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在我国,对于“教师信念”的研究日益受到重视文章通过分析语言学家以及中国英语教师对于纠错的信念,说明了教师抱有正确信念的重要性。  相似文献   

This study examines U.S. and Chinese teachers' constructing, knowing, and evaluating representations to teach the concept of ratio. All Chinese lesson plans are very similar with details in teaching contents and procedure. The U.S lesson plans are extremely varied although they all adopted the ‘outline and worksheet’ format. Both the Chinese and the U.S. teachers relied on concrete representations in introducing the concept of ratio, but they have very different thinking in selecting and presenting the concrete representations, as well as in the functions of the representations. The U.S. teachers are much more likely than Chinese teachers to predict drawing and guess-and-check strategies. Chinese teachers are much more likely than U.S. teachers to predict algebraic approaches. For the responses using conventional strategies, both the U.S. and Chinese teachers gave them high and almost identical scores. If a response involved a drawing or an estimate of an answer, the Chinese teachers usually gave a relatively lower score than U.S. teachers. This study contributes to our understanding about U.S. and Chinese teachers' beliefs about mathematics teaching and learning.The research discussed in this paper was supported by grants from the Spencer Foundation. Any opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Spencer Foundation.  相似文献   

Research on teachers' practical knowledge is considered to be an alternative to several other research approaches to teaching which study teaching from a limited point of view and from an outsider's perspective, often with the aim of exerting control over teachers. It is argued that research on teachers' practical knowledge takes into account in a better way what really matters in teaching because it emphasizes the knowledge and beliefs of teachers themselves about teaching. In this study, the issue of 'good' teaching is highlighted from a perspective on teaching based on teachers' practical knowledge. The conceptions of education of eight experienced teachers were investigated with a multi-methodical approach. Teachers' conceptions of education consist of their views on the objectives of education, the contents of the curriculum, and the role of the teacher and the students in the teaching and learning process. Several contextual factors and teachers' interpretations of these factors seem to exert influence on teachers' conceptions of education, such as the schools in which they work, the characteristics of the students and subjects they teach, and general developments in society. It is concluded that it is difficult to give a precise definition of good teaching from a practical knowledge perspective because of the personal and context-embeddedness of teachers' practical knowledge. However, the results indicate that research on teachers' practical knowledge adds new information to the discussion of good teaching when compared with the results of more traditional research approaches to teaching.  相似文献   

This study examines Chinese pre-service teachers’ (N?=?30) views on the nature of science (NOS) and how Chinese culture influences their views. Participants were from two teachers’ universities in eastern China. As an exploratory and interpretive study, a scenario-based interview approach was adopted. The results indicated that the participants held unique views about the five key aspects of NOS. Many participants have alternative and contemporary views of NOS, but few possess classical views. In fact, teachers adopted features of the Confucian Doctrine of the Mean either consciously or unconsciously to account for their views of NOS. This research reflects that the Doctrine of the Mean affected Chinese teachers’ views of NOS, making them rather deficient in their understandings of classical NOS. Based on empirical data, it is argued that science teacher training in China should focus on the content and objectives of classical NOS, rather than just teaching contemporary views of NOS. Taking Chinese culture into consideration, science teacher education in China cannot entirely import the strategies of teaching the classical views of NOS from the developed world, but should develop, design and contextualize local strategies that are suitable for the training of Chinese science teachers. Some issues for further investigation of learners’ views of NOS in non-Western contexts are suggested as implications from this study.  相似文献   

从Bickerton的语言哲学观点出发,引发外语教师对语言教学的思考,从而达到对语言教学信念的反思、改进教学行为的目的。  相似文献   

在师范类教法课上或英语师资培训课上实行中外英语教师小组合作教学是一项新的研究课题。本文主要探讨小组合作教学类型及其在中国师范类教法课中的应用,讨论中外英语教师在组建合作队伍、顺利进行合作教学中应注意的事项、对策和措施,最后提出小组合作教学能更好地利用外教资源培训中小学英语教师,使中小学英语教师尽快熟悉任务型教学方法,培养跨文化意识,体验和理解外国文化,适应和达到在中国中小学实行的英语新课程标准的要求。  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to determine what percentage of Palestinian science teachers held beliefs about knowledge and learning that are congruent with the recent constructivist/conceptual change epistemological basis of science education, what factors influence these beliefs, and if the beliefs about knowledge and learning were related. Two questionnaires were developed to probe teachers' beliefs in these two areas, and a sample consisting of 91 teachers with varying educational background and teaching levels responded to these questionnaires. The study showed that only a small percentage of Palestinian teachers subscribed to the recent views of learning and scientific knowledge (25% and nine percent respectively). With regard to the views of learning, this was mainly due to very few teachers believing or realising that students hold alternative preconceptions and that science learning entails conceptual change. Very few teachers also believed that science itself develops through conceptual change. Indeed, more than 80% believed that science develops through accretion and about 40% preferred the inductive model of science to the hypothetico-deductive one which only 11% preferred. It was found that these views were not related to the teachers' years of schooling, years of experience, level at which they taught, or teacher specialisation. The two views of learning and knowledge were moderately related. The results and implications for future studies are discussed.  相似文献   

用问卷调查方法,对广州市8个区的初中英语教师和学生进行了新课标实施情况调查。调查结果表明教师和学生的语言学习目标、语言学习观念存在并步现象。教师的语言教学观与其教学行为不一致。针对这些问题,应该从完善考试与评价制度、多渠道地提高教师的教学能力方面入手,提高英语教师对新课标的执行能力,从而促进新课标的顺利实施。  相似文献   

中小学教师培训首先显示为教师学习,而且是校本学习。校本培训转为教师校本学习的过程,是教师自我教育自我提升的过程,也是学校文化建设的过程。学校引导教师展开学习的活动,教师将从“读书”中获得“自我超越”的热情,学校教育改革将由原来的自上而下转向自下而上,既有针对教育问题的教师学习又有引起行动的反思的校本教研。  相似文献   

随着来华学习汉语人数的剧增,中国越来越多的地方高校接受留学生学习汉语。地方高校在学校影响力、教学条件诸方面缺乏优势。为了克服先天条件的不足,提高质量,地方高校非常重视留学生的针对性教学和过程性管理。中国浙江省台州学院在对外汉语教学中努力探索,逐步形成了符合学校和地方实际、富有成效的教学模式。主要特色是:以非线性思维进行师资的整合和优化,打破专业、课程的壁垒,有效凸显语言学习的专业性,提高课程教学的有效性,体现课任教师的适用性,实现教学配置多元化;充分利用校园文化资源、地方经济资源、地方文化资源等课外资源,为留学生学习汉语、了解中国经济和文化提供开放性的学习平台,实现教学平台开放性;在留学生常规管理之外,开展“1+1”活动。使留学生快速融入汉语氛围,了解相关规则。体验人文情怀。实现教学管理针对性。  相似文献   

Given the globalization of science education and the different cultures between China and Germany, we tried to compare and explain the differences on teacher questions and real life instances in biology lessons between the two countries from a culture-related perspective. 22 biology teachers from China and 21 biology teachers from Germany participated in this study. Each teacher was videotaped for one lesson on the unit blood and circulatory system. Before the teaching unit, students’ prior knowledge was tested with a pretest. After the teaching unit, students’ content knowledge was tested with a posttest. The aim of the knowledge tests here was for the better selection of the four samples for qualitative comparison in the two countries. The quantitative analysis showed that more lower-order teacher questions and more real life instances that were introduced after learning relevant concepts were in Chinese lessons than in German lessons. There were no significant differences in the frequency of higher-order questions or real life instances that were introduced before learning concepts. Qualitative analysis showed that both German teachers guided students to analyze the reasoning process of Landsteiner experiment, but nor Chinese teachers did that. The findings reflected the subtle influence of culture on classroom teaching. Relatively, Chinese biology teachers focused more on learning content and the application of the content in real life; German biology teachers emphasized more on invoking students’ reasoning and divergent thinking.  相似文献   

VSO教师英语口语教学有很多特点和很好的经验,但也存在一些不足,通过研究和借鉴外籍教师英语口语教学经验,将会给中国教师提供一条促进英语口语教学改革、提高英语口语教学质量的途径。  相似文献   

Conclusions Beginning student teachers have already acquired very definite views about teaching science before they begin their teacher training course. These views are generally similar to the views espoused by science educators, but are contrary to the classroom practices of many teachers. Their views seem to have origins in what the students perceive to have been meaningful and enjoyable learning experiences for themselves in their own schooling; and to a lesser extent for children they have observed. Female students who have studied more science at high school tend to favour the use of worksheets in experimental work. Several interesting questions arise from these findings: When these students begin to teach as qualified teachers, will they still espouse the same opinions? If so, does that mean that there is a ‘new wave’ of teachers entering the service who are more committed to hands-on activity work than their older colleagues? If not, what aspects of the teacher training process have caused them to change their opinions? Will these present students be using hands-on strategies themselves after they have been teaching for some time? That is, do system and school constraints effectively prevent teachers from using such strategies? Can secondary science teachers do more to influence positively their students' opinions about teaching science, such as engendering more positive attitudes to science, incorporating more hands-on work, and relying less on printed worksheets in laboratory work? This exploratory work has highlighted the concern expressed by Morrissey (1981) in that there is a great need for long term longitudinal studies of student teachers' attitudes to teaching science, with a particular focus on their teaching behaviours after graduation.  相似文献   

本文通过对英语教学与研究相关文献的审视,指出了当前中国英语教学与研究所存在的误区,即忽视或摒弃自身语言文化和身份特性。在教学中,刻意模仿第一语言英语,试图达到英语为母语说话者准确、流利、自如地使用英语的程度。在科研中,一味效仿西方英语研究模式,其关注点往往是有待完善的学生英语。与此同时,本文结合中国英语教学与实践的现状,对中国式英语进行反思,在此基础上,对中国式英语重新定义。运用传统的中国儒学原理,并融入相应的西方学习理论和语言学习理论,笔者提出了全新的中国式英语教学模式,旨在于帮助中国英语学习者在本土化双语学习语境中更有效地掌握和运用语言知识,提高语言能力,达到最大的学习效果。更重要的是,以儒学原理为指导的教学模式,将使我们在教学和科研过程中进一步完善自我,不失民族及文化特征,对学生和教师都提出了一个明确可达到的学习和培养目标。  相似文献   

This chapter focuses on ways in which talk and culture mediate learning in large classes in China. We suggest reasons why classes are kept large and show how language teachers use pair and group work but seem to scaffold dialogue with the whole class. We argue that teaching large classes is successful in China partly because of interactive techniques in classroom dialogue, but mainly because of the underlying culture of learning. The Chinese culture of learning is elaborated using questionnaire data with both British and Chinese students and interviews with Chinese teachers. The dialogue about large classes needs to take cultures of learning into account and in the Chinese case to consider collectivist and Confucian values. Classroom events are illustrated using visual ethnography, particularly the stages in a large-class language lesson in a primary school.  相似文献   

本文采用问卷调查和访谈的方法,对我国大学外语教师的教师信念进行了分类,并探讨了教师信念与教学行为的关系。本文所得结果显示: 我国的大学外语教师,其教师信念可以明确地归纳为五类, 按其信念强度, 可依次排列为: 教师角色观、 外语教学与评估观、 课程设置观、 外语学习观和语言观; 在具体教学过程中, 属于外语教学与评估观的大多数外语教师信念,难以实施。其中,最难以实施的信念是教师不应该使用同一标准来评价所有学生。  相似文献   

文章从西方教育核心理论入手,重点论述新西兰Wintec商学院在工商管理课程教学中体现的问题导向、自主探索学习、自信心训练以及学习进度控制等具体教学模式的特点,并通过分析中西教育在教育体系和价值观念上存在的差异,总结出对我国工商管理教学的启示,即通过转变学生学习观念、转变教师角色,实现中西教育的融合。  相似文献   

This study aims to understand teachers’ perspectives on their roles in higher education, their views about the adoption of a social‐constructivist approach to teaching and learning and the integration of online collaborative learning in blended learning environments in higher education from a cross cultural perspective. We interviewed 60 Chinese teachers from Beijing Normal University and Capital Normal University in Beijing, China and 30 Flemish teachers from Ghent University in Flanders, Belgium. The results revealed differences as well as specific similarities in perspectives between the Chinese and Flemish university teachers. The cultural and educational context is taken into consideration when discussing the results.  相似文献   


In this article research on teaching and learning is reviewed from a cross-cultural perspective. A meta-analysis indicates that across a number of very different cultures higher quality learning strategies, at both school and university level, are associated with higher student self-esteem and an internal locus of control. Such strategies tend to be encouraged in classrooms where students feel involved, the teachers are supportive, the workload is fair, and the assessment system reflects broader notions of learning beyond examination marks. In-depth research on Chinese students questions the validity of a number of basic Western notions of educational psychology regarding the nature of motivation and the role of memorisation. Other research suggests that the Western teacher education emphasis on getting students on task and coping with behavioural problems may not be as relevant in the Chinese context. Chinese educators tend to see both creativity and understanding as slow processes requiring much effort, repetition, and attention rather than relatively rapid, insightful processes. Such views are grounded in hundreds of years of Chinese philosophical thought. Any attempts to reform education by importing ideas from one culture to another must consider the overall contexts of the societies involved.  相似文献   

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