published in the country at the UST Library among five others. The majority of publishers flagrantly refuse to do so because the sanctions against defaulters are rarely enforced. The library also receives budgetary allocations, though not enough to purchase books locally.  相似文献   

IDRC has telecentre evaluation initiatives in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Each of these is in the process of establishing evaluation frameworks and each is adopting very different approaches. The current paper seeks to build on the outputs of IDRC's Far Hills Workshop on Telecentre Evaluation (September 1999) to explore the experiences in two of the three regions. These explorations will in turn contribute to IDRC's current initiative to develop a framework for ICTs evaluation.

The Far Hills Workshop, and the resulting report entitled Telecentre Evaluation: A Global Perspective, had as objectives to explore challenges and opportunities for telecentre evaluation; understand and compare emerging evaluation frameworks and methodologies; assess needs and resources available; identify salient issues affecting telecentre performance; and provide an opportunity to exchange experiences and lessons across regions.  相似文献   

Africa has not been a huge success story in the 20th-century library and information world. What, if anything, can the rest of the developing world learn from the African experience? In many countries library and information services are more highly developed than in any countries of Africa. But others share many of the handicaps of library and information services development which characterize African countries. For librarians and information workers from such countries, the African experience may be quite close to home and it may offer some useful lessons.

This paper attempts to outline the state of library development in Africa at the turn of the century in the context of the challenges and opportunities presented on the one hand by the world-wide developments in information technology, and on the other by the hoped for African Renaissance. Six promising responses to these challenges and opportunities are presented.

Africa is a large and diverse continent. In this paper it is not possible to give a historical perspective on library development in Africa. Given limitations of the author's experience, the emphasis is on Anglophone Africa and on the countries of the Southern African Development Community (SADC), and on public, university and national libraries.  相似文献   

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