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We review the value of cost-effectiveness analysis for evaluation and decision making with respect to educational programs and discuss its application to early reading interventions. We describe the conditions for a rigorous cost-effectiveness analysis and illustrate the challenges of applying the method in practice, providing examples of programs for which we have estimated costs, but find effectiveness data lacking in comparability. We provide a demonstration of how cost-effectiveness analysis can be applied to two early reading programs: the Wilson Reading System and Corrective Reading. We use existing effectiveness data from an experimental evaluation in which the programs were implemented under similar conditions and the use of common outcomes measures for both programs yielded data that are comparable. We combine these data with cost data we collected using the ingredients method to calculate cost-effectiveness ratios for the alphabetics domain. A complete picture of the relative cost-effectiveness of each program could be provided if effectiveness metrics were available for fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. We highlight the obstacles to applying cost-effectiveness analysis more frequently and recommend strategies for improving the availability of the requisite data.  相似文献   

The concept of early screening and response to intervention has been recognised as key to success in literacy. In this article, an implementation model, which combined a published screening test with a free open access short‐term intervention, was piloted and evaluated over several years. Significant improvements in risk levels for literacy difficulties were identified following a series of 12‐week interventions for 1 hour weekly, split into three small group sessions. In phase 1a, 54% of 224 children were no longer ‘at risk’, and in Phase 1b, 51% of 151 children were no longer ‘at risk’, with evidence for transfer to reading over time. In phase 2a, the approach included whole class screening, (670 children, 25% risk at pre‐test reduced to ‘no‐risk’ in 17.4%). In Phase 2b, targeted support was provided for 306 children in reception, year 1 and year 2. After the intervention, 57% of these children were no longer ‘at‐risk’, with reception children making greatest progress. The model has successfully impacted on greater awareness of ALN and approaches to intervention in the teachers involved. Interviews with users indicated a high level of satisfaction and the approach has been recommended for wider application, following further research.  相似文献   

阅读障碍是指词汇加工能力受损;而发展性阅读障碍是个体成长中出现的阅读障碍。一般从认知角度和生理基础角度出发研究阅读障碍的成因。通过对生理基础取向研究的回顾我们发现,发展性阅读障碍者阅读过程中的障碍存在脑部机能缺陷,主要包括脑电异常和脑功能异常。未来的研究应更加关注阅读障碍的定义,使之明确化;研究方法和手段要多元化;要开展多学科合作研究。  相似文献   

The clinical effectiveness of a treatment for children with dyslexia was examined, as well as the moderating impact of plausible cognitive and socio-economic factors on treatment success. Results revealed that the treatment group accrued significant greater gains than the control group in reading and spelling skills. The treatment group obtained a level of reading accuracy and spelling that was comparable with the normative mean. Post-treatment levels of reading rate were comparable to the lower bound of the normal range. Treatment effectiveness was robust against individual differences, except for a moderating impact of phonological memory and rapid automatized naming.  相似文献   

语言认知缺陷是影响阅读困难儿童阅读能力发展的重要因素,以训练阅读困难儿童的语言认知技能为主要目标的干预研究也备受研究者们的关注,其中,语音意识缺陷干预、阅读流畅性缺陷干预和基于语音意识缺陷和快速命名缺陷的综合干预是当前具有代表性的干预研究.分析、梳理以上干预研究及成效,并展望其发展趋势对阅读困难儿童的干预研究具有非常重要的价值.  相似文献   

This research investigated a special reading class placement for children with dyslexia in the Republic of Ireland. The study compared the literacy attainments of children before and after their reading class placement, and determined in particular children’s views regarding the placement. Participants included 16 children with dyslexia who had completed at least two years or maximum three years in a reading class for children with dyslexia, as well as 14 reading class and mainstream teachers. A case study was utilised to examine the three reading classes using a variety of data collection procedures including standardised assessment results, focus group and group interviews over a sustained period of time. Results indicated that children and teachers were very positive about the placement for children with dyslexia, with both children and teachers reporting academic, social, emotional, behavioural and attitudinal gains for the children in these classes. Findings from quantitative data demonstrated that children made progress in the areas of reading accuracy, comprehension and spelling, during their placement. Interestingly, findings from this study confirm that children who spent three years in the reading class made greater progress in the areas of reading accuracy and reading comprehension than children who spent two years in the reading class. However, there was no significant difference in the spelling achievement gains for children who attended the reading class placement for either two or three years. The qualitative findings revealed children’s increased positive disposition towards their own learning experiences during the special reading class placement and this was reported by both children and teachers alike. However, issues regarding lack of collaborative opportunities between mainstream and reading class teachers, and differentiation of curriculum content in the mainstream classroom remained throughout the placement period.  相似文献   

While it is well known that resilience develops from a young age, specific interventions that might promote resilience in very young children remain to be developed. The A.R.Y.A. Project addresses 4-year-old inner-city kindergartners. The project comprises individual sessions, 20 minutes each, and group sessions (involving either part of or the entire kindergarten)—lasting altogether for an approximately 8-month period. In both the individual and group sessions, children learned and discussed various topics concerning animal stress and coping behavior. Subsequently, they are guided to adapt this knowledge to their own personal life. First-year evaluation indicates that both kindergarten teachers' and parents' evaluations as well as children's responses support the assumption that the project positively affects children's resilience.  相似文献   

当前,教师培训普遍存在着针对性不强、内容泛化、方式单一、质量评估薄弱等问题,因此,迫切需要对“国培计划”项目开展专业评估。 实施“国培计划”项目评估,需要构建一个基本框架,对“国培计划”项目实施全面系统的评估,从而有力保障“国培计划”项目实施效果,构建教师培训的评估、诊断、改进、提升一体化机制,帮助不同培训主体更新培训理念,创新培训方式,增强培训能力,帮助教师培育反思精神,深层次促进教师专业发展,为提高教育质量奠定核心基础。  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated the positive impact of shared reading (SR) and dialogic reading (DR) on young children's language and literacy development. This exploratory study compared the relative impact of parental DR and shared reading interventions on 4‐year‐old children's early literacy skills and parental attitudes to reading prior to and following school entry. Parents were trained using a self‐instruction training DVD. The children's rhyme awareness, word reading, concepts about print and writing vocabulary were assessed before and after 6 weeks over the summer period and again after one term in school. Four illustrative case studies are presented, which reveal the differential impact of the interventions on the families who participated. Findings indicated that DR had a positive impact on children's enjoyment of reading, concepts about print, parent–child reading behaviours and parental attitudes to joint storybook reading. The children who experienced shared‐book reading during the intervention also demonstrated improvements in word reading. There were no changes in rhyme awareness or writing vocabulary for either group. Changes in print concept awareness were not maintained at follow‐up, but improvements in writing vocabulary and word reading scores were noted. The reasons for this are discussed with reference to the formal literacy instruction the children received during their first academic term.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study is to evaluate the effect of MultiFunk, a computer program designed to assist reading, on the reading and spelling proficiency of struggling readers. Fifty‐two below‐average readers and spellers, in grades 5, 6 and 7, were randomly assigned as experimental and control groups (N?=?26?+?26). In addition, 114 classmates, who read normally, were included to compare changes in basic literacy development during the intervention. A pre‐test, intervention, post‐test, control‐group design was used to evaluate the effects of the software, using texts to suit the pupils’ own choices and interests. The findings indicate that computerized assistive reading has the potential to aid and support the development of basic literacy skills in a broad group of struggling readers and spellers. Issues concerning the MultiFunk text‐to‐speech technology are discussed.  相似文献   

In a longitudinal study of the relation between preschool development and later reading abilities, children with dyslexic parents and/or older siblings were compared to children with no family incidence of dyslexia. Many children from dyslexic families developed reading problems by the end of the second grade, and these poor readers were characterized chiefly by weaker early syntactic and phonological skills and by less frequent exposure to books during their preschool years than the preschoolers who became normal readers. Some implications of the results for etiological theories of dyslexia are discussed.  相似文献   

Parents can form a vital link to literacy and later school success by encouraging literacy and language modeling in their daily communication with children. This article describes a study in Head Start classrooms in Florida and North Carolina where teachers used a book lending system and high quality books which they shared with children and families. Strategies for teachers to assist parents in providing support for emergent literacy are given. Ways to help families see the importance of their practices and encourage the use of these ideas as part of their daily routines are shared.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present mixed methods study was to investigate a model of situated professional development and classroom-based early reading intervention implemented by the K–2 teaching teams from one school in a large urban/suburban school district in the southeastern United States. Twenty-nine teachers participated along with 125 students (74 intervention, 51 comparison). Student-level data sources included letter-word identification, word attack, spelling of sounds, and passage comprehension measures. Teacher-level data sources included semistructured interviews with each teacher, planning/recording documents, and pre/post questionnaires to gather information about teachers’ self-efficacy and demographics. The main conclusions were the following: (a) struggling readers eligible for intervention made significant gains, (b) struggling readers eligible for intervention made significantly greater gains than their nonstruggling peers did, (c) teachers’ reflections on the intervention and the situated professional development were generally positive, and (d) teachers’ self-efficacy for instructional strategies positively changed across the year.  相似文献   

Early research on literacy development usually focuses on children in preschool or kindergarten. Few studies have examined the early literacy of bilingual children. This study examines its relationship with different family learning environments (e.g. book availability), and family learning activities (e.g. reading books, telling stories, and singing songs) of bilingual and monolingual children from 9 months of age to kindergarten entry. The Early Childhood Longitudinal Study-Birth Cohort was used as the analysis sample. We included 1300 bilingual children and 5150 English monolingual children. We uncover that bilingual children generally lag behind in both resources and frequency of family learning activities. Using various decomposition techniques, we show that early reading score differences between bilingual and monolingual children can be explained by differences in resources and early family learning environments.  相似文献   

The role of phonics instruction in early reading development has been the subject of significant conjecture. Recently, England implemented a phonics screening check to assess the phonetic decoding of 6-year-old students, to ensure that all students master this foundational literacy skill and attain adequate phonemic awareness in the early years of primary schooling. Students who fail this check are obliged to retake the assessment the following year. In this article, we compare the performance of students who initially pass this check (pass) and students who fail the original assessment but pass the retaken assessment (fail–pass), with students who fail both the original and retaken assessments (fail–fail). Using data from the Key Stage 1 assessment of reading and the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS), we examined the reading comprehension performance of these students approximately 1 and 4 years after their first phonics screening. The results suggested that fail–pass students performed substantially better than fail–fail students, even after performance on the initial phonics check was controlled for. While fail–pass students do not appear to entirely catch up with pass students in reading comprehension, their relatively better performance underscores the importance of intervening for those students who are identified as having problems with phonetic decoding to increase their likelihood of success at reading comprehension in later schooling.  相似文献   

Digital literacy games can be beneficial for children with reading difficulties as a supplement to classroom instruction and an important feature of these games are the instructional supports, such as feedback. To be effective, feedback needs to build on prior instruction and match a learner's level of prior knowledge. However, there is limited research around the relationship between prior knowledge, instruction and feedback in the context of learning games. This paper presents an empirical study exploring the influence of prior knowledge on response to feedback, in two conditions: with or without instruction. Thirty-six primary children (age 8–11) with reading difficulties participated: each child was assessed for their prior knowledge of two suffix types—noun and adjective suffixes. They subsequently received additional instruction for one suffix type and then played two rounds of a literacy game—one round for each suffix type. Our analysis shows that prior knowledge predicted initial success rates and performance after a verbal hint differently, depending on whether instruction was provided. These results are discussed with regards to learning game feedback design and the impact on different types of knowledge involved in gameplay, as well as other game design elements that might support knowledge building during gameplay.

Practitioner notes

What is already known about this topic
  • Instructional supports, such as elaborative feedback, are a key feature of learning games.
  • To be effective, feedback needs to build on prior instruction and match a learner's level of prior knowledge.
  • Prior knowledge is an important moderator to consider in the context of elaborative feedback.
What this paper adds
  • Providing additional instruction (eg, pre-training) may act as a knowledge enhancer building on children's existing disciplinary expertise, whereas the inclusion of elaborative feedback (eg, a hint) could be seen as a knowledge equaliser enabling children regardless of their prior knowledge to use the pre-training within their gameplay.
  • Highlights the importance of children's preferred learning strategies within the design of pre-training and feedback to ensure children are able to use the instructional support provided within the game.
  • Possible implications for pre-training and feedback design within literacy games, as well as highlighting areas for further research.
Implications for practice and/or policy
  • Pre-training for literacy games should highlight key features of the learning content and explicitly make connections with the target learning objective as well as elaborative feedback.
  • Pre-training should be combined with different types of in-game feedback for different types of learners (eg, level of prior knowledge) or depending on the type of knowledge that designers want to build (eg, metalinguistic vs. epilinguistic).
  • Modality, content and timing of the feedback should be considered carefully to match the specific needs of the intended target audience and the interaction between them given the primary goal of the game.

评价的模糊数学计分法应用一例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从教学评价的现实提出问题,在建立评价的模糊数学计分法的数学模型的基础上。通过教学评价的例子来说明这一方法的应用步骤,并给出了这一方法的计算机运算程序。  相似文献   

The significance of a process evaluation for understanding randomised controlled trials (RCTs) of complex teaching interventions in a classroom setting is discussed in relation to the evaluation of the Integrated Group Reading (IGR) programme trial. This process evaluation is based on realist principles and draws on different data sources. The findings indicate that the efficacy of a classroom-based complex intervention like IGR is hard to evaluate given the nature of the intervention and its context. These findings illustrate that a process evaluation should not be seen as a subsidiary study to the experimental trial, but as an independent study in its own right as it can shed light onto the setting up and running of the trial. The paper argues that RCTs by themselves do not necessarily provide the ‘best evidence’ and need to be supplemented by other evaluation perspectives.  相似文献   

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