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刘振兴 《大观周刊》2012,(45):90-91
知识产权损害赔偿责任与知识产权侵权责任是两个不同的概念,前者在归责原则上采取过错归责原则,过错是责任成立的必要条件。知识产权侵权责任除损害赔偿责任外,还包括停止侵害责任等形式,知识产权人的权利受到侵害时,只要有侵权事实存在,受害人就可以申请停止侵害的保护,受害人不必证明侵权人主观上过错。只有建立在对知识产权侵权责任与损害赔偿责任正确区分的基础上,才能更有效的对其构成要件和归责原则进行探讨。  相似文献   

博客传播侵权法律责任刍议   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
陈春江 《编辑之友》2011,(6):101-104
博客侵权案件的不断增多,引起了人们对博客侵权法律责任问题的关注,在司法实践中如何正确把握博客侵权法律责任,已经成为亟待解决的问题。对于博客侵权责任主体有哪些?博客侵权责任构成要件有哪些?博客侵权行为归责原则有哪些?博  相似文献   

俞韵 《大观周刊》2012,(7):48-48
在我国长期以来的诉讼实践中,对产品侵权诉讼的举证分配存在很大的争议,其根源就在于对产品侵权责任归责原则的理解存在着不同的观点。根据归责基本理论对产品侵权责任进行分析,我国的产品侵权责任归责原则是严格责任归责原则。本文立足我国国情,同时借鉴在产品责任规定先进的发达国家经验就产品侵权责任归责原则的适用做了论述,希望对该领域原则的确定有促进作用。  相似文献   

李玲玉 《大观周刊》2011,(20):237-237,219
有关食品安全的事件层出不穷,引起了民众极大的恐慌和关注,各级政府及时采取了积极有效的措施来处理此事。本文,笔者从立法上阐述了产品责任制度中的性质、构成要件、归责原则等一般性问题,宏观上讨论了产品责任的概述;其次从微观层面上分析了其中生产者、质监机构、代言人等相关主体的责任,探讨了产品责任的归责原则,以及对如何加害人的确定与其侵权份额提出了自己的观点。  相似文献   

浅谈新闻侵权的归责原则   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新闻侵权的归责原则是新闻侵权理论中的核心问题。我们在讨论一些新闻侵权案例时所产生的分歧,往往是由于对新闻侵权的归责原则认识不一致、不了解产生的。在这个问题上缺乏共识,就缺乏讨论问题的共同话语平台。所谓归责原则,实际上是归责的规则,它是确定行为人的侵权民事责任的根据和标准。如何确定新闻侵权民事责任的归责原则,目前有四种不同观点:一是主张过错责任原则,是指以新闻侵权行为人主观上的过错为构成民事责任的必要条件的归责原则。在此观点指导下的司法实践,表现为有过错有责任,无过错无责任。二是主张无过错原则。在此观点指…  相似文献   

和平 《大观周刊》2011,(14):232-232
十年前,我国学术界和实务界对知识产权侵权责任的归责原则进行过一次学术讨论,当时,知识产权侵权适用过错责任原则的观点占据了主导地位,随着我国《侵权责任法》的硕布,一些原本得到确认的观点再次模糊起来,有必要予以新的检讨侵权责任的归责原则是一个不规范的法律习语,它时本来清晰的侵权责任理论体系构成了扰乱,而实际的意义却并没有学界想象的那般重要,十年前的那场学术讨论的参与者对彼此都存在误解,却使得那场讨论更值得关注。  相似文献   

侵权法的逻辑起点是"所有人自负其责",所以,要让他人承担责任就必须以可以归责性为基础。侵权责任的归责原则就是确定侵权责任承担理由或依据的基本准则。它是侵权责任的理论核心,贯穿于整个侵权责任法体系之中,对具体规范起着统帅作用,是司法机关处理侵权纠纷所应遵循的基本准则。本文从侵权责任归责原则的内涵、历史演变入手,围绕着学界争议的焦点问题,分析我国的侵权责任法归责原则体系。  相似文献   

著作权民事法律责任、刑事法律责任、行政法律责任共同构成著作权的法律责任体系。其中刑事法律责任已在我国新修订的刑法典中予以规范,但设计在著作权法中的民事、行政法律在实际的运作过程中有较多方面显现出明显的不成熟,有些问题甚至影响到行政、司法机关及时、准确地解决纷争。为了有效消除著作权民事、行政法律责任中的法律障碍,本文现就著作权民事、行政法律责任中的若干问题加以研讨,以求其日臻完善。一、关于侵权归责原则归责原则是侵权行为法上判定行为人是否应负担侵权法律责任的逻辑起点,对归责原则的正确理解和运用是正确…  相似文献   

人工智能技术为出版业的转型升级带来诸多可能,但人工智能出版物版权归属及侵权归责原则的不明确使行业发展存在隐患.将人工智能法学研究限定在弱人工智能范围内,肯定人工智能出版物的可版权性,否定人工智能的主体性.本文借鉴美国代理制度,将人工智能出版物版权归属及侵权归责原则的情况划分为开发阶段和市场化阶段,明确在开发阶段适用我国《著作权法》中的"法人作品"制度,版权归属于人工智能开发商,版权侵权归责原则适用支配或受益原则;在市场化阶段适用承揽加工制度,版权归属于消费者,版权侵权归责原则以支配或受益原则为基础,限制适用间接侵权责任和产品责任.  相似文献   

数字资源的大量出现和网络环境的迅速普及,导致了许多网络侵权行为的发生.作为网络内容提供者的数字图书馆近年来也是诉讼纠纷不断.文章以数字图书馆为例,就网络内容提供者ICP侵权行为的构成、侵权归责原则,侵权的法律责任进行了探讨和分析.  相似文献   

人格权与表达自由:孰轻孰重?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大众传播侵权表现出民事权利同宪法权利之间尖锐的冲突,其关键在于有关表达自由的宪法基本权利规范能否以及如何适用于大众传播侵害人格权的民事纠纷。表达自由基本权利只有内化为民法价值才可以发挥其作用,亦即宪法关于表达自由的规范对大众传播侵害人格权所产生的民事法律关系不可直接适用。对于上述民事关系,间接适用宪法的最佳途径是公共利益条款,即把有关表达自由的宪法规定转化成民法语言,以实现在民事案件处理中兼顾宪法精神。  相似文献   

随着数字图书馆的快速发展,基于数字图书馆的网络侵权纠纷已经成为制约数字图书馆发展的主要瓶颈之一。如何利用归责原则对各种侵权行为进行责任认定,为数字图书馆在建设和服务过程中避免侵权提供具体的建议,新颁布的《侵权责任法》为问题的解决提供了契机,但该法也应在特殊侵权行为中增设章节专门规定网络侵权行为,并将数字图书馆作为网络侵权特殊主体来规制。  相似文献   

网络信息过滤的基本问题研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
网络信息过滤的技术和方法虽然在因特网上得到了很好的应用,但人们对它的认识仍然比较模糊。本文通过对网络信息过滤的基本问题特别是对网络信息过滤与网络信息检索、网络信息过滤的意义和局限性的研究,以期能廓清人们的认识,更有利于网络信息过滤研究的发展。  相似文献   

This study reports the results of a survey conducted at Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) to determine the extent to which Internet users are aware and make use of the Internet resources and services. The study examines the information searching behavior of Internet users. A questionnaire and follow-up interviews with the postgraduate students, research scholars and academic staff were conducted to collect data. A total of 489 questionnaires were distributed to the selected sample of eight faculties; 405 valid samples were collected. The data were analyzed according to the background of Internet users, Internet information searching behavior, use of Internet resources and services, quality of Internet information, problems of the Internet access and need for Internet literacy. The study found that the majority of respondents had a 5 year history of Internet access. The academic staff spent more time on the Internet than the students and research scholars. Although Internet search engines were the preferred information searching tool, other methods such as databases, gateways and World Wide Web (WWW) were also used. Online journals and databases were the preferred information sources among the Internet users. Respondents chose e-mail, WWW and search engines as important Internet services. About 60% of respondents believed that the good quality of information on the Internet made it a useful tool for education and research. Slow speed, lack of training and information overload were indicated as some of the factors affecting Internet usage. Further, recommendations are made to improve the use of Internet, including a well-planned Internet literacy program and preparation of subject gateways.  相似文献   

Internet diffusion is not homogeneous and depends on many factors. This study uses data from the Canadian Internet Use Survey (CIUS) to explore the extent demographic variables affect Internet use by individuals in Canada. A logistic model confirms that certain factors, educational attainment, and geography in particular influence Internet use in Canada, controlling for age and income. Education maintains a strong, significant impact on Internet use such that the odds of using the Internet are about three times greater for someone who has some post-secondary education than someone who has, at most, a high school education. An urban–rural digital divide persists in Canada with the odds of using the Internet being almost one-and-a-half times greater for someone who lives in an urban area. While language also has a large effect on Internet use, the presence of children in households no longer seems to be a significant factor. This study thus underscores the changing digital environment in Canada and the need for adaptive, flexible policies addressing national connectivity issues and, in particular, broadband Internet availability.  相似文献   

我国互联网已经过30多年的发展,但仍存在地区间发展差异较大等问题。根据我国2011—2015年的相关数 据,建立互联网发展的评价指标体系,对我国31个省市自治区的互联网发展现状进行评价并进行聚类分析,发现我国 各个地区的互联网发展不均衡,存在明显的互联网地区差异。在此基础上,进一步分析各个地区电子商务交易额与互 联网基础资源、互联网普及程度等互联网发展各项指标间的关系。研究发现我国互联网资源对互联网普及度有显著影 响,同时互联网资源、互联网普及程度对电子商务发展也有一定影响。  相似文献   

To get an insight into the perspective of Internet use in Nepal, the author conducted a survey of Internet users in Nepal in late April 1998. An electronic questionnaire was sent via e-mail to a selected local listserve (nepal-list@mos.com.np) which had about 100 members at that time. Because the response was insufficient, a second posting of the questionnaire was made in the first week of May, and responses were given a deadline of the second week of June. After the second posting of the questionnaire 12 responses were received (12%), which was accepted as meeting the social science survey sampling standard. The results of the survey provided information on various aspects of Internet use in Nepal, such as frequency of Internet use, benefits from Internet use, application of Internet in development and management of communications. The survey has also identified opinions on how Internet use should be promoted in Nepal, opinions on the north–south balance of Internet use, social effects of the Internet and other aspects. This survey, which was the first of its kind conducted in Nepal, reached only a small portion of Internet users in Nepal. As of August 1998, there are estimated to be over 7000 Internet users in Nepal. Future research on Internet use in Nepal is needed to develop the literature, data and information for use by researchers, development workers, commerce and other industries.  相似文献   

To get an insight into the perspective of Internet use in Nepal, the author conducted a survey of Internet users in Nepal in late April 1998. An electronic questionnaire was sent via e-mail to a selected local listserve (nepal-list@mos.com.np) which had about 100 members at that time. Because the response was insufficient, a second posting of the questionnaire was made in the first week of May, and responses were given a deadline of the second week of June. After the second posting of the questionnaire 12 responses were received (12%), which was accepted as meeting the social science survey sampling standard. The results of the survey provided information on various aspects of Internet use in Nepal, such as frequency of Internet use, benefits from Internet use, application of Internet in development and management of communications. The survey has also identified opinions on how Internet use should be promoted in Nepal, opinions on the north–south balance of Internet use, social effects of the Internet and other aspects. This survey, which was the first of its kind conducted in Nepal, reached only a small portion of Internet users in Nepal. As of August 1998, there are estimated to be over 7000 Internet users in Nepal. Future research on Internet use in Nepal is needed to develop the literature, data and information for use by researchers, development workers, commerce and other industries.  相似文献   

The current research posits that education leads to differential levels of Internet engagement, which moderate the association between Internet use for health information and general health knowledge. Using a nationally representative survey that covers adults between the ages of 40 and 70 in the United States, it is found that education is positively related to Internet engagement. Also, Internet use has stronger associations with health knowledge for people exhibiting high Internet engagement than for people exhibiting low Internet engagement. The implications of these findings for research on both Internet use and knowledge gaps are discussed.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]探究互联网情境下用户人格特质对互联网信息采纳行为的影响,为规制互联网行业发展及引导互联网用户信息采纳行为提供理论依据。[方法/过程]基于信息采纳模型、人格特质理论,探究用户人格特质变量对互联网信息采纳行为的调节效应。采用综合社会调查数据(CGSS),使用ologit回归模型对理论假设进行分析验证。[结果/结论]研究发现,信息采纳模型在互联网情境下更为重要,互联网信息质量与来源可信度决定互联网用户信息有用性的感知水平,进而影响信息采纳行为;用户人格特质变量对互联网信息采纳行为存在显著的间接影响力,且这种影响力存在显著的性别差异。  相似文献   

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