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This article demonstrates listening for the voices of care and justice in counseling supervision. Supervisors are encouraged to speak in both voices to maximize effective supervision.  相似文献   

In this study, the authors investigated personality type of supervisors and supervisees and interventions chosen by supervisors for 78 supervisory dyads from 9 different counselor education programs. Gender effects were also investigated. Results indicated that interventions were not influenced by supervisor personality type as measured by the Revised NEO (Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness to New Experiences) Personality Inventory (NEO PI‐R; Costa & McCrae, 1992a), nor were they influenced by similarity or dissimilarity of supervisory dyads by type or gender. Rather, most supervision interventions were Intuitive or Perceiving as measured by the Focus of Supervision Form. One exception was when supervisees scored high on Openness on the NEO PI‐R, which resulted in supervisors choosing Judging interventions.  相似文献   

The authors apply the Multicultural and Social Justice Counseling Competencies (Ratts, Singh, Nassar‐McMillan, Butler, & McCullough, 2015) model to clinical supervision, highlighting ways for supervisors to intentionally integrate multicultural and social justice practices into the supervision enterprise. They offer specific implications for supervision practice, including a focus on broaching strategies.  相似文献   

教育公平观是对教育公平的解释,它影响着我们对教育公平的理解与实现。当前主导性教育公平观的模糊化使得教育公平成为了教育的热点与难题之一。我们应确立“和谐性教育公平观”的主导地位,遵循发展为第一公平原则,将教育做强做大;同时按照“应得、平等与差别”的公平原则次序落实“和谐原则”,确保“和谐性教育公平观”的有效实现,以实现最大化的教育公平。  相似文献   

赵红艳 《宜春学院学报》2012,34(5):23-27,34
随着网络技术的飞速发展,传媒监督对我国社会生活产生了重大影响,刑事司法亦不能例外。适度的传媒监督在遏制司法腐败、促进司法公正方面发挥着重要作用,但传媒监督过度介入刑事审判会影响审判之独立、公正及权威。当然,这并不等于说我国的传媒监督已趋成熟,其对刑事审判的监督过度了,相反,我国的传媒监督极不发达,只是由于我国正处于社会转型时期,许多制度不健全、立法存在盲区,规范落实不到位而使然。所以,如何进一步的规范传媒监督进而使其更好的发挥监督作用则至关重要。  相似文献   

Motivational Interventions That Work: Themes and Remaining Issues   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We highlight major themes emerging from the articles in this special issue. These themes include (a) the importance of theoretical frameworks and clearly defined constructs for guiding the development of interventions, (b) a consideration of intervention effects on ethnic minority children, (c) the importance of positive social interactions and relationships among teachers and peers in school as a foundation for students' adjustment to and achievement in school, (d) the need for intervention programs to use strong research designs and measures to test their effectiveness, and (e) the importance of considering developmental issues when designing interventions. Issues with respect to each theme are discussed.  相似文献   

Although they use the term “justice” for purposes of self-definition, undergraduate criminal justice courses rarely examine the concept of justice in a systematic way. This paper documents justice’s status as a curricular afterthought in criminal justice course offerings. It also proposes ways to remedy the deficiency it identifies.  相似文献   

论新闻监督司法的正负效应之冲突与平衡   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文主要就新闻监督在司法活动方面的正负效应问题,进行了说理性分析,指出了重要性,并就其平衡救济途径进行了介说。  相似文献   

In this introduction to the special issue of the Counselor Education and Supervision journal, the guest editors provide a brief history of the social justice movement within the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision and discuss the importance of addressing social justice issues in counselor education and supervision. The authors challenge all counselors to make social justice an integral part of their work.  相似文献   

A topic of growing concern in Chinese higher education to policy-makers, scholars, and future student applicants is social justice. With the trend toward increasing enrollments in China’s higher-education institutions, issues of equity and access have begun to surface, especially as they relate to China’s minority population of over 100 million persons. The present contribution offers an overview of the regional boundaries of China, both geographic and historical. It then looks at the development of urbanicity in connection with higher education. Third, it describes the recent history of the gender gap in education both in general and in higher education in particular. Fourth, it examines the ethnic boundaries that exist in higher education. The final section analyzes related findings drawn from interviews and questionnaires administered to faculty members, administrators, and students at ten sample universities.
Zusammenfassung SOZIALE GERECHTIGKEIT IN DER H?HEREN BILDUNG IN CHINA: REGIONALE PROBLEME DER CHANCENGLEICHHEIT UND ZUGANGSM?GLICHKEITEN – Ein Thema in der chinesischen Hochschullandschaft, das zunehmend mehr Interesse bei politischen Entscheidungstr?gern, Gelehrten und zukünftigen Studienbewerbern findet, ist die soziale Gerechtigkeit. W?hrend die Tendenz weiter in Richtung steigender Immatrikulationszahlen in Chinas h?heren Bildungsinstitutionen ging, traten die Probleme der Chancengleichheit und des Zugangs an die Oberfl?che, insbesondere, da sie in Verbindung mit Chinas Minderheitenbev?lkerung von über 100 Millionen Menschen stehen. Der vorliegende Beitrag bietet einen überblick über Chinas regionale Grenzen, sowohl die geographischen als auch die historischen. Er wirft dann einen Blick auf die Entwicklung von st?dtischen Strukturen in Verbindung mit der h?heren Bildung. Drittens beschreibt er die jüngste Geschichte der Kluft zwischen den Geschlechtern in der Bildung allgemein und in der h?heren Bildung im Besonderen. Viertens untersucht er die ethnischen Grenzen, die in der h?heren Bildung bestehen. Der letzte Abschnitt analysiert relevante Ergebnisse aus Interviews und Frageb?gen, die Fakult?tsangeh?rigen, Führungspersonal und Studenten an zehn repr?sentativen Universit?ten vorgelegt wurden.

Resumen JUSTICIA SOCIAL EN LA EDUCACIóN SUPERIOR CHINA: ASPECTOS REGIONALES DE IGUALDAD Y ACCESIBILIDAD – La justicia social en la educación superior China es un tema de importancia creciente para los responsables de la política, los alumnos y los futuros candidatos a estudiantes. Ante el aumento permanente de matriculaciones en los institutos de ense?anza superior, en China han comenzado a aflorar problemas relacionados con igualdad y accesibilidad, ante todo cuando se relacionan con una minoría de unas 100 millones de personas. Esta contribución ofrece una sinopsis de los límites regionales de China, tanto geográficos como históricos, y pasa revista a la urbanización y su relación con la educación superior. En tercer lugar, describe la historia más reciente en cuanto a la desigualdad entre los géneros en general, y en la educación superior en particular. En cuarto lugar, examina los resultados, relacionados con lo que antecede, que se obtuvieron a partir de entrevistas y cuestionarios hechos a miembros de facultades, administradores y estudiantes en diez universidades elegidas para el muestreo.

Résumé LA JUSTICE SOCIALE DANS L’éDUCATION SUPéRIEURE CHINOISE : QUESTIONS RéGIONALES DE L’éQUITé ET DE L’ACCESSIBILITé – Un sujet de préoccupation grandissant dans l’éducation supérieure chinoise pour les politiciens, les écoliers et les futurs candidats aux études est la justice sociale. Avec la tendance croissante des immatriculations dans les institutions de l’éducation supérieure de la Chine, des problèmes d’équité et d’accessibilité ont commencé à appara?tre, en particulier du fait qu’ils se rapportent à une minorité chinoise de la population de 100 millions de personnes. La présente contribution offre un passage en revue des frontières régionales chinoises, aussi bien géographiques qu’historiques. Puis elle se tourne vers le développement de l’urbanisation en connexion avec l’éducation supérieure. Troisièmement, elle décrit la récente histoire du fossé de la différence des sexes dans l’éducation, aussi bien dans l’éducation générale que dans celle supérieure en particulier. Quatrièmement, elle examine les frontières ethniques qui existent dans l’éducation supérieure. L’ultime section analyse les conclusions connexes découlant d’interviews et de questionnaires remplis par des membres de facultés, des administrateurs et des étudiants dans dix universités prises comme modèles.

The author: W. James Jacob is Assistant Director at the Center for International and Development Education at the University of California, Los Angeles, where he also received his Ph.D. in Comparative and International Education. His current research focuses on program evaluation, social change and development, and higher education organizational analysis in developing countries with geographic emphases in China and East Africa. He worked as a policy analyst and evaluator of HIV/AIDS education programs in Uganda from 2001 to 2005, where he was simultaneously the principal investigator of a Sub-Saharan African HIV/AIDS literacy-education research program. He is currently co-directing a Global Higher Education Trends Analysis study on the influences of the market economy on higher education. Contact address: Graduate School of Education and Information Studies, Center for International and Development Education, Box 951521, Moore Hall, Los Angeles, CA, 90095-1521, USA E-mail: wjacob@gseis.ucla.edu.  相似文献   

社会性别问题不是某一个学科的问题,它涉及社会经济政治文化的各个领域。讨论社会公正视野下的性别问题,既看到中西方思想观念的不同影响,又审视本土文化中因社会转型与传统根深蒂固的惯习的冲突而产生的纠结。在学理上,它牵涉哲学、法学、社会学、伦理学,甚至文学的理解层面,同时又关乎我们生活世界的日常经理的解释,因此,也可以理解为一个跨学科的问题。本组笔谈即是一组多学科的对话与讨论。  相似文献   

In recent years, leaders in the field of criminology and criminal justice have advocated for comparative/international and collaborative research; however, there is uncertainty regarding how much comparative/international research on the topic of juvenile justice is being conducted and how well information on juvenile justice issues with a cross-cultural or international focus is being disseminated. This study analyzed the number and focus of studies on international/comparative juvenile justice papers in the four major US juvenile justice specialty journals (Juvenile & Family Court Journal, Journal of Juvenile Justice, UC Davis Journal of Juvenile Law & Policy, and Youth Violence & Juvenile Justice). Data came from 567 papers published during the period of 2000–2013. The authors discuss the roles of the juvenile justice specialty journals to encourage the study of juvenile justice internationally.  相似文献   

现阶段我国社会弱势群体的构成状况复杂,问题日益突出,影响到社会稳定与发展,成为构建和谐社会的不和谐之音。本文从制度三个维度,并借鉴罗尔斯的正义原则,探讨弱势群体现状及其如何对弱势群体尊重与认同,从而构建关心、帮助弱势群体的制度正义体系。  相似文献   

在我国现行监督模式中,存在监督方式不科学、监督制度滞后、监督保障乏力、监督功能弱化、监督机制不协调、监督意识淡化和监督渠道不畅通等问题。要强化党内监督与国家专门机关监督、民主党派监督和社会监督,并使之有机结合起来,形成监督的整体合力,以维护公平正义。  相似文献   

An increase of international students in various settings has been noted in a range of disciplines including counseling and other mental health professions. The author examined the literature on international counseling students related to their experiences in counseling training, particularly in supervision. From the counseling literature, five different themes were identified: (i) acculturation and cultural difference, (ii) language barriers, (iii) social isolation, (iv) cultural perceptions of the profession and transferability, and (v) multicultural discussions. In addition, a critical lens is provided to situate the literature through a holistic and ecological perspective.  相似文献   

This study compares the citation patterns of Counselor Education and Supervision with those of the Personnel and Guidance Journal, the Journal of Counseling Psychology, and the Counseling Psychologist. Citations from Counselor Education and Supervision for 1979 and 1980 were analyzed in terms of the most frequently cited authors and works published prior to and after 1958. The findings reveal that although there is some overlap between the works and authors cited in Counselor Education and Supervision and those cited in the counseling psychology journals, there is a sizable and unique body of literature and pool of authors cited in Counselor Education and Supervision. The impact of multiple authorship, the dependence function (within-journal citation) and other issues in counseling citation research are discussed.  相似文献   

目前,我国刑事司法裁判权监督机制本身面临许多亟待解决的问题,导致监督机制的应有功能没有得到充分发挥。要建构正当有效的、能够实现司法公正的刑事司法裁判权监督机制,必须要进一步完善和改革现有的监督内容,以逐步推进我国司法体制改革进程,实现改革目标。  相似文献   

赖隹文 《闽江学院学报》2013,34(4):59-63,73
在众多的监督形式中,舆论监督以其主体和受众的广泛性对促进司法权的公正行使起到了不可替代的作用。但不可否认的是,我国当前舆论监督确实存在越界行使、不当行使的问题,使两者产生冲突,干扰司法权的独立和公正行使,致使舆论监督异化为舆论审判,进而损害司法公正。司法权的特质决定了两者存在平衡的基础,而两者平衡又依赖于观念层面的建构和实践层面的把握。  相似文献   

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