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81岁的袁伟时教授结集出版的《昨天的中国》,主要收录的是他最近几年以访谈为主的学术文章,书中几乎每一篇文章,呈现给读者的都是一种充分世界化的相对恒定的路径谱系。用他在该书自序中的话说:"历史一再回到原点。法治,个人  相似文献   

“新新闻”告诉了我们什么?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
何为“新新闻”?近年来,美国媒体流行一种“新新闻”。据留美博士、在美国从事传媒研究、最近刚刚回到国内的现任清华大学国际传媒研究中心研究员史安斌介绍,美国新闻学者定义,“新新闻”是“一种速配的混合物,符合当今全球化的要求”。“新新闻”受到好莱坞电影和电视的影响。“新新闻”的概念实际上将流行文化和趣闻轶事放在一起,将小报式的电视节目、有线电视和家庭录像结合起来。它的主要指向是:第一,“新新闻”将新闻和娱乐结合在一起。“新新闻”的主要对像是新一代的受众,着力争取年轻人和女性的“眼球”。第二,“新新闻”比较重视地…  相似文献   

去年以来图书市场呈现的低迷现象,与国内整个经济形势不无关联,但从发展规律来说,图书市场经过前几年跨步发展的确也已到了休整期,市场内部和外部许多矛盾都凸现出来。主要有:一是图书快速增长与农村图书发行水平低下的矛盾;二是图书快速增长与市场不健全的矛盾;三是图书市场仍处于发育阶段,区域图书流通中心仍处在建设之中,市场机制仍不完善;四是图书零售仍有大量的发展空间。这些矛盾无不牵动整个图书市场,影响其发展。一、现阶段销售水平下降的原因业内有识之士认为,图书市场所表现的低迷现象绝不是图书市场整体滑坡。首先,…  相似文献   

刚刚迈过新千年的门槛,美国在线兼并时代华纳的消息即扑面而来。这一令全世界瞩目的网络媒体巨人与传统媒体巨人的“联姻”,告诉我们什么?对于我国新闻出版广播影视业深化改革,加快网络传播业建设有些什么启示? 我们认为,有这样几个问题值得认真地讨论。  相似文献   

上海思考乐书局消失了,经营场地"易帜"为大众书局.市场不相信眼泪.一般图书发行是一个管理难度非常大又绝非暴利的行业,真正算得上在主营业务上经营收获巨大的范例并不多.由于社会普遍对发行教辅类图书赢利期望较高,而对一般图书的经营管理难度和行业赢利水平缺乏足够认识,这个行业才出现一个前赴后继的现象:一边有一大批草率进入的经营者陷入经营失败泥坑,另一边又有一大批新的经营者踌躇满志地加入进来.思考乐书局的倒闭带给出版物发行业的启示至少有以下几点:  相似文献   

大邱庄,中国首富村。在中国版图上,像这样的自然村庄多达100万个。以如此广袤的农村为背景,这个“第一”的背后,必定有新闻。小平同志南巡谈话后,改革开放春潮再起,大邱庄的典型性引人注目地凸现出来,随之而来的便是一场新闻媒介的激烈竞争。在这场“大邱庄热”中,新华社超前一步,报出了独家新闻:6月2日,新华社播发长篇通讯《圆了农民百年梦》,人民日报以半个版的显著位置刊登,中央人民广播电台在当天早晨的《新闻与报纸摘要》节目播出;在此之前,新华社的一个内部刊物连续刊登以《大邱庄之谜——中国首富村的成功之路》为题的一组六篇新闻调查,并应光明日报总编辑张常海之约,在该报一版辟栏连载;与此  相似文献   

OCLC环境扫描告诉我们什么?   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
OCLC自2002年以来先后发布了数篇有关信息环境扫描方面的研究调查报告。本文从搜索引擎对图书馆的影响、信息用户、馆藏资源概念、协作、馆员队伍建设、图书馆管理方法等几个方面谈了个人的几点理解和启发。  相似文献   

从宏观竞争形态考察,中国报业之所以仍波动于原始竞争阶段,就在于计划模式主导没向集约式市场制约的报业行为完全转型,报业沿袭了计划经济的因素,以计划思维向市场思维粗放过渡,演化了报业竞争原始性的必然,“混沌”就成为现时代中国报业竞争的典型特点:其一,资本流向盲目,恶性激化报业竞争;其二,资源配置单一,报业结构及竞争结构趋同;其三,市场策略滞后,运营理念原始。自  相似文献   

60年前,60多个国家的20亿人卷入一场空前的战争。 今天,我们用影像回望二战,用影像的视角关注历史,以图片特有的历史冲击力为反法西斯战争胜利60周年做一次沉重的解读。  相似文献   

全国书市,你告诉了我们些什么   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“金秋十月逢盛会,八闽大地溢书香”。2002年10月18日~28日,第十三届全国书市在东南海滨的福州举办。本届书市以迎十六大的喜庆政治氛围和首次作为世贸组织成员而显示出的更加开放的姿态为特色,而台湾省代表团的参展则使本届书市成为真正意义上的全国书市,它与以“书市为渠,文化输血”、“书市搭台,旅游唱戏”而对西部大开发作出了特殊贡献的十二届昆明书市交相辉映。笔者已连续参与了七届全国书市,每当自己身处那广告的海洋、书的海洋、人的海洋之中时,一方面确有一种作为中国出版人的自豪感,可另一方面却也不断从中品出了书市带…  相似文献   

Library Web sites must compete against easy-to-use sites, such as Google Scholar, Google Books, and Wikipedia, for students’ time and attention. Library Web sites must therefore be designed with aesthetics and user perceptions at the forefront. The Music and Performing Arts Library at Urbana-Champaign's Web site was overcrowded and in much need of a user-focused redesign. This article presents a usability study that compared participants’ use of the old site versus the new site to determine if performance improved on the redesigned site. Participants were asked to complete library-related tasks on both the old Web site and on the redesigned Web site to determine if they could both complete more tasks and complete tasks more quickly on the new site. Participants showed a marked improvement on the new site, and their “think-out-loud” responses to the tasks helped further improve site design and wording. Participants were also surveyed about their perceptions of ease of use and navigation on the old and new sites, and in general, the new site was preferred by participants and seen as a great improvement. Future studies will aim to further involve students and faculty in addressing terminology and site organization.  相似文献   

按:知识经济以不可阻挡之势向我们走来了。这种以现代科技为核心以知识信息为主要因素的经济,它究竟给我们档案界带来了什么影响?《中国档案》今年刊登了一篇有关知识经济的文章,文中指出:知识经济时代的来临为我们进一步提高档案和档案工作重要意义的认识提供了新的...  相似文献   

Freely available health information on the Web often requires academic librarians to evaluate content on-the-fly. Studies indicated a significant number of health web sites do not measure up to research standards. Instruments that evaluate web sites have themselves performed unevenly and a standardized instrument has yet to be realized. Instruments for evaluating health information relatively quickly are presented so librarians can familiarize themselves with the process. The debate concerning whether health web sites possess harmful or potentially harmful content is reviewed. Librarians are encouraged to work with teaching faculty and urge students to look beyond currency, authority, and advertising and apply rigorous criteria.  相似文献   

This article describes a study conducted in York County, Pennsylvania, on its countywide library system framed within the context of the statewide “Reimaging Libraries” Get Storied initiative, developed and marketed by organizational story consultant, Michael Margolis. Understood as an essential aspect of culture re-imaging and change, narratives were collected from library personnel by undergraduate students at Pennsylvania State University-York as part of a service-learning initiative (directed by the first author). Working closely with the library district consultant (second author), we assess the success of the initiative and make some recommendations for culture reimaging through the practice of storytelling.  相似文献   

Over the years, library collections have vastly changed due to an ever-growing presence of resources available online. Many libraries have experienced a dramatic decrease in the circulation of physical materials with the shift to online availability of materials. It is of great value to ensure libraries are meeting the needs of their users, and this can be accomplished by identifying their information-seeking patterns. The aim of this article is to examine how faculty use the library and to identify what services and resources are of value to their work.  相似文献   

An overwhelming number of American adults have negative impressions of teenagers. Mass media may play a role in these impressions. This article describes results from a content analytic study of images of teenagers in recent popular films aimed at discerning how they are typically depicted. This study inquired about portrayals of teens' behaviors, motivations, and relationships with their parents. The results indicate that modern Hollywood films featuring youth promote an image of teenagers as self-absorbed, violent, disconnected from parents, and disengaged from civic life. Racial and gender stereotyping of teen characters is also evident. Altogether, the image of teens constructed by recent, popular films likely reinforces adults' negative views and possibly works to distance adults from teens.  相似文献   

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The media are normatively expected to play significant roles in conflictual discussions within national and international communities. As previous research shows, digital platforms make scholars rethink these roles based on media behavior in online communicative environments as well as on the structural limitations of the platforms. At the same time, traditional dichotomies between information dissemination and opinion formation roles, although seemingly universal, also vary across cultures. We look at four recent conflicts of comparable nature in the United States, Germany, France, and Russia to assess the roles that legacy media have performed in the respective ad hoc discussions on Twitter. Our approach differs from previous studies, as we combine content analysis of tweets by the media and journalists with the resulting positions of the media in the discussion graphs. Our findings show that, despite the overall trend of the “elite” and regional media sticking to information dissemination, online-only media and individual journalists vary greatly in their normative strategies, and this is true across countries. We also show that combining performance in content and social network analysis may allow for reconceptualization of media roles in a more flexible way.  相似文献   

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