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伴随我国国有经济的不断增长,我国的开放存取工作也取得了飞速的发展。虽说我国的开放存取工作随着我国市场经济的增长取得了不斐的成绩,但是其开放存取的经费问题、节流问题、创新机制的构建及其作者的支付能力问题,仍得不到很好的缓解和解决,这就严重影响了开放存取期刊的质量,限制了我国开放存取期刊工作的顺利发展。  相似文献   

开放存取及其对我国学术资源共享的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
开放存取是在网络环境中发展起来的一种新型学术传播模式。分析开放存取这一新型学术成果传播模式的起源、发展现状和特点等,结合我国传统学术期刊和电子期刊的发展现状,对尝试探讨开放存取对我国学术资源共享具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

从“知沟”假设视角,分析了开放存取带来的机遇和挑战,认为政策和与之配套的相关措施是影响开放存取在我国进一步发展的核心障碍,应当充分利用开放存取的发展契机,采取有效措施,缩小和消除“数字鸿沟”.  相似文献   

开放存取是在网络环境下发展起来的一种新型学术交流理念和交流机制。开放存取在我国拥有广泛的社会基础,它可以促进科学技术的交流与传播,带动相关行业与领域的发展。  相似文献   

“质量工程”是我国高等教育领域实施的一项非常重要的工程。从分析高校院系资料室现状入手,探讨“开放存取”模式在促进高校质量工程发展中的促进作用,以期推动“开放存取”模式的发展。  相似文献   

李英梅 《考试周刊》2014,(57):15-16
本研究通过网络调查的方式对我国部分公共图书馆和高校图书馆开放存取资源的情况进行了调查,对当前图书馆开放存取资源开发利用的现状和存在的问题进行了分析,提出了发展对策。  相似文献   

开放存取旨在促进学术交流,免费向公众开放学术信息。它打破了价格障碍和使用权限障碍,对高校图书馆的思想观念、角色定位、馆员的知识结构等产生较大的影响。本文针对开放存取这一全新的学术交流模式及其运行机制,力求积极参与倡导开放存取的精神,宣传开放存取的理念,着力探索OA环境下高校图书馆发展路径,推进开放存取的实践与发展。  相似文献   

杨彦春  聂英 《培训与研究》2010,27(6):130-132
本文简要介绍了开放存取的概念以及在我国的发展现状,通过分析目前制约高校图书馆期刊工作发展的因素,探讨了开放存取出版对高校图书馆期刊管理工作的影响,以及高校图书馆在应对消极影响中应采取的措施。  相似文献   

开放存取是在数字环境中发展起来的一种学术交流理念和交流机制。文章探讨了开放存取的含义及基本特征,开放存取资源的发布方式,分析了开放存取对图书馆产生的积极作用。  相似文献   

开放存取是一种新的学术信息交流出版模式,它对图书馆的角色定位、信息资源建设、技术要求、服务方式以及图书馆工作人员素质等都具有一定的影响.文章介绍了开放存取的定义、发展现状以及国内外知名开放存取资源,指出高校图书馆期刊工作应积极拓宽思路,努力探讨开放存取环境下高校图书馆期刊资源建设和服务的发展思路,积极宣传开放存取知识,重视开放存取期刊资源建设、整合、组织和揭示,提高图书馆员素质,充分开发利用开放存取信息资源,创新图书馆服务.  相似文献   

Incorporating controversial issues into pre-service teacher education provides teacher candidates with opportunities not only to gain effective civic competence but also to develop skills and experience in their teaching of controversial issues. The purpose of this study was to ascertain social studies teacher candidates' views on the controversial issues involved in their courses in Turkey. The study was based on semi-structured interviews with 15 teacher candidates. It was found that controversial issues were not sufficiently included in teacher candidates' courses and that teacher candidates have difficulty in discussing critical issues in class. This study also introduced the idea that teacher candidates experiencing controversial issues in pre-service teacher education can gain positive attitudes towards teaching such issues in their professional lives and can form their own teaching strategies. Teacher candidates came to believe that good teachers should include controversial issues related to the course content and both teachers and teacher candidates should prepare for their discussion phase.  相似文献   

通过厘清生态伦理学的主要问题,着重提出并讨论生态伦理学中代内公平和代际公平两个问题,尤其是国际间的代内公平问题。指出解决这些问题需要多学科的共同努力,并最终须通过环境法(国内的和国际的)的实施和环境管理的执行来达成。  相似文献   

民族问题是社会发展总问题的一部分。这一理论的形成、发展与一定时期社会主要矛盾或中心任务相联系。它受社会主要矛盾的支配,与不同历史阶段社会的主要问题或中心任务在性质上是根本一致的。民族问题与社会发展总问题之间在性质和内容方面都存在从属与包含关系。对民族问题实质的理解很大程度上决定着对民族问题与社会发展总问题之间关系的认识。  相似文献   

A sample of fourteen secondary school biology teachers chosen from twelve schools were interviewed. The purpose was to determine their views on how controversial issues in science might be handled in the secondary school science classroom and whether the issues of surrogacy and human embryo experimentation were suitable controversial issues for discussion in schools. In general, teachers indicated that controversial issues deserve a more prominent place in the science curriculum because they have the potential to foster thinking, learning, and interest in science. The issues of surrogacy and human embryo experimentation were seen as appropriate contexts for learning, provided that teachers were well informed and sensitive to both the students and to the school environment. Specializations: controversial issues in human reproductive biology, teacher education.  相似文献   

中亚非传统安全问题与跨国合作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苏联时期,非传统安全问题在中亚地区已经存在。各国独立后,由于种种原因,这些问题进一步严重化。本文主要分析了中亚地区非传统安全问题的产生,特点及解决非传统安全问题上中亚国家所进行的跨国安全合作。近年来中亚非传统安全问题的滋长势头有所减缓,不过距完全解决还任重道远,所以中亚国家还需进一步加强国际合作力度。  相似文献   

中国教育学发展世纪问题的审视   总被引:50,自引:0,他引:50  
20世纪中国教育学的发展,以中华人民共和国成立为分界,并依据教育学科呈现出的基本状态和主要特征,可以划分为两个时期和六个阶段。对于百年中国教育学发展的研究,除了沿着原有的研究思路在资料的开发和阶段的梳理方面作更为详尽的研究和作“补缺”式的研究之外,还存在着第三种研究取向,即把研究角度放在教育学百年发展历程中存在于每个阶段、以不同方式出现的共同问题上,这类问题可以称之为“中国教育学发展世纪问题”,包括政治、意识形态与学科发展的关系问题、教育学发展的“中外”关系问题、教育学的学科性质问题等。这些问题是影响教育学科发展的根本性问题,集中在对教育学一些基本理论问题的认识上,其深层表现是教育学研究的思维方式问题。反思和探讨这些问题,是为了新世纪中国教育学研究的原创性发展,为了教育学独特的学术品质的形成与提升。  相似文献   

One of the aims in the Singapore Green Plan is to maintain a more proactive and environmentally conscious population. This can be met through the education of the people. The Plan recognises that one of the most important target groups is the student population. For this to be achieved, a case can be made for the teaching of biology as a core subject in both the primary and secondary schools. According to the Biological Science Inquiry Model, a teaching model designed for instructing and nurturing the learning process of students, a good foundation in biology will enable students to be more open minded, more inquiring into related issues and apply biological principles to rationalise such issues. A good grounding in biology will therefore help students to have a better understanding of environmental issues as these issues are extensively related to biological principles. This can be illustrated by the ten issues concerning the global environment highlighted at the United Nations Conference on the Environment in June 1992. Through a systematic discussion of each of these issues, this paper illustrates the importance of biological knowledge in understanding the problems, implications and consequences of these issues.  相似文献   

鉴于目前对工程教育中的一些重大问题及教育中的若干普遍问题尚未形成明确共识,故择其要者进行了再思考,包括:工程教育的实践性问题,教育公平与教育卓越的平衡问题,工程教育的分层问题,宏观教育政策中的供求关系问题,教育评估问题,课程教学中实践与理论的交叉融合问题,双师建设问题,大学前后的工程教育问题.一己之见,意在就教于海内方...  相似文献   

This study investigated issue ownership patterns in 602 U.S. House and Senate Democratic and Republican political campaign television advertisements from 1980–2000. First, the themes in these ads were about equally split between policy and character (unlike presidential TV spots from the same time period, which are roughly two-thirds policy and one-third character). Candidates from each political party addressed their own party's issues more than issues owned by the other party. However, unlike presidential spots, congressional ads discussed Democratic issues more than Republican issues (59% to 41%). Although candidates from both political parties discussed their own issues more, winners tended to discuss issues from the other party more than losers. There was no difference in issue ownership emphasis between the House and Senate ads in this sample.  相似文献   

教育政策问题确认是教育政策动态运行过程的逻辑起点,而明晰教育政策问题的概念、内涵和特征则是教育政策问题确认的前提和基础。教育政策问题源于特定的教育客观情境,是主体对特定教育客观情境的觉察、感受和认同;以协调既存教育利益冲突及满足未来教育价值诉求为目的;是主体"能作为且积极作为"的公益性追求。教育政策问题呈现如下特征:教育政策问题是需要公共权力加以解决的公共领域的公共教育利益问题;呈现为系统之间或系统之内的网状结构样态问题;是主体选择、分析和认定的主观人为问题;是动态形成、发展及解决的问题;是影响人身心发展和社会持续健康和谐发展的"教育性"问题。  相似文献   

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