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合同是平等主体的自然人、法人、其他组织之间设立、变更、终止民事权利义务关系的协议。只有当事人各方认真履行,合同的目的才能得以实现。按照国际惯例,在合同的履行中,由于一方未履行或不能保证履行,另一方有暂停自己履行合同义务的保留性权利,这实际就是合同履行的抗辩权。具体说,抗辩权是指在双务合同中,一方当事人在对方不履行或履行不符合约定时,依法对抗对方要求或否认对方权利主张的权利。依照《中华人民共和国合同法》(下称《合同法》),抗辩权包括同时履行抗辩权、后履行抗辩权和不安抗辩权。  相似文献   

一切文学作品都是现实生活在作家头脑里反映的产物,文学作品所反映出来的社会生活,已经不是自然形态的社会生活,而是经过作家提炼、加工过的社会生活。客观存在的现实生活,经过作家的分析、选择、集中、概括,塑造成艺术形象,往往具有更鲜明、更广泛、更深远的意义.显然,文学作品中所描绘的生活和实际生活不很相同或很不相同.这种不同,反映在真实性的问题上,就常常出现这样的情况,有些生活中真正发生过的事,若原封不动照实写入作品之中,人们仅会觉得虚假,不可信.有些在生活中不可能出现的,到了作品中,人们反而觉得可信。这就说明,在生活与艺术这两个不同领域中,是存在着两种性质不同的真实的.  相似文献   

郭述丹 《教育艺术》2007,(11):69-69
学生,不论是高年级还是低年级,都是喜爱科学课的.可是尽管是这样,在科学课堂上,学生还是会出现许多不尽如人意的情况,比如摆弄东西、随便说话等.面对这些干扰课堂教学秩序和效率的现象,教师通常会马上制止,有些教师要求学生站在原位听讲,有些教师甚至要求学生站到教室前面听讲.  相似文献   

亲爱的同学们,快乐的暑假到了,你们心里肯定可开心了,是不是在计划着怎么好好玩呢?暑假天气炎热,在我们浙江省,几乎每年都会有台风登陆,也会有狂风暴雨,电闪雷鸣,威胁到大家的安全。而在暑假里,有些同学可能独自在家,有些同学可能去上兴趣班,还有些同学可能去参加夏令营,  相似文献   

相关法律的宽泛规定使得行政诉讼履行判决实务出现了很多问题。行政机关"实体不作为"违法,人民法院采取"撤销+责令履行"的判决方式是最佳选择;在责令履行部分,人民法院在条件具备的情况下,应该尽量使判决的内容明确;关于履行期限的指定,人民法院应该考虑三个因素:法定期限以内,必要、适度,尽最大可能保护原告的合法权益。  相似文献   

如果违约方从违约中获得的利益大于他向非违约方做出履行的期待利益,法律应当允许当事人选择赔偿对方的损失而不履行合同,此即效率违约.在坚持契约自由的前提下,当事人只有在符合效率违约的适用条件时,才能行使不履约而赔偿守约方损害的选择权.效率违约理论顺应时势把经济学的效益原则和分析方法运用于合同法领域,符合市场经济发展规律,为我们健全和完善违约责任理论、逐步实现从强调实际履行到以实际履行与损害赔偿并重的转变,提供了全新的思考模式.  相似文献   

现在企业受到许多外界因素的影响,这些因素中有些对企业来说是有利的,有些会给企业造成一些负面的影响。电子信息渠道的出现对价值链来说是一种新的影响因子。这个新的影响因子会对价值链的各种威胁造成影响。本文基于价值链五力模型的供应商、消费者、同行竞争者、新进入者、替代品的威胁等方面来分析现代企业应如何应对威胁以及对应的策略。  相似文献   

在我所见到的领导学的著述中,关于一个负责干部的能力问题都有完整的描述,而且多是从素质要求的角度论及。至于透过外部现象进行由表及里的深入剖析则不多见。我从自己的实际观察中体味到:尽管干部的诸种能力部很要紧,然而能否完成工作任务和处理棘手问题,这两种能力对领导者来说显得尤其重要。一个负有某些责任的干部,会经常接受任务。这些任务,有些是自己曾经经验过的,有些可能未曾经验过;有些是明确地属于自己的职责范围内的,有些可能并不那么明确甚至  相似文献   

在向市场经济体制转轨条件下,一些经营者钻市场竞争机制和市场管理制度不够健全的空子,采取商业欺诈手段,获取非法利益,应引起从商者的足够警惕: ——“空城计”。有些单位特别是皮包公司在签订合同时,主观上根本没有履行合同的打算,客观上也无履行合同的能力,而是虚构货源,空签合同,骗取预付款、  相似文献   

王翠莲 《考试周刊》2014,(79):169-169
<正>提高教学质量和学生学习效率,减轻学生学业压力,使其花费更少的时间和精力获取更多知识,是每个家长和学生的内心夙愿,也是新课程改革的客观要求和目标所在。理想虽然美好,但是现实往往没有想象的那样美好。实际教学中经常会遇到所授知识难度较大、抽象水平较高的情况。由于中学生的思维发展水平有限,致使有些学生很难领会和掌握所授知识,甚至有些基础知识不扎实的学生完全不能理解和接受所学知识。在这种情况下,若使用实物教学法会在一定程度上降低知  相似文献   

在专利侵权诉讼中,被告常以与第三者所签的合同来进行抗辩。而被告合同抗辩法律效力认定如何,又涉及到是否依法保护了原、被告双方的合法权利。本文从被告与第三者所签合同中的第三者的不同情形、以及所签合同性质的不同情况,对被告合同抗辩的法律效力认定进行了详尽的分析。  相似文献   

Internationally, student aggression against teachers is a prevalent problem in schools. Student threat assessment is an emerging violence prevention practice, but its use for threats against teachers has not been investigated. This study examined use of threat assessment for a statewide sample of student threats against teachers (n = 226) compared to threats against other students (n = 1,228). Results indicated that threats against teachers were less prevalent (15.5%) than threats against peers (84.5%). Of threats against teachers, 30% were classified as serious by the school’s threat assessment team and 5.8% were attempted. Implications for school policy and practice and teacher safety are discussed.  相似文献   

Conservation efforts such as the restoration of European bison or the support of wolf immigration into Germany are often socio-scientifically controversial. In many cases, disputes are based on individuals’ threat perception and attitudes towards the animal involved. The herewith reported study provides qualitative insights into German adolescents’ (n?=?31, Mage?=?16.6 years) attitudes towards animal reintroduction, their threat and coping appraisal about wildlife and their knowledge of local endangered species. We found that students had rather limited knowledge of local endangered species. After Kellert's categories of animal attitudes, the adolescents showed a strong moralistic view on wildlife return. Naturalistic, ecologistic and utilitarian views were also strongly apparent. According to the Protection Motivation Theory, perceived threats could be identified as threats to animals on the one hand and threats to human interests on the other. Such threat perceptions often lead to a dilemma, which made it difficult to decide upon the priorities of wildlife protection versus protection of human interests. Coping mechanism to reduce threats to human interests as mentioned by the participants included restrictions of the animal as well as strategies that focused on responsibility by humans. Regarding coping mechanism to prevent the species’ extinction, participants showed a relatively superficial understanding. Furthermore, we found that participants from regions where wolves are currently immigrating or European bison are being reintroduced showed a more positive understanding of the respective animal. Our findings are discussed in the light of this topic's potential as an example of a real-life socio-scientific issue in classroom discussions.  相似文献   

罗马胁迫法起源于严法契约与诚信契约.在严法契约中,胁迫之诉必须事先向裁判官提出要求与申请才可能受理,而在诚信契约中裁判官可依诚信原则直接裁决,当事人也可以据此提出胁迫抗辩.通常,罗马法胁迫有针对财产实施损害的胁迫、提起民事诉讼的胁迫、对人身实施伤害的胁迫及提起刑事诉讼的胁迫4种情形.但学者们对前两者是否构成胁迫存有歧义.至于构成胁迫的要素,学者们认为有3个:损害威胁引起的恐惧;损害的后果是严重的;威胁违背了善良道德.  相似文献   

我国合同法把债权人的撤销权作为合同保全的手段之一,学者们对撤销之诉的原告、被告、客体、范围、消灭等问题存在争议。确定债权人撤销权主体的标准,主要是判断债权是否适合于保全。提起撤销之诉时,只能以债务人为被告,受益人或受让人只能列为第三人。债权人撤销权的客体,为债务人或其代理人的有害行为。债权人的撤销权可以因抛弃、除斥期间的经过而消灭。  相似文献   

Wilson et al.'s (1998) revision of politeness theory has been applied to requesting, refusing and relational development, finding that different types of face threat are present in an interaction depending on the interaction goals. This investigation seeks to extend Wilson et al.'s (1998) work by determining how threats to a speaker's and hearer's face needs influence a requester's desire to persist and use of persuasion and forgiving statements after refusal. Results indicate that refusals creating greater threat to the positive and negative face needs of requesters yield greater desire to persist and use of persuasion statements. Specific face threats did not appear to be related to use of forgiving statements.  相似文献   

Threat‐assessment procedures are advanced for their utility in reducing racial disparities in punitive and exclusionary school discipline outcomes. Generally unexamined, however, is bias in who gets referred for school‐based threat assessment and under what circumstances. Cultural‐competence considerations hold promise for addressing sources of bias in the evaluation of threats made in the school setting. Using a quantitative approach, this systematic literature review examines the degree to which contemporary cultural‐competence considerations are embedded in 24 school‐based threat‐assessment articles published between 2007 and 2017. Results indicate generally poor coverage of considerations for cultural competence both within and across threat‐assessment articles. An analysis of change in cultural‐competence considerations by year of publication suggests that more recently published threat‐assessment literature has generally not integrated concurrent advancements in concepts of cultural competence. Preliminary guidance for incorporating contemporary cultural‐competence considerations into school‐based threat‐assessment procedures are provided.  相似文献   

Threat assessment is a violence prevention strategy used to investigate and respond to threats to harm others. In 2013, Virginia mandated the use of threat assessment teams for threats to self and to others, effectively subsuming suicide assessment with threat assessment and raising questions about the distinction between the two practices. In a statewide sample of 2,861 cases from 926 schools, there were more threats to self (60%) than others (35%), with only 5% involving threats to both self and others. Threats to self were more likely to be made by females (odds ratio [OR] = 3.38) and students with fewer prior disciplinary actions (OR = 0.48). Threats to self were much less likely to involve a weapon (OR = 0.07), but more likely to be attempted (OR = 1.50) and result in mental health services (OR = 2.96). They were much less likely to result in out‐of‐school suspensions (OR = 0.07), legal action (OR = 0.17), and/or changes in placement (OR = 0.53). Overall, these findings support a clear distinction between suicide and threat assessment.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the question of interaction between home and international students using qualitative data from 100 home students at two ‘teaching intensive’ universities in the southwest of England. Stephan and Stephan's Integrated Threat Theory is used to analyse the data, finding evidence for all four types of threat that they predict when outgroups interact. It is found that home students perceive threats to their academic success and group identity from the presence of international students on the campus and in the classroom. These are linked to anxieties around ‘mindful’ forms of interaction and a taboo around the discussion of difference, leading to a ‘passive xenophobia’ for the majority. The paper concludes that Integrated Threat Theory is a useful tool in critiquing the ‘internationalisation at home’ agenda, making suggestions for policies and practices that may alleviate perceived threats, thereby improving the quality and outcomes of intercultural interaction.  相似文献   

我国行政诉讼中法人或者其他组织终止后的原告资格转移制度存在诸多漏洞,法律规定过于宽泛,尤其承继原告的范围过于狭小,不应仅限于承受其权利的法人或其他组织。当法人或其他组织发生合并、分立时,由承受其权利的主体作承继原告;因其他原因终止的,由其清算组或管理人作承继原告;特殊情况下,由其撤销机关、主管部门、开办单位、股东作承继原告。  相似文献   

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