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IamastudentinClassTwoGradeTwo.I’dliketotellyouastoryaboutmyself.InmyclassthereisaboycalledWangHao.HeandIcomefromthesamevillage.WhenwewereinGradeOnewewenttoschoolandcamebacktogether.Everybodysaidthatweweretheclosestfriendsintheworld.Buthisparentsandminewereworriedaboutus.Theyfearedthatweweretogethertoooftenandwouldspendtoomuchtimeplaying.Buttotheirsurprisewegotthefirstandthesecondinthefinal-termexamina-tion.InthefirsttermofGradeTwowebegantoeatintheschool.Butonedaywehadaquarrelandneither…  相似文献   

<正>That morning, when I arrived at my school, I saw a little boy fall off his bike and lie on the ground. He was badly hurt and couldn’t move, so I carried him to the infirmary. After class, I went to see him. There I found that he was almost fine.  相似文献   

Three months ago, I went shopping. There were manythings in the shop. When I was looking for a ruler,I saw a  相似文献   

This text tells us how to become a good teacher.First,we should understand the importance of our job,the target of the education for all.Then expound that we should carry out our emotion to the students and encourage the students to improve their confidence.  相似文献   

<中国教育学刊>(原<中国教育学会通讯>)是中国教育学会会刊,创刊于1980年6月,至今已有25年.我1982年2月大学毕业,分配到学会秘书处工作,至今已有23年.除<学刊>创刊初期的一年多外,我经历和目睹了其后的发展与变化.与<学刊>直接的接触有两个阶段:一个阶段是1985年6月至1993年7月,我作为编辑在<学刊>编辑部工作;另一个阶段是2000年5月至今,我作为中国教育学会秘书长主持学会秘书处工作,直接参与了<学刊>编辑部的领导工作.其中,在<学刊>编辑部工作的8年,给我留下的记忆尤为深刻和难忘.  相似文献   

李治 《英语沙龙》2014,(12):58-59
随着在美利坚的MBA生活即将接近尾声,栗子也愈发留恋这段美好的经历。本期,栗子与我们分享了她在这一年中最快乐的时光——暑期在知名纸业公司Kimbely—Clark的实习经历。虽然忙碌,但栗子却收获了意想不到的快乐与充实。即使生活并不尽如人意,但每个人都应该乐观地面对属于自己的人生——这不光粟子对自己这一年在异国他乡求学生活的最好总结,相信对我们每个人来说都有启示意义。  相似文献   

茨威格的《里昂的婚礼》选取法国革命史册中血腥的一页——里昂暴动为背景,讲述了一个从死神嘴边夺得的奇特的新婚之夜的故事,以对比手法来讴歌了普通市民的人性美,读后难以忘怀。  相似文献   

In my memories,there were a lot of things.Something was interesling,and something was unforgettable.  相似文献   

Time and tide wait for no man.It is not long before the school started and it is sad for me to think of leaving the school and the teachers soon.In the past three years,I have had a very great time.I won’t forget his loud voice in class.He was the first one to arrive at the classroom.He always spent his free time finishing his task and teaching us knowledge.He gave us suitable homework every weekday.He was never late for class.He was very responsible to us.And he never gave up on  相似文献   

It is David's birthday. He is now seven years old. David woke up in a very happy mood. He brushed his teeth and put on his new clothes. He wished his parents "Good morning" and he was hoping to hear "Happy Birthday, son." But his parents kept quiet. Even his sister, Jane, forgot  相似文献   

That was a traditional (传 统的) Chinesefestival—M id-autum n Day. As Senior 3students, we had classes that day. Som efam ilies were sitting around the tables, eatingdelicious m ooncakes. Som e were wandering inthe m oonlight, talking about pleasant things.Daughters and sons were on their way backhom e. But I was away from m y parents,unable to get back hom e. At that verym om ent,I m issed them very m uch,blessing(祈祷)them in m y heart.During the daytim e, I saw a girl walkinghand-in-hand with her father and m...  相似文献   

文章以时间的推移为主线,描写了自己在中秋节为了求学而不能回家与父母团聚的心情。整个文章条理清楚,层次分明,多次使用了虚拟语气对比方式和景物描写等多种表现手法,淋漓尽致地表达了女儿对父母的思念之情。难能可贵的是,小作者能学以致用,文章中多处使用到了教材中学过的语法结构和常用句型。  相似文献   

从中国近代到现代到当代,不管当时人们是将与科学有关的小说称作"科学小说"还是"科学幻想小说",始终有更偏于科学写实的小说文本存在;而在国外,从凡尔纳与威尔斯的硬/软科幻分野,直到今天杰拉西试图以"science-in-fiction"来拉开自己的作品与其他"science fiction"的距离,可以说,更偏于科学写实的小说文本也一样存在。基于"科学小说"文本事实上的存在,也基于它们在事实上形成的却未被完整梳理的隐性文学史,将偏于科学写实的小说作为学术研究对象是成立的。  相似文献   

BIOGRAPHY: Across The Busy Years by Nicholas Murray Butler. Volume 11. Charles Scribner's Sons. 452 pp. $3.75.

I Remember: The Autobiography of Abraham Flexner. Simon and Schuster. 414 PP. 3-75

Jimmy Hare, News Photographer by Cecil Carnes. The Macmillan Company. 293 pp. $3.00.

Jonathan Swift: Giant in Chains by Frank Stier Goodwin. Liveright Publishing Corp. 450 pp. $3.00.

Prince Metternich: Statesman and Lover by Roaul Auernheimer. Alliance Book Corporation. 365 pp. $3.50. Translated from the German by James A. Galston.

The Art of Biography in Eighteenth Century England by Donald A. Stauffer. Princeton University Press. 572 pp. $5-00.

Who Was This Nazarene? by Albert F. Gilmore. Prentice-Hall, Inc. 325 pp. $2.75.

EDUCATION: History and Philosophy of Education, Ancient and Medieval by Frederick Eby and Charles Flinn Arrow-wood. Prentice-Hall, Inc. 940 pp. $3.75.

Modern Philosophies of Education by John S. Brubacher. McGraw-Hill Book Company. 370 PP.

New Zealand Observer: A Schoolmaster Looks at America by J. E. Strochan. Columbia University Press, 128 pp. $1.50.

Student Teaching by Charles W. San-ford, William Habberton, and Liesette J. McHarry. College of Education, University of Illinois, 164 pp. $1.70.

FICTION: Delilah by Marcus Goodrich. Farrar and Rhinehart. 496 pp. $2.75.

English History in English Fiction by Sir John Marriott. E. P. Dutton and Co. 308 pp. $2.75.

Mighty Mountain by Archie Binns. Charles Scribner's Sons. 440 pp. $2.75.

GENERAL LITERATURE: A P: The Story of News by Oliver Gramling. Farrar and Rinehart, Inc. 493 PP. $3.50.

Bellevue by Lorraine Maynard in collaboration with Laurence Miscall. Julian Messner, Inc. 280 pp. $2.50.

The Rape of The Masses by Serge Chakotin. Translated by E. W. Dickes. Alliance Book Corporation. 310 pp. $3.00.

There Shall Be No Night by Robert E. Sherwood. Charles Scribner's Sons. 178 pp. $2.00.

Why Men Behave Like Apes and Vice Versa by Earnest Albert Hooton. Illustrated. Princeton University Press. 234 pages. $3.00.

HISTORY: Greek And The Greeks by Walter Miller. Illustrated. The Macmillan Co. 508 pp. $3.00.

Women And The West by William F. Sprague. The Christopher Publishing House. 294 pp. $3.50.

PHILOSOPHY: The Ways of Things by William Pepperell Montague. Prentice-Hall. 712 pp. $4.00.

Wars of Families of Minds by William Lowe Bryan. Yak University Press. 143 pp. $2.00.  相似文献   

风铃 《海外英语》2003,(2):26-27
有句老话说:"你应该把每一天都当做生命的最后一天来过."这的确算得上是个不错的观点,但却毫无用处.就拿我来说吧,我曾这样试过一次,结果却得到这么个教训:如果只一味贪图快乐,为暂时的开心而活,我将堕落成一个精糕的丈夫和父亲,一个三天不刮胡子的废物.癌症教会我这一点--苦难是幸福生活中必要的一部分,而且如同天赐的福分一样妙不可言.  相似文献   

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