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This study is part of a research project aimed at studying ways and effects of introducing computer use within a context of linguistic education. Linguistic activities, in which language was treated as an object instead of a means of communication, were carried out through a curriculum unit aimed at developing reflection on language. Within the curriculum a new software has been developed and implemented. The software promotes reflection on language and metalinguistic awareness in a social and educational context in wich «playing with language» is stimulated in children. It requires language comprehension and production, and offers to children (working in groups of three) the open task of composing sentences and stories in a problem solving setting. In this study we collected observational data on children’s interactions with the software and used the data as an ecological measure of children’s metalinguistic development. Positiv effects of the curriculum supported by the computer use were verified through measures of metalinguistic skills, investigated through individual interviews and administered also to a matched control group.  相似文献   

It has often been proposed that computer programs simulating written conversation could be effective in language teaching and remediation. This paper presents a theoretical rationale for this approach, and reports empirical studies of its potential. Although the studies were concemed mainly with language-impaired children, their findings should have some relevance for the wider field of computer assisted language learning in general.Several microcomputer programs were developed to hold written dialogue with children about screen graphics. Studies of the software in use over several months by two different groups of language-impaired children produced evidence to suggest that experiences associated with the software led to improved skills in the language covered by the programs. The studies also produced new ideas about the kinds of language learning activities which might be promoted by this kind of software.The paper concludes with suggestions about how these ideas might form the basis of future intelligent tutoring systems able to prescribe a variety of language learning activities, over a range of language materials.  相似文献   

教师口语是教师传授知识、解释疑难、开启心灵、塑造品性的重要工具。一个合格的教师,必须掌握好这个工具。  相似文献   

对建构主义学习理论的再认识   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
建构主义学习理论是支撑新课程改革的基本理念,建构性教学是在此基础上形成的一种新的教学理论和教学形式,是以帮助学生积极自主建构良好的知识结构为目的的教学活动.新课程的实施最终要在建构性教学中落实,因此,对广大中小学教师而言,认识和分析建构性教学的特点,取得新课程实施的良好效果无疑有着十分重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

邓小平的学习观有许多精辟的论述和深刻内容 ;在不同时期 ,邓小平都强调学习的重要性和紧迫性 ;他反复论述学习的内容既包括政治理论 ,也包括了经济、文化和科学知识 ;他认为学习应该理论联系实际 ,在学习上既要坚持根本原则 ,又要把握一般原则 ;在学习方式上 ,他认为既要围绕总目标 ,又要不拘一格  相似文献   

The whole language philosophy is having an impact not only in general education but in the education of deaf children as well. Many of the practices derived from this philosophy are beneficial for all children. Yet, because most deaf children have tremendous difficulty in acquiring English literacy, a more direct approach to teaching them may be warranted in many cases. The field of deaf education would be better served if, rather than moving from one trend in general education to another, we first took into account the special needs of deaf learners and then worked systematically and deliberately to build a knowledge base of the most effective practices for promoting literacy.  相似文献   

学会认知是国际21世纪教育委员会提出的未来教育所必须形成的四种学习能力的首要能力,它侧重于学生对发现问题和解决问题的手段和方法的掌握。教会学生学会认知要求在教学中做到“三个结合”“两种学习”“一种训练”。同时,教师和学生在教学中要有正确的角色定位。  相似文献   

“学得+习得”:对外语学习机制的重新思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国的语言环境决定了外语学习应当定位于“学得+习得’。基于这一定位,本丈从语言学角度就语言输入、语言吸收、语言获得和语言输出四个环节考察了外语学习的内在机制,并对我国的外语教学提供启示。  相似文献   

邱林 《教育导刊》2005,(5):7-10
内倾-外倾是1947年由著名人格心理学家H.J.Eysenck提出来的一个人格维度。由于人们对这一概念的不切实际的预期和不够充分的了解,它后来被认为与语言学习无关。对心理学和应用语言学研究文献的重新评估表明,虽然内/外倾可能无法预测语言学习是否成功,但是会影响口语产出。  相似文献   

学习者所处语言环境对外语学习效果有着重要的影响,中国学生虽然从小学到大学接近十年一直不间断学习外语,但收效并不明显,主要是学生缺乏很好的语言环境。本文主要从分析学生外语学习中的语言环境因素,并将这一原理应用于外语学习与教学当中,以提高学生外语学习效率。  相似文献   

马复 《教育学报》2001,(4):18-22
本文通过对两个教学实例的介绍与评述,分析了两种"发现式学习"方式的价值与理论假设,给出了对于"发现式学习"意义及其特征的一些理解.  相似文献   

文章运用定量研究的方法,调查了来自宁夏四所高校非英语专业学生的学习策略使用情瓦和学习策略与学习成绩的相关关系,并就此提出了一些教学措施与建议。  相似文献   

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