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This paper reports mature students' responses to a creative project, focusing on their own analyses to identify and demonstrate the conditions required to provide worthwhile creative experience for participants unused to such practices. In considering their reactions to the project brief, the paper demonstrates the lack of confidence felt by many when faced with creative work, arising out of myths about the exclusive nature of creativity. The report then identifies some ways in which a creative approach was fostered: by giving permission to non‐experienced students to work in a creative manner (by dismantling some of the mythology), by providing a personal space (both physical and mental) for this to take place, by encouraging a playful attitude to the project that enjoyed ambiguity and uncertainty, and by feeding the students' ideas with a programme of enhancement experiences. The place of one‐to‐one tutorials in developing an appropriate approach is evidenced. Throughout the paper, students' own responses provide forceful support for engagement in practical creative activity, demonstrating the sense of empowerment felt, and showing how the experience initiated long‐term developments in their thinking, both professionally and personally.  相似文献   

The article describes Israel’s approach to the education of gifted and talented children. It describes the programs for gifted and talented children in Israel and the process for selecting students for these programs. The method of selecting students for programs is consistent with the Ministry of Education’s definition of giftedness, the goals of the giftedness programs, and the characteristics of these programs. The selection method is affected by the standards required of the instruments as well as other constraints, such as the constraints on funding for this purpose.The author of this article is the director of the Szold Institute program for identifying gifted children. The project is funded by the Israeli Ministry of Education  相似文献   

以近代社会发展历程为出发点,概括和指出了中国共产党领导下的社会主义的坎坷经历及经验教训;揭示了中国现代化的内涵,用不仅仅是工业化与电气化,亦包括民主化与法制化,社会化与市场化,信息化与知识化,社会明与生态明。  相似文献   

Positive and negative perfectionism as well as four goal orientations were assessed in a sample of 315 Chinese gifted students in Hong Kong. These students tended to endorse positive perfectionism more than negative perfectionism and prefer learning and social goals over performance and avoidance goals. Learning and social goal orientations emerged as significant predictors in the prediction of positive perfectionism, whereas performance and avoidance goal orientations emerged as significant predictors for negative perfectionism. Implications of the findings for promoting healthy strivings for excellence through setting different goals are discussed.  相似文献   

When the United Nations General Assembly authorized holding the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in Johannesburg, it was hardly a secret – or even a point in dispute – that progress in implementing sustainable development had been disappointing since the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro. With poverty deepening and environmental degradation worsening, what was necessary, the General Assembly said, was not a new philosophical or political debate, but rather a summit of actions and results (United Nations, 2002). We can question the WSSD accomplishments and whether the subsequent actions and results will contribute in meaningful ways to sustainable development. However, I think it is more important for science educators to ask: What are the implications of WSSD for science education? Why is science education not more intrinsically linked to the goals of human rights, democracy, and social justice? What are the ways in which science education ought to be connected to issues of sustainable development? In essence, where are the footpaths to/from science education? I investigate such questions in this position paper, while arguing that an education in science ought to enable learners to: (a) understand how the natural world works, (b) understand how human systems are interacting with natural systems, (c) assess the status and trends of crucial natural systems, and (d) promote and follow a long-term, sustainable relationship with the natural world. These are the very ways in which an education in science (i.e., science education) ought to be connected to issues of sustainable development.  相似文献   

Maladaptive perfectionism has the potential to put gifted individuals at an increased risk for cardiac events via the reduced heart rate variability that results from chronic negative affect and physiological stress reactions. As a result, implementing affective interventions into gifted programs may play a critical role in teaching gifted children with maladaptive perfectionism stress-management techniques and coping strategies, which could help keep gifted children with maladaptive perfectionism from growing into adults with similar issues who are then at an increased risk of negative health consequences. Through a review of the theoretical and empirical literature, the current article explores the possible ramifications of maladaptive perfectionism on the health of both gifted children and adults, with a specific focus on the relationship of maladaptive perfectionism to stress and cardiovascular disease. Suggestions for the implementation of preventative measures in the form of targeted affective interventions based on the review of the literature are then provided.  相似文献   

This article by two former faculty leaders describes the development and implementation of the Arizona post tenure review policy, with particular emphasis on the Arizona State University experience. This policy had to balance the somewhat different expectations of the Arizona Board of Regents, the faculty, and university administration. The article outlines the communication strategies used in negotiations with regents and faculty groups and draws lessons for other university systems which may be commencing their own journey down the long and winding path of post tenure review development and implementation.  相似文献   

我国科学教育引入科学史的动因是增强科学教育的历史感,历史感反思与批判内涵的达成是设立单独的科学史课程。在现象学教育学的视域下,历史感的另一种意义被发现,即教育意向中科学教育的真实可感。实现这种历史感的方式是运用科学史故事,因为它可以实现师生对科学私密的拥有。具体的运用途径包括:使科学史故事发生于时间意识之中,使学生的意识充盈,以及激活科学史故事包蕴的原初意义。未来我国科学教育历史感的达成仍存在广阔的可能性。  相似文献   

Researchers and advocates who argue for increased recognition of gifted students with learning disabilities (G/LD students) often frame their arguments in terms of the need to increase the diversity and inclusiveness of gifted education. However, the criteria used to identify G/LD students are sufficiently vague and fluid that the G/LD category can serve as a vehicle for the very elitism and social class reproduction that the category's advocates abhor. Empirical research suggests that G/LD students often fail to satisfy traditional criteria for either aspect of their label, while the incentives of the classification are nonetheless evident to knowledgeable parents and school personnel. Implications of these findings for practice are discussed.  相似文献   

“曲径通幽”是语文知识教学的方法论诉求。教师通过对语文教材的沿用、加工、改编与增删,与学生的对话性交互作用,帮助学生实现对语文知识的合理性选择、创造性转化和多元化理解,并为语文教学过程增添吸引力与趣味性。“曲径通幽”的实质是为了追求学生“主观能动性的活性化”。“曲径通幽”的特征主要有遮蔽性、过程性、探究性与审美性,其意义包括对直传知识教学方法的否定与超越,崇尚理性与彰显游戏性。“曲径通幽”的操作程序包括自我凸显、蓄势作意、劲举力张和长善救失四个步骤。  相似文献   

民办高校与普通高校在发展和管理上不同,要自筹经费,自谋发展,必须探求教育规律和经济规律。 学校的成功在于建立好的领导班子,形成坚强的领导核心。  相似文献   

The article presents an analytical overview of the science and technology curriculum from the viewpoint of the inclusive approach adopted toward gifted education in Slovenian basic education. The main research question concerns how the current curriculum fits the learning needs of gifted students. For the purposes of the study, 16 compulsory and elective syllabi of science and technology school subjects were identified and qualitatively analyzed, and the role of activity days was examined within the target framework. The results show a rather weak operationalization of recommendations for gifted education in defined learning objectives and standards in the syllabi. Moreover, it was found that elective school subjects in science and technology are poorly represented in students’ overall selection of elective school subjects. In addition, activity days offer numerous possibilities for the implementation of the general recommendations for teaching the gifted.  相似文献   

在社会主义的问题上,西方马克思主义者提出过许多论点和命题,其中最引人注目的当数所谓"当代走向社会主义的道路要由科学到乌托邦"论,其代表人物是布洛赫和马尔库塞.他们所提出的当代走向社会主义的道路要从科学到乌托邦,就是说要颠倒马克思主义从空想到科学的发展的命题,是没有根据的,因为它严重歪曲了马克思主义的这个命题.科学社会主义诞生以来的150多年中,社会主义实践的历程表明,走向社会主义道路只能是从空想到科学,而绝不是从科学到乌托邦.中国特色社会主义的建设成就告诉人们,在当代,振兴社会主义的道路并不在于要改弦更张,使社会主义从科学倒退到空想,而是要更紧密地结合时代特征和本国实践向前推进科学社会主义.  相似文献   

中国妇女的解放过程一直伴随着性别角色的转型。抗战前期,在民族主义号召下,大批妇女走出厨房,投身社会。但抗战进入相持阶段,国统区内传统思想泛起,保守派以传统性别分工制度为理论基础,试图将妇女"赶回厨房"。中共直接领导的《妇女之路》与传统思想针锋相对,构建了在抗战救国时期妇女的社会角色,推动了国统区妇女的思想解放。  相似文献   

使用自我描述问卷(SDQ-Ⅱ)测量11-13岁超常儿童和同龄儿童的自我概念,被试为北京第八中学超常实验班和与之年龄匹配的中小学生.结果表明:超常儿童在一般学校自我,诚实可信赖自我,与同性关系自我三个维度显著低于同龄儿童;超常儿童与同龄儿童诚实可信赖自我和与同性关系自我概念的发展模式存在差异,同龄儿童的自我概念随年龄增长显著上升,对自身的看法和知觉更为正性,而超常儿童的自我概念相比之下变化较小.结果显示,超常儿童的自我概念具有与同龄儿童不同的发展模式.文章根据这些结果对超常教育存在的问题进行了讨论.  相似文献   

毛主席说,长征是宣言书,长征是宣传队,长征是播种机。在长征40多年后的1977年,成仿吾首先推出了一部全面地、系统地再现了长征的整个历程和所有重大事件的著作《长征回忆录》,成为后人研究长征的必读之作之一。  相似文献   

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