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髋关节是人体的主要组成部分之一,是人体运动的重要部位,尤其在短跑项目中,髋关节的灵活性和控制髋关节的肌群的伸缩能力(核心力量)是关键步幅与步频是否达到有机结合从而取得优异成绩的重要环节。但是,在训练中对髋关节练习的重要性教练们还没有给予足够的重视。  相似文献   

1加强伸、屈髋肌群的力量有关资料证明 :“在一个跑步动作周期里 ,髋关节所完成的全部机械能达455焦耳。而膝关节和踝关节在支撑阶段的完成机械能为31及192焦耳。”可以看出 :对跑速度所起作用最大的是髋关节周围的肌肉活动 ,从脚尖离地到着地时 ,髋屈肌群的活动是为了使腿摆动 ,而髋伸肌群对腿的向前和着地前伸展下肢都起重要作用。髋关节在跑的动作中主要表现在屈髋伸髋 ,在训练中“屈髋”和“伸髋”必须紧密结合起来 ,要均衡地发展伸、屈髋肌群的力量。摆动腿积极向前高抬(屈髋)是由髂腰肌、阔筋膜肌群、内侧肌等参与工作实现…  相似文献   

“送髋”、“伸小腿”在短跑中显得尤为重要。步幅和步频是决定成绩好坏的两大因素,而“送髋”、“伸小腿”恰好明显地反映了这两点。“伸小腿”能够增大步幅,“送髋”不仅能增大步幅,还能提高髋转动前送的灵活性,从而提高步频。如何达到“送髋”、“伸小腿”的理想效果,有下面  相似文献   

髋关节是人体最重要的六大关节之一,它是连接股骨最上端和骨盆的球窝关节。髋关节运动包括六种:屈、伸、内收、外展、旋内和旋外。髋关节是人体最强健的关节,人体能进行的很多种运动,例如走、跑、跳、推等都与髋关节有关。髋关节肌群是速度的最大能量来源,髋关节运动的动力来源于髋关节周围肌肉的收缩与舒张。因此,了解运动髋关节的主要作用肌肉对于专项成绩的提高和有针对性的身体训练有重要意义。髋关节的主要作用肌有髋前群的髂腰肌、阔筋膜张肌和髋后群的臀大肌、臀中肌、臀小肌和梨状肌;大腿前群的缝匠肌、股直肌和大腿内侧群的股薄肌、耻骨肌、长收肌、短收肌、大收肌以及大腿后群的股二头肌(长头)、半膜肌、半腱肌。  相似文献   

短跑运动员速度的发挥,离不开步频与步幅的结合。根据这一点,短跑运动员提高速度,可采用的方法有增大步幅保持步频,或保持步幅加快步频两种。用这两种方法,通过一定的训练都可以提高速度。哪个容易?看来保持步频增大步幅的方法更容易达到提高速度的目的。我认为,遗  相似文献   

不同步频和步幅的5km跑过程中运动员心率变化的对比研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
段子才  张戈 《体育科学》2006,26(4):65-66
为了观察中长跑运动员长距离跑过程中步频和步幅的变化对身体机能反应的影响,8名运动员在跑台上分别采取主动加大步幅和主动减小步幅而增快步频的跑法,以相同的速度进行了两次5km跑,记录运动员在跑步过程中心率的变化并进行对比。结果显示,在相同速度5km跑的过程中,运动员采取主动减小步幅的跑法,其心率均值显著低于采取主动加大步幅的跑法。提示,长距离跑过程中,运动员采取主动减小步幅,或加大步频的跑法较为省力。  相似文献   

众所周知,短跑运动的成绩是由步频和步幅两个因素所决定的。对百米跑来说,全程平均步幅=100米/步数(以下简称步幅),全程平均步频=步数/百米成绩(以下简称步频),故可推导出百米跑成绩=100米/步幅×步频的公式。这  相似文献   

段子才  张戈 《体育科学》2006,26(4):65-66,85
为了观察中长跑运动员长距离跑过程中步频和步幅的变化对身体机能反应的影响,8名运动员在跑台上分别采取主动加大步幅和主动减小步幅而增快步频的跑法,以相同的速度进行了两次5km跑,记录运动员在跑步过程中心率的变化并进行对比。结果显示,在相同速度5km跑的过程中,运动员采取主动减小步幅的跑法,其心率均值显著低于采取主动加大步幅的跑法。提示,长距离跑过程中,运动员采取主动减小步幅,或加大步频的跑法较为省力。  相似文献   

对短跑新技术理论的综述与分析   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
短跑途中跑中,髋是人体水平加速的关键环节,支撑腿膝、踝关节的主要作用是坚固的支撑,使髋的动力作用得以实现;摆动腿的折叠前摆(屈髋)和支撑腿的快速后摆(伸髋)在时空上的密切配合,使整个支撑阶段都具有使人体产生水平加速的动力作用,是途中跑的技术关键;以髋腰肌为主的屈髋肌群及股二头肌为主的伸髋肌群,是人体水平加速的主要原动肌;前支撑段是人体水平加速的重要动力阶段.  相似文献   

步频、步幅是决定短跑成绩的两个直接因素。国内外优秀百米跑运动员的步频、步幅能力都已达到较高的水平(见表一)。男子A组(当代世界男子百米优秀运动员)的百米全程平均步频指数(步频×身高)为8.05±0.286;步幅指数(步幅÷身高)为1.213±0.041。世界女子百米优秀运动员(女子A组)的全程平均步频指数为7.64±0.350;步幅指数为  相似文献   

体院学生100m成绩与步长步频变化规律及特点分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
步长、步频是决定跑速的两个主要因素。体院学生 10 0m跑步长、步频在短跑教学后发生了怎样的变化 ?笔者就此进行了初步研究 ,结果表明 ,通过短跑教学后 ,绝大多数学生的步长、步频得到了改善和提高 ,步长和步频两个参数产生了新的组合 ,使 10 0m跑成绩得到了提高。在步长和步频两个因素中 ,男生表现为步长提高率大于步频提高率 ,而女生则表现为步频提高率大于步长提高率。  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the time course of changes in running economy following a 30-min downhill (-15%) run at 70% peak aerobic power (VO2peak). Ten young men performed level running at 65, 75, and 85% VO2peak (5 min for each intensity) before, immediately after, and 1 - 5 days after the downhill run, at which times oxygen consumption (VO2), minute ventilation, the respiratory exchange ratio (RER), heart rate, ratings of perceived exertion (RPE), and blood lactate concentration were measured. Stride length, stride frequency, and range of motion of the ankle, knee, and hip joints during the level runs were analysed using high-speed (120-Hz) video images. Downhill running induced reductions (7 - 21%, P < 0.05) in maximal isometric strength of the knee extensors, three- to six-fold increases in plasma creatine kinase activity and myoglobin concentration, and muscle soreness for 4 days after the downhill run. Oxygen consumption increased (4 - 7%, P < 0.05) immediately to 3 days after downhill running. There were also increases (P < 0.05) in heart rate, minute ventilation, RER, RPE, blood lactate concentration, and stride frequency, as well as reductions in stride length and range of motion of the ankle and knee. The results suggest that changes in running form and compromised muscle function due to muscle damage contribute to the reduction in running economy for 3 days after downhill running.  相似文献   

Modern-day cricket has experienced a shift towards limited over games, where the emphasis is on scoring runs at a rapid rate. Although the use of protective equipment in cricket is mandatory, players perceive that leg guards, in particular, can restrict their motion. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of cricket leg guards on running performance. Initial testing revealed that wearing pads significantly increased the total time taken to complete three runs by up to 0.5?s compared with running without pads (P?相似文献   


In this study, we analyzed the relationship between running economy (RE) and biomechanical parameters in a group running at the same relative intensity and same absolute velocity. Sixteen homogeneous male long-distance runners performed a test to determine RE at 4.4 m.s-1, corresponding to 11.1% below velocity at the ventilatory threshold. We found significant correlations between RE and biomechanical variables (vertical oscillation of the center of mass, stride frequency, stride length, balance time, relative stride length, range of elbow motion, internal knee, ankle angles at foot strike, and electromyographic activity of the semitendinosus and rectus femoris muscles). In conclusion, changes in running technique can influence RE and lead to improved running performance.  相似文献   

Many studies have documented the association between mechanical deviations from normal and the presence or risk of injury. Some runners attempt to change mechanics by increasing running cadence. Previous work documented that increasing running cadence reduces deviations in mechanics tied to injury. The long-term effect of a cadence retraining intervention on running mechanics and energy expenditure is unknown. This study aimed to determine if increasing running cadence by 10% decreases running efficiency and changes kinematics and kinetics to make them less similar to those associated with injury. Additionally, this study aimed to determine if, after 6 weeks of cadence retraining, there would be carryover in kinematic and kinetic changes from an increased cadence state to a runner’s preferred running cadence without decreased running efficiency. We measured oxygen uptake, kinematic and kinetic data on six uninjured participants before and after a 6-week intervention. Increasing cadence did not result in decreased running efficiency but did result in decreases in stride length, hip adduction angle and hip abductor moment. Carryover was observed in runners’ post-intervention preferred running form as decreased hip adduction angle and vertical loading rate.  相似文献   

运用文献资料、比较研究等方法对积极送髋的技术、髋关节的灵活性对短跑成绩的重要作用进行分析。结果显示:在短跑中积极送髋可以提高跑速并使跑的动作放松、协调、自然、省力。在柔韧素质训练时可采用动力拉伸法和静力拉伸法,并注意肌肉放松训练。对教练员训练队员、评价和诊断技术动作合理性提供理论参考。  相似文献   

学校体育课的耐久胞,应用调整呼吸法替代通常的单纯跑的教法,以克服单调乏味、运动量大,难以完成教学任务等弊病.新教法使学生觉得新鲜、感兴趣,合理调地整心、生理负荷,较大幅度提高教育成功率和效果.1 引言耐久跑不受年龄,性别和场地、器材限  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to determine if the kinematics exhibited by skilled runners wearing a unilateral, transtibial prosthesis during the curve section of a 200-m sprint race were influenced by interaction of limb-type (prosthetic limb (PROS-L) vs. nonprosthetic limb (NONPROS-L)) and curve-side (inside and outside limb relative to the centre of the curve). Step kinematics, toe clearance and knee and hip flexion/extension, hip ab/adduction for one stride of each limb were generated from video of 13 males running the curve during an international 200 m transtibial-classified competition. Using planned comparisons (P < 0.05), limb-type and curve-side interactions showed shortest support time and lowest hip abduction displacement by outside-NONPROS-L; shortest step length and longest time to peak knee flexion by the inside-PROS-L. For limb-type, greater maximum knee flexion angle and lower hip extension angles and displacement during support and toe clearance of PROS-Ls occurred. For curve-side, higher hip abduction angles during non-support were displayed by inside-limbs. Therefore, practitioners should consider that, for curve running, these kinematics are affected mostly by PROS-L limitations, with no clear advantage of having the PROS-L on either side of the curve.  相似文献   

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