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在现行初中物理教材中气体做功内能增大和减小的演示实验采用两种仪器,分别是空气压缩点火仪和气体做功内能减少演示器,二者皆采用转换的思想间接呈现气体内能的变化,无法直接显示温度变化。用热电偶温度计创新改进实验仪器,可显示气体内能增大温度升高和气体内能减小温度降低。该仪器具有操作简单、成功率高、安全性高、不存在耗材损耗、便于分组实验等优点。学生通过使用该仪器直接观察并认识气体内能变化与温度的关系,可以降低学生的认知难度,提高学生的实验感性认识。  相似文献   

现行教材中没有一套演示电流做功的仪器,教师只能从理论上说明电流做功,学生难以理解。为此,本人自制了电流做功演示器。该演示器适用于中学物理教学中演示电流做功及电能转化为机械能(消耗了电能,得到了机械能)等实验,有着广阔的市场前景。  相似文献   

介绍了“气体对外做功、内能减少”实验装置的制作方法和演示方法。  相似文献   

利用易拉罐制作火箭,用酒精当做燃料。本实验装置也可演示气体膨胀做功及动量守恒。  相似文献   

作者在"物体的内能热量"一节中讲到"空气在膨胀时对外做功",有一位同学提出反对意见:"气体在膨胀时不一定对外做功,也可能是外界对气体做功",并举例如下:  相似文献   

1主要材料废旧摩丝瓶、乒乓球(1.00元)、废旧打火机打火装置、茶杯中的滤网、酒精(1.00元)2制作原理燃烧膨胀做功3适用范围可演示气体燃烧膨胀做功的过程,即热机做功冲程;可演示火箭升空的原理,瓶口的火也很直观:可代替教材中用试管加水演示内能做功,  相似文献   

下面介绍自制一个简单的仪器,用它来进行功能转化实验,在实验中可清晰地观察到:对物体做功,物体的内能会增大;物体对外做功,物体本身的内能会减小.  相似文献   

气体自由膨胀浅析江苏省高邮市八桥中学吴华太一、问题的提出在讨论气体做功时,经常要根据气体体积的变化情况来确定气体做功的性质,例如气体体积不变时,气体不做功,体积缩小时,外界对气体做功.气体在等温膨胀、等压膨胀及绝热膨胀的过程中都要对外做功,能否由此可...  相似文献   

“空气压缩引火仪”是《中学理科教学仪器配备目录》(教育部教学仪器研究所编)指定的一种物理仪器,在初中、高中热学部分演示实验中都要用到。在初中,演示通过观察压缩气体做功能点燃硝化棉现象,证实“用  相似文献   

罗水平 《物理教师》2003,24(4):28-29
最近读本刊 2 0 0 2年第 5期 ,对《气体体积增大 ,一定对外做功吗 ?》一文感受颇深 ,笔者在中学物理教学近 1 0年中 ,也形成了这类问题的思维定势 .而且现在的许多资料对此类问题也存在认识上的错误 .这里有必要对该问题作进一步的澄清和完善 ,以供广大教师教学参考 .1 正确区别气体体积“增大”和“变大”( 1 )气体体积“增大”一定质量的理想气体从状态A变化到状态B ,在变化过程中 ,气体体积一直在膨胀 ,我们说气体体积增大 ,如等温膨胀 ,等压膨胀 ,绝热膨胀等 .图 1    图 2    图 3    图 4( 2 )气体体积“变大”一定质量…  相似文献   

实验是物理科学的基础。由于受各种条件的限制,物理教学经常会遇到实验器材不足或实验可操作性差等各种困难。具有自主知识产权的"机械能转化为内能教学实验装置"根据传统的"机械能转化为内能"实验的原理和该实验的要求和目的设计而成,不但实验装置结构简单、操作安全、便捷、效果明显,而且便于演示和观察,可以在一定程度上提高实验教学的效果。  相似文献   

近代物理实验课程是培养学生的创新思维和实践能力的一个重要教学环节,它历来是世界各国综合性大学物理类专业的必修课.通过近代物理实验培养学生实事求是、理论联系实际的科学素养、严谨的科学态度和工作作风,掌握近代物理实验主要领域的基本实验方法、技术、仪器和知识,进一步提高学生的研究探索能力和创新精神.从近代物理实验课程本身的特点出发,就培养学生的综合素质和能力的问题,阐述了自己的观点.  相似文献   

Recent research in science education has recognized the importance of history and philosophy of science. The objective of this study is to evaluate the presentation of the Thomson, Rutherford, and Bohr models of the atom in general physics textbooks based on criteria derived from history and philosophy of science. Forty-one general physics textbooks (all published in the United States) were evaluated on two criteria based on Thomson's work, three on Rutherford's work, and three on Bohr's work. Results obtained show that general physics textbooks do not systematically include a history and philosophy of science perspective. Most textbooks present an inductivist perspective in which experimental details are considered to be paramount. On the contrary, a historical reconstruction of the experimental details inevitably includes: the context in which an experiment is conducted, the theoretical framework that guides the scientist, and alternative interpretations of data that lead to conflicts and controversies. Examples are provided to show how historical reconstructions of atomic models can provide students an opportunity to appreciate how scientists work and science progresses. It is plausible to suggest that textbook presentations based on a history and philosophy of science perspective can perhaps arouse students' interest in the subject and hence lead to greater conceptual understanding.  相似文献   

计算机在物理实验教学中的测量应用   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
针对计算机硬件底层进行编程测控并非物理实验教学的主体内容,而且增加了教学实验室的维护负担;高度集成的自动化测量系统过于注重实验结果显示而忽视了物理过程分析,从而部分地带来了物理实验教学的被动局面。如何体现计算机“辅助教学”作用而不掩盖教学实验的物理实质,是物理实验教学中计算机应用必须考虑的首要因素。文章通过对计算机标准配置资源——声卡的性能检测及标定,使其达到物理实验测量数据定量分析的教学要求;利用免费的简易程序在“光泵磁共振测量”和“核磁共振弛豫测量”等项目的教学实践,展现了既充分利用教学资源又符合物理实验教学目的的计算机应用方法。  相似文献   

在科学技术迅速发展的今天,提升实验技术含量是优化物理实验教学的重要途径之一.采用单片机技术,研制的智能型物理实验计时测量系统,可在不改变原实验装置的前提下,用红外光电传感器对测量物体进行检测,实现了自动计时、自动计数功能,同时能将检测信号进行自动处理,算出被测物理量,达到自动、实时测量的目的,有效减小了传统计时仪器的计时误差和数据计算造成的系统误差.  相似文献   

物理实验教学改革的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文针对物理教学改革后的现状,指出当前物理实验教学中仍存在的诸多问题,并提出以人为本,以提高实验人员的素质为前提,加强实验内容的设计和教学仪器研发,充分利用现代信息技术提高实验管理水平,从而提高物理实验教学的水平。  相似文献   

The objectives of this study are:(1) evaluation of the methodology used in recent search for particles with fractional electrical charge (quarks) and its implications for understanding the scientific research methodology of Millikan; (2) evaluation of 43 general physics textbooks and 11 laboratory manuals, with respect to the oil drop experiment, based on seven history and philosophy of science criteria. Results obtained show that all the textbooks and manuals ignored the Millikan–Ehrenhaft controversy and in general lacked a history and philosophy of science perspective. In spite of the anomalous data, Millikan adhered to the guiding assumptions of his research program. Ehrenhaft's work strictly followed the logic of experimental observations. Although, Ehrenhaft's work approximated the traditional scientific method, the scientific community supported Millikan. General physics textbooks and laboratory manuals present the oil drop experiment as an example of the scientific method in which experimental data implicitly serves as an arbiter in the defense of Millikan. It is suggested that textbooks and manuals by including the Millikan–Ehrenhaft controversy and the methodology used in the search for quarks could enrich students' understanding of scientific research methodology, viz., experimental data do not always dictate the choice of a theory.  相似文献   

Usually, in physics textbooks, the physical magnitude ‘work’ is introduced as the product of a force multiplied by its displacement, in relation to the transfer of energy. In other words, ‘work’ is presented as an internal affair of physics theory, while its relation to the world of experience, that is its empirical meaning, is missing. On the other hand, in the history of its creation, ‘work’ was a concept that had empirical meaning from the start. It was constructed by engineers to measure the work (labor) of motor engines, men, and animals. Very soon however this initial meaning seems to vanish. In this article, it will be looked at how ‘work’ is presented in physics textbooks, what was its initial meaning in the history of its formulation, under what circumstances this initial meaning faded, and how elements from the history of its creation can be used in the classroom to teach it.  相似文献   

PASCO实验教学仪是一种具有探究性的实验仪器,探究实验是物理实验的一种重要的方法与手段。其灵活的结构激活了学生对物理实验操作的自主性,并更加深了学生对物理思想的理解。根据PASCO仪器结构的灵活性,构件的自组性的特点,以及培养学生发现、分析和解决实际问题的教学功能,提出了关于PASCO仪器教学管理中存在的问题,并寻求了一套较为实际的仪器管理办法。  相似文献   

随着现代教学理念的不断发展,在半导体物理课程的教学中引入MATLAB软件进行定性分析和定量计算,有利于加深学生对知识的理解和掌握。本文详细讨论了MATLAB软件在《半导体物理学》中的应用。并计算了半导体物理中费米能级。教学实践表明,引入MATLAB可以改进教学效果,活跃课堂气氛,有效调动学生的积极性,培养学生的探索精神。  相似文献   

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