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How would you like an easy way to earn $2,500?All you have to do is to sit around and wait for your meals. There’s a catch however. You have to stay in a chicken cage with a stranger for a whole week. There are no books or television or radio for am usem ent.You can’t leave until the week is up. And a cam era will be recording your every m ove. Two people actually took the job. The idea cam e from Rob Thom pson, a video artist.H e wanted to m ake a film about the way anim als are treated. H is goal was to r...  相似文献   

Once again, it's time to check the mail box and chat with our readers. Some of you asked good but also hard questions. Today, I'll share a few and hope that my answers are clear and won't confuse you.Things D o C ha nge 变化的语言 A Q uestion from Sonia I have a lot to ask you since I’m not very sure about the usage ofsom e w ords, expressions, as w ellas idiom s. I w ould be gratefulif you coulddiscussthe changesin w ays of using som e w ords. U sually w e say “to see a film ,” but now…  相似文献   

My Father     
My father works in a school near here.H e works hard andall his students say he is a good teacher.H e is very busy all day.At six o’clock,he gets up.Then hebrushes his teeth,washes his face and has his breakfast quickly.H e leaves hom e at seven every day.But he does not go to schoolby bike or by bus.H e walks.H e says,“I’m busy in the day andI don’t have m uch tim e for sports.So I m ust have som e sportson m y way to school.”H e likes walking.H e says,“W alking is agood sport.”H …  相似文献   

【集中地】 Ⅰ.Talk about future intentions 1.—What are you going to be when you grow up? —I’m going to be a basketball player. 2.—H ow are you going to do that? —I’m going to practice basketball every day. 3.—W here is Cheng H an going to m ove? —H e’s going to move to New York. Ⅱ.Ask for perm ission 1.—Could I please use your com puter? —Sorry.I’m going to work on it now. 2.—Could I please go to the movies? —Yes,you can. 3.—Could you take out the trash? —Yes,sure. Ⅲ.D…  相似文献   

A.同步阅读Passage1Tom is a little boy.H e is four.Today his m other is going to take himto see his grandm other.H is grandm others hom e is very far.So they aregoing there by bus.There are only twenty people on the bus.They are allsitting on their seats(座位).Tom is very happy.H e is running on thebus.H is m other asks,“W hy are you running?”“I like to see m y grand-m other very m uch.I w ant this bus to go faster(更快),”Tom answ ers.根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正(T)或误(F)。1.Tom is …  相似文献   

正You know,weekends are very interesting and colorful.Do you like weekends?I like weekendsverymuch,becauseI can read comic books,have a rest and have fun with my friends.This weekend,I’m going to the Hong Xing shopping mall to buy some clothes with my mother.Then,I’m going to the People Park and take some photos with my  相似文献   

A.T alking about future plans【集中地】1.—What are you doing for vacation?—I’m visiting m y grandm other.2.—W here is she going for vacation?—She is going to H ainan for vacation.3.—W hen are you going hom e?—I’m going hom e on M ay1st.4.—A re you going to have a trip nextSaturday?—Y es,I am.【加料区】用英语谈论将来的计划时,常用到be go-ing结构,其形式有:be going+副词(地点);begoing to+名词(地点);be going to+动词原形;be+动词的-ing形式(仅限com e,go,leave,start等表示位置移动的动词。它…  相似文献   

Fill in appropriate question-tags for the questions below. The first one has been done for you. 1. The photographs are very well taken, aren't they? 2. You like to visit them, ?1.The photographs are very welltaken,aren’tthey? 2.Y ou like to visitthem , ? 3.Zack thinks they’ve com e hom e, ? 4.Y atiand X ian have sold their furniture, ? 5.W endy w ouldn’thave been able to attend, ? 6. You don’talw ays buy this brand, ? 7.The m em bers didn’tagree on the proposal,…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项选择 1.—H ave you watered the plants ? —Yes,I have watered them . A.already;already B.yet;yet C.already;yet D.yet;already 2.—Are you ready,M ike? —No,I the refrigerator yet. A.haven’t cleaned out B.hadn’t cleaned out C.am not cleaning out D.can’t clean out 3.Today I have chores to do,so I’m busy. A.too m uch B.m uch too C.too m any D.m any too 4.—H ow long you here since you last saw her ? —For about a year. A.have;com e B.have;been C.did;com e D.were;com e 5.W e rea…  相似文献   

U nit8一、单项选择1.There a ruler and two pencils on the desk.A.are B.is C.have D.has2.—H e cam e early this m orning,didn the?—Y es,he did.H e often to school early.A.was com e B.com es C.cam e D.is com e3.—E xcuse m e,look atthe sign:N O SM O K IN G!—Sorry,I it.A.don t see B.didn tseeC.wasn tsee D.am notsee4.W hen you go out,please rem em ber the door.A.closing B.close C.w illclose D.to close5.—W e are going to have a party tom orrow evening.—A.H appy birthday to you!B.Th…  相似文献   

Children’s Day is June 1st. The day is for every child, it is the happiest day for the children _________________________ (世界各地).They can _____(跳舞), _____(唱歌), __________ (玩游戏) and go to the_____(动物园). Dear friends, what are you going to do and where are you going? 小飞象: Hello! What are you doing? : We’re rehearsing a play(排练话剧) for Children’sDay. : Yes. It’s very interesting. Do you have any plans? 小飞象: Oh! I’m practicing a song for that day. Happy Party 儿童…  相似文献   

There are people in Italy w ho can’t stand soccer. N ot a11 Canadians love hockey.A sim ilar situation exists in A m er- ica, where there are those people you m ay be one of them who yawn or even frow n(皱 眉 头 ) when som ebody m entions baseball. Baseball to them m eans boring hours watching grow n m en in funny tight outfits standing around in a field staring away while very little of anything happens. They tell you it’s a gam e better suited to the 19th century, slow, quiet, gentlem an…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.词汇运用。A)根据句意和首字母提示完成句子。1.For the sam e r熏I like C hineseaction m ovies.2.I usually s at hom e on weekends.3.The action m ovie is very e.4.It’s such a s m ovie that w e allclose our eyes.5.I like blue very m uch.It’s m y fcolor.6.A re you brave enough芽Let’s go to at.7.I want to see a c(喜剧).8.I don’t like basketball熏because it’sb.9.—A lot of people know his hom e.—Y es熏he’s very f.10.Jack doesn’t like thrillers.H e likesa(动作片)m ovies.B雪用括号中所给…  相似文献   

根据上句写出下句,使两句意思相同或相近。每空填一词。1.—Thank you very m uch.—Thats O K.—.—Y ou re.2.The w om an is m y m others sister.She is w earing a red sweater.The w om an is m y.3.C an I help you?can I you?4.W hat do you wantto have for supper?W hat you for supper?5.C an you help m e?Can you?6.Tom and I are classm ates.Tom is one of.7.H is father is w orking now.H is m other is working,too.H is are now.8.Its tim e for breakfast.Its tim e breakfast.9.M y bike is broken.There is…  相似文献   

Lee has a toothache. He’s goingto  the  dentist.  It’s  two  o’clockand he’s late. Pat offers to drivehim to the dentist. Lee: What time is it? Pat: It’s two o’clock. Lee: Oh no, I’m late! Pat: Where are you going? Lee: To the dentist. Pat: Can I drive you there? Lee: Sure! That will help. Pat: Do you have a toothache? Lee: Yes, and it’s very bad. Pat: I’m sorry to hear that.        李 牙疼,他 要 去看 牙医 …  相似文献   

Our School     
阅读在线读短文,回答问题。 O ur School This is our school.It's a nice big school.Thereare tw enty -five classes.W e are students of G radesix. W e go to school at seven thirty in the m orning.Classes begin at eight.W e have six lessons everyday.After classes w e clean our classroom .W e gohom e at four tw enty. W e like our school. ⒈Is your school big and nice芽 ⒉H ow m any classes are there in your school芽 ⒊W hat grade are you in 芽 ⒋W hat tim e do you go to schoo芽 ⒌D o you li…  相似文献   

李文 《中学生英语》2005,(3):25-30,32
第一卷 ( 三 部分 ,共 115分)第二部分:英语知识运用 ( 共 两 节,满 分 45分)第一节:单项填空 ( 15小题;每小题 1分,满分 共15分)21.—Is there a telephone nearby?— .A .H ere’s one B.H ere it isC.H ere’s the one D.H ere you are22.—V icky,have you got the answer?—Don’t m e.I need to think the question over.A .rush B.quicken C.ask D .rem ind23.—W hat are you anxious about?— .A .W hether we can win the m atchB.If we win the …  相似文献   

Ⅰ.根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。1.Sally often goes to M cD onald’s,because theh there are very good.2.D on’t eat too m uch fast food.It is noth.3.There are l of books on the bookcase.4.Jim m y can run fast,because he is ar in school.5.Let’s have b before breakfast.Ⅱ.单项选择。1.W hat kind of fruit do you like?W ell,Ilike.A.the strawberries B.strawberryC.straw berries D.the strawberrys2.like French fries.A.H e and I B.I and heC.H e and m e D.I and him3.Sandra Clark is star.A.runn…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.词汇 A)根据句意和括号内汉语提示,写出正确的英语单词或词组 。 1.M y uncle works in a foreign com pany(公司).H e has a lot of m oney.H e is very (富裕 的). 2.They are going to (举 行)an art exhibition in Beijing next m onth. 3.I want to be a (记者).So I’m going to write articles and send them to m agazines and newspapers. 4.Y our idea (听 起 来)interesting. 5.Y ou m ust do m ore sports to (保 持)healthy and fit. B)用括号内所给单词的适当式填空。 6.D o you want to be one of the (read)of thi…  相似文献   

I.单项选择(每空1分,共20分)()1.-does she exercise?-Every day.A.W here B.H ow often C.W hy()2.Eating vegetables every day good for your health.A.is B.are C.am()3.H e,because he wasn’t feeling well.The doctor gave him som e pills.A.went to the doctor B.eat som ething C.stayed at hom e()4.I feel.Do you have anything to drink?A.hungry B.tired C.thirsty()5.She has a.She can’t speak loudly.A.headache B.stom achache C.sore throat()6.-W hy do you drink a cup of m ilk every night?-Because m …  相似文献   

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