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《新课标》提出的改变学生的学习模式,培养学生的学习能力,培育发展学生的创造能力的全新理念,触动了传统的化学课堂教学。本文阐述了在这种理念支配下进行的化学课堂教学改革的实践探索和思考。  相似文献   

颜元对格物致知的理解.既不同于程、朱.亦不同于陆、王.颜元认为,格就是"手格猛兽"之格、"手格杀之"之格.格物就是亲手实做其事,一切真知都来源于实践,也必须经得起实践的检验.  相似文献   

课堂教学是课堂改革的核心环节,是实施课程的基本途径。笔者对这一环节非常重视,积极深入课堂。经过听课、调研,对国家基础教育课程改革有了深刻的认识,对音乐课程标准、教材的理解更加深入透彻,转变了传统的教育观念。本文试谈一下自己音乐课堂教学改革的思考与实践。  相似文献   

在初中物理课堂教学中实施素质教育,首先教师要转变陈旧的教学观念,树立以人为本的教学观念,同时要在具体的45分钟课堂教学中创设宽松和谐的课堂气氛、恰当地选择课堂教学内容、适当地运用课堂讨论模式、运用期望与激励的心理效应,以调动学生学习的积极性,提高他们的思维能力、分析和解决问题的能力、  相似文献   

质量是教学的生命线,课堂教学是教学的重要环节之一.所以,改革课堂教学方法,提高课堂教学质量,是目前新课程实践中最值得研究的一个教育话题.新一轮课程改革,既是一个挑战,同时也是基础教育得到更快发展的一次机遇.教育改革事业是一次没有终点的长跑,也只有这样才能使得我们的理论和实践不断得到更新和发展,保持新鲜和生命力.为了脚踏实地改革我们的中学生物教学,少走弯路,笔者认为,重要的是总结中学生物教学的优秀传统,在继承传统的基础上有所创新,教学改革才能健康地发展.那么,我们的中学生物课堂教学方法应怎样改革?作为引玉之砖,我想初步谈谈以下几点:  相似文献   

教学过程是教与学双向互动的过程,是教与学的统一。分析了弊端存在的三个根本原因,从四个方面讨论了高职化学课堂教学方式创新性改革的意义。从精讲启发与问题研讨相结合、问题驱动与案例教学相结合、课堂教学与专题讲座相结合和传统教学方法与现代教学方法相结合四个方面,讨论了高职化学课堂教学中如何实施创新性改革,从而培养适应社会需要的高素质创新型技术人才。  相似文献   

马丽 《华章》2013,(17)
当前,素质教育势在必行,它是教育自身生存和发展的需要,中学外语素质教育是素质教育的重要组成部分。广大的教育工作者为推进学校的素质教育做了大量的工作,从课堂教学到评价制度的改革都有了突飞猛进的发展。如何把素质教育繁多的概念演绎转变为广大教育实践者的切实行动,此乃当务之急。本文就素质教育下的课程改革与优化中学外语课堂教学这个话题谈谈自己的实践探索过程。  相似文献   

新课程改革正在全国展开,为培养全面发展的人才,教师首先要全面发展,在理论素养、个人品质、教研能力等方面为搞好课堂教学做好准备。  相似文献   

高中新课程改革从试点到全面展开已有七年时间.作为新课改的主阵地.课堂教学改革怎样才能符合时代的要求呢?我的看法是:  相似文献   

How children use input to acquire a lexicon   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The contributions of social processes and computational processes to early lexical development were evaluated. A re-analysis and review of previous research cast doubt on the sufficiency of social approaches to word learning. An empirical investigation of the relation of social-pragmatic and data-providing features of input to the productive vocabulary of sixty-three 2-year-old children revealed benefits of data provided in mother-child conversation, but no effects of social aspects of those conversations. The findings further revealed that the properties of data that benefit lexical development in 2-year-olds are quantity, lexical richness, and syntactic complexity. The nature of the computational mechanisms implied by these findings is discussed. An integrated account of the roles of social and computational processes to lexical development is proposed.  相似文献   

善意取得制度作为民法学中极为重要的一个制度,是物的所有权及其他权利的一种特殊取得原因。随着我国物权法的出台,在我国形成了"四要件"的通说。本文首先介绍善意取得制度的内涵及其立法目的,解读《物权法》得出其四方面构成要件,介绍我国有关善意取得的其他规定。继而本文在对一些特殊动产的善意取得适用方面,本文认为须经登记才能转让所有权的动产,其适用善意取得应参照不动产,赃物、遗失物应则与一般动产一样适用善意取得,而禁止流通的动产以及具有特殊性质的动产则不应适用善意取得制度。  相似文献   

At the 1980 conference of the National Association for the Teaching of English at Warwick University, a group of teachers considered the classroom teaching of literature. It seemed to the group that poetry was rarely popular with pupils in the schools that they knew, and that a checklist of ideas for teaching poetry might be helpful. The list is introduced here by the group's leaders, Geoff Fox and Brain Merrick. Specific contributions were also made by Graham Baldwin, Barbara Bleiman, Roz Charlish, Dave Klemm, Colin Padgett, and Andrew Stibbs.Geoff Fox and Brian Merrick have both taught in secondary schools and now work in the School of Education of Exeter University. They divide their time between teaching literature and method to student teachers and working alongside teachers in schools and on courses.  相似文献   

During a summer workshop course, a group of teachers in British Columbia recently considered ways of encouraging the response of readers in their classes. Time was limited, and their ideas reflect a sustained brainstorming session rather than an attempt to produce a definitive list. More-idiosyncratic ideas which depended upon the peculiar skills of individual teachers have been omitted, as have highly specific illustrations relating to particular books. A dance drama version ofWatership Down, for example, was not seen as a readily transferable classroom activity.The suggestions below are for individual work, for work in pairs, groups, or with the whole class. The Canadian teachers were concerned to confirm a climate in which books were readily handled, shared and exchanged as a central and regular practice of the class.Geoff Fox has taught in secondary schools in both England and America. He has been Visiting Professor at Harvard University and the University of British Columbia and is on the staff at Exeter University. He has collaborated on several books, both for the classroom and for teachers, and is Secretary to the U K Editorial Committee ofCle.  相似文献   

Publicly display way too much affection.
Blow 10 years of mileage points and fly first-class.
Ask your mom all those "Why did you?" and "didn't you" questions .
Make a wedding toast and knock it out of the park.
Learn all the forks.  相似文献   

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