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话语分析研究在形成和发展历程中,根据研究目标、研究方法、理论来源、研究重点的不同,主要形成了四大流派:英美学派((应用)语言学派)、福柯学派、批评话语学派和积极话语学派。本文对各学派研究理论进行梳理和评述,对理解话语分析的发生和演变至关重要,同时为国内外话语分析研究提供理论参考。  相似文献   

张向前 《唐山学院学报》2004,17(3):40-44,66
战略管理理论起源于1960年代,其研究历程可划分为5个发展阶段,代表性理论研究学派有设计学派等10个学派。本文简要分析战略管理理论的主要研究学派、基本理论框架、战略管理理论演化的特征,并分析未来战略管理理论的研究趋势。  相似文献   

英国学派是一支独立于主流国际关系理论的理论流派,它与占据话语霸权的美国国际关系理论不同,有着其独特的理论指导和研究方法,与建构主义国际关系理论也有着相似点和不同点。英国学派坚守学派意识,不盲从主流理论,这对形成中的"中国学派"有着良好的借鉴作用。近年来,国内对英国学派的研究不断深入,从最初的对该学派的引进和介绍,逐渐发展到批判和比较研究等,反映出国内国际关系理论的进步。  相似文献   

目前主要的学习理论学派有行为学派、认知学派、建构主义学派和人本主义学派。掌握这些学派的基本内容和观点,领会其现实意义,是正确把握教学规律,运用教育规律进行有效教学的重要前提,正确评价和善于整合各学习理论是有效教学实践的基本要求。  相似文献   

中国学派基于本国情况和时代需求,建立了一个与法、美学派不同的比较文学学科理论。具体而言,一是在学理资源上,法、美学派启用科学主义来建立自身的比较文学学科理论,满足了他们宣扬本国文化的心愿,也迎合了西方的学术风向,而中国学派则以解构主义为学理资源,建构了以求异为特色的比较文学学科理论,弥补了法、美比较文学学科理论存在的缺憾;二是在学术使命上,法、美学派秉持民族中心主义和西方中心主义立场,他们所建构的比较文学学科理论服务于这一点,而中国学派则出于“求新声于异邦”的目的,建构了寻求差异、沟通差异的比较文学学科理论;三是在政治诉求上,法、美学派困于西方中心主义思想,他们的比较文学学科理论为西方的文化霸权保驾护航,而中国学派则承担起了不同文明之间沟通与交流的时代使命,提出了能够为世界文化多元化发展、世界文明和平共处的比较文学学科理论。  相似文献   

三种心理学派,这里指的是精神分析学派、认知发展学派、社会文化历史学派。在研究国外游戏理论的时候,我们发现这三种学派对游戏的关注极其突出。事实上,我们非常明确,无论是精神分析学派,还是认知发展学派,抑或是社会文化历史学派,它们研究的出发点和根本目的并非是游戏,而是为了探究人的心理发生、发展规律。然而,令人惊异的是,上述三种学派却衍生出游戏理论,并给人们很多启示。  相似文献   

生物学课本第三册,在第三章“遗传和变异”里,系统地、全面地、平行地介绍了遗传学两大学派的最基本的遗传理论——米丘林学派和孟德尔—摩尔根学派。孟德尔—摩尔根学派的遗传理论,虽不是新的,但解放后在中学生物教材里介绍还是第一次。我们对这个学派的理论比较生疏,如何教好这部分教材是当前  相似文献   

作为当今管理理论研究焦点之一,战略管理已经成为重要的研究领域,并形成了诸多的理论流派。代表性的公司战略学派、战略管理过程学派、逻辑渐进学派、环境与竞争学派、动态竞争战略学派都有其特点和局限。西方战略管理理论的发展趋势体现为:研究范围从单一战略研究向系统化战略管理研究转变;研究路径从注重外生变量研究向注重内生变量研究转变;研究重点从静态战略研究向动态战略研究转变。随着信息技术的不断突破和新经济发展的不断深入,西方战略管理理论得以不断发展和创新。  相似文献   

在诸多学习理论中,较具代表性的理论有行为学派的学习理论、认知学派的学习理论和人本主义的学习理论。每一种理论都是精粹,每一种理论都闪着独特的光芒。  相似文献   

在诸多学习理论中,较具代表性的理论有行为学派的学习理论、认知学派的学习理论和人本主义的学习理论.每一种理论都是精粹,每一种理论都闪着独特的光芒.  相似文献   

Lave and Wenger have greatly influenced existing views of learning and teaching, but relatively little has been written about the implications for the understanding of teacher behavior and teacher learning, and for the pedagogy of teacher education. Based on their work, a three-level model of learning is used to analyze the friction between teacher behavior in practice and the wish to ground teachers' practices in theory. Supported by empirical data on teacher learning and brain research, this model reconciles the situated learning perspective with traditional cognitive theory, and leads to concrete implications for the pedagogy of teacher education.  相似文献   

教师管理思想与实践的发展表明建设学习型组织是教师管理的新目标,运用学习型组织理论对教师进行管理具有重要的现实意义,可以通过“五项修炼”促进教师学习型组织的形成 .  相似文献   

PCK情感维度初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自Shulman提出PCK后,其概念不断地丰富和拓展,从PCK到PCKg再发展到TPCK,但是PCK理论对教师情感维度的关注一直很缺失。对于PCK和教师情感的关系,有研究者提出了"情感生态"的概念。情感生态就是教师关于教与学的情感,是教师知识生态系统里不可分割的一部分。情感生态有着不同的水平,与PCK的情感维度形成交叉的关系。情感生态的提出对PCK的研究具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Summary It is essential that any system of assessment or evaluation arise from what we are trying to do, what we value, what we think to be important. In informal education, we value growth and development, we value interest and involvement, and this must be reflected in the records we keep. We know that young children are at the beginning of the educational process, they are finding out about school, what's in education for them personally; they are learning about learning, building up learning styles and strategies. It is a critical period where learning power can be built or shifted, where learning can be exciting and personal, or dull and irrelevant. On no account can we allow irrelevant evaluation tools to get in the way of learning.The notions put forward here are that assessment and forward planning are interdependent. Continuous assessment is an essential feature of informal education and it is the basis of day-to-day planning. Additionally, there needs to be a profile, or cumulative record, of all aspects of children's growth throughout their school life.Examples of children's work kept in a folder over a long period of time provide the fullest example of the variety and range of a child's work and his growing ability to represent it, in writing and through the use of creative materials. They provide a basis for reporting to parents that gives them real information about their own child's learning.It is important that informal class teachers should develop some framework against which to measure children's work. The Piagetian tests provide measures of children's growth in mathematical, logical and moral spheres. There are instruments developed for measuring developing complexity in written and spoken language. Reading can be assessed and a diagnosis made using a simple inventory and the miscue analysis. These approaches have real relevance to informal education and once teachers become familiar with them, they can be used without fuss, without creating artificial conditions, without designating failures, in the everyday interaction of teacher and child.A teacher who finds a child failing, having particular difficulties, should have available skilled help for expert diagnosis. The school health service and the psychological service offer this kind of help. Particularly, a child who shows no sign of beginning to learn to read should not go beyond 7 years without careful screening to ascertain any real physipal or psychological problem. His late start may be due to immaturity or lack of experience or low intelligence. It may be due to poor teaching, or changing schools. A skilled psychologist and a medical examination will eliminate or confirm the likelihood of any other problem.One of the most damaging misconceptions about informal education is that it is woolly and vague. We can counteract this accusation only if we can show a high degree:of professionalism, and evidence or real knowledge about what and how children are learning, and demonstrate our competence in assessing this learning as a basis for future planning. Moira McKenzie is warden of the Ebury Center for Language in Primary Education in London. Wendla Kernig is headmistress of a London primary school. This article is taken from their forthcoming bookThe Challenge of Informal Education,to be published this fall by Agathon Press.  相似文献   

Emancipatory learning can occur through critical reflection grounded in theory. This study describes an action research project in which the author engaged in retrospective structured analysis of an incident involving visual documentation of student learning. It was experienced by a struggling novice teacher educator, who at the time of the incident had neither the theoretical nor structured framework from which to process the experience. Using the transformation theory of adult learning as the basis from which to create a reflection model, the action research examined assumptions about filters and meaning schemes through which insights emerged about a changed paradigm, with implications for other teacher educators about reflective practice.  相似文献   

美国著名的教育心理学家波斯纳提出的教师成长公式“经验+反思=成长”,与陶行知先生提出的“体验、看书、求师、访友、思考”为途径的“五路探讨法”的治学方针有异曲同工之妙。文章通过扩充“五路探讨法”的内涵,将其衍生出来的三种学习方式指向教师的教育理论成长、教育实践成长和教育反思成长三个非常具体的领域,以此探索促进农村教师自我成长的途径。  相似文献   

In view of the discrepancies in teacher training and teaching practice, this paper put forward a context-adaptive teacher training model in a ubiquitous learning (u-learning) environment. The innovative model provides teachers of different subjects with adaptive and personalized learning content in a u-learning environment, implements intra- and inter-group collaboration to facilitate knowledge construction and in-depth study, and promotes reflection with the help of the supervising teacher's review and summarization. To test the effect, the model was applied to a general teacher training. Participants were then given questionnaires and interviews were conducted to assess the effectiveness of the model and attitude. Results showed that the model promoted teachers’ learning effectively, achieved the combination of teacher training and teaching practice. Moreover, teachers held positive attitude toward the model.  相似文献   

Previously, research about teacher expertise has adhered to relatively fixed notions of teacher expertise. However, in this study, we share data from teacher study group (TSG) meetings, which demonstrate a dynamic understanding of teacher expertise. In these meetings, teachers discursively positioned themselves, their colleagues, and the research team as both experts and learners as they engaged in a community of enquiry around questions of curriculum design and implementation. We argue that teachers’ dynamic and multiple positionings generated especially striking opportunities for learning. As teachers externalized their expert knowledge, their assumptions were brought forth to be examined, challenged, and reconsidered, thus opening space for further learning. We argue that these TSGs thus existed as a site for teacher learning, in which teacher dialog around curricular design, redesign, and the student learning that occurred in the lessons influenced their own learning about their students’ capabilities. We make a case for further research that explores how teacher expertise is interwoven with episodes of teacher learning. We assert that a complex understanding of teacher expertise, grounded in principles of learning occurring through social interaction, has important implications for how the field should move forward in its approach to fostering teacher learning throughout teachers’ careers.  相似文献   

The two questions in this chapter are whether school restructuring promotes or constrains the professional development of teachers and which mechanisms for workplace learning appear to enhance the capacity of teachers to critically interpret educational reforms. To answer the first question, the implementation of structural changes and instructional innovations as part of the inclusion reform in Dutch elementary education was analyzed with special attention to the utilization of learning opportunities by the teachers. The second question is answered by analyzing the potential of two mechanisms, especially feedback and collaboration, to promote teacher workplace learning and systematic reflection. The study of communities of practice in schools will be put forward as a promising approach to extend our knowledge of teacher workplace learning and the interpretations of teachers of educational reforms.  相似文献   

In this article I consider what teacher educators might learn about our own teaching practice from Nuthall's work on learning in elementary school classrooms. Using key ideas from Nuthall's theory of student learning applied to data from two prior studies of my own teacher education practice, I illustrate how his work might provide a productive way for teacher educators to analyze and critique the tasks they use to promote the learning of prospective teachers.  相似文献   

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