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Steigende Studierendenzahlen, knappe ?ffentliche Budgets und neue Anforderungen an die universit?re Ausbildung erfordern eine permanente Reflexion und gegebenenfalls entsprechende Anpassungen an Finanzierungsmodelle. Die internationale Praxis zeigt dabei eine Vielzahl von alternativ ausgestalteten Modellvarianten und -kombinationen, wobei die Studienplatzfinanzierung ein international weit verbreitetes Modell darstellt. Dieser Beitrag fasst die wesentlichsten Ergebnisse einer vom Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft und Forschung in diesem Zusammenhang beauftragten Studie zusammen. Gezeigt werden neben den Grundlagen einer Studienplatzfinanzierung die aktuellen internationalen Trends, ein systematischer L?ndervergleich sowie m?gliche Konsequenzen einer etwaigen Implementierung in ?sterreich.  相似文献   

Eine Lehrt?tigkeit, die ein in einem Mitgliedstaat Steuerpflichtiger im Dienst einer juristischen Person des ?ffentlichen Rechts wie einer Universit?t ausübt, die sich in einem anderen Mitgliedstaat befindet, f?llt auch dann in den Anwendungsbereich von Art 49 EG, wenn die T?tigkeit nebenberuflich und quasi ehrenamtlich ausgeübt wird. Ausschlaggebend dafür, dass eine T?tigkeit in den Anwendungsbereich der Vertragsbestimmungen über die Dienstleistungsfreiheit f?llt, ist n?mlich ihr wirtschaftlicher Charakter, dh, dass sie nicht ohne Gegenleistung erbracht werden darf. Dagegen ist insoweit nicht erforderlich, dass der Dienstleistungserbringer mit Gewinnerzielungsabsicht handelt. Au?erdem f?llt die erbrachte Dienstleistung nicht dadurch aus dem Anwendungsbereich von Art 49 EG heraus, dass eine entgeltliche Lehrt?tigkeit im Auftrag einer Universit?t, also einer juristischen Person des ?ffentlichen Rechts, ausgeübt wird, denn die private Lehrt?tigkeit an einer Universit?t f?llt nicht in den Anwendungsbereich der Ausnahmeregelung des Art 45 Abs 1 EG iVm Art 50 EG, da diese Ausnahmeregelung auf T?tigkeiten beschr?nkt ist, die als solche eine unmittelbare und spezifische Teilnahme an der Ausübung ?ffentlicher Gewalt darstellen. Die Beschr?nkung der Dienstleistungsfreiheit, die darin liegt, dass nach einer nationalen Regelung nur das Entgelt, das im Inland ans?ssige Universit?ten, die juristische Personen des ?ffentlichen Rechts sind, als Gegenleistung für eine nebenberufliche Lehrt?tigkeit zahlen, von der Einkommensteuer befreit ist, w?hrend diese Befreiung versagt wird, wenn ein solches Entgelt von einer in einem anderen Mitgliedstaat ans?ssigen Universit?t gezahlt wird, ist nicht durch zwingende Gründe des Allgemeininteresses gerechtfertigt. Eine solche Regelung, die gleicherma?en für die T?tigkeiten von In- und Ausl?ndern bei inl?ndischen juristischen Personen des ?ffentlichen Rechts gilt, führt n?mlich dazu, dass diejenigen Dienstleistungen, die Empf?ngern in anderen Mitgliedstaaten erbracht werden, ungünstiger behandelt werden als die im Inland erbrachten Dienstleistungen. Diese Beschr?nkung der Dienstleistungsfreiheit kann nicht durch die F?rderung von Bildung, Forschung und Entwicklung gerechtfertigt sein, da sie die M?glichkeit nebenberuflich t?tiger Lehrkr?fte beeintr?chtigt, den Ort der Erbringung ihrer Dienstleistungen innerhalb der Gemeinschaft frei zu w?hlen, ohne dass nachgewiesen worden w?re, dass es, um das geltend gemachte Ziel der F?rderung des Bildungswesens zu erreichen, erforderlich ist, die im Ausgangsverfahren in Rede stehende Steuerbefreiung allein den Steuerpflichtigen vorzubehalten, die eine nebenberufliche Lehrt?tigkeit an Universit?ten im Inland ausüben. Auch kann diese Beschr?nkung nicht mit der Notwendigkeit gerechtfertigt werden, die Koh?renz des Steuersystems zu wahren, da ein unmittelbarer Zusammenhang zwischen der Steuerbefreiung der von inl?ndischen Universit?ten gezahlten Aufwandsentsch?digungen und einem Ausgleich dieses Vorteils durch eine bestimmte steuerliche Belastung steuersystematisch gesehen nicht vorliegt. Ferner ist der Umstand, dass die Mitgliedstaaten selbst für die Gestaltung ihres Bildungssystems zust?ndig sind, nicht geeignet, die besagte Regelung, nach der eine Steuerbefreiung denjenigen Steuerpflichtigen vorbehalten ist, die im Dienst oder Auftrag inl?ndischer ?ffentlicher Universit?ten t?tig sind, mit dem Gemeinschaftsrecht in Einklang zu bringen. Diese Regelung ist keine Ma?nahme, die die Lehrinhalte oder die Gestaltung des Bildungssystems betrifft, sondern eine steuerliche Ma?nahme allgemeiner Natur, die eine Steuervergünstigung gew?hrt, wenn ein Einzelner zum Wohl des Gemeinwesens t?tig wird. Eine solche Regelung bliebe, selbst wenn sie eine mit der Gestaltung des Bildungssystems verbundene Ma?nahme w?re, gleichwohl mit dem EG-Vertrag unvereinbar, da sie die Entscheidungsfreiheit nebenberuflich t?tiger Lehrkr?fte in Bezug auf den Ort der Erbringung ihrer Dienstleistungen beeintr?chtigt.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Persönlichkeit, die fast überall positiv verstanden wird, besteht nicht von Geburt an, sondern entwickelt sich unter Einfluß von Anlagen und Umwelt. Die Jugend, die als Übergang zwischen Kindheit und Erwachsenenalter bezeichnet wird, wirft in vielen modernen Industriestaaten Probleme auf, die aus der oftmals schwierigen Suche nach der eigenen Identität resultieren. Identität wird hier als Wechselwirkung zwischen Anlagen und Umwelt verstanden. Der Jugendliche muß auf dem Weg zur eigenen Persönlichkeit vor sich selbst, der Gesellschaft und dem Leben insgesamt bestehen. Die Psychologie definiert die Persönlichkeit als Summe vieler psychologischer Eigenschaften, in denen sich Unterschiede zwischen den Menschen zeigen. Die Entwicklung dieser Eigenschaften ist in Umwelt, Reifung und Handlung des Individuums zu sehen. Sie wird in Ursachen, Bedingungen und Verläufe unterschieden. Als letzten Punkt führt der Artikel verschiedene Aspekte der Bildungsproblematik an. Der Verfasser kommt zu dem Schluß, daß Persönlichkeitsentwicklung zwar Ziel der Bildung sein sollte, dieses Ziel aber aufgrund des heutigen unklaren Bildungskonzeptes nicht erreichbar ist.
Personality, which is a term almost always used in a positive sense, does not exist from the moment of birth, but it develops under the influence of heredity and environment. Adolescence, which is seen as a transition from childhood to adulthood, raises difficulties in many modern industrialized countries as a result of the often arduous search for individual identity. In this context identity is seen as an interaction between heredity and environment. While developing his own personality, the young person has to maintain an integral existence vis-à-vis himself, society and life. Psychology defines the personality as the sum of numerous psychological characteristics, through which differences between people are revealed. The development of these characteristics is to be seen in the environment, maturation and actions of the individual. It can be subdivided into causes, conditions and processes. Finally the article discusses various aspects of the general question of education. The author concludes that the development of the personality should be an aim of education, but that this aim is presently unattainable because of a lack of clarity in the concept of education.

Résumé La personnalité, qui est un terme presque toujours employé dans un sens positif, n'existe pas dès la naissance, mais se développe sous l'influence de l'hérédité et de l'environnement. L'adolescence, que l'on considère comme une période de transition entre l'enfance et l'âge adulte, crée des difficultés dans de nombreux pays modernes industrialisés en raison de la recherche souvent ardue d'une identité individuelle. Dans ce contexte, on entend par identité l'interaction entre hérédité et environnement. Tout en développant sa propre personnalité, l'adolescent doit continuer d'exister par rapport à lui-même, la société et la vie. La psychologie définit la personnalité comme la somme de nombreuses caractéristiques psychologiques, à travers lesquelles se dessinent les différences entre les personnes. On peut observer le développement de ces caractéristiques dans l'environnement, la croissance et les actions de l'individu. On peut les classer en causes, conditions et processus. Enfin, le présent article examine les divers aspects de la problématique de l'éducation. L'auteur conclut que le développement de la personnalité devrait être un but de l'éducation, mais que celui-ci n'est pas présentement réalisé en raison du manque de clarté du concept de l'éducation.

Höchstes Glück der Erdenkinder sei nur die Persönlichkeit (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,Westöstlicher Diwan)  相似文献   

Training the trainers: its role in high-quality adult education ?C This article is about the crucial role of instructor training; it discusses the implications for the quality of adult learning and education. The documents arising out of CONFINTEA V and VI, the Hamburg Declaration, the Agenda for the Future and the Belém Framework for Action all recognise the critical role played by facilitators and adult instructors in the quality of adult learning and education. However, all over the world, they are undertrained and poorly paid by comparison with their counterparts in the formal education sector. In West Africa, where the average literacy rate is 20%, the situation of these facilitators and instructors and the conditions in which they work are becoming alarming, particularly since actors?? expectations of them are constantly increasing. This article aims to clarify the most important reasons for this marginalisation and then provides some key pieces of guidance on how to move forward in terms of the political context, the literate environment, skills and languages, curricula, teaching methods and learner needs, materials, monitoring and evaluation and research.  相似文献   

There is growing interest in evidence-based interventions that can improve student teachers’ professional development. But how can these interventions be implemented into everyday teacher education practice by teacher educators themselves—without losing their initial, lab-tested effectiveness due to teacher educators’ practical educational autonomy? Through a quasi-experimental field study the following question is investigated: What is the impact of different degrees of educational autonomy (low/middle/high) that 19 teacher educa­tors are granted while implementing an experimentally proven concept into their teacher training courses on the development of the competence to diagnose classroom situations among 261 student teachers? ANCOVAs using planned contrasts indicate that the effectiveness of the concept can be sustained in ‘the real world’ of teacher education practice, even if practitioners—no longer researchers—are responsible for the concept realization; thereby, the highest increase in student teachers’ competence occurred when low educational autonomy was granted, i.e., the concept was implemented closely to the original.  相似文献   

Borders, translation and politics of difference: the hermeneutic task of comparative education ?C Governments are making increasing use of international comparisons as a tool to run and reform education systems, through the establishment of competency norms and assessment standards. In light of this trend, this paper wishes not only to reiterate the crucial distinction, made by Max Weber as early as 1922, between scientific research and political action, but also to recall the principles of separation and mediation from which the comparative approach in education derives. The concepts that comprise a language, that are disseminated and become established in a social world, are borne of history, of dynamic uses, and are culturally rooted. By neglecting this social and cultural provenance of words there is a danger that one can end up with a comparability based on functional equivalencies alone; although there are strong pressures in this direction, it is probably the surest way, in the words of Marcel Détienne, of ??comparing the incomparable??. The purely instrumental rationality that favours the spread of such frameworks or interpretative models appears indifferent to questions of meaning and culture, apart from being irrational on an axiological level, if we follow Weber. Strangeness or even ??otherness?? tends to be erased. One wonders therefore what issues are raised for the comparativist when the illusion of spontaneity in translation is reduced to a functional equivalence. In keeping with the researcher??s responsibility to mediate, he/she must promote clarification and mutual understanding (inspired by C. Taylor), replacing the standardisation of words with a critical illumination of the semiotic variations generated by their use.  相似文献   

This response to Mitchell and Mueller’s “A philosophical analysis of David Orr’s theory of ecological literacy” comments on their critique of Orr’s use of the phrase “ecological crisis” and what I perceive as their conflicting views of “crisis.” I present my views on ecological crisis informed by standpoint theory and the definition of crisis as turning point. I connect the concept of turning point to tipping point as used in ecology to describe potentially irreversible changes in coupled social-ecological systems. I suggest that sustainable societies may provide models of adaptive learning in which monitoring of ecological phenomena is coupled to human behavior to mitigate threats to sustainability before a crisis/tipping point is reached. Finally, I discuss the Hawai‘i State Department of Education’s removal of its Indigenous science content standard Mālama I Ka ‘Āina, Sustainability and its continued use in community-based projects.  相似文献   

Definitions of formative assessment include assessment, feedback and differentiated instruction as key components. We investigated the effects of prepared teaching materials designed to support teachers using learning progress assessment (LPA) to give feedback and adapt differentiated instruction. We also examined to what extend this modular approach can be implemented in regular reading lessons in third grade. In a three-group design all teachers (N?=?44, N?=?945 students) employed a computer-based LPA tool, while teachers in two conditions additionally received prepared feedback material (FB) or feedback and reading instruction material (FB+FM), to support the implementation of the different components of formative assessment. Over the course of one schoolyear, we assessed the implementation outcomes using questionnaires as well as students’ reading achievement and further student outcomes. While acceptability is high, teacher ratings of feasibility are low. In comparison to the LPA group, the additional support in form of prepared materials had no effects on student outcomes. Results are discussed regarding the question of how teachers can optimally be supported in using formative assessment.  相似文献   

Die Erfüllung des Tatbestandsmerkmales des § 103 Abs 3 Universit?tsG 2002, wonach die vorgelegten schriftlichen Arbeiten "beweisen" müssen, dass der Antragsteller das Habilitationsfach wissenschaftlich beherrscht und f?hig ist, dieses zu f?rdern, kann nur dann angenommen werden, wenn aus den einzelnen (im Habilitationsverfahren vorgelegten) Arbeiten ein zweifelsfreier Schluss auf die wissenschaftliche Qualifikation des Habilitationswerbers m?glich ist.  相似文献   

The school building as a form of pedagogy has been paid more attention since it has been considered as a space for living and making experiences and as a ‘third teacher’. Searching for an up‐to‐date school one often looks for schools with a different appearance from normal schools. This is due to the practical purpose of building schools and classrooms in which pupils have a good experience. This article deals with such a different school, presenting an example that has very much influenced the debates about school architecture in Western Germany after 1945. The architect of the school was Hans Scharoun. This example of a building beyond the norm is the contemporary Geschwister‐Scholl‐Gesamtschule (comprehensive school) in Lünen, North Rhine‐Westphalia. This school was built between 1956 and 1962 as a grammar school for girls. From a historical point of view the school is above all interesting because its architecture was connected with pedagogical intentions and hopes that are not dissimilar to such considerations today. The outline of this architecture followed ideas of democratic school architecture that Scharoun presented in 1951 at a conference called ‘Darmstädter Gespräch’ alongside an exhibition about ‘Man and Space’. These ideas were paid much attention and they have become part of the history of school architecture. But as the school system in Germany expanded and school buildings became more rationalized in the 1960s and 1970s they were no longer followed. Thus the grammar school for girls in Lünen is an example of the shift in opinions and trends of school architecture that had been influenced by social developments and education policy. Scharoun, who is well known beyond the borders of Germany for his buildings, is considered a representative of organic architecture. In school architecture this idea of an organic combination of the single parts of a school as if they made up an organism was decisive too. The consequence was that he grouped and concentrated the rooms and that he assigned the form of the rooms to the nature of the activities taking place in them. One group of rooms comprised the class apartments of the female pupils of the lower, middle and upper grades of the school. They were conceptualized in a different way according to the age of the girls. The rooms should emphasize the different stages of development and consciousness of the girls by colour and light. The rooms for the youngest should thus have the character of a nest while the middle groups were characterized by exactness and the higher ones by the peculiar phase of development between childhood and becoming adult. These areas with their more individual and almost private character were designed to be connected with the other parts of the school (classrooms for lessons in science, assembly hall, offices and library) by way of encounter. Thus the connection of the individual and community should not only be symbolized but made possible in the everyday life of the school. The rooms for the girls were formed like pavilions without rectangles. It is characteristic that they were thought of as class apartments. They were intended to form a second home and to provide a feeling of security, of belonging and of protection. Each of these class apartments consisted of a classroom and a wardrobe, a room for the group and an area for teaching in the open air. Although built with the same elements the class apartments for each of the three age groups show differences in the relations of inner and outer area. The different grades of openness were justified by Scharoun according to the different levels of development of the girls. Those for the younger ones would be more open than those for the older ones. Inside, the class apartments achieved a comfortable character through their forms and by use of colours. This was emphasized by the lighting conditions – daylight was dispersed evenly by small high windows around the room beneath the ceiling of the classroom – and by the different height of the rooms. The greater community of the school was reached only by crossing a great hall; the assembly hall and the specialized classrooms were placed nearby. The great break hall was not only an area of movement but was designed as a room for meetings and assemblies. With regard to the class apartments the break hall can be characterized as a public space. This public character was supported by the fact that the school library, the school council and the assembly hall were associated with the break hall. Moreover there were fountains with drinking water, benches, notice boards, showcases, plants and a milk bar within the room – elements that are typical of a public space. The plan of the grammar school for girls in Lünen shows the correspondence of relatively small and shielded class apartments to spacious and generous public rooms. This connection of extraversion and introversion, of inner space and the outside, of openness and unity in Scharoun’s opinion shows most obviously the essence of school. There is no doubt that by following the idea of an organic architecture Scharoun built his school from the pupils’ point of view – but without ever asking them what they wanted. The pupils who would live and learn within these rooms played the main role, not the teachers. Thus the rooms for the teachers were located at the edge of the building. This also makes clear that Scharoun was not interested in rationalizing time and space for the purpose of teaching. On the contrary, he tried to take the knowledge or assumptions concerning the needs of children into account by building the school in order to support their learning. Attachment to the space they should live in, the feeling of well‐being and identification were more relevant to Scharoun than organisational and technological efficiency. When the school was finished it was praised for its polygonal forms that were felt to be a liberation from formal obligations and inflexibility. Only five years after the opening of this school Scharoun’s ideas for school buildings met with little response. They did not stand up to public demands for simpler and cheaper solutions, for rationalized and fixed types and series production of school buildings, which became an item on the agenda following an enormous growth in the number of pupils. It was suggested that Scharoun’s subjective architecture would have regulated the order of the lessons, the relationship between pupils and teachers and their possibilities of participation in school. In opposition to his idea of a democratic school architecture there would be no liberty and no possibility for individual use of the rooms. Everything would be determined and the complex educational situation would have been intolerably simplified. In addition the everyday life of school would have shown that the room for meetings could not be used as Scharoun supposed. The criticism could not be denied and indicated the failure of Scharoun’s plan for a school. But it was not the architecture that failed. It was rather the regulated school with its fixed divisions of time that was not able to appreciate and use the potential offered by the building. After a period of less esteem, Scharoun’s architecture of schools recovered when new debates concerning the quality of life of schools and the aesthetic dimensions of school buildings came into being. In the meantime the school in Lünen is described by the keywords variety, warmth, security, aura. In contrast to the criticism of the 1970s the architecture and the structure of rooms of the grammar school for girls in Lünen are now praised by pupils and teachers for their richness of stimulus and their possibilities for individuality. But there has been no empirical research into the notion and of the use of the building and its rooms by teachers and pupils in everyday life. What can be said almost certainly is that Scharoun’s school in Lünen would be appreciated today with regard to contemporary recommendations for good learning environments for pupils.  相似文献   

This is a documentary study of education abroad policy in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) between 1978 and 2009. By examining the dynamics underpinning the PRC state’s efforts to shape the flow of Chinese students and scholars from and into China, this article reveals the major strategies that have enabled education abroad to become a source of brain gain. It argues that China’s brain gain strategies feature three characteristics: a proactive diplomatic approach to international educational relations; strategic dependence on foreign higher education resources and a decentralized economic mechanism to raise foreign-trained human capital. The paper concludes by discussing the implications of Chinese experience for our understanding of the complex and dynamic relations between the state, the market, universities and international relations as relating to cross-border academic mobility, international educational relations, and national development in a globalizing world.  相似文献   

Not just in Germany, but also in other countries of the western world, gender-specific educational success has changed within the last decades: Whereas boys showed higher educational achievements in the 1960s, today it is the girls who obtain higher educational certificates. A number of scholars have pointed to the absence of male role models in boys?? social environment (family and school) as a reason for their worsening school performance. In this article, we use data from the German Micro-census 2008 to analyze the following question: Does it make a difference for boys?? and girls?? transition to academic track secondary school (Gymnasium) whether they grow up in a nuclear family or with single-mothers or single-fathers? The results of the analyses yield no evidence for the claim that the absence of fathers in the family has a negative impact on boys?? performance at school.  相似文献   

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