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Patterns of Compliance from Eighteen to Thirty Months of Age   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
31 children at 18 months, 32 children at 24 months, and 36 children at 30 months of age were observed in 2 separate 2-hour laboratory sessions with their mother and father to study behavioral responses to demands for compliance. Patterns of compliance to parental commands and requests were examined in 5 laboratory situations. The data revealed no differences in compliance depending upon which parent was present or across the 2-week time interval between the 2 visits, although there was considerable variability in behavior across the 5 situations. Developmental analyses revealed few linear progressions with age, with 24 months signaling an important transition characterized by behavioral reorganization. Taken together, the results encourage reexamining traditional assumptions regarding the development of compliance since it may be most adaptive for children to be responsive to environmental demands and interpersonal constraints.  相似文献   

To investigate potential infant‐related antecedents characterizing later attachment security, this study tested whether attention to facial expressions, assessed with an eye‐tracking paradigm at 7 months of age (= 73), predicted infant–mother attachment in the Strange Situation Procedure at 14 months. Attention to fearful faces at 7 months predicted attachment security, with a smaller attentional bias to fearful expressions associated with insecure attachment. Attachment disorganization in particular was linked to an absence of the age‐typical attentional bias to fear. These data provide the first evidence linking infants' attentional bias to negative facial expressions with attachment formation and suggest reduced sensitivity to facial expressions of negative emotion as a testable trait that could link attachment disorganization with later behavioral outcomes.  相似文献   

Predictors of Haitian-American Infant Development at Twelve Months   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Perinatal and early childhood influences on the development of 66 Haitian-American children were examined as part of an ongoing home visiting program. Although all participants were impoverished, approximately two-thirds lived in an urban setting with some access to social and health services, while one-third lived in a rural farmworkers' community where housing and services were sharply substandard. Measures used to examine the development of infants in these 2 settings included birthweight, household crowding, parental contributions to the child-rearing environment (the HOME), and developmental progress at 12 months on the Bayley Scales of Infant Development. Results showed that the urban sample was advanced on the Mental Development Index of the Bayley Scales. Regression analyses showed birthweight and the HOME score measuring child-rearing environment to be significant predictors of mental development, while psychomotor development was related to birthweight and household crowding. The results indicate that even within this disadvantaged Haitian entrant population, environmental differences exist that influence infant development in subtle but significant ways.  相似文献   

In 3 experiments, 6-month-old infants learned to move a mobile by kicking and were tested 1 to 21 days later for retention of the newly acquired memory as a function of the training and testing contexts. In Experiment 1, decreasing the relative distinctiveness of the training and testing context did not impair retrieval of the newly acquired memory. In Experiment 2, however, testing in a different context completely eliminated retention after delays of 1 and 3 days, when retention was otherwise perfect; after progressively longer delays, retention improved paradoxically. The familiarity or novelty of the test context was not a factor in the failure of infants to recognize the mobile in the altered context after 1 day. In Experiment 3, the effect of an altered context was assessed in a reactivation paradigm. After the training memory was forgotten, infants were presented with the original mobile as a reminder and were tested for retention of the training memory 1 day later. When either the reminding context or the testing context was different, they exhibited no retention. These findings reveal that memory retrieval at 6 months is highly specific to the setting in which the memory is acquired. We propose that infants learn what specific events are associated with what specific places prior to the age when they can locomote independently and acquire a spatiotemporal map of the relations between those places.  相似文献   

In 2 experiments we asked whether training in multiple contexts could eliminate context-dependent memory retrieval at 6 months as it does for adults. We found that 24-hour retention was disrupted when infants were trained in one context and tested in another but not when they were trained in multiple contexts prior to testing in a novel context (Experiment 1). After a long delay, however, training in multiple contexts did not facilitate memory retrieval in a novel context: An otherwise effective retrieval cue (the training mobile) did not alleviate forgetting 3 weeks later when it was presented in a novel context (Experiment 2). These findings demonstrate that multiple learning contexts can override the debilitating effects of an altered context on memory retrieval at 6 months, but only over the short term. The resistance of older memories to retrieval in novel contexts after long periods of disuse may be adaptive, insuring that potentially inappropriate or irrelevant memories will not be expressed.  相似文献   

The ability of 6-month-old infants to remember a functional category acquired in a specific context was assessed in 3 experiments via an operant procedure in which infants learned to perform a specific action (a footkick) to activate an object suspended before them. In Experiment 1, infants trained with different exemplars in the same context transferred responding to a novel exemplar in the same but not a different context 24 hours later. Experiment 2 revealed that infants' reactivated memory of category training remained intact and context-specific after 3 weeks. In Experiment 3, a novel category exemplar was able to reactivate the forgotten memory of category training only in the encoding context. At 6 months, information about the place where categories are constructed is prerequisite for retrieval of a category concept from long-term memory. This requirement insures that early category concepts remain stable over relatively long periods.  相似文献   

The present research investigated the developmental trajectory of infants’ fairness expectations from 6 to 15 months of age (N = 150). Findings revealed a developmental transition in infants’ fairness expectations between 6 and 12 months, as indicated by enhanced visual attention to unfair outcomes of resource distribution events (a 3:1 distribution) relative to fair outcomes (a 2:2 distribution). The onset of naturalistic sharing behavior predicted infants’ fairness expectations at transitional ages. Beyond this period of developmental transition, the presence of siblings and infants’ prompted giving behavior predicted individual differences in infants’ fairness concerns. These results provide evidence for the role of experience in the acquisition of fairness expectations and reveal early individual differences in such expectations.  相似文献   

Females generally attend more to social information than males; however, little is known about the early development of these sex differences. With eye tracking, 2-month olds’ (N = 101; 44 females) social orienting to faces was measured within four-item image arrays. Infants were more likely to detect human faces compared to objects, suggesting a functional face detection system. Unexpectedly, males looked longer at human faces than females, and only males looked faster and longer at human faces compared to objects. Females, in contrast, looked less at human faces relative to animal faces and objects, appearing socially disinterested. Notably, this is the first report of a male face detection advantage at any age. These findings suggest a unique stage in early infant social development.  相似文献   

试图对网络化进行初步探微,主要突出对网络化的化主体以及它的特点,化状态等方面进行多角度的探讨,以期对21世纪化建设作出自己的贡献。  相似文献   

In light of an aging workforce, age stereotypes have become an important topic both for researchers and for practitioners. Among other effects, age stereotypes might predict discriminatory behavior at work. This study examined stereotypic beliefs about emotional resilience as a function of both targets’ and judges’ age. In a web-based study, 4,181 persons between 15 and 87 years rated four targets (young male worker, young female worker, older male worker, older female worker) on emotional resilience in a work context. An age effect showed that older targets were rated lower on emotional resilience than younger targets. Moreover, older compared to younger judges provided more positive assessments of younger targets.  相似文献   

随着电子商务的发展,企业的营销模式和管理理念在不断的发生变革。以生产为中心、以销售产品为目的的市场战略逐渐被以客户为中心、以服务为目的的市场战略所取代。谁能掌握客户的需求趋势、加强与客户的关系、有效发掘和管理客户资源,谁就能获得市场竞争优势,在激烈的竞争中立于不败之地。  相似文献   

首先要向全体到会的同志们表示深深的感谢!刚才几位同志讲了许多赞扬的话,实在不敢当。不错,我的确以高度的责任心,把办学这件事尽最大的可能做好,但这是做了我应该做的事情。文革之后,当时的思想状态、特别是处在领导地位的同志们的思想状态怎样呢?怕!心有余悸!那个时候,在教育部开会,碰到兄弟学校的负责人,我们都说了一句非常感慨的话:劫后重逢!非常感慨啊!毛泽东曾讲过:文化大革命七、八年再来一次。因此,更加心有余悸,怕这怕那,东张西望,不敢迈步子。我怕不怕?我也怕,说不怕那是假话。但是,老怕也不行啊!责任在身,除非辞职不干,但是那个时候没有辞职的规定,不能够提出辞职。考虑的结果还是干,以后的问题再说,现在就是先把工作干好。  相似文献   

网络时代的教学设计理论发展应关注的几个问题   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
教学设计理论的一个最基本的前提假设是 :学习的发生和维持存在着充分条件。教学设计理论的第二条假设是学习发生和维持的充分条件由以下几方面构成 :学习者自身的学习准备 ;有效的学习动力维持系统 ;有效的学习外部行为和活动系统 ;有效的学习环境 ;有效的信息传递。教学设计理论的第三条假设是 :教学设计的设计对象有三 :学习活动、学习环境和媒体传递 ,并且这三个设计对象构成了层次关系。根据网络在活动、环境和媒体传递这三个设计对象中所能发挥的作用 ,该文作者认为至少以下这些问题需要理论研究者关注 :网络环境下协作学习策略的研究 ;如何设计基于资源和工具的学习任务 ;完善学习目标和学习者特征的分析框架 ;如何根据电子信息对教学问题进行诊断  相似文献   

Objective. The purpose of this investigation was to explore associations between father-child interactions and children's cognitive status in an underrepresented group of low-income, ethnically diverse families. Design. Participants were 65 inner-city fathers and their 24-month-old children (34 boys, 31 girls). Father-child interactions were videotaped for 10 min at home during semistructured free play, and mental scale scores on the Bayley Scales of Infant Development were obtained on children. The quality of father-child interactions was assessed using 14 Likert ratings of fathers (e.g., responsiveness, language quality, and intrusiveness) and 12 of children (e.g., play, participation, emotional regulation, and communication). Results. Factor analyses revealed 2 patterns of engagement in fathers (Responsive-Didactic and Negative-Intrusive) and 3 in children (Playful-Communicative, Social, and Regulated). Thirty-six children scored within normal limits on the MDI and 29 scored in the delayed range. Together, fathers' and children's factor scores explained more than 25% of the variance in children's performance on the MDI. Logistic regressions indicated that fathers with high scores on the Responsive-Didactic factor were nearly 5 times more likely to have children within the normal range on the MDI than were low-scoring fathers. Conclusions. These findings point to the importance of considering fathers' role in early cognitive development, particularly in low-income families in which children begin to exhibit significant declines in their second and third years. Positive father-child interactions appear to obviate cognitive delay.  相似文献   

对网络时代教学的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
21世纪是网络生存时代,网络信息传播对教育和学习的影响是巨大的。网络时代怎样教?网络时代又如何学?本文从网络时代的特性、网络时代的教育、网络时代的学习等方面,分析讨论学校最重要的任务是让学生学会怎样学习和掌握怎样思考。  相似文献   

知识经济时代数字图书馆刍议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
21世纪是知识经济的时代,一个拥有持续创新能力和大量高素质人力资源的数字图书馆,具备发展知识经济的巨大潜力。知识经济时代数字图书馆的地位和作用越来越重要,它是知识经济时代不可或缺的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

200 pairs of twins were assessed at 14 months of age in the laboratory and home. Measures were obtained of temperament, emotion, and cognition/language. Comparisons between identical and fraternal twin correlations suggest that individual differences are due in part to heritable influences. For temperament, genetic influence was significant for behavioral observations of inhibition to the unfamiliar, tester ratings of activity, and parental ratings of temperament. For emotion, significant genetic influence was found for empathy and parental ratings of negative emotion. The estimate of heritability for parental report of expression of negative emotions was relatively high, whereas that for expression of positive emotions was low, a finding consistent with previous research. For cognition and language, genetic influence was significant for behavioral indices of spatial memory, categorization, and word comprehension. Shared rearing environment appears influential for parental reports of language and for positive emotions, but not for other measures of emotion or for temperament.  相似文献   

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