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In the Sixties 90 per cent of Gypsies could not read or write. Dr Thomas Acton, senior lecturer in the sociology of social policy, Thames Polytechnic, and vice chairman, National Gypsy Education Council, discusses progress since then.  相似文献   

新世纪的困惑:成人教育位置何在   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
20余年来,我国成人教育的发展一波三折、历经坎坷。从20世纪70年代末的职工“双补”开始,成人教育经过80年代前期的“膨胀期”、中期的“ 低谷期”、后期的“调整期”,到90年代才逐渐步入 “ 持续发展期”。这期间,成人教育以强劲的开拓力、灵活的应变力、顽强的生命力和卓著的办学实绩荡去了80年代前期“补偿论”、80年代中期“终结论 ”等种种歧视性偏见,不断地更新完善、快速发展。 1986年,建国以来规模最大的全国成人教育工作会议召开,李鹏同志作了题为《改革成人教育,发展成人教育》的讲话,明确指出:“成…  相似文献   

形象思维又称"艺术思维".在艺术欣赏和艺术创作过程中所进行的主要的思维活动和思维方式.意大利维柯在<新科学>中提出"诗性智慧",即用最具体的感性意象来理解事物和进行创造的想象功能,已把想象视为一种思维方式.俄国别林斯基在<艺术的概念>中提出艺术"用形象来思维".形象思维在艺术创作和欣赏的整个过程中是以审美感知为起点,经过联想、想象和幻想,形成审美意象,并从中获得美的愉悦.  相似文献   

概括阐述了数学直觉思维的实质及其重要性 ,并从 5个方面来加强学生数学的直觉思维训练 ,培养学生良好的思维品质  相似文献   

Physical education (PE) can make meaningful contributions to public health by directly providing moderate to vigorous physical activity (PA) opportunities for school-aged youth. Quality PE aims to contribute indirectly to PA beyond the school day. Unfortunately, insufficient evidence exists regarding the impact of PE on lifelong PA. This has led PE to a crossroads. Moving straight through the crossroads adds comprehensive school physical activity program responsibilities to the PE teacher’s load. Turning left results in PE teachers being replaced by PA leaders. The right turn reaffirms that the aim of PE is to teach youth the skills, knowledge, and dispositions to become physically literate and active for life. The right turn is the most difficult because it requires systemically changing school PE that has remained stagnant for decades. Recommendations are presented that include embracing the comprehensive school physical activity program model, conducting research clearly defining the role of PE and directing the contributions of PE to broader public health aims.  相似文献   

人员平均素质及学历偏低是目前新疆旅游业人才结构调整需要解决的问题之一。为满足旅游业对高素质技能型专业人才需求,高职旅游英语专业建设需在课程设置、工学结合、考核评价、"双师型"师资队伍等方面做进一步改革与实践。  相似文献   

本文对天津市职业教育师资队伍建设做法进行了系统介绍,以供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

Teachers of the deaf are challenged to facilitate maximum cognitive and linguistic growth in each student. Often these teachers are not given models to use in assessment and classroom intervention practice with their students. This article suggests that a Piagetian approach to education of the deaf can be applied to other bodies of research to understand what occurs as a deaf child comes to a point of knowledge. The article reviews current research in language acquisition and cognitive development. It makes suggestions for the application of this research to education of the deaf.  相似文献   

从中学生的思维特征谈创新思维能力的课堂培训   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在现今的教育格局之下,教师的授课以及学生的学习重点往往都放在一些专门性知识上,对教师工作和学生成绩的评价也更多地体现在考试分数的高低上。因而在面对考试分数不理想的学生时。往往采取耳提面命式的补课加机械重复和大量练习,不过常常事倍功半。问题的症结可能就出在思维方式上一学生的思维与教师的思维不同步、不协调,有些学生甚至还没有建立起较好的思维方法,正迫切地需要教师的点拨和培养。  相似文献   

In Ireland, new science curricula were introduced at primary and early post-primary levels in 2003, in an effort to reverse declining interest and enrolment in science. This paper reports on a national study that explored first year post-primary students’ experiences of and attitudes towards school science under these new curricula. Data were gathered from 366 pupils using survey and case study approaches. Findings revealed broadly positive attitudes towards post-primary school science, especially the experimental work that is at the heart of the new curriculum. However, it would appear that students were not conducting open-ended investigations or using information and communications technology [ICT] to any great extent; moreover, there was some evidence of traditional teaching methods being utilised. Pupils were highly critical of previous primary school science experiences, reporting a lack of ‘hands-on’ activities, didactic methodologies and, for a significant minority, a paucity of any memorable primary science at all. Improvements in curricular implementation are proposed.  相似文献   

阐述了数学思维习惯和数学思维能力的概念,根据数学教育的特点,应用现代教育思想和观念,提出了全面培养学生思维能力和思维习惯,提高学生整体素质的新途径。  相似文献   

In two studies the authors investigated the situations where 3- to 7-year-olds and adults (N = 152) will connect a person's current feelings to the past, especially to thinking or being reminded about a prior experience. Study 1 presented stories featuring a target character who felt sad, mad, or happy after an event in the past and who many days later felt that same negative or positive emotion upon seeing a cue related to the prior incident. For some story endings, the character's emotion upon seeing the cue matched, or was congruent, with the current situation, whereas for others, the emotion mismatched the present circumstances. Participants were asked to explain the cause of each character's current feelings. As a further comparison, children and adults listened to behavior cuing stories and provided explanations for characters' present actions. Study 2 presented emotional scenarios that varied by emotion-situation fit (whether the character's emotion matched the current situation), person-person fit (whether the character's emotion matched another person's), and past history information (whether information about the character's past was known). Results showed that although there were several significant developments with increasing age, even most 3-year-olds demonstrated some knowledge about connections between past events and present emotions and between thinking and feeling. Indeed, children 5 years and younger revealed strikingly cogent understanding about historical-mental influences in certain situations, especially where they had to explain why a person, who had experienced a negative event in the past, was currently feeling sad or mad in a positive situation. These findings help underwrite a more general account of the development of children's coherent understandings of life history, mind, and emotion.  相似文献   

Four year initial teacher education courses have recently undergone radical reform, in particular in relation to the time that students spend in schools. Through the introduction of mentorship programmes, teachers have become very much more involved in training the students whilst they are in school. How do teachers view the changes that have been introduced? Do they agree with the principles and models that guided the developments? Headteachers and class teachers who acted as mentors for students from the University of Reading have supplied some answers. They are very committed to the model of student learning upon which the mentorship programme is built, the belief that schools and the university must work in partnership to implement and further develop the mentorship programme and the view that schools need to adopt a whole school approach to their involvement in initial teacher education. These findings indicate that the teachers agree with the underlying principles that guided the development of the mentorship programme in which they are involved and they are supportive of the resulting changes to school experience.  相似文献   

The question of whether discussion is a crucial variable in teachers' learning from cases has not been tested empirically. This study investigated what teachers understood from just reading and writing about a case, compared to what they thought when also discussing it. The quality, form, and content of the thinking of 8 student teachers, 8 beginning teachers, and 8 experienced teachers was examined. Quantitative and qualitative analyses of participants' writing and oral discourse from the case discussions were undertaken. The work of Piaget and Vygotsky provide the theoretical basis for interpreting how discussion affected teachers' thinking about cases.  相似文献   

讨论形象及形象思维的一般功能与意义;形象思维对于化学科学的特别意义;形象思维对于化学教育教学的特别意义.探讨化学形象思维的训练及能力培养的4个主要环节,以及语言在化学形象思维中的作用.  相似文献   

评述高校外语教学中思辨力培养存在的问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文讨论了目前思辨力培养中急需解决的两大问题: 1) 如何处理思辨力与外语语言能力培养之间的关系; 2) 怎样才能使思辨力培养与外语语言教学有机地融为一体? 在此基础上,我们运用真实案例,分析高校外语教学思辨力培养现状,同时指出教学中的优点和不足之处,并提出改进建议。  相似文献   

本文吸收了国外“话语分析”的理论 ,对英语教学培养学生思维能力的问题提出了一种解决的方案 :即把每次语篇分析均当作一次训练和拓宽学生思维的过程 ,让学生在“问题和情境”中听、说、读、写和思 ,以达到发展思维能力的目的  相似文献   

论培养学生的创造性思维   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
培养创新型人才是时代所需.而创造性思维是创新的关键。大脑是思维的基础,要进行创新不仅需要完善的思维体系,还应具有广博的知识和合理的个性结构。而影响创造性思维进行的直接障碍是我们的思维定势。  相似文献   

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