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在科学技术飞速发展的今天,多媒体交互式教学已经逐渐进入各类中小学日常教学的各个环节,它的应用为教学所带来的高效、灵活、方便、直观、快速等变化已经成为越来越引人关注的焦点,尤其是近年来技术上的日趋完善,更将其在中小学教学,特别是信息技术的教学中带入了一个全新的领域和境界。一、计算机多媒体交互式教学的概念及在教学中的重要意义计算机多媒体交互式教学是充分运用计算机多媒体技术和计算机网络技术,将传统的课堂理论知识讲授建立于形象、生动、直观的教学之中,使教师和学生能够最大限度地增强课堂参与意识,进一步提高教学质量…  相似文献   

Educational multimedia systems have a potentially important role to play in the education of students with autism. This potential has thus far, however, been largely unexplored. This paper therefore makes a case for the use of multimedia systems for such students, and reviews the current state of the field. It will be argued that a fruitful way of furthering research and development in this area is to develop systems that directly address autism‐specific impairments. This work is important in the context of equality of access to education in that autism tends to be an impediment to quality education but is a condition that requires quality education for its remediation  相似文献   

当前在数字化工程教育领域,尽管交互技术已取得了较大发展,但在教育领域,已有的自适应学习交互大多以数据驱动方式筛选教学材料。一方面,需要较多的数据来判断用户的需求;另一方面,容易忽视学习的积极性对辅助教学的影响。为此,基于增强现实技术,文章提出了一种将学习风格模型结合数据驱动系统的方法。首先通过学习风格索引问卷的调查判断学习风格,而后根据学生的使用偏好调整系统界面并推送自适应的教学材料。该方法参考学习过程中收集的数据,摸索出学生的学习风格和使用喜好,进而逐渐优化教学交互系统。这不仅激发了学生的学习热情,而且使得工程教育的学习效率得到了提高。  相似文献   

Servo pneumatics retains the advantages of standard pneumatics and adds the opportunity for closed-loop controlled, programmable positioning to within fractions of a millimeter in systems in which positions can be approached rapidly and without overshoot, stability under variable loads and conditions, and adaptive control for optimized positioning. Our challenge was to create an interactive multimedia program that could communicate exciting technical material to interested parties, including students and academia, professional design, industrial and manufacturing systems engineers, marketing and sales engineers and managers in a non-linear, enjoyable fashion. Our approach was that of interactive multimedia on CD-ROM, allowing the integration of text, color images, videos and animation for the purpose of following an engineering problem-solving approach, both when modeling, as well as when illustrating real-world solutions with interactive digital videos. Furthermore, this article introduces outcome-driven assessment principles ( as defined by the American Accreditation Board of Engineering Education) as the key to our educational multimedia design objectives. It illustrates open-loop controlled pneumatic and closed-loop controlled servo pneumatic positioning systems, their components, their programming and some of their applications.  相似文献   

介绍基于Internet的交互式在线学习并阐述了交互式多媒体课件的开发过程,着重分析了图像、音频和视频等多媒体元素对制作在Internet上发布的多媒体课件的影响,确定设计用于Internet上交互式在线学习的课件中多媒体的处理原则。  相似文献   

本文讨论了利用多媒体著作系统AUTHORWARE4.0制作交互型动画的方法并给出实例.  相似文献   

While science education and popularization by means of print media developed in quite similar forms in many nations, the advent of radio resulted in initiatives to bring science on the air that were rather heterogeneous from country to country. The German case stands out with respect to quantity, variety and ambition, and also for its special mechanism of planning and controlling educational programs on science and technology. Hence it is argued that a closer look at how the chances of the new medium were discussed and implemented in Weimar Germany can provide a scale of reference for the development of science communication on the radio in other countries. For this reason a brief summary of the the respective developments in the United States and Europe is presented, before discussing in some detail Germany’s particular institutional organization, program structures, combination of radio broadcasts and print material into a kind of multimedia, and various formats and genres.  相似文献   


This article provides examples of several of the most popular and successful elementary and secondary educational technology implementations. It also provides a discussion of their content and gives sources for further information.  相似文献   

简要介绍和分析目前高校实时课常资源难以实现共享的现状及原因,为了达成共享的目的,考虑将多媒体教室挖潜改造为远程互动教室以满足需求.首先结合笔者单位已有的多媒体教室系统资源,对改造方案进行可行性分析,然后通过实验对方案进行技术实现和测试.结果表明:方案实现技术简单、预算较低,实现了实时课堂的远稗互动功能.  相似文献   

随着计算机及网络技术的高速发展和广泛应用,我国延续几百年的传统教育方式受到了一种新型教育形式的冲击,即多媒体网络教育。多媒体网络教育有不可代替的优势,但在高校开展多媒体网络教育,一方面应注重教师的主导地位、学生的推动作用,另一方面还需要有稳定的网络环境、高校领导全方位支持。  相似文献   

This paper describes the development of an interactive multimedia package designed for incorporation into the teaching program for degree‐level first year accounting. The initial module forms part of a pilot study at James Cook University where interactive multimedia will form an integral part of the teaching program in accounting. This module includes four sessions, equivalent to one quarter of the semester's requirement. These sessions were trialed by students, colleagues and practitioners to assess the package's effectiveness in communicating introductory accounting concepts and enhancing the learning process. Some results of these trials are presented.  相似文献   

多媒体在高等学校教学中应用非常广泛,但在多数多媒体教学中缺乏教师与计算机及教师与学生之间的互动.利用MATLAB编程来辅助教学,实现了多媒体教学过程中的人机交互.通过动态设置参数,适时得到输出结果,将大量的动态直观图形信息清晰明快地展现给学生,促进其对抽象知识的理解和掌握,激发其学习兴趣,促进师生之间的良性互动,提高教学效果.  相似文献   

教学改革是一种课程文化的再创造,是从理念到实践的创新。作为一门理论性、实践性、应用性相当强的课程,《多媒体技术基础》可尝试从教学的互动入手,把互动教学视作一个完整的系统,运用跨层优化的理念,对其分解、优化,促进各个层次间的信息沟通、协调运作,以达到提升教学效果的目的。  相似文献   

多媒体教学、网络教学越来越表现出它的优势,它将对传统教学方法产生冲击,成为未来教学的主要手段之一,学习计算机技术、多媒体应用技术是当今教师的一个主要课题.  相似文献   

多媒体教学是教育现代化的标志之一 ,多媒体教室的建设作为教学改革成果为各教学部门所关注。本文主要从多媒体教室具备的功能 ,装备多媒体教室的基本要求及所需的基本设备等几个方面探讨多媒体教室的建设  相似文献   

多媒体环境下的大学英语课堂离不开互动式教学模式.大学英语教师要寻找适合自己及学生的教学互动模式,从转变观念、优化课堂教学、重视教学任务的设计、重视情感教育、提高课件质量等方面来引导学生积极参与课堂教学活动,以达到大学英语课堂互动教学的目的.  相似文献   

多媒体教室工程建设探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
结合解放军外国语学院建设200个多媒体教室积累的经验。对如何更好地发挥多媒体教室的作用提出了一些建设性的意见。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  More than 76 million persons become ill from foodborne pathogens in the United States each year. To reduce these numbers, food safety education efforts need to be targeted at not only adults, but school children as well. The middle school grades are ideal for integrating food safety education into the curriculum while simultaneously contributing to national and state education standards in science, technology, and family and consumer sciences. For this project, a multimedia, self-paced online resource for delivering a food safety curriculum to middle school children was developed. Animated characters were used to deliver the lesson content. The application also included video segments, quiz feedback, and interactive games and activities. The effectiveness of the Web site was evaluated using validated cognitive and attitudinal assessment tools, and by comparing student cognitive gains to individual student learning styles. Participants were recruited from 6 middle schools in 5 states, totaling 217 students (20 sixth graders, 157 seventh graders, and 40 eighth graders). The results show that students had statistically significant modest gains in pretest to posttest knowledge and enjoyed using the Web site. The 6th grade students had significantly lower pretest to posttest improvement compared to 7th and 8th grade students, suggesting that this program may not be appropriate for this grade level. Furthermore, the results indicate that this Web-based computer application meets the needs of varying individual student learning styles.  相似文献   

化学制药工艺学的知识内容多、跨度范围广、理解难度大,具有较强的专业性、实践性,当今教学中通常采用多媒体教学。在介绍互动教学及其必要性的基础上,针对化学制药工艺学多媒体教学互动性能差,探索并实践了其互动教学模式。化学制药工艺学课程的多媒体互动教学措施的实施是一个系统的教学过程,包括课前课件准备、课中具体实施,两部分需要有机结合,且师生双方的参与、互动贯穿整个教学过程始终。  相似文献   

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