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Asia Pacific Education Review - In the original publication of the article, the Acknowledgements section was missed and it has been included in this Correction.  相似文献   

The present study examined faculty commitment to their university across hard and soft sciences and across pure and applied fields. Within each field, faculty commitment was separately examined for each career stage and for each level of research productivity. Furthermore, this study assessed (separately for each field) the relative powers of rewards and support variables, derived from the exchange framework, in explaining faculty commitment. A stratified random sample of 40 U.S. research university departments, 10 each in physics, sociology, electrical engineering, and education, was surveyed by means of a questionnaire. The major findings of the study suggest that the reward-support framework plays a meaningful role, although distinctly different for hard and soft sciences, in determining faculty commitment to their university in each of the four fields. The relative power of rewards in explaining faculty commitment is stronger in hard sciences and weaker in soft sciences whereas a reversed pattern is found for support indicators. In addition, faculty commitment to their university varies across fields, career stages, and levels of research productivity (only for hard sciences).  相似文献   

In view of the benefit of improving employees’ organization commitment, it is important to study the major influencing factors of organization commitment. According to previous literature, organizational justice and job burnout have been considered two major influencing variables of affective commitment; however, little empirical research can be found to examine the relationship between job burnout, organizational justice, and affective commitment simultaneously among university teachers in China. Thus, the main purpose of the current study was to examine the above relationship in a cross-sectional design. The participants were 435 teachers from five universities in China. A series of structural equation modeling analyses were conducted by using Amos 19.0. The results showed that organizational justice was a strong predictor of affective commitment. Specifically, interactional justice predicted affective commitment the most strongly, whereas distributive justice, unexpectedly, had no significant influence on affective commitment. Furthermore, both emotional exhaustion and personal accomplishment were important partial mediators of the relationship between interactional justice and affective commitment.  相似文献   

Faculty are the main asset of a university and determine its success. The attitudes of faculty toward their institution play an especially important role in the academic profession. This study examines the specific antecedents of affective, normative and continuance commitment of faculty to their university. This study is an online survey of 317 faculty of Russian higher education institutions. The results of the regression analysis showed that being an undergraduate inbred (i.e. working at the university from which one graduated) predicted affective and normative commitment toward the university, while having a post at another higher education institution predicted only affective commitment. Faculty who work at several universities have lower levels of emotional attachment to the primary university.  相似文献   


The swelling discourses on organisational citizenship behaviour (OCB) have diffused into areas of management and organisational research. The existing literature encapsulates that trust will mediate the relationship between the three dimensions of organisational justice: procedural justice, distributive justice and interactional justice and OCB. Based on the literature discussions, several hypotheses were proposed and conceptual framework was formulated. A total of 411 teachers had responded and participated in the survey. The collected data were analysed using Smart Partial Least Square software. Vigorous two-stage analytical procedure was adopted. The statistical results indicated that trust significantly mediates the relationship between organisational justice and OCB as well as the dimensions of organisational justice and OCB with various degrees of mediating effects. These findings have provided new insights in the organisational behaviour discipline and shed light on trust’s mediation in the relationship of organisational justice and OCB.  相似文献   

从教师感知角度出发,大学组织公平是教师群体对大学组织资源分配结果公平与程序公平的协同认可的有机统一.大学组织公平能够建立起教师的信任,促进教师产生积极组织行为并提升大学的组织效能.大学教师追求组织公平的动因是资源稀缺和关系模糊带来的不确定性,而实现组织公平的逻辑是通过对不确定性进行管理来获取资源和实现自我价值.基于此,在组织公平实践过程中,大学需要在分配公平与程序公平的基础上嵌入基于资源的公平、基于关系的公平与基于可行能力的公平,并以教师共同价值观、心理区隔化和差异化评价为基点建立起网络式的公平互动规则.  相似文献   

对河南省高校教师组织公正感及其与工作压力关系的研究结果表明:高校教师的组织公正感水平偏低,且在分配公正和程序公正方面,男性教师的公正感低于女性;不同年龄阶段的教师在组织公正感各维度和总分方面均存在显著差异;不同学历层次、不同职称层次及不同教龄阶段的教师在组织公正感的总分及程序公正、领导公正和领导解释方面存在显著差异.同时,组织公正感和工作压力及其各维度之间存在不同程度的显著性负相关.此外,领导公正和程序公正对工作压力具有预测作用,尤其是领导公正的预测力最强.  相似文献   

Commitment in the knowledge‐intensive sectors has today become a key organisational dilemma as well as a serious managerial concern. In the university setting, faculty members’ commitment to various stakeholder bases and the subsequent implications have hitherto been studied only to a limited extent. Through a quantitative survey, this paper studies university professors’ various modes of commitment and investigates the role of university brand in the context of Iranian universities. The findings reveal that university professors with higher level of professional commitment tend to be more organisationally committed. Furthermore, it is shown that university brand can increase the impact of professional commitment on organisational commitment.  相似文献   

组织公民行为是组织行为学中的一个重要概念,DiPaola等借鉴这一概念来研究教育领域中的教师组织公民行为。文章对组织公民行为的涵义,前因变量与后果变量进行了梳理,对教师组织公民行为的应用研究作了初步整理。未来的研究应该进一步探讨教师组织公民行为文化差异,加强自身的体系和特色建构,注重动态研究。此外,还需进一步拓宽教师组织公民行为的应用性研究领域,尤其重视对教师组织公民行为的干预。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between teachers' perceptions of organizational commitment and school health in Turkish primary schools. The Organizational Commitment Scale and the Organizational Health Inventory were used to gather data from 323 randomly selected teachers employed in 20 primary schools in Ankara. Results indicated that teacher compliance commitment was negatively related to both identification and internalization. Three dimensions of school health, institutional integrity, principal professional leadership, and morale, negatively predicted teacher commitment based on compliance. However, teacher internalization commitment was positively predicted by these 3 health dimensions. Professional leadership was the only school health dimension that was significant in predicting identification commitment. Two other dimensions of school health, academic emphasis and resource support, were not significant predictors of the commitment factors. Results of the study are discussed in relation to developing the organizational health of schools and improving the organizational commitment of teachers.  相似文献   

The correlates of the rate of faculty advancement through steps within ranks were examined in a sample of 40 departments on two campuses of a large state university system. The proportion of departmental faculty moving through steps at faster than normal speed was positively correlated with the political power of the department on the campus and, in some cases, with the proportion of the faculty in the department who were at more senior ranks. The rate of departmental growth, the level of the department's scientific paradigm, or departmental national prestige had no effect on faculty career speed. The evidence suggests that it is important to broaden the study of faculty salary and other rewards to include structural as well as individual variables, including departmental affiliation and characteristics of the department.  相似文献   

This study examines how organizational procedural justice affects team performance through team‐level knowledge creation practices and the extent to which these practices mediate the association between organizational procedural justice and team performance. The target samples were drawn from six organizations in Korea. A total of 348 cases were used for this study. Structural equation modeling was used to test the proposed research framework. The results indicate that all the direct paths among the research variables were statistically significant. In addition, this research confirms the mediating effect of knowledge creation practices in the relationship between organizational procedural justice and team performance. Conclusions, implications for human performance technology, limitations of the study, and further research also are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined how different stakeholders in school (principals, teachers, parents) conceptualize teachers' role breadth, i.e., whether they define given behaviors commonly assumed to be OCBs as in-role or extra-role behaviors. Drawing on a survey of 29 principals, 245 teachers and 345 parents, the results showed that principals and teachers defined more teachers' OCBs in general and toward the school as in-role behaviors than parents did; parents defined more teachers' OCBs toward the student as in-role behaviors than teachers did. A wide variety of possible school interventions is indicated, each with the potential for far broader improvements in school effectiveness.  相似文献   

This study examines sources of influence over 290 faculty members of a large public university. The role expectations a faculty member has for himself and the role expectations of the employing organization both predict positively and significantly the role behaviors of the respondents. The departmental colleagues' expectations predict significantly role behaviors for the research role only. In addition, the degree of person—role conflict a faculty member is exposed to is related to his productivity (research) but not to his satisfaction. The implications of the results are explored for both role theory and for the understanding of faculty behavior.  相似文献   

孙明英 《高教论坛》2022,(1):105-109
深化大学治理变革从而提升大学治理能力是迫切需要解决的现实问题,政府与大学关系引导大学治理变革。以办学自主权分配为视角,府学关系历经了行政隶属、转型式变革、宏观调控、审批式规制四种形态。在关系演进过程中,教育评价塑造了政府中心地位,放权的“延宕”又强化了行政依赖,大学内生动力不足使得大学在一定程度上谋求政府规制。因而需要在党的全面协调下,重塑府学关系以提升大学治理能力。  相似文献   

大学排名不仅在学生和家长中有着巨大的影响力,而且逐渐得到了学院派的接受,成为测量和追踪大学表现和声望的有力工具。大学排名通过对利益相关者施加影响,进而影响到大学的组织行为、决策和文化。我们有必要对大学排名的诸种影响进行辨识,以更加审慎的态度使用大学排名的结果。  相似文献   


While both criminal justice programs and Jesuit institutions claim commitment to the realization of justice, their conceptions of justice differ. This exploratory survey of 31 criminal justice majors and 51 non-majors compares criminal justice majors' concept of justice with that of non-criminal justice majors. We find that criminal justice majors and non-majors generally do not differ in their views of justice or their rank of goals for specific criminal justice professionals, regardless of the number of theology/philosophy or criminal justice courses taken or other demographic factors.  相似文献   

Many factors contribute to the effectiveness in implementing organizational change. However, many change effort fail due to several factors such as lack of commitment, style of leadership, and emotional distress of the employees who have to implement the change. This study was intended to determine the influence of leadership behavior and organizational commitment on organizational readiness for change in a higher learning institution. It was based on a conceptual framework that combined part of an adapted model from organizational development and change theory. A total of 169 academic staff from the main and branch campuses UiTM throughout Malaysia were selected based on stage and cluster sampling to participate in this study. The result shows that there is a significant relationship between organizational commitment and leadership behavior on organizational readiness for change. The findings also revealed that 36.5% of the variance in readiness for change is explained by organizational commitment and transactional leadership behavior. In determining the role of the organization commitment as a moderating variable, the result of the study indicates significant moderating effect of affective commitment on the relationship between transformational leadership behavior and organizational readiness for change. This study implied that building organizational commitment as well as developing transformational and transactional leadership behavior could contribute to formulation of organizational readiness for change and subsequently lead to the success of a change program.  相似文献   

The introduction of citizenship education to school in England (and Wales) in 2002 has generated interest and concern among religious educationalists, some of whom welcome the opportunities this new educational territory opens up for religious education and some of whom suspect it augurs religious education's demise. This article reports findings of a school‐based study of the early implementation of citizenship education and its impact on religious education. It discusses those findings in the context of the current debate about the future relationship between the two subjects, noting a similar ambivalence toward citizenship education among religious education heads of department, as there is among religious educationalists. The discussion includes an examination of the Crick Report, noting its lack of interest in religious education, and argues that its conceptualization of citizenship leaves it open to two quite different broad interpretations of what might be meant by an education for citizenship, one of which religious education practitioners appear to endorse and associate with religious education, and one of which they reject and associate with citizenship education.  相似文献   

我国近现代大学与政府关系的特点   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国近代大学出现后,与政府的关系模式大体经历了三个发展阶段:从大学完全依附于政府,到希望摆脱政府的过度控制谋求独立,再到政府希望继续加强对大学的控制,反映了我国的大学办学思想从不成熟到成熟的过程。相比来说,1949年前我国大学与政府的关系比西方国家要紧密得多,这种关系一方面受长期的“政教合一”传统的影响,另一方面也与我国大学的产生与发展背景密切相关。  相似文献   

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