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Internationally, the railway industry is facing a severe shortage of engineers with high-level, relevant, professional and technical knowledge and abilities, in particular amongst engineers involved in the design, construction and maintenance of railway infrastructure. A unique graduate level programme has been created to meet that global need via a fully online, distance education format. The development and operation of this Master of Engineering degree is proposed as a model of the process needed for industry-relevance, flexible delivery, international networking and professional development required for a successful graduate engineering programme in the twenty-first century. In particular, this paper demonstrates how a mix of new and more familiar technologies are utilised through a variety of tasks to overcome the huge distances and multiple time zones that separate the participants across a growing number of countries, successfully achieving close and sustained interaction amongst the participants and railway experts.  相似文献   

Engineering education is facing new challenges to effectively provide the appropriate skills to future engineering professionals according to market demands. This study proposes a model based on active learning methods, which is expected to facilitate the acquisition of the professional skills most highly valued in the information and communications technology (ICT) market. The theoretical foundations of the study are based on the specific literature on active learning methodologies. The Delphi method is used to establish the fit between learning methods and generic skills required by the ICT sector. An innovative proposition is therefore presented that groups the required skills in relation to the teaching method that best develops them. The qualitative research suggests that a combination of project-based learning and the learning contract is sufficient to ensure a satisfactory skills level for this profile of engineers.  相似文献   

The analysis of the current state of the Ukrainian system of engineering education indicates the prevalence of traditional teaching–learning approaches in contrast to the modern needs of the labour market. Many universities across the world use the problem/project-based learning (PBL) which is an effective approach for the development of design and management skills of engineering students. The paper describes a detailed structure of a PBL course in project management and practical experience related to its implementation in an engineering degree programme at Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy. Also, the results of surveys carried out in order to study the students’ generic competences’ development and perception of the PBL process are presented. The results show that students understand the diversity of PBL aspects and the influence of the PBL approach on their professional characteristics such as teamwork, ability of self-directed learning, communication and problem-solving skills.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the changing role of engineers in industry and society with specific reference to the increasing environmental pressures on industry. Sustainable development, as discussed widely since the Brundtland Report in 1987, provides a broad framework for environmental activities in industry. The intended move—worldwide—towards sustainable development involves engineering in the key role of designing and managing ‘Clean Technology’, i.e. of technological systems which are less harmful, more efficient and socially as well as environmentally acceptable. The paper examines the extent to which professional engineers can work and achieve sustainable development within their professional roles and considers their roles and responsibilities involved in such a move. Special emphasis is given to the role of creativity, ethics and the demand for professionalism in the changing roles of engineers. The examination of the ethical and professional issues identified is used together with the observed changes in industrial systems and engineering roles to determine new educational needs of those engineers driving future developments in industry.  相似文献   

张锐 《教育教学论坛》2020,(19):147-148
针对现有普通高校工科教学,尤其是土木工程类教学中理论知识烦琐、枯燥、专业基础课向专业课过渡期间学生实际体验性不强等问题进行了简要分析并提出三点改进措施:课前课后观看工程类电视纪录片;结合“项目学习”教学方法,在课堂内以企业优秀工程汇报片为线进行串讲;积极推进校企合作,鼓励学生在专业课学习之前进行专业见习并重视实习的考核与评价。  相似文献   

本文主要介绍了麻省理工学院(MIT)新近发起的一项工科本科生教学改革项目:Gordon工程领导力计划.作者分析了该项目发起的时代背景及其以项目为基础的学习模式、跨学科合作、企业参与、专业化管理等运行特点和近期在美国其他高校进行试点的规划.  相似文献   

快速变化的全球工作环境对工程师在解决复杂工程问题能力、多学科整合与创新能力以及合作与多元文化交流能力等方面提出了需求。能力建设为继续工程教育人才培养提供了新思路,即以学习者为中心,注重能力建设,从宏观政策支持、职业生涯规划、学习成果认定、执业资格培训、专业能力提升以及融合实践学习等六个方面全方位构建继续工程教育人才培养框架,并从政府、行业、企业、学校、个人等不同利益相关者的角度科学合理地设计其实现路径,以满足社会经济发展对工程师知识更新和能力提升的需要。  相似文献   

Following a brief introduction, the extension of engineering education in Spain is described. A scheme of the national education system is given. We consider the impact of the current implementation of new university curricula as a way of improving the quality of the programmes. Attention is paid to the fact of including foreign languages in the engineering programmes of the Spanish universities. Throughout the article, the question of the need of communication for engineers both during their undergraduate and postgraduate studies in engineering as well as in their practical training in industry is emphasized. The core of the paper is devoted to the fact of considering English as the lingua franca for new technologies. A programme called English for Engineering Environments is presented as a way of improving not only the training and understanding of students while at university, but also as future professionals for industry.  相似文献   

The paper reviews the lessons of planning and running an Engineering Management practitioner development programme in a partnership between BP and the University of Manchester. This distance-learning programme is for professional engineers in mid-career experienced in the engineering and support activities for delivering safe, compliant and reliable projects and operations worldwide. The programme concentrates on the why and how of leadership and judgement in managing the engineering of large and small projects and operational support. Two intensive residential weeks are combined with a virtual learning environment over one year. Assessed assignments between and after the residential weeks provide opportunities for individual reflective learning for each delegate through applying concepts and the lessons of case studies to their experience, current challenges and expected responsibilities. This successful partnership between a major global company and a university rich in research and teaching required a significant dedication of intellectual and leadership effort by all concerned. The rewards for both parties and most importantly for the engineers themselves are extensive.  相似文献   

Technical communication and technical writing are important skills for the daily work-life of every engineer. In the first-year engineering programme at KU Leuven, a technical writing programme is implemented within the project-based course ‘Problem Solving and Engineering Design’. This paper describes a case study for implementing a writing programme based on active learning methods and situated learning in large classes. The programme consists of subsequent cycles of instructions, learning by doing and reflection on received feedback. In addition, a peer-review assignment, together with an interactive lecture using clicking devices, is incorporated within the assignments of the second semester. A checklist of desired writing abilities makes it easier to grade the large number of papers. Furthermore, this ensures that all staff involved in the evaluation process uses the same criteria to grade and for providing feedback.  相似文献   

Chemical engineers have played key roles in the growth of the chemical and allied industries in Ghana but indigenous industries that have traditionally been the domain of the informal sector need to be migrated to the formal sector through the entrepreneurship and innovation of chemical engineers. The Higher National Diploma Chemical Engineering programme is being migrated from a subject-based to a competency-based curriculum. This paper evaluates the programme from the point of view of students. Data were drawn from a survey conducted in the department and were analysed using SPSS. The survey involved administering questionnaires to students at all levels in the department. Analysis of the responses indicated that the majority of the students had decided to pursue chemical engineering due to the career opportunities available. Their knowledge of the programme learning outcomes was, however, poor. The study revealed that none of the students was interested in developing indigenous industries.  相似文献   

针对应用型高校机械类传统专业与智能制造、精密制造行业发展深度融合的迫切需要,结合新工科建设的要求,提出应用型高校机械类传统专业改造升级的思路。面向智能制造与精密行业对机械工程专业人才培养提出的新要求,以CECCCDIO校企深度融合工匠型项目式工程教育为指导,以OBE理念为人才培养目标,对面向精密制造、智能制造业的高技能复合型机械工程领域人才培养方案和培养模式进行探索与改革,构建校企深度融合工匠型项目式一体化课程体系,面向行业需求开展多层次、多元化、个性化的校企合作机制改革,为应用型高校机械类传统专业人才培养提供新思路。  相似文献   

The development of a continuing vocational training programme at the Information Satellite Systems Joint-Stock Company (ISS JSC) during the transition from the planned Soviet economy to what is now called the Russian market economy is briefly outlined. How the collapse of a planned economy led to the degradation of engineering higher education (HE) is shown. The present system of engineering HE is criticized as a degraded relic of the Soviet one and an argument is made in favour of continuing vocational training in businesses like the ISS JSC, where the engineers are engaged in innovative activities. The schematic programme of training, retraining and improving the professional skills of the company’s personnel is presented. Some work assignments of the centre for personnel management at the ISS JSC are examined, in particular the preparation of target students along the ‘school–HE–industry’ chain.  相似文献   

Product design is the convergence point for engineering and design thinking and practices. Until recently, product design has been taught either as a component of mechanical engineering or as a subject within design schools but increasingly there is global recognition of the need for greater synergies between industrial design and engineering training. Product design engineering (PDE) is a new interdisciplinary programme combining the strengths of the industrial design and engineering. This paper examines the emergence of PDE in an environment of critique of conventional engineering education and exemplifies the current spread of programmes endorsing a hybrid programme of design and engineering skills. The paper exemplifies PDE with the analysis of the programme offered at Swinburne University of Technology (Australia), showing how the teaching of ‘designerly’ thinking to engineers produces a new graduate particularly suited to the current and future environment of produce design practice. The paper concludes with reflections on the significance of this innovative curriculum model for the field of product design and for engineering design in general.  相似文献   

通过对现行水利工程领域工程师职业资格设置情况进行总结,分析了水利行业专业工程师职业资格制度存在的问题,对水利行业推进专业工程师职业资格制度提出了具体对策,并对水利工程专业学位研究生教育与专业工程师职业资格认证衔接给出几点思考。  相似文献   

This paper reviews literature that explores the role of judgement in professional practice. It discusses how workplace decisions, work activities and reflection on these activities may contribute to the development of wise judgements, or ‘wisdom’, and how workplaces can leverage these activities for induction and transition to work programmes. This review of the literature is prompted by survey results inviting engineering graduates and professionals to identify the capabilities they believe are most significant to success in the engineering workplace. The requirement for sound professional judgement resonates in participant responses. The paper summarises views of expertise, the relationship between experience and the development of professional judgement and the broader contribution of expansive and participatory learning environments to developing professional judgement. It concludes that the organisation of work and job design can facilitate the articulation of new engineers to professional practice, and that organisational learning programmes can leverage workplace activities to foster wise judgement in graduate engineers.  相似文献   

This paper offers a multi-perspective view on engineering education at RWTH Aachen University: curriculum design, examples of newly developed teaching methods for engineering curri-cula, and teaching competencies and teacher qualification. It is based on the theories of student-centred learning, project learning, social skills, etc., but the paper covers the practical implications and ways of implementation of these items in a current design process of a new study programme: In the course of the Bologna process the mechanical engineering study programme of RWTH Aachen University has encountered a complete and thorough revision responding to the need of present-day technical students and—accordingly—to the fast-growing requirements of the engineering industry. This change process will be presented. A case study from engineering informatics shows concepts for modern teaching methods, responding to the requirements of students and industry, especially regarding social skills. Teaching competencies have to change and grow accordingly. Thus, a concept for the improvement of educational skills and abilities of engineering teachers—integrated into their work process—is demonstrated.  相似文献   

Conclusion By implementing knowledge management features in an EPSS-like structure, the WRCC provided a more effective performance solution that was in alignment with the firm’s business objectives, making sure that both the employees’ learning and performance needs and the firm’s needs were addressed (Stone & Villachica, 2003). The activity of building a WRCC helped the software engineers learn about new tools and languages in the software engineering domain, while constructing a knowledge base to support their future learning and professional development in that domain. In addition, their work on the WRCC helped software engineers strengthen their connections to the larger software engineering communities of practice while they developed a local learning community that encouraged sharing, coaching and mentoring. Ultimately, the firm was able to reduce their reliance on conventional training by 70% - their original goal — by allowing the software engineers to create and use an on-the-job learning architecture that was more situated, social, transparent, open, flexible and respectful of their workplace learning and professional development needs.  相似文献   

Mapping the curriculum of a professional degree to the associated competency standard ensures graduates have the competence to perform as professionals. Existing approaches to competence mapping vary greatly in depth, complexity, and effectiveness, and a standardised approach remains elusive. This paper describes a new mapping software tool that streamlines and standardises the competency mapping process. The available analytics facilitate ongoing programme review, management, and accreditation. The complete mapping and analysis of an Australian mechanical engineering degree programme is described as a case study. Each subject is mapped by evaluating the amount and depth of competence development present. Combining subject results then enables highly detailed programme level analysis. The mapping process is designed to be administratively light, with aspects of professional development embedded in the software. The effective competence mapping described in this paper enables quantification of learning within a professional degree programme, and provides a mechanism for holistic programme improvement.  相似文献   

项目教学法在专业课程教学中常被采用,在中职学校有着良好的土壤。在中职数学课程教学中,植入项目教学法,开展项目化学习具有得天独厚的条件。项目化学习基于真实的驱动性问题解决,指向学生核心知识构建与高阶学习,可以激发学生学习兴趣、发展数学核心素养。中职数学项目化学习与专业课程教学中采用的项目教学法在本质上是一致的,它们都是通过创建特定的问题情境,以合适的项目为载体,使学生在解决基于项目中的问题过程中产生高阶学习、习得知识技能、形成学科素养。  相似文献   

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