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Academic stress of international students attending U.S. universities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study investigated factors associated with the academic stress experienced by international students (N=412) attending graduate school in the United States. The study was grounded in a cognitive framework in which academic stress is understood as the consequence of students' appraisal of the stressfulness of role demands and their perception of their ability to cope with those demands. These two appraisals, in turn, were posited to be a function of cultural distance, students' social support network, and their role competencies. Results indicated that the primary determinants of the two types of appraisals differed. While self-perceived English-language skills and, to a lesser degree, cultural distance were the predictors of primary appraisal, self-perceived English-language, academic, and problem-solving skills and social support network were the main determinants of secondary appraisal. Implications for how universities might work more effectively with international students are discussed.  相似文献   

Drawing on the findings from in-depth interviews with Vietnamese international students studying at Australian universities, this article presents insights into the sociological influences that stem from international students' social networks, at home and abroad, and how they impact on students' aspirations and engagement in international education. Underpinned by Bourdieu's social capital framework, this article critically challenges human capital ideology for its assumptions of individualism and utilitarian function of education as economic goals. The implication for international education providers is to create learning and living opportunities that consider students' social and cultural conditions so as to develop their capacity, self-determination and citizenship.  相似文献   

英语教学与英美文化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
语言和文化的关系不是非常密切的,任何语言都是某种文化的反映,有其深刻的文化内涵。因此,不了解英美文化,就无法真正理解和掌握英语。在英语教学中,不仅要讲解语言知识,训练语言运用能力,而且还要加强有关的英美文化背景知识的传授。  相似文献   

Online learning is growing in higher education contexts around the world, but very few research‐based studies have addressed the cultural aspects of online teaching and learning. In this study, we focused on international students from Taiwan and examined their perspectives of taking a synchronous online course in the US. Specifically, we were interested in their adjustment from learning in a physical classroom to learning in a synchronous online environment, their opinions of synchronous online courses, their interactions in synchronous online courses, and what could be done to accommodate their needs in synchronous online courses. Results showed that although their learning behaviors did not change dramatically in the synchronous online course, the Taiwanese students prefer traditional face‐to‐face courses rather than synchronous online courses. The study also showed that the instructional design of the course interacts with cultural issues, and that the instructional design is more important than the technological aspects. Several recommendations to accommodate the needs of international students in synchronous courses were drawn from the findings.

Expériences d'apprentissage en ligne: les points de vue des étudiants étrangers de Taiwan

L'apprentissage en ligne se développe dans l'enseignement supérieur dans le monde entier mais très peu d'études fondées sur la recherche ont porté sur les aspects culturels de l'enseignement et de l'apprentissage en ligne. Nous avons fait porter cette étude sur des étudiants étrangers de Taiwan et examiné leurs points de vue par rapport au cours en ligne synchrone qu'ils suivaient aux Etats Unis. Ce qui nous intéressait plus particulièrement, c'était leur façon de s'adapter au passage d'un apprentissage dans une classe physique à l'apprentissage dans un environnement synchrone en ligne, leurs points de vue sur les cours synchrones en ligne, les interactions au sein des cours synchrones en ligne et ce qu'on pourrait faire pour répondre à leurs besoins au sein des cours synchrones en ligne. Les résultats recueillis ont montré que même si leurs conduites d'apprentissage ne changeaient pas de façon spectaculaire dans le cours synchrone en ligne, les étudiants de Taiwan préfèrent les cours traditionnels en face à face plutôt que les cours synchrones en ligne. Cette étude a aussi montré que la conception pédagogique du cours soulève des problèmes d'ordre culturel et que la conception pédagogique est plus importante que les aspects technologiques. Ces découvertes ont permis de formuler plusieurs recommandations pour répondre aux besoins des étudiants étrangers dans un cours synchrone.

Synchrone Online‐Lernerfahrungen: Die Sichtweise internationaler Studenten aus Taiwan

Online‐Lernen wächst in höheren Bildungskontexten rund um die Welt, trotzdem haben nur sehr wenige forschungsbasierte Studien die kulturellen Aspekte von Online‐Lehre und ‐Lernen angesprochen. In dieser Studie zielten wir auf internationale Studenten aus Taiwan und prüften ihre Perspektiven, einen synchronen Online‐Kurs in den Vereinigten Staaten zu belegen, Ausdrücklich waren wir an ihrer Anpassung von Lernen in einem physischen Klassenzimmer und an eine synchrone Online‐Umgebung, ihren Meinungen zu synchronen Online‐Kursen und ihren Interaktionen in synchronen Online‐Kursen interessiert. Auch ihren Bedarf in synchronen Online‐Kursen untergebracht zu werden, wollten wir kennen lernen. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass, obwohl sich ihr Lernverhalten im synchronen Online‐Kurs nicht dramatisch änderte, die taiwanesischen Studenten traditionelle direkte (face‐to‐face) Kurse statt synchroner Online‐Kurse bevorzugen. Die Studie zeigte auch, dass der Unterrichtsentwurf des Kurses mit kulturellen Angelegenheiten interagiert und dass der Unterrichtsentwurf wichtiger als die technologischen Aspekte ist. Mehrere Empfehlungen, die Bedürfnisse internationaler Studenten in synchronen Kursen zu berücksichtigen, wurden auf Grundlage der Ergebnisse angefügt.

Experiencias de aprendizaje síncrono en línea: los puntos de vista de los estudiantes extranjeros de Taiwan

El aprendizaje en línea está creciendo en entornos de enseñanza superior en el mundo entero pero pocos estudios basados en investigación han hecho hincapié en los aspectos culturales de la enseñanza/aprendizaje en línea. Hemos puesto énfasis en los estudiantes extranjeros de Taiwan, examinando sus puntos de vista acerca del curso sincrónico en línea que estaban siguiendo en los Estados Unidos. Lo que nos interesaba más específicamente eran sus maneras de adaptarse al tránsito de un aprendizaje en aulas físicas al aprendizaje dentro de un entorno sincrónico en línea, las interacciones dentro de clases sincrónicas en línea y lo que se podría hacer para responder a sus necesidades propias dentro de los cursos sincrónicos en línea. Los resultados han mostrado que aunque sus conductas de aprendizaje no cambiaban de manera espectacular dentro de los cursos sincrónicos en línea, los estudiantes taiwaneses prefieren los cursos tradicionales presenciales a los cursos sincrónicos en línea. El presente estudio también enseñó que el diseño pedagógico del curso plantea problemas de carácter cultural y que el diseño pedagógico es más importante que los aspectos tecnológicos. Esos resultados han llevado a la formulación de algunas recomendaciones para responder a las necesidades de los estudiantes internacionales dentro de los cursos sincrónicos.  相似文献   

Higher education, especially that leading to a degree from a high-prestige university, is strongly related to social status and employment opportunities in East Asian countries. This is a consequence of both traditional Confucian attitudes to education and the social and economic changes accompanying industrialisation. Since the number of places available at high-prestige universities is limited, competition is intense. Successful entry to such a university is not only an important achievement for the future career of the student, but also a victory for the family. In contrast, failure to do so is often seen as shameful for the family, sometimes resulting in psychological problems or suicide. This background affects the international education of East Asian students, who often have a high level of family support, with correspondingly high expectations of their success. Motives for international study vary, from avoidance of the hyper-competitive domestic system, pursuit of an overseas degree as an ‘easy option’ of moderate prestige, to an expectation of more up-to-date teaching and content. Understanding this background can be a first step for Australian or other Western educators to better meet the needs of East Asian international students and to attract students from East Asia in the long term.  相似文献   


This study seeks to examine the influence of the cultural elements on international students’ country choice. It also examines whether individual values moderate the influence of cultural elements on the country choice of international students. Drawing upon a sample size of 223, the data was analysed using structural equation modelling technique. Among the five cultural elements, education, language and social institutions were found to have a positive significant influence on the international student’s country choice. When moderated by individual values education was found to be the only key significant value to international students when selecting a country to further their education. The cultural elements should be given much attention by marketers, government and managers of academic institutions. An improvement in the standards of education in developing countries would attract more students from developed countries.  相似文献   

上雪  成静  刘玉婷 《高中生》2011,(31):38-39
美国高中毕业很容易,大学的门向每一个学生敞开着。但是,想要进入美国名牌大学,一定会辛苦。美国名牌大学录取时特别看重学生在高中时是否作了最艰苦的努力——具体地说,是否上了难度最大的课程AP和IB。开设AP课程的高中占美国所有高中的70%,开设IB课程的占30%,这30%的高中同时开设AP课程。这类高中,无论私  相似文献   

美国教学档案袋评价述评   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
在美国,教师评价的代表性方式由原来的书面测验、课堂听课发展到教学档案评价.本文着重介绍教学档案的内涵、美国教学档案袋的开发和评价方法方面的经验,并评述教学档案袋评价的优势和不足.  相似文献   

"交流生"是一个很特别的群体:我们用一年的时间,在一个陌生国家的陌生家庭中学习、成长。在国内同龄人还在父母身边享受宠爱,并在竞争激烈的高中埋头苦读时,我们远赴异国,被"空降"到一个完全陌生的环境里。在这些美国的家庭中,我们看见了另外一个美国,感受到了那些深藏于媒体报道之外的浓厚的文化底蕴。  相似文献   

《华盛顿邮报》作为美国三大报纸之一,体现了美国媒体文化的主要特色。研究和学习美国的媒体文化对中国走向媒体大国具有启示意义。  相似文献   

The article focuses upon a small‐scale research project undertaken in a Northern Ireland secondary school. Using a questionnaire, the article explores the views of a sample of young people from four European countries who are enrolled at the school, regarding the school's inclusive policy and associated practices. In recent years, Northern Ireland has experienced a significant increase in the number of migrant families that have settled in the province; this has presented schools with a challenge as to how their policies on inclusion are capable of embracing the needs of students with different cultural experiences and expectations. It is apparent that the school has made a considerable investment to provide a positive experience for these students. Likewise, it is evident that there are both financial and staff development implications associated with creating an inclusive school culture.  相似文献   

The concept of blended learning has begun to change the nature of all teaching and learning in higher education. Information and communication technologies have impacted by providing a means of access to digital resources and interactive communication for all courses and the blending of pedagogy and technology has produced a range of approaches to teaching and learning. This paper discusses the research literature and the writers’ research, defining what they have concluded are teaching practices that use the concept of blended learning effectively. In investigating how ICT can add variation for student learning, they analyze this from two dominant modes of pedagogy, learning environment and pedagogy through both on-campus and distance education. In both modes, students acknowledged the power and effectiveness of blended learning.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to explore, based on a nationally representative sample, U.S. college students' uses of the Internet in their studies and their perceptions of academic life online, and changes in both perception and use since a 2002 report on the topic. Findings show that overall Internet use for academic purposes has increased. Students report generally positive opinions about the Internet's utility for academic work, but satisfaction with it for academic interactions may be on the decline.  相似文献   

World Health Organization vital statistics data were used to compare U.S. homicide death rates with those in 23 other developed countries. Using rank ordering and comparison with mean and median rates for the other countries, U.S. homicide rates for the general population were found to be exceptionally high among developed countries. Similarly, U.S. homicide death rates for infants and for 1–4-year-olds were atypically high. The U.S. infant homicide rates were also unusual because of a male predominance. After infancy, high female homicide rates in the U.S. were more unusual than the male rates. The atypically high homicide risk in the U.S. apparently begins in early childhood, affecting particularly male infants and females after infancy. The data and other cited information suggest that features of U.S. society may promote homicide in childhood. The scope and nature of the U.S. childhood homicide problem warrants a focused effort to develop specific preventive approaches.  相似文献   

Guided by cultural border crossing and teacher identity development theories, this case study explores the bumpy process of a junior Chinese faculty member’s border crossing into the U.S. teaching culture and analyzes the challenges, coping strategies, and consequences of his border crossing on teaching and teacher identity development. The study found the subject demonstrated an active process of adaptation during his border crossing and experienced multifaceted and ongoing identity development in which both Chinese culture and the culture that he embraced played important roles in reshaping and facilitating the development of his professional identity, teacher learning, and teaching practices.  相似文献   

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