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继续教育的内涵演变给继续教育的专业设置一种日趋激烈的内在张力:专业知识、职业技能与全民化、终身学习的个性化需求之间的紧张。继续教育专业设置格局是在多元利益需求主体的博弈中形成并演变调整的。据此,高校继续教育的专业设置应遵循国家逻辑、市场逻辑、高校逻辑和个体逻辑的多重逻辑结构。  相似文献   

继续教育市场中的政府职能定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马永斌 《成人教育》2009,29(11):4-6
继续教育兼具市场性和公共性双重属性。一方面继续教育应当遵循市场规律,通过市场机制配置各方资源,按照市场化方式运作;另一方面作为教育的一种形态,继续教育产品具有准公共物品的特征,政府应当在继续教育工作中发挥主导作用。文章从继续教育及继续教育市场概念入手,围绕继续教育的产业属性展开分析,探讨了政府在继续教育市场当中的职能定位。  相似文献   

Few analyses of participation in continuing education take into account management at the local or regional level. This is surprising, since continuing education is expected to react not only to global changes in employment structures, but also to local changes in demographic structures, qualification levels or migration flows. Responding to this problematic situation with individualized and diverse choices is especially challenging considering that, in recent years, local community administrations have also been given the responsibility of managing continuing education programs. Questions arise regarding the extent to which local communities actually address the needs of specific (non-)participant groups and the role community management of continuing education plays. These questions are investigated using a multi-level model which looks at the impact of local community administrative practices on participation in continuing education by members of certain social groups. We find differences between districts in the continuing education participation of older persons as well as less qualified males.  相似文献   

Research studies have shown clear and persistent differences between the French and English systems of education. Given that England and France are in many ways very similar societies, sharing a European heritage, of approximately the same population profile, with comparable levels of socioeconomic and technological development and facing the same financial imperatives in a global market, the question arises as to why their educational arrangements should be so different. In this paper it is argued that the differences arise out of deeply embedded cultural traditions through which contrasting fundamental value orientations are mediated and that these fundamental value orientations can be traced back to and now represent secularised educational versions of French Catholicism and English Protestantism. Evidence is put forward to suggest that structures of consciousness and forms of social organisation which originally developed in an ecclesiastical context for religious purposes have been transformed over time into secular equivalents for educational and economic purposes and that it is in the continuing societal commitments to the two dissimilar sets of underpinning moral values that an explanation for the observable contrasts between French and English primary education needs to be sought.  相似文献   

The notion of a ‘learning society’ is one that crops up increasingly today in the ongoing debate about the future of education in the postmodern world, together with its twin notion, ‘lifelong learning’. This article discusses the contemporary discourse within which this debate tends to be contextualized and finds several worrying factors about it: namely that it has a vocationalist, managerialist, thrust, is oriented towards the requirements of the market and the global economy and the needs of employers, and subjected to the principle of peformativity. The article concurrently examines recent trends in adult and continuing education that confirm this agenda, and asks how it can be resisted. The possibility of creating a counter-utopia or counter-discourse to it which replaces performativity with justice is proposed, but this runs into the objections of postmodernists against the employment of master narratives. The article then examines whether there are alternative resources within ‘postmodernism’ itself which do not fall foul of these objections within which an oppositional discourse could be constructed.  相似文献   

芬兰政府意识到技能发展体系应适应日益变化的劳动力市场,及时升级低技能劳动力的继续教育水平,这对本国经济的发展和国家竞争力的提高至关重要.目前,芬兰社会对高技能人才的需求急剧增加,人口老龄化问题突出,成年人现有技能水平不均衡等历史背景,促使该国对低技能劳动力提供更多的、形式丰富的继续教育机会,但低技能劳动力的学习参与度较低.芬兰同时面临着教育结构不合理、继续教育服务与劳动力市场需求不匹配、低技能劳动力具有特殊学情等挑战.芬兰通过改革福利制度,激励低技能劳动力积极参与继续教育学习和提升技能水平;加强继续教育的综合服务和发展数字化教育服务,为学习者提供更便捷的学习支持;鼓励雇主参与制订培训方案,降低义务教育辍学率等方面,促进低技能劳动力进行技能升级,提高整体素质,这为我国教育适应低技能劳动力未来发展提供了有益的借鉴.  相似文献   

王毅军 《成人教育》2012,32(12):10-12
随着中国市场经济体制不断发展、完善,知识经济体系下的终身学习已获得社会的广泛认同,成人高等继续教育理应迎来再次高速发展的契机。在培养具有创新性思维人才的创新文化背景下,中国的成人高等继续教育应肩负起创新社会发展的重任。在创新文化背景下,成人高等继续教育只有遵循教育内容创新、教育理念创新、教育形式创新和传播手段创新的思路,才能真正推动成人高等继续教育的改革与发展。  相似文献   

多样化是继续教育市场的表现形式,这种形式既是市场经济的必然产物,同时也给市场管理带来了压力,提出了挑战。文章通过对继续教育市场多样化的表现形式、原因分析、危害表现及管理对策分析,从而为继续教育市场的改革和完善提供借鉴。  相似文献   

ICT for and in Internationalization Processes: A Business School Case Study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It is assumed that information and communication technologies (ICTs) are pivotal for globalization of higher education and in internationalization processes. Moreover, it is claimed that globalization and new technologies have opened up a global market for education, in which new providers of higher education operate, and that this competition poses significant threats to traditional campus-based universities and colleges. This article we will shed light on these assumptions, by focusing on the following problem statement: To what extent is ICT seen as a means to internationalize higher education and how are ICTs employed in internationalization processes? This study reports findings from a case study of the Norwegian School of Management, a private business school, which in Norway is often seen as a stereotype of a ‘new provider’ operating in a global market, and a theoretically relevant case for, at a micro level, study the intersection between internationalization and ICT. The case study indicates that although information and communication technologies are seen as central in internationalization processes, and for supporting and coordinating international activities, they are not seen as driving forces for internationalization of higher education. The data indicates five main ways through which ICTs are used as support tools in internationalization processes.  相似文献   

公众对继续教育的理解就是提升学历和文凭的途径,虽然在思想上既接纳文化的不断创新,也认同全球文化你中有我、我中有你,但对知识更新、补充、拓展和能力提高总是不能全面接受,理由是受教育的时间不对、教育方式不对、知识内容不对,这些都是许多人面对继续教育中各种各样的思虑。在当下国际化的时代,经济、金融、传媒、人才、资源都趋向全球化,这些的关键基础是人才和能力、技能和知识的延展性、更替性,这也是在全球化时代,继续教育发展和创新的关键点。让继续教育理念主体终身学习,重要的是对知识更新补充扩展去学习,而不再是为了学历的提升去学习,从而适应全球化和信息技术变化所带来的压力。  相似文献   

文章围绕高校继续教育发展模式的创新与转型,就高校继续教育品牌化发展,建立与市场经济相适应的管理运行体制机制,完善教育培训产业链,创新继续教育服务模式和营销模式,搭建资源共享的终身学习服务平台等问题作了思考。  相似文献   

改革开放之前,我国继续教育管理体制遵循的是计划经济下的运行模式。随着社会主义市场经济体制的建立和完善,继续教育发展的市场化趋势日益明显。特别是在非学历继续教育领域,各类社会化的教育服务机构已经占据了市场主体地位。我国继续教育管理体制改革,首先是要加快立法进程,健全完善继续教育政策法规体系;其次应打破传统的条块分割的管理体制,建立跨部门的继续教育领导机构,加强对优质教育资源的整合,再次是要充分发挥公办教育机构在成人学历教育中的主导作用;最后,要充分发挥社会的力量,鼓励多元化的教育市场主体参与进来,注重社会力量办学的规范化管理,共同推动继续教育的发展。  相似文献   

Despite a near universal consensus among scientists regarding the perils of climate change for human civilizations, climate change has not emerged as a key issue among science educators. This position paper advocates for the centrality of climate change in science education. Using Polanyi’s critique of market in capitalist societies, it positions global climate change as an outcome of commodification of nature in market dominated societies. Thus, the paper argues that global climate change is primarily a societal issue that needs a societal response much more than a technological one. Further, it presents a case for considering science education as an important element of societal response to global climate change. In the end, the paper presents some ideas for re-imagining science education for the global climate change era.  相似文献   

With the increase in the number of displaced peoples, the demand for skilled social workers from diverse backgrounds to serve them is critical. This article explores a continuing education program that prepares precollege individuals from newly arriving communities who will work as entry-level workers serving these immigrant and refugee communities. The article focuses on the development of a Case Management Certificate Program as a response to community-identified issues, then presents a discussion exploring the educational pathways and unique contributions of these individuals. The article calls for the profession to explore how continuing education pathways can bridge service gaps, contribute to the knowledge base of social work, and meet current labor market demands.  相似文献   

Increased accountability is at the centre of widespread educational reforms which feature the rhetoric of deregulation in many countries across the globe. Not only have educational systems, institutions and practitioners been required to be more accountable, but arguably the nature of accountability has also changed from professional and democratic to managerial and market forms. In particular, within the hegemonic discourses of the market ideology associated with globalization, market accountability to paying customers (both within a nation-state and internationally) has been foregrounded. However, the hegemony is not complete. Governments have often positioned themselves as ‘market managers’, creating a complex and often contradictory relationship between new forms of market and managerial accountability, layered on top of more traditional notions of professional and democratic accountability. This paper explores the changing nature of accountability in Australian and English higher education, and makes comparisons between them. As we enter the twenty-first century, central higher education authorities in both countries are conducting major reviews and revisionings of mechanisms to enhance the accountability of universities in the new global knowledge-based economy. While the analysis finds convergence of policy objectives and discourses, it also finds divergences in the particular structures and processes employed. Further, it finds a disjunction between macro-level policy intent and institutional-level reactions and practices in both countries. We argue that with globalization ‘talk’, it is important not to gloss over policy differences between individual nation-states, and to problematize potentially globalizing concepts such as accountability within policy debates at both national and global levels.  相似文献   

In many countries, neo-liberal education policy has embraced the concept of a regulated education market. In Australia, for example, the federal government is seeking to create one education market by pursuing policies that blur the distinction between public and private education. There is a growing body of research examining the operation and effects of education markets, using a range of perspectives and approaches. However, historical perspectives have rarely been used in relation to this research programme. This is surprising given that the education market is not just a contemporary phenomenon: it has a past. This paper explores the insights that can be gained from an historical perspective by undertaking an historical sociology of a period of South Australian education history (1852–1875) when there was a regulated education market in operation. The paper focuses on one aspect of the effects of regulated markets, that of teachers’ work.  相似文献   

随着科技的进步,经济的发展,继续教育作为终身教育的重要组成部分,让人们对继续教育的认识越来越清晰,同时继续教育对经济的腾飞有着非常积极的、重要的促进作用。高职院校作为继续教育的施教机构之一,在现实条件下,遇到了前所未有的机遇和挑战.文章对高职院校的继续教育现状及发展加以探讨。  相似文献   

我国网络教育发展历程述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网络教育在我国发展了十余载,根据其发展痕迹可将其发展历程分为预备期、初创期、成长期、成熟期和新时期五个阶段。在发展过程中,网络教育实现了从学历教育向非学历继续教育的转型,完成了从高等教育领域到基础教育、职业培训、企业E-Leaming和教育服务市场的扩展,其完善的公共服务体系、成功的市场融资和成熟的商业化运营,使其逐步走向成熟,从而迈向腾飞发展的新时期,担当起构建灵活开放的终身教育体系的重任。网络教育已成为我国重要的人力资源培养形式,但尚有巨大开发空间,需在发展过程中加强反思精神以促进其全面发展。  相似文献   

党中央、各级人民政府下大力整顿食品流通市场,食品卫生安全,越来越受到人们的关注.如何建立一种长效、有力的管理和监督保障机制,成为关注的焦点,学校是人口高度密集的场所,学生的健康是头等大事,因此,学校对食品卫生安全问题必须警钟长鸣.  相似文献   

“远程开放继续教育”是一个混合性新概念,其中的“继续教育”概念表述则已经作了更新:包含“非学历继续教育”和“学历继续教育”;“非学历继续教育”对远程教育手段效率提出了更高的要求。而“非学历继续教育”可分为“行政行为”与“市场行为”两类;我们应在走稳“行政行为”这条腿的同时,尽快迈开“市场行为”的这条腿;至于它对远程教育手段效率所提出的更高要求,就正倒逼着我们加快改革速度、加大改革力度,故而既是挑战,也是优势之所在。  相似文献   

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